All of Irrational's games (except Freedom Force) are first person shooters, though all are quite different from one another.

Their first was System Shock 2, a horror fps with some cool rpg elements. The story is pretty good, and it's full of neat moments. And it's the only game I know with monkeys that throw psychic blasts at you. A classic in my opinion.

Their next fps was Tribes: Vengeance wich was released last october. I really enjoyed the single player part thanks to the fun jetpack-based combat and the superb story. The multiplayer was equally fun thanks again to the jetpacks, it really plays differently than most fps.

Swat 4 is the first tactical shooter I had fun playing, enough said.

Irrational knows how to make great games.

Shikin Haramitsu Daikomyo
"Everything I encounter serves as the perfection of wisdom that leads to enlightenment."