Thanks for the link Raze!

I am no expert when it comes of this stuff, but I had a similar problem on my old work PC where for no logical reason certain processes, or doing certain things like running a particular set of apps, or browsing to a particualr website that used java, and so and so on, I would get a blue screen and instant restart of the computer.

Problem - bad ram module.

Ram had to be replaced - fixed the problem. You could also try this program to test your ram modules

Sounds reasonable. Just one question, how do you boot from a CD? And does it work to mount the .iso file with Daemontools? Edit: OK, I found out how to do this. Only problem is that I could only select my HD, my original DVD and my floppy drive. Sollution? I'll go find myself some old floppy. We ought to have one laying around somewhere...


Last edited by Ubereil; 03/04/07 02:06 PM.

Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce