I've said it before, and I'll say it again: Nintendo could not have put more than thirty seconds into coming up with a name for this system. Calling it a "We" would have been bad enough, but changing the "e" to "ii" as an alternate spelling was downright retarded. I hate alternate spellings by default, anyway, so my opinion is a bit biased, but that doesn't make the name not stupid.
Also, the concept of Nintendo's motion sensitive controllers is stupid. That being said, I was always the kid that would yank the paddle up while yelling at Mario to jump higher. I'm also the guy who leans into the turn during racing games. So, the Nintendo Wii, as ridiculous as the foundation for it is, was a perfect fit for me.
The Wii comes with a motion sensitive wand, and a "nunchuk" that plugs into the wand in case you are playing a game that takes both hands to control. I'm not sure why they called it a "nunchuk" but if I had to go with the pattern, I'd say it's because Nintendo laid off their creative minded people and asked a bunch of four-year olds what to name it.
One of my buddies bought the Wii last night because he's as retarded as Nintendo. Er, I mean because the Wii makes the Gamecube obsolete since you can plug in Gamecube controllers and memory cards and play gamecubes games on that system without a hitch. (hint, hint Microsoft)
The graphics of the games are nothing to write home about or even spend more than two sentences talking about. But looking pretty isn't the point of these games; it's to get you used to the controls. The game are Boxing, Baseball, Tennis, Golf, bowling etc. Graphics on the real games are very good.
It's very easy to get involved in the game you are playing, especially when playing against another human being. Watching people play is almost as fun as playing. Sometimes it's even more fun depending on just how involved they get. I was boxing a friend last night, and he was actually doing the Ali "floating like a butterfly" dance during the fight.
The Wii may not boast the processing power and the sharp realistic looking graphics that Microsoft and Sony systems do, but so what? When it comes down to just being a fun console to play, Nintendo has that market cornered and has for years. Not to mention, the extremely low price of the Wii.
The best part about the Wii? No load times. Unlike with Gamecube, XBox, and PS2, games load up just as fast as they did for the NES. For those people who suffer from ADD or a simple lack of patience, it's a great thing.
Is 250 bucks worth it for the Nintendo Wii? Of course it is. If you paid that much money for a PSP, you should definitely see this as a great bargain.