Horror Movie Nevers:
Don't give the main character something clever to say just before he/she beats the killer, like "Now you scream, a**hole.". It takes away from the realisticness and scariness. Oooo, suddenly in the face of death when I have a slight upperhand I have something ironc to say to the bad guy, ooooo!
Has anyone seen The Ring Two ? Crap. Worst horror movie ever. I liked "Night of the Living Dead" (1968) better. What a crap storyline too. Here's what I say: watch the frist one (The Ring) and pretend the second movie does not exist. The first The Ring was actually pretty good, but the second...
The souless merciless killer little girl that kills you if you watch the movie is back, but she wants to posess the little boy from the first movie so that his mommy will luuuuuve herrrr. I'm an evil demon-whatever but I just wanna be loooooooved. I wanna have a mooooomyyyyyy. Come on . What the hell does it have to do with the first movie. Darn-near nothing, thats what! And the ending... its just the kind of garbage I was critisizing at the start of this post (don't worry, its not mutch to ruin):
The mom is in the well, inside the dimention where Samira (the evil girl) resides. She starts to climb out of the well (its deep) and as she does Samira rises from the water and glitchingly climbs after her (fast). The mom gets out and starts trying to push the cover on the well; Samira is almost at the top. "Mommy?" says Samira. "I'm not your f***ing mommy." says the mom and pushes the cover on, trapping Samira within.
This was how I reacted: <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ROFL.gif" alt="" />
See? Some smart thing to say to the badguy before you beat them. Its unnessesary and cruddy. Pointless and takes away from the seriousness. I hate it. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" />
And that was just a bit more of my Horror Movie nevers. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />