Finding a way to supply everyone who needs it with a potion would render the whole "moral dilemma" meaningless.

I'd expand it my way:

"Finding a way to supply through the easy way everyone who needs it with a potion would render the whole "moral dilemma" meaningless."

I regard it as quite an interesting idea to "steal" the one potion from one of the ill people after he or she has used it - which should be rewarded, imho. I, for example, wouldn't have hat thid thought, at least not soon.

I personally believe that finding a solution that makes everyone happy (a so-called "win-win" solution) should

a) be made much more challenging (read: difficult)
b) but should be rewarded much, much more, than a relatively simple solution (give 2 potions to 2 out of 3 persons and let one die).
c) And of course this "difficult way" should be or become much more complex - a *real* challenge, like in real life ! (You know, it's quite difficult to get an agreement / an solution between two groups like in politics, for example ! - The more difficult, the more they are opposing one another !)

Stealing the potion in <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/div.gif" alt="" /> as I described above could be considered by some as some kind of "easter egg", because it was not in plain sight. It required *real* thinking, not just hack & slash, but *real* thinking, like in an adventure game. And therefore it might've looked almost like an easter egg to some people.

I strongly belive that this "third way", as I call it, should be made difficult, I mean *really* difficult, and a great challange - and therefore rewarded exeptionally.

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch