Okay I've been thinking about it for awhile, and given the Baldur's Gate ACT is 5 times bigger then planned, that's given the player options team alot of extra time to work on things they might not otherwise have gotten too.

I'm not including Half Orc, Monk, or Dragonborn because its already been indirectly announced by saying all PHB classes and races will be in full release, so this is just stuck completely unannounced directly or indirectly. Although I will mention its possible it'll be the Treasury of Dragons version given we got the Tome of Foes version Tieflings.

Because of Gortash & his Steelwatch I think Warforged and Artificer are in. Plays to the same themes and kidnapping Nautiliod makes Warforged from Eberron easily justified..

Aasimar we saw in a trailer.

I think the bigger body choice is a sign Firbolgs and Goliaths could be in, and the fact that in 2024. Goliaths are getting a promotion to PHB could make them even more likely.

Tritons and Genasi are easy to do and could be useful if we can visit inside the river.

A Goblin briefly joins the party as a follower so there is presidence for Goblins being in the party.

Githzerai makes sense for plot reasons and to counter balance Githyanki.

People love cats, so Tabaxi are a possiblity, plus you want to get the furry market, its just good business sense.

Really outside chance of Fairies, Satyrs, Haregon, Shifters, Owlin, Minotaurs, Loxo/Loxodons, etc...

Extremely unlikely Leonin (but that would be cool),
vedalken, and Simic Hybrid because they are MtG races that don't appear in normal D&D settings (yet), and Centaurs for having four legs.

Classes beyond the Artificer don't exist unless they use something third party like Blood Hunter or they use one of the unearthed arcana classes that never got published like Mystic.


Remember the Player options teams had ALOT of extra time to do stuff. And that Larian said they would release the full list of Classes and Races at the Panel From Hell, which would not be needed if it was just the PHB options.