*points towards the nearest Ambulance (Hospital)*

By the way, what surprised me is the following :

Where you can put a photo into your profile I found the following :

You can upload a JPG, GIF, or PNG file. (Maximum size of 500KB) Do not upload photos containing children, pets, cartoons, celebrities, nudity, artwork or copyrighted images.

Strictly speaking, I am not allowed to upload my own photos, because they also are copyrighted images.

And also strictly speaking this is just another piece of the puzzle forming into my theory that the "industry" (I mean the "music industry" and companies ith similar intentions) consider the Home User "inferior" than themselves, because they say that what they have are "copyrighted images", naturally, but what the Home User has are not copyrighted images, or at least their "copyright" is "weaker" so that they don't need any protection (and can happily be stolen by the companies who have the resources to defend thousands of Home Users with lots of Lawyers).

This might sound harsh, but I'm higly critical towards modern tendencies in copyright issues.

And I know that in the end I'm right.

Last edited by AlrikFassbauer; 20/02/05 01:58 PM.

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

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