womble really shines with his wisdom here. Ube, i hope u pay heed to his advice.

HEF, i think i share the same trait as u; quite good but not enough for online play. i normally play with one or two friends who are real life friends so we do have very good understanding of one another when interacting in games.

Ube, more than the game itself is the spirit of friendship & competitiveness. so the competitive part is there but the huge gap in chemistry among team-mates is quite a sore thumb & that makes anything & not just gaming a worthless effort. i rahter play alone than with people like that. u're not the loser here, Ube. they are because in their madness to get a placing on the net which gets reset say, every month or so, they lose something more concrete; friendship.

never lose reality. & keep on gaming. for fun, not some imagined status.

[Linked Image from i3.photobucket.com]
......a gift from LaFille......