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Joined: Aug 2004
Ubereil Offline OP
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During the last days I've been playing a bit of a custom game in WC3 called DotA (Defend of the Aicents. Two teams with two bases are trying to destroy the other players base. Both there are three ways to the opponents base, there are towers controlled by the two teams in all of these ways. Both teams allso send out minor crittens who tries their best to get to the other players base.
Now, both these teams contains of a computer who controlls the crittens sent out and the towers. Both teams allso contains of five humanplayers who can shoose from a number of heroes, who gets experience, levels, skills etc. When they kill a critten (deals the killing blow) they get money, if they kill another hero they get extra money and a frag, if they die they loose gold, and will have to whait to be respawned. And the get a kill. With the money they resieve they can buy items of varying quality/price, and these will eventually make them better). I'm not shure if continueing is really pointfull though. When I had classmates who played WC3 I played some DotA back then, and I was a decent player, I think. Not as good as my friends (who weren't elite, but at the same time they weren't far from elite), but still I was decent. A normal player I think.
When I've played the last days though something have happened. I die. Shured I died once in a while before but now I die all the time. And since this gives extra money to the opponent players extra money to buy those superweponds that makes them invinstible, it's pretty hard for my team to win. And then they look in the stats and sees that I've died more than the rest of the team together and hate me. It's hard to blame them, after all it's mostly because of me we've lost. But when they start to ask me about things I didn't know back when I was decent, I get puzzled. Like what is the ultimate of that hero? I don't know, and it might be nice to know, but I'll learn in time I guess. Another thin I've noticed is the fact that suddenly there is teamplay. For some strange reason I allways run into a fresh hero when I'm hunting an allmost dead one down. And I allways run into a hero when I'm on my way back to the base to heal (which means I'm dead). I never kill any heroes (when I was decent there was ALLWAYS some free frags because of allmost dead heroes who went back to heal, who you took down with a direct dmgspell) and as I've told you I die all the time. Because of this I need help.
The next problem is my fellow teammates who (as I've said) hate me. Because I've ruined the game for them. They are rarely nice, they often asks me to leave (they even begg me. To leave! They think being a man down is better than haveing me on the team). This isn't very funny for a guy who tries to learn the game (without really learning it, I'm still as good as when I started playing some days ago) to hear he's a burden for the team, not to mention the fact that I die all the time (it feels like I spend more time waiting to respawn and walking to the battles) is pretty bad on my confidence, not to mention my temper, I go from neutral to down (last game, when they begged me, harrased me, told me to stick to newbiegames that don't exist I even felt like crying. I haven't felt like crying for a long time) which is no good when it comes to the thing I've shoosed for relaxing alternative to KotOR. I play it because I remember it was fun, but dying and get harrassed for it isn't very fun.
I don't know what to do about it either. I don't know where to get some decent training (singleplayer is useless. Believe me. And as said there is no newbiegames. They've told me games with the tad -ap should be newbiegames, but they're just like any other game). So it seems there's nothing I can do to change things, but on the other hand I don't whant to stop playing, since I remember it being fun AND it feels like giveing up. And in giveing up I mean loose. So that really doesn't feel like a good alternative. Sticking to single-player RPG's is allso a little boring. Of chorse I keep them as main game, but sometimes you need to do something else for a change, and I thought DotA would be a great alternative for this, but apparentlly I'm wrong.


Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce
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That sucks. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/disagree.gif" alt="" />

I've never been able to get into multiplayer RTS games for that very reason. I can't get a grip of war tactics and once I start falling, I can't get up again. I've played FPS games with a little more success, but still competative multiplayer isn't my forte.

There are two games that I absolutely love in multiplayer, though. The main difference is that they are co-operative.

Neverwinter Nights is an amazing multiplayer experience. You play co-operatively, and, especially if you are within talking distance, the whole experience of the game changes. You start playing the story and assisting each other instead of selfishly sending each other to your deaths. There are always noobs playing this game, but aside from that, more experienced players will gladly take along a noob and help them learn the game.

Drug Runners is a great, free, on-line game. It's not a new idea, growing and selling drugs, but there is so much depth to the game while still keeping it simple. Players fall into "cartels" of 50 members and you assist each other. Some grow the drugs, others sell them at high prices, some are better for defense and storage, and some are the muscle for retaliating. The game is still competative, but there is so much co-operation involved that it is worth it. There are new players all the time so you can always find people of your level to play with.

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I think that your friends are a little selfish there.... instead of them helping you with the tactics, they are pouncing on you.....

Ever considered for 1 game to go sit and watch over one of their shoulders, to see what you are doing wrong / not doing????

Also ask one of them to come sit with you, and tell you what to do, if you are not doing something vital....

But IMHO take a baseball bat with and tell them that they are MEAN because they dont help you get on the right path...

Your existence alone, is excuse enough for the creation of the entire universe… Il you my darling Jeanne-Dré 
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Ubereil Offline OP
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I don't know anyone of the guys I'm playing with. That's the point of onlineplaying, isn't it?

The friends I had back then I've lost unfortunantley. I've see one of them on the bus sometimes (never talk to him though <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/disagree.gif" alt="" />) but that's about it. And these were those kinds of friends you talked about lady. You could whach them for tactictips, and they could whach and guide you. A pity I'm so shy I never dared to call them/keep them. Now I'm on my own, and I've got no idea on how to deal with it.

And HEF, I'm not good at RTSes either, but this is slightly different. You don't have to build a base, train units and controll all these units at the same time. You only have one unit to controll. It's a little like Diablo if you've played that, you're in a team who are supposed to cooperate in order to beat the other team. A little like a mixture of online-FPSes and Diablo. Very entertaining when you're good at it, bujt as I've told you I'm not <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/disagree.gif" alt="" />.


Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce
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Its not worth getting upset over WC3. Believe me I've been there. There are people on battle-net there who just seem to be hard-wired into their computers. They are virtually, they'll probably spend about 18 hours a day playing. I don't have the time or the will to do that. I have my job, wife, house and other things to worry about. Amongst other things.

If you really want to improve yourself check out the tactics websites, play a bit of single-player and use the same hero all the time. Get to know their limitations, hot keys, when and where to use their powers. Just diving into multi-player team games will get you shouted at if you wander around like a noob and haven't practiced. Hell, I'd shout at you. (In a helpful way) Just be prepared.

In the end, it ain't worth it. There will always be someone better than you. They're usually in your game too. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />

The thing with b-net, the defining motif as it were, is that its ripe with a-holes. Full of them. I find my bored attempts to re-establish my D2 accounts to be the same way now. Every game is full of elitists wandering around with all the gear they traded for hacked/duped runes. Maybe if I spent more time there I could become one too but I don't think I want that... Well maybe. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/evilgrin1.gif" alt="" />

One last thing, I hated being 17, you lose a lot of your childhood friends. When you go to university it gets better though. You are going to university right? You seem to be quite intelligent.

Good luck, don't let it get you down.

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
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old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2004
well... üb i can't understand why you are so reticent for giving up...

it is just a game after all so something that is made for having fun

if it is not fun (whatever the reason is) it is probably not worth insisting...

that's not like giving up something important for life itshelf...

Last edited by MASTER_GUROTH; 06/01/05 03:47 PM.

MG!!! The most infamous member these forums have ever got!
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Ubereil Offline OP
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One last thing, I hated being 17, you lose a lot of your childhood friends. When you go to university it gets better though. You are going to university right? You seem to be quite intelligent.

Since I go Natur-sience I don't have much of a choice, I can't get ANY jobs when I finnish school, so university is the only whay to go (that's the whole point of going natur-since btw).

And where do I find strategy guids? They would be fun to see. And learning the hot-keys isn't very hard. Knowing how to use the skills are harder... And training on single-player is quite useless... I mean killing crittens isn't hard, it's the heroes that gets you all the time and they don't appear in single-player.

Übereil (now I'm gonna try Pirates (Yes, I downloaded it! I'm getting pretty corrupt...). My brother played the classic variant and liked it back then. Let's see how I will like it.)

Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce
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And where do I find strategy guids? They would be fun to see. And learning the hot-keys isn't very hard. Knowing how to use the skills are harder... And training on single-player is quite useless... I mean killing crittens isn't hard, it's the heroes that gets you all the time and they don't appear in single-player.

I used to go to this site a lot: click here

What's cool is they also have downloadable replays from some of the best players. They're very cool to watch. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" />

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
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Ubereil Offline OP
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TY Womble! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />


Edit: Doesn't seem tosay much about DotA though...

Last edited by Ubereil; 06/01/05 06:32 PM.

Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce
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Edit: Doesn't seem tosay much about DotA though...

Probably not, I'd never heard of it either. You could search for advice on how to use your particular hero though.

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
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Ubereil Offline OP
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Think I found Da site. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />


Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce
Joined: Mar 2003
Joined: Mar 2003
I don't know anyone of the guys I'm playing with. That's the point of onlineplaying, isn't it?

Not necessarily. Sure it's good because to don't have to know the people you're playing with. I still think it's better if you do know some of the people you play with, particularly co-operatively.

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Ubereil Offline OP
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Yeah yeah, you're right HEF. But I don't know ANYONE playing DotA. Or WC3 for that matter.


Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce
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womble really shines with his wisdom here. Ube, i hope u pay heed to his advice.

HEF, i think i share the same trait as u; quite good but not enough for online play. i normally play with one or two friends who are real life friends so we do have very good understanding of one another when interacting in games.

Ube, more than the game itself is the spirit of friendship & competitiveness. so the competitive part is there but the huge gap in chemistry among team-mates is quite a sore thumb & that makes anything & not just gaming a worthless effort. i rahter play alone than with people like that. u're not the loser here, Ube. they are because in their madness to get a placing on the net which gets reset say, every month or so, they lose something more concrete; friendship.

never lose reality. & keep on gaming. for fun, not some imagined status.

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