Plain and simple as the title states, it would be nice to have an ingame bug reporting thingy for people playing on stadia. Especially because I assume Larian could directly access our game instance so it could be a lot easier for them to have the bugs and glitches flagged when they happen and have access to the specifics directly instead of receiving a secondhand account of these on their forums, bug report form, discord or whatever platforms they're supposedly 'keeping an eye on'.
Also somehow related, please let us know if it would make sense to you to report bugs by using Stadia's 'capture last 30 seconds of gameplay' function, speaking for myself I know for sure that I would have reported a lot more bugs and things if I could simply share these captures directly as they happen or flag them in-game without having to write down my uneducated guess as to why something happens when. Especially because of how stadia works I believe there should be a way for them to access 'your game' data at exactly the point that the bug/error happened, feels a bit redundant and a waste of time to having to describe the technical aspects of a bug when all the data should be easily accessible to Larian. Or perhaps I am wrong and this is not within their powers on the platform but i'm quite sure that in theory it should be possible.