I was wondering if anyone saw this new movie yet? It's not in our theatres yet.
"The Chronicles Of Narnia"
Suppoosed to be a crossing between LOTR and Harry Potter, but little is told here in Belgium. Did anyone in America or anywhere else saw that movie already?
Let me know!!

I find it quite disarming, but in a good way. It starts off not looking like a fantasy movie, but then the magic gets thrown in. Now, at the start of the magic, you may get worried that its just gunna be a kiddie story of a magestic land. Don't be. The story, the adventure, and the action soon to come are amazing; and amazingly done. I seriously thought they were going to mess up (it just looked possible with the commercials; you know how some are like that?) but they pulled through and made a very good movie. Yaay for them! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />


Those penguins will take over the world!