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BeeGee #34393 19/03/03 10:30 PM
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Despite my shock that the book had finally started to reveal it self I have only let my guard down once and I have the thin ugly scar to prove it. This being said I have never seen anything that could teleport. upon hearing him speak I immediatly dropped the book took arm and started to strike. Mid strike I saw his book with the purple ribbon. My sword inches from ending his life I stopped and recoiled, still alert. "If you value your life do not ever sneak up on me again, and that goes for your friend in the underbrush" Speaking to the little ones friend "you might be careful where your feet fall next time I said pointing to her feet sticking out from the foliage, I had you from 100 yards" as the hidden woman came out from the tree I moved to make sure that both her and the little one with pointy ears were in front of me being that they were still unknown despite the book. "Are you alone? I am from here but not near here, who are you, why are you here and why do you have that book?" For some reason I knew there was more of them, and for that reason I had no way of knowing why I knew that. it was like someone was in my head, I don't like that.

Viper #34394 20/03/03 12:00 AM
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Being next to an imp is always interesting...but when BG showed me Lynn's nametag I felt a surge rush through my body...then muttering about someone in the trees he just disappears..."damn imp is going to get himself killed", I thought...better go try and find him....I slowly creeped through the brush and then I saw them...all three of them...I watched and cringed as the stranger almost killed BG...I jumped to defend him but it would have been too late...I stopped and landed in a tree above them all..."He may not have hurt BG but that doesnt mean he wont...time to let him know he is marked and outnumbered" I thought to myself...with that I closed my eyes and started looking into his mind...then I said(well thought) there are more of them...they are around here...I hoped this would make him believe they were his own thoughts...individuals tend to take their own thoughts more seriously...once I had planted that idea in his head I searched for Kiyas mind among the chaos in mine..."Kiya, I need your help in the forest...there is a stranger..come with caution..."

LuCiDiTy #34395 20/03/03 12:08 AM
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When I saw the ancient sword swinging toward me, I had the sudden urge to grab it and keep it. Somehow it seemed like a natural thing to do. I wondered if "imps" take things from people, but quickly returned from my musings to the situation at hand. The sword stopped swinging, so I waited to see what would happen next. I wasn't about to tell the fiesty chap that I didn't sneak up on him, I just walked like normal with my "Poof!" on ([color:"pink"]See footnote[/color]).

When he asked a flurry of who, why, what questions, I replied: "Sorry, so sorry, I did not mean to startle you. I just heard your loud crashing noises as you stormed through the forest, and thought I should see who was making all that racket." I smiled a friendly, but slightly defensive smile.

Meanwhile, the woman did not budge from her hiding place. I could see an image of her walking out from behind a tree, but it was wrong somehow. No smell, no heat, like an illusion or something. And she came out from the wrong tree, too. "Oh, well," I thought, "I'll play along" and stood beside the not-quite-her.

"I don't remember seeing you at the confer-something. Hmm, conferent? conifer? entrance? ... No matter. Are you the guy who wore the Larian T-Shirt?" I waited for an answer and continued innocently admiring the ancient sword.

[color:"pink"]Footnote: I did not know at the time that I was invisible, odor-free, heatless, and noiseless while Poofing. After all, I'd only been an imp for a total of half an hour.[/color]

-- BG
NeroJB #34396 20/03/03 12:13 AM
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I perked up - a voice in my head... not my voice... ah, it said I should come with caution.
I immediately dropped my provisional "mug" and slowly followed this inner voice, trying to be as silent as I could, I sensed danger. It grew louder and louder, then I saw a group of people staring at each other: DQueene, the imp, the demon were looking at a stranger - the whole group seemed very tense.
"Ah, well, I can only lose," I thought and strode up to the group in an innocent kind of strolling pace: "Oh, here you all are - and who is this new friend, I'm seeing? Is anyone interested in introducing me? Gents? Ahm, demon and imp gents?"
All stared at me, I shrugged my shoulders and remarked:" Well, if no one has the courteousy," courteousy? Yuck, what an oldfashioned word... "Would you be so kind and tell me yourself who you are? I'm Kiya."
And then something absolutely terrible happened: I curtsied!!!

kiya #34397 20/03/03 12:27 AM
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I curtsied, too.

-- BG
kiya #34398 20/03/03 01:20 AM
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You up in the trees, get out of my head and out of the tree or you'll come down in pieces.

Kiya, it is nice to see another human here. I am going to introduce my self
"I am LuCiDiTy, a bounty hunter from an adjacent continent. I have walked and ridden my way here not because of want but through need. I don't talk much, don't need much and I will keep all of you out of my head, but I will ask that one of you fill me on through either words or telepathy. I think that we all know that we are in something big together and I will do my part as long as all of you can do the same. "

LuCiDiTy #34399 20/03/03 01:31 AM
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Deciding the the stranger was, well not harmless, but at least not about to chop our little imp into equal pieces; I walked out from behind the tree. "If you really want to be friends then put up your weapon. We're new here and our friend has been kidnapped. She had a book like that one," I pointed at the book on the ground in front of him. "Until I know you had nothing to do with her disappearance I will watch every step you make. You must prove yourself our friend."

Last edited by DQueene; 20/03/03 01:54 AM.

LuCiDiTy #34400 20/03/03 01:36 AM
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I have seen your mind bounty hunter...we are alot alike...both fast and we both have very ancient weapons with legends of their own. I will not enter into it anymore...not unless I have to...but never threaten me again...half demons dont have very much patience...with that we all set out for our camp...the fire was still burning sending sparks into the night sky..."Everyone gather around please...this is Lucidity he is going to join our group...he is more from around here than we are, he offered to lead us to the castle...I vote that we all get some sleep tonight and set out at first light..."

DQueene #34401 20/03/03 01:38 AM
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Recovering from my strange behaviour, I tried to ignore my flushing head: "Nownow, let's all calm down, we've got that fabulous tea over there by the fire and then we could make a powwow and smoke a pi..." What was I saying?
"Ahm, does anyone know what a powwow is?"... silence, I felt watched, by 8 eyes.
"Ah, well, let's all go back and drink some tea, exchange kind words, get to know each other..." I stumbled on and on, my inner confusion and embarassment grew...

NeroJB #34402 20/03/03 01:43 AM
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Once everyone has returned and settled themselves around the fire again I introduce myself to the newcomer. "I am Hypatia." Then I look around at my new/old friends and add with a bit of a scowl, "Perhaps it is not the best idea for everone to go running off one at a time into the unknown. We should decide and soon, who goes and who stays. Who takes the point and who brings up the rear of our little procession. As the healer I should perhaps be in the middle, the easier to reach anyone in need of healing."

Goodness but I sound like a mother hen, I think to myself, yet someone has to apply a little common sense to this situation.

The universe is expanding -- that should ease traffic.
Hypatia #34403 20/03/03 01:51 AM
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I can not vouch for everyones safety on the journey but I know the general direction. Hypatia I am too a healer but one of small practice it is a gift I have always had, though you would be more adept to handle anything that comes up. As for my book, it is a long story but as far as I can remember when my parents were killed it was the only thing left behind. I too vote for everyone to rest, I do not require much sleep but would like to look more at the book. And demon, be careful what you say, I would rather add to the legend of both our weapons than have to destroy one of them.

Slightly bewildered but betraying nothing I put my sword into the sheath on my back and follow a distance behind everyone else with the imp who will not stop staring at my sword and might soon get a boot in the side.

LuCiDiTy #34404 20/03/03 01:55 AM
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"hmm, well I'm glad to see that you are not all contemplating dashing off into the night in an unfamiliar forest." I look around to be sure everyone has gathered their belongings, such as they are and go through my own pack to find some blankets for those who may need them.

"We do not ask for assurances of safty or comfort, though it is thoughtful to warn us of the dangers we are sure to face. What we are concerned about now is our missing friend. Since you do not require much sleep, how about you and BG take the first watch together? I do not want anyone running off by themselves unless absolutely necessary. Let us then pick partners, if you agree with that bit of reasoning."

The universe is expanding -- that should ease traffic.
Hypatia #34405 20/03/03 02:06 AM
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I feigned a yawn: "Please, let me sleep first... I'll do anything the group decides, I'll take any partner... I have to sleep..."
Without waiting for consent, I curled up, pulled my hood over my face and pretended to sleep.
I needed time for myself so very badly. All those words, I used and didn't sound familiar to me anymore... relicts from somewhere... pictures flashing in my mind, I could not place... What was going on?

Hypatia #34406 20/03/03 02:19 AM
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"BG as long as you stop lusting for my sword then I can take the watch with you"

I do hope he is quiet for at least a little while I need to find what is in my book.

LuCiDiTy #34407 20/03/03 04:04 AM
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"If Polgara wishes we can stand the second watch together. I don't seem to need very much sleep either and she was asleep until just recently." I smiled at her as she nodded her agreement. Poor girl, she had had less time to grasp what had happened then the rest of us. I shook my head, frowning at my own thoughts, what did I mean? What had happened to us? I sat down by the fire and pulled out my three books. I read again what I had written in my journal, the story of how we had gotten here. I must have felt that I would think it was all a dream because I had written a note to myself at the end.

[color:"pink"]I can feel my memory of my other life fading already; but I mustn't forget it was real. I must make sure everyone knows that it was real and that we must go home one day. [/color]

I sat silently, contemplating the fire as I took in what I knew about my life. Nothing, absolutely nothing. It was as if I had just been born this morning because I remembered no family, no home. But I knew things, I felt comfortable with this bow and I had known that spell I'd read earlier today. I pulled out that book and reread the sleep spell and then I read the spell on the next page and then the next. "Yes, I know these! All of these!"

DQueene #34408 20/03/03 04:38 AM
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"I think I need some sleep as well...Kiya and I will pull watch later if need be." "Dont fall asleep on us BG and Lucidity"

NeroJB #34409 20/03/03 08:36 AM
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struggling with my feelings I flew away, far away, away from evrything. I looked for a high mountaintop and sat down there, thinking about evrything that has happened. this place felt so strangely femiliar and yet so strange and all these people, I haven't seen them before until yesterday and yet it seems like they have been my compagnions for so long.

Thinking about all this made me sleepy and I fell asleep.. a vast, deep and loooong sleep

Viper #34410 20/03/03 11:36 AM
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As I started to recognize everyone, I sat down and tried to introduce myself, "Un ha Draghermosran" but I meant I am Draghermosran, I continued with I don't know what I'm really are, but I can speak to animals, I seemed to know every plant's name and I'm tattooed all over my body. Wich came out of my mounth as " Un non dollo ma un ha tue, meh un po enno a flua, un po a dollo alle fonos mon e un ha dan alle doo un lilo"

How can a do anything if no-one can understand me, I decided to follow them others everywere and try to figure this out int time.

It's one of these days...
NeroJB #34411 20/03/03 02:33 PM
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"Nero, Nero, come on wake up.." I shook his shoulders or the part I considered to be his shoulders - we had been chosen to carry on as partners. The creature grunted.
"Aw, Neroooooo, get up, we have to take over the next watch!!!" Grunt.
I stubbed my fingers into his side, there were I knew most humans were very ticklish - and it worked. Nero shot up and glared at me.

"Well, sorry, chum, but we have to take over now. Look, BG is weary from, from... curtsiying??? And Luc can't hold his eyes open. Now, you take the left side and I the other one, ok? Hey, you two, lie down and sleep, this... gentledemon and I will protect the group now."

I started to walk around, perking my ears and trying to pierce the dark with my nearsighted eyes - then I remembered those herbs and ripped off a larger part to chew on them, despite of me getting giddy. My sight cleared, everything I saw seemed to have a coloured glow shrouding it.

"Here, Nero," I whispered, so not to disturb the other sleepers. "If you come across herbs looking like this," I showed him the sight herbs, "then collect them for me, will you?"

kiya #34412 20/03/03 04:19 PM
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During my sleep I am swept into the strangest of dreams. Two entities seem to be locked in an almost mortal struggle. Each wants to dominate the other, neither will be vanquished. Curious, I was ever curious, I allow myself to be drawn deeper into the dream and the thoughts of the two become my own.
They ARE my own. Two different personas, two different times and places, yet for sanitys sake only one may fully exist. The other must, must! allow itself to be relegated to the sub realms of consciousness. But which one?

One seems older than the other, memories of children....yes, two beautiful daughters a loving husband, blue skys, deep blue oceans, flowers in a garden; a world of technology....and sadly war (can we never get away from it?).

The other seems younger, much younger and memories of the sky as I saw it before sunset this very day, orcs, elves, an elven village where it/I grew up, the one who taught me my responsibilities as a cleric.

Is it possible, I wonder, to merge the wisdom of the older with the exuberance of the younger and keep the memories of the younger and some of the older?

This question runs like a thread through all of my strange dreams the night through.

The universe is expanding -- that should ease traffic.
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