If I might budge into this old post, I recommend something like Oblivion, probably my second favorite RPG, next to yours truly, I would recommend being able to buy a house in every town, moving furniture, etc, making yourself feel roomy, somewhere were you can drop that teleportation stone, and count on it to bring you to your sector of happiness, as long as people, robbers, can stop by, it can get burned, upgraded, etc, guards, militia, maybe become a rich merchant, (drug dealer O.o...?)...
I would be
really dissapointed if it was done the way oblivion did it.
Lar's post in this thread set my expectations higher.
Oblivion's way was a start, but I would really like to see the ideas about this topic that are in this thread and in the original wishlist making it in the game.
There were alot of great ideas imo, maybe I'm expecting too much (I do realize they can't make it all in), but I want this game to set the bar for RPGs abit higher again.