O look, they teamed up. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" />
Yeah. Wasn't everyone in his age in Hitlerjugend? I might remember wrong but...
Talk about insulting. Now that's insulting. To everyone who didn't agree with the Nazi's. There ware thousands and thousands of Germans who waren't nazi's.
He was 14-17 years old then... And that i know he was not the only one of the German to be there... I think this sentence is really insulting Seth, and even defaming.
So? Insulting to who? There ware thousands of Germans who waren't. Who also made a choice when they ware 17. The choice not to join a facist party. The choice to choose a pope that was a member of a party that killed hundreds of priests is a bit... strange, maybe?
While lots of priests and people who work for the church get kicked out for much less disturbing facts daily.
-But then again... They're so short on priests these days that they rather cover it up.
I still don't get what you mean with insulting. I only posted a fact about the person himself.
As for Josef Ratzinger, he was once one of the most progressist priest that were...
Just open any newspaper, watch news on tv or on the internet, listen to the radio...
Everyone tells you he's very conservative. Most people in the church aren't even happy with this choice.
Not so long ago he declared that "he doesn't mind to step over some bodies to protect the old values of the church."
Pretty extremist declaration.
And he's almost 80 years old. After the life he lead you really can't expect him to be the new, refreshing spirit of the church.
In that case, he was less than 18 years old and maybe it was not his own choice to be part of the Hitler youth.
Like I said before. Not all Germans ware part of that. Lots of others made a different choice. You say he couldn't choose/decide for himself? I doubt that very much with his background. And even so, it's not just about his mistakes.
It's about electing a pope with that background. While it's in fashion for media to jump on every little thing politicians and famous people do, to turn it into scandal after scandal, ... it's very strange for the church, who has to maintain values, to apoint someone who already carries a burdon as their leader.
The more I see and read about it, like in the Italian newspapers of today, ... and taking in memory that most other cardinals said -before his election- more or less that they didn't liked him, and that he was choosen so fast (while most ware not in his favour!)...
It's just your typical, every day, political thing. He was pope before the election. The real people in power put him there becouse they don't have to worry about their jobs now (he already said he kept the same staff). And becouse of his age. They don't expect him to last long.
It's just like in any other goverment. Political games.