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NeroJB #34353 18/03/03 04:17 PM
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"mmmmmm," I try to roll over and get more comfortable, but I can't seem to move, oh well I think as I settle back into a nice dream, I don't hear a baby crying so it must not be time to get up yet. A shriek penetrated my dream, but as it is not that of a baby I give a little shrug and settle back into the dream.

Suddenly I fall forward, not a baby crying, but I do remember the well known "always wake up before you land" rule and open my eyes hoping that someone (maybe that cute guy in my dream) will catch me. Alas, it is not to be.

I blearily look around and then I notice some very strange things. Uh, lets see, I think as I tick off on my fingers, we've got an imp, an elf, Kiya, DQueen, some kinda angel/winged thing, a... at this point I do a double take and finally speak out loud, "A half demon? Must be Nero. I never knew half demons could be so cute. I always pictured them a little more, you know, crusty or something. Anyway, I'm Hypatia, greetings to one and all."

I finally get around to looking at myself. Good gracious! No wonder I was so comfortable. These robes/garments are so soft and beautiful. And perfectly accessorized why, I reach up to my hair and feel a matching headpiece, sans veil, I'll have to thank Lynn and Lar wait, perfect accessories, that would be Lynn for such thoughtfulness. Then I notice the little golden book and sit right down to give it a once over. After all, the imp has obvious magical powers, I wonder what I got.

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NeroJB #34354 18/03/03 04:31 PM
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OUCH <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ouch.gif" alt="" />, my head.
it must have been the beer.. but i cant remember being drunk or anything.. the last thing i remember is lar..?

i opened my eyes and looked around me, realizing that i must still be asleep..
i saw elves, and other creatures i couldn't yet identify, luckily there were some humans around to..
one of them was reading a book.. wait a sec, i cant be sleeping..
because when you sleep you dont feel pain!!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

well, lets find out what is going on around here. i thought when walking towards the woman with the book.
wait, that kiya! but how...and what.. and when... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ohh.gif" alt="" />
when i was walking towards her, i tripped over something.. ouch!
now i knew for shure this wasn't a dream.
when i looked down i saw where i tripped over: a big sword <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> just like i've seen in pictures of the middle ages.
there was a scabbard around it and i decided to take it with me, just in case.
i continued walking, and being almost there i said:
"kiya, is that you?"

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34355 18/03/03 05:31 PM
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"If hicupping makes me go 'Poof!', then gnippucih must make me go 'Foop!'", I deduced. So "Foop!" I appeared between Kiya and DQueene, and pretended to be writing in my invisible book. They didn't know I didn't have an invisible book, but that'll be my little secret. Hehehehehehehehehe

I began wondering if I did have a book somewhere. Maybe over by the tree where I had been tied up? "Poof!"

"Foop!" by the tree. "Yup! Here's my very own little bag of tricks. I know 'cause it has my name on it." I declared, as I began rummaging through it noisely. "Aha! Lockpicks!" Hehehehehehehe

-- BG
BeeGee #34356 18/03/03 05:38 PM
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I find that I can only read the first chapter of my golden book and that it contains some divine spells of the first level. Well I'm sure we will be glad of these, I think to myself, then turn to see what else I have in my matching waist pouch. Ah, a blank book and a pencil of sorts. I sit comfortably back against my tree and begin to sketch my companions on the first page of the book sure to include the background. I work for quite some time to create this sketch as I believe this will be a journel in pictures of our adventures. One time when I look around to see what everything looks like I notice a glowing coming from behind some foliage at the base of my tree. Curious I crawl over and take a look. Why its a rather lovely staff. It glows in my hands and I decide that I'll just hang on to it for the time being.

Last edited by Hypatia; 18/03/03 05:43 PM.

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jvb #34357 18/03/03 05:49 PM
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As more of them where waking up, I took what is supposed to be a cup of water, I noticed something on my hand.. I looked closer and it was somekind of tattoo, only this one was 1 milimeter thick, My other hand had the exact same, I pulled up my sleave and my arm was tattood as well. Kinda cool I tought. Let's see how my face looks like, So down went my hood and I stared into the water, my face had such tattoos too, my hear had something green weaved into it and it was rather greasy.

Meanwhile lot's of strange things where happening, little creatures that dissapear, angels and a devil or some demon.

My stumach was complaining I was very hungry, like it has been a day since I ate. I walked towards the bushes with my crossbow equiped hoping to shoot some food. Finnaly I sah a bunny hopping around, now to schoot it... my first shot missed so did my second, but strangly I imagened the bunny was trying to tell me something, something like don't eat me please I have 23 children to take care of, very strange, I decided not to shoot it. I returned to the others when suddeny "hey watch where you walk big thing" I looked down and little bird with broken wing was just next to where I just put my foot, "better put me back in my nest" it continued. apparantly I could talk to these animals or at least understand them, "ok I will, but wher is it I said out loud." It answered back "just above you, where else?!"

It's one of these days...
Hypatia #34358 18/03/03 05:55 PM
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"There!" I rubbed my forehead, it was aching from concentrating so much. "Now, what's in this book?" I opened the one that had [color:"yellow"]DQueene [/color] on it and opened to the first page. I saw the runes ... (Wait, how did I know they were runes?) for Sleep and proceded to memorize what appeared to be a sleep spell.

jvb #34359 18/03/03 05:59 PM
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"Kiya..." I looked up and frowned, who dared to disturb me practising my runes? Oh, it was JVB, the cute little 17-year-old, dragging a mighty 2-hander after him.
"JVB", I sighed, "drop it, please, you'll hurt youself - and there's no hospital at bay. Come on, be a good boy..." - stubborn adolescents... he came nearer, his face showed excitement, bewilderment and a bit fear of the Unknown. "Come here, Deary," I patted on the ground next to me. "Ok, now tell me, what did you find besides this sword? The Larians should have provided you with a backpack as all the others have, did you look for it?... No? Don't be upset, we'll find it... I'll help you, just let me practise this..."
"Hey, dammit, can't you take care of what you're doing?" My sparks spell had burned little holes in DQueene's boots and let her dance a jig.
"Oh, so sorry, DQueene, I guess, I'd better look for a place more suitable for my experiments. I'm just on page 2 and drawing the runes whilst looking at the book at the same time is a bit thoughtless. I'll go to that little cove over there..." I stood up, redheaded and saw JVB following me. I found a comfy place on a patch of moss and then started to search my satchel for more.
Ah, some herbs, they smelt spicy and were unknown to me - nibbled at them, after all a lot of inventions were made by tasting (Diabetes e.g.). Nothing happened at first, then everything went blurry and transparent for a moment, but I could look much further than normal - even my nearsightedness seemed to have been cured. Alas, after a few moments my sight was back to normal again.
"Aha, this seems to be elven sight or something like that. I'll better keep these herbs and have a lookout for new ones," I mumbled.
The last thing I found in this satchel was a mirror, but I couldn't see myself in it... It showed an old castle, somewhere on a hill. I jumped up, forgot about JVB, my mage book and the satchel and ran over to the group.
"Hey, look what I've got: A magic mirror. Guess, this is the place, where we have to go next, right? What do you think of it?"

kiya #34360 18/03/03 06:15 PM
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Kiya's exciting discovery of a magic mirror brought everyone to their feet (except Polgara, who was still sleeping quietly). They crowded around her to examine it. Being the shortest one in the group, meant that I was left circling around the perimeter of the crowd looking for an opening and finding none. Out of frustration I tried to fly up above the group.

No luck. Try as I might, no amount of wishing or jumping was getting me more than a few centimeters off the ground, and I came back down twice as fast as I went up. "Drat!" I cursed, and smacked myself in the ear for thinking I could really fly. The ear-smack apparently is the trigger for this particular skill, for I started floating quite easily up to where I wanted to be. Flapping my arms like a birdy, I flew around to hover over Kiya's left shoulder.

"Nice castle!" I said. I could see everything from up here: tops of heads, magic mirrors, hats, decolletages, and in the mud, over by the stream, a set of boot prints and a nametag. I flew to the nametag and read aloud: [color:"pink"]"Hello, my name is Lynn."[/color]

-- BG
BeeGee #34361 18/03/03 06:59 PM
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After finally making sure that all of us were okay, I wandered back to the stream to sit down. Under what was the bush I had stripped to carry water I saw a red shoulder sachal that matched my cloak, I assumed that it may be mine and once I saw my name on the flap I decided it wasnt coincidence. Inside I found many empty bottles and vials and some of them were full...noticing a book towards the bottom I decided to look at it first before testing any of the vials...Im not as curious as Kiya I thought. Inside the book was a language unlike any I could ever remember seeing yet deciphering it came naturally and after a few minutes of scanning I realized that it was an elven recipe book for potions and I started to put the book in my bag, a very stong head ache came on I sat crouched on the river bank trying to collect my thoughts...surprisingly just the opposite happened my mind was flooded with thoughts that were not my own...I heard a voice in my mind say...ooohh, there is a magic mirror in my bag I should show this to everyone...I wondered if whoever that was could hear my thoughts...with that my mind could take no more and I blacked out making a soft thud on the bank of the stream my feet in the water my new bag still clutched in my hands...

NeroJB #34362 18/03/03 07:07 PM
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with a splitting headache I lay myself down again to get some sleep. "Is it ok for me to sleep or were you guys planning on doing something??"

Then I suddenly jumped and shouted "NERO !!" the name just came to my mind... strange. I ran to him and lifted him to bring him to the group

Last edited by Viper; 18/03/03 07:11 PM.

Viper #34363 18/03/03 07:10 PM
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"Razzle Fratz!" I announced to no one in particular. "All of this poofing and fooping and flying has given me a headache."

I wandered over to where Nero had been and mimicked his back-flopping to a snore performance. My snores were real, if somewhat mosquito-sounding. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/sleepey.gif" alt="" />

-- BG
BeeGee #34364 18/03/03 07:22 PM
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I had been inspecting the little burn marks in my boots when I heard Kiya exclaiming over the magic mirror she'd found. I rushed over to look at it and was suddenly aware that I could actually see over other people's shoulders! I was actually tall, I giggled, maybe everything wasn't so bad after all.

I saw Viper jump up and shout "Nero" and run over and bring back a limp Nero and lay him down on the ground. Then I saw BG, the little imp, float over to where Nero lay on the ground. He promptly fell asleep and started snoring!

I quickly ran over to see if anything was wrong. I looked at Viper and asked anxiously "What's wrong? Are they bespelled? Or hurt?"

DQueene #34365 18/03/03 07:24 PM
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"I have no idea, I just saw him fainting"

Viper #34366 18/03/03 07:32 PM
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"I'm no expert, but they seem to be breathing okay." I touched Nero's forehead, "He's hot, but ... if he's a half-demon ... how hot should he be?" I shrugged and moved around to check BG, "And he's cool! I don't know! Anyone here know anything about medicine?"

DQueene #34367 18/03/03 07:35 PM
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I look up startled from Kiya's mirror when Viper shouts "Nero!" and see Viper drag our friend toward the group. Both my eyebrows go up as I consider that I'm about to give my divine healing spells their first trial. I go over to where Viper has dropped Nero and, first things first, check to see if he is injured. It wouldn't do, after all, to be wasting precious spells when they are not needed. Especially since I don't have that many at first.

I gently pull open one eyelid to take a looksee and my mind is suddenly filled with thoughts, images, and a single personality struggling against them like a child about to drown. 'NERO!' I think as forcefully as I can, hoping our half demon is hardy enough to take some mental shouting, 'close your mind! and for gods sake get out of mine!'

Fortunatly the thoughts receed from my head almost immediately, though Nero is still just lying there. Ah crud. Beginners! "Nero," I whisper, "try to focus on only your own thoughts, think of a barrier between you and the other thought not self. You can't just leave the gates to your mind wide open like that."

Now that I have a whopping headache and Nero seems to be getting himself together I look around in my pack and praise the gods I've got some white willow bark. I pull some out and break off a bit, "I'll just chew on a little of this and so will you Nero." It's a natural pain killer.

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DQueene #34368 18/03/03 07:35 PM
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don't look at me, I can fly and have limited psychic abilities but that's it

Viper #34369 18/03/03 07:53 PM
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Swirling images the confused minds of many people swirling around me...suddenly a bright flash, and then a voice piercing the chaos suddenly everthing was still...I realized I had the power to control the swirling and focus on them one at a this I relized that I had the ability to communicate with all of my friends..."so Hyapatia you were worried about me huh," I thought with a playful tone..."thank you." With that I sat up and looked around all of my friends were standing around me..."well I guess our healer knows what she is doing" I said trying to let out a laugh that sounded more like a teenager trying to sing...getting up I closed my eyes and thought "thank you" this was to all of them...and it worked everyone...some slightly confused nodded at me..."Uh I was thinking we should build a basecamp...maybe Kiya sould start us a fire????"

NeroJB #34370 18/03/03 08:11 PM
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Now that Nero is up again I give him a mock glower for scaring me half to death and go to check on BG who is laying on some soft looking moss and snoring slightly. I'm fairly certain he is asleep, and am about to announce this to the group when some impish impulse compels me to lean over and give him a kiss on the tip of his pointy nose.

The universe is expanding -- that should ease traffic.
Hypatia #34371 18/03/03 08:18 PM
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"Ribbet!" I blurted as I was awakened with a kiss. "Trying to turn me into a frog prince, M'Lady?" I smiled what I thought would appear to be a big, friendly smile -- at least I hoped so. Note to self: Find a mirror that actually works, and practice making faces.

Stretching and yawning, I realized that my headache was significantly less than before. I deduced that sleep restores my abilities. "Why does that sound familiar?" I wondered to myself.

Then, the lovely seductress escorted me back to join the group.

-- BG
Hypatia #34372 18/03/03 08:19 PM
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When I saw that Nero was fine I went sitting a bit further to explore these strange feelings that I've been having.
I was concentrating on the rock a bit further when it suddenly started sliding towards me.. slowly but steadily. "Am I doing this.."

the rock stopped.

I looked at a bunch of flowers a bit further and I thought what I wanted to do with it, then the most beautifull flower of the bush snaped off and started floating... straight towards DQueene...
"Did I wanted to do that??" I knew that I was surpressing my feelings for that beatifull creature, though I didn't know her, she attracted me in some way.

Can't give in to my feelings the flower fell on the ground...

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