Download the demo of <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beyond.gif" alt="" /> but i dont like it! i dont think it continues the story line,

Yep Beyond Divinity don't continue the storyline but there is a link between the story of Divine Divinity and the story of Beyond Divinity.
And i am pretty sure there will be a link between Beyond Divinity and Divinity 2 because Swen Vincke said in several interviews "Beyond Divinity is a bridge between Divine Divinity and Divinity 2"

and the game play is rubish,

Rubish ? I did not know this word, i had to search for it. In fact it's not rubish but rubbish.
No the gameplay is not rubbish.
At the beginning playing with two characters, the new skill system and the new interface look a little difficult but after playing a few hours everything is getting easier.

the graphics are not as good,

Divine Divinity has only 2D graphics and Beyond Divinity has 3D graphics for the characters.
3D graphics are not as good as 2D graphics (it's my own opinion).

and you have to scrool on the game all the time instead of the camra fullowing you.

I don't understand, i did not have any problem with the camera.

I am pretty sure you would not like Beyond Divinity and i am not trying to convince you that it is a good game but i want to say that i had a lot of fun playing this game.
