@ Ube -> u've said it! KOTOR 2 is the best RPG story-wise ever!
SECOND best! Ps:T is better...
Otherwise I agree. My character stubbornlly claims that he's not a Jedi (since he isn't!), if that's what you mean. I like him by the way, he's a lvl 15 Jedi Sentinel and lvl 2 or 3 Weapond Master (I was considering going wathman, but didn't have the energy yo sneak around and backstab pepole <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" />), and I really like him. He's getting good base stats too <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> (the only minus is that I somehow lost my +3 bonus to strenght form being light mastery (or whatever they call it). It's a bit annoying that you can get up there pretty easy, and then get loads of light side points, but as soon as you do something dark side, you loose that bonus. And sometimes you don't even know why...). Now, all I need is a good Jedi Robe, and my personal chrystal (my brother mentioned it to me, I wonder where it is. My guess is Dantoine btw).
KOTOR2 gives me hope in the future of story-driven RPG.
If only it could be longer, I've played since wednesday, and I'm allready startinjg to see the end of it <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/disagree.gif" alt="" />. And it's allso a little to linear for my likeing...
And about playing Dark Side, I get scared of doing it, cos you see a clear dark side alternative (unless you give me my ship back, I'm gonna rip you up it two!), but you're scared to say it, because you don't want to get the whole base after you (simply because you think that is just a little too hard for you right now). So, you feel all the truly dark side sayings would only get you into loads of trouble, and since I try to roleplay neutral evil (don't care of others, just do what gains YOU the most), this isn't very smart.