Joined: Dec 2006
To make it easier for ourselves and for larian to keep track of things, I started a thread about property. I'm not sure if we will be able to own or buy houses or castles or anything, but I guess thats what this forum is here for. To let Larian know what we want. Ok so here I go: I want at least to be able to buy houses. What would be better is if we could build our own houses. By this I mean give a group of workers gold, get the stuff that they need and they will build it for you. An Idea I really liked was NeroJBs suggestion in the original wishlist Property ownership...or the ability to find a remote location and start a hideout, fort, or small town. Then depending on your character's alignment you would attract certain sorts of people...so say you are a sneaky thief type character with a penchant for assassination...your hideout would attract black market folks and bandits looking for a real leader...
Just imagine starting the game with nothing but clothes(not even shoes!!) and then building up through the course of the game to where you could have a functioning town, with smiths, and sages, and guards and whatnot...Its almost like a more general version of sim city put into an RPG...I love the idea.
I like this idea since this could be a way to not only start your own town but maybe start a guild/clan/army I would however want it to keep the rpg feeling. So maybe you start with one little hide-out/safehouse/countryhouse and as you do quests/explore the world, you will meet people. And these people might need a place to stay since they lost everything and everyone or just like you and look up to you. So the people that you meet and that want to join you might follow you to your house and stay there untill you need party members. If you meet lots of people that house will become too small and you would need another one, maybe one of those people is rich and wants to build one of his own, or you have to build one more yourself. Endless posibilities. (some are in the original wishlist thread) I do realize that this idea would be a huge thing to add and that it most likely will not make it in the game. But one thing I didn't really like in other games was that the towns were kinda dead. I mean no houses in construction no new people immigrating in the town. You would think that if bad things happen to a city, people would want to go to a safer place. More people come to this safer place, and because there are more people more traders will come too because more people = more money. Maybe you could start your own town by finding an old abandoned town that you could renovate instead of building everything up from the ground.(after taking care of whatever the reason was why the town got abandoned) this should be easier to add in the game.
There is no spoon !
Joined: Mar 2003
This might not be too hard to implement using a small level. You could clear monsters out of the original level, then depending on who you invited (or offered refuge to) and how you conducted yourself, the gate leading to that level could change to point to a different version. I'd say 4-6 versions of the level should be enough to show a progression of buildings and fortifications, and then double that to account for good and evil characters. Alternately (since I'm not the one doing the work) there could be a set of levels for each character type: warriors could develop a castle, thieves a hideout, mages an academy, etc, or you could instruct your first recruits on what you want built.
If you don't want to have to force the main character to keep running back to defend the settlement from attack, then it should be in an easily defended location. The gate to the level could be a narrow mountain pass and the level itself could be a small canyon with high, shear rock walls, containing a small forest, a waterfall at the far side of the canyon from the entrance, and a couple caves. The canyon could be held by a small force and wind could discourage flying creatures from attacking.
Initially the canyon could be crawling with monsters and used by bandits, who have made a deal with some of the intelligent monsters there for protection, in exchange for a cut of the loot and help luring victims to them. As the area is developed part of the forest could be cleared for building materials and to start a couple farms. The caves dug (or just used) by monsters could be developed into mines.
I don't know if I'd want to see the game's release delayed to implement something like this, but if it can be done without too much effort it would be nice to have.
In one of the Ultima games on the original Nintendo you could meet a couple people looking for a merchant. If you didn't have one in your party you were willing to give up, you could head back to the inn, drop off one person and create a new merchant character to use. Once a merchant was left there, the location would gradually be built into a bustling town. Even though there were only about 4 stages of construction, it was still interesting to see it grow and new people show up.
Joined: Dec 2006
those 4-6 different versions of your town would be nice. but maybe more than just 2 ways of building it. Since bad and good isn't always that black and white. So maybe something like a fighting or magic academy where you learn others how to fight/use magic and vice versa. Or maybe a rebels hide-out because you secretly plotted to assasinate the king. Or as been said before the thieves hide-out or just your plain old town because its along a road and you think money is to be made from travellers. (trading, selling them stuff or just robbing them)
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old hand
old hand
Joined: Dec 2006
You'll be glad to learn that we have "something along these lines" integrated into the game and that it's actually a core element of the gameplay. Exactly what it is or how it works...well that'll be something we'll talk about, at length, somewhere next year <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> For suggestion purposes, think a cool location which is yours and which you can develop throughout the game.
Joined: Dec 2006
Sweet! I am glad to hear that.
well one idea for a cool location would be the inside of an old dead volcano. People still fear it from the stories of the past so noone has gone near it. You however (courageous you <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />) have gone near it and found a way in. Discovering a huge open area (not to mention the fertile land, because volcano grounds are extremely fertile) where you could secretly build your hide-out. And you could enter it flying since the top of this volcano is open.
I just really like big hidden areas maybe with some ancient leftovers. And offcourse they should look awesome. The only downside about this is that it couldn't really be used as a town where people could come out of their own initiative.
There is no spoon !
old hand
old hand
Joined: May 2004
hell yeah <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
i liked the Robin hood: legend of sherwood location, just a forest with some water and stuff as a possibility.
Joined: Nov 2007
You'll be glad to learn that we have "something along these lines" integrated into the game and that it's actually a core element of the gameplay. Exactly what it is or how it works...well that'll be something we'll talk about, at length, somewhere next year <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> For suggestion purposes, think a cool location which is yours and which you can develop throughout the game.
Lar You guys rocks, Lar!!! I'm tired of games which are all about "typical dungeon crawling". It's time we see more games which attempt to be different by implementing features from other types of games. That provides more variety and thus, attract more players. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Sep 2007
If I might budge into this old post, I recommend something like Oblivion, probably my second favorite RPG, next to yours truly, I would recommend being able to buy a house in every town, moving furniture, etc, making yourself feel roomy, somewhere were you can drop that teleportation stone, and count on it to bring you to your sector of happiness, as long as people, robbers, can stop by, it can get burned, upgraded, etc, guards, militia, maybe become a rich merchant, (drug dealer O.o...?)...
A drop in the hourglass, A Memory of the Zeitigist
Joined: Aug 2004
Being able to buy and decorate a house would be cool. But I'd much rather like to have loads of imaginary and varied quests and close to no bugs... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />
Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.
Ambrose Bierce
Joined: Mar 2003
Being able to buy and decorate a house would be cool. But I'd much rather like to have loads of imaginary and varied quests and close to no bugs... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />
Übereil I'm with Ube on this one <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
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Joined: Sep 2007
I guess I'm with you guys, like the base of the game should be the most safest, balanced, and highest quality portion of the game, rather then have additions be worked on too much, but then again this is the wishlist, our wishes, with a house.
A drop in the hourglass, A Memory of the Zeitigist
Joined: Dec 2006
If I might budge into this old post, I recommend something like Oblivion, probably my second favorite RPG, next to yours truly, I would recommend being able to buy a house in every town, moving furniture, etc, making yourself feel roomy, somewhere were you can drop that teleportation stone, and count on it to bring you to your sector of happiness, as long as people, robbers, can stop by, it can get burned, upgraded, etc, guards, militia, maybe become a rich merchant, (drug dealer O.o...?)...
I would be really dissapointed if it was done the way oblivion did it. Lar's post in this thread set my expectations higher. Oblivion's way was a start, but I would really like to see the ideas about this topic that are in this thread and in the original wishlist making it in the game. There were alot of great ideas imo, maybe I'm expecting too much (I do realize they can't make it all in), but I want this game to set the bar for RPGs abit higher again.
There is no spoon !
Joined: Feb 2008
I hope they do something like Microsoft is doing for Fable 2, where you can end up buying, upgrading, and even renting-out (for a minute-hourly income), properties, towns, and even cities. And thus gaining titles such as mayor, Lord, Duke, or even possibly King or Emperor. And then you could end the game being rich and powerful! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />
"Oh Lord, how long will the search go on?"
Joined: Jan 2008
I just want to be able to buy a house. And make it nice and cosy. The way you can move anything around in DD was really great for home decorating. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Aug 2004
Ooh, another Swede! And a student to that! Wellcome to the forum! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />
But hallonglass is godare! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />
Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.
Ambrose Bierce
Joined: May 2008
Ok so here I go: I want at least to be able to buy houses. What would be better is if we could build our own houses. By this I mean give a group of workers gold, get the stuff that they need and they will build it for you.
Maybe you could start your own town by finding an old abandoned town that you could renovate instead of building everything up from the ground.(after taking care of whatever the reason was why the town got abandoned) this should be easier to add in the game.
I really like this idea, it reminds me of 'oblivion' where you could buy a house in every town, which is completly empty, and then you can start buying furniture, .. even better: In the morrowind expansion: 'bloodmoon', you were given a quest to assiste the builders of a town. You had to ask the future inhabitants which buildings they wanted. E.g. do they want an armorer or a weaponsmith, a barber or a clothvendor, etc.. of course you could change the results of the questioning, and tell the builders to build what you want.. Every day/week (not sure), you could come and take a look.. you will see a rising town. Still in morrowind: If you've completed all the fighters guild quest (I think..), you could buy a castle. Then you would have to look after slaves, workers, furniture,.. still getting better: Back to oblivion: after buying the add-ons, there was one were you are the leader of a pirate gang. they have a hide-out in a cave, with their ship inside. You can buy various upgrades for your gang. It's these things that I really like.. I hope to see some similar things implemented in DD2 
The best games are made in Belgium
Joined: Sep 2007
But I think it would be pointless to have a nice cozy house, in the World doesn't in some way have an interactive feeling in it. Like it would be nice owning your owning mansion inside of some Area or Town, but I hope of becoming a wealthy Duke with a high reputation, possible loyalty ownerships, maybe suits that I can wear, parties I'm invited to and new quests I can do, and possible fires, thieves.. etc.
A drop in the hourglass, A Memory of the Zeitigist