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Viper #34373 18/03/03 09:11 PM
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I saw the funny littly imp smiling up at Hypatia, well at least I thought it was a smile! It was more like this really wide mouth that curled all the way up on both sides to almost touch his nose... and he was blue now! Hadn't he just been pink?

I saw something floating in the air over to my right, but when I turned and looked all I saw was a flower falling to the ground; but no one was there to have dropped it. I quickly glanced around to see if anyone else had noticed it, but everyone looked as if they were busy with other things. I shook my head, "Oh well, that's not the strangest thing I've seen all day. That's for sure."

I finally had a moment to look in the other book, the golden one, I had found in my pack. I slowly opened it to the first page and read.

I cleared my throat and said, "Uh, can I have everyone's attention please?" I waited until everyone was looking at me, "The book says we have to go to the castle, and we have to go now."

Viper #34374 18/03/03 11:32 PM
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VIPER!!!!!!!! I yelled across the little clearing that we had all congregated in..."with those wings of yours you suppose you could take a look around?" "They all seem to want to go to this castle...this is good and all I dont like sitting around either but we have no idea where it is or where we are for that matter...we know where the stream is and this is a nice forest but from what I have seen from the mirror that place was really trees...well no alive ones anyway.

NeroJB #34375 19/03/03 01:05 AM
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Hearing voices off in the distance I decide to investigate. Not sure what is going to happen I get the feeling that this has something to do with the golden book that I have since I can remember. Taking my ancient sword (which had started to glow and I be darned if it has ever emitted light before) I ventured silently forth in the woods I grew up and wondered if all those years of training will be used soon.

LuCiDiTy #34376 19/03/03 08:01 AM
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"ok Nero"

I took off a climbed to a certain hight at which my compagnions were pretty small to look at. I still had a lot of learning to do on the flying though because I was here and there in the sky. after a few minutes I kinda knew how to stabilize my self and started flying in some directions to look behind some mountains. when I was flying I went faster and faster and I could get somewhere pretty fast. After about 10 minutes I returned to the group

"The castle is South-East from here and it will take us about a half day of walking, the road seems to be quite open and pretty safe. I did see some movement a little bit west from here, I couldn't identify what it was because it was hiding under some bushes. I also seemed to be coming this way, so we'd better be carefull"

Viper #34377 19/03/03 01:55 PM
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"Basecamp, huh," Kiya grumbled, "Yeah, and me as the cook probably... First the fire, then someone will hand me a pot and I'm doomed to cook for the rest of my or better their lives..." which would be probably shorter, I grinned.
I put the mirror back into my satchel and started to collect small dry twigs - secretly I was quite excited to finally try out my new flame spell. I made a neat pile, stole a small scrap of paper out of DQueene's diary, folded it and then concentrated on the flame rune - nothing happened. I looked the spell up again, ah, yes, that rune part was a 45 degree upwards move, not 28.5. It tried again and a small spark fizzled on my fingertips.
"Ouch," I shook my fingers and sucked at them to ease the pain. "Nevermind, I've still got some body parts to get hurt," I grumbled and took a closer look into the book. Gheez, that 45 degrees came after the 66.6 in Northeast direction.. Now for the last try. I visualised the whole rune, with all ups and downs and waved:
"Taraa, that was easy..., It worked... Of course it worked..."
The scrap of paper burnt merrily, I carefully put it under some twigs and blew gently into the small flame. I looked into the fire and was very pleased with myself.
"Ok, guys, now for something practical: Has anyone got a pot or a kettle? I'd like to have some tea... Anyone? No one? Then look into your backpacks, for Christ's sake... do I have to do everything on my own? And BTW, I'm hungry, has anyone got a choc bar, please? I'm starving!"
Choc bar? What was a choc bar, I felt dizzy, the other world, the world I came from was drifting away, but some words, those I've dearly loved, seemed to linger a bit longer...

kiya #34378 19/03/03 02:07 PM
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I looked in the little gold book again just to make sure I'd read it right, and noticed a new sentence had appeared. Or had it been there before and I just hadn't seen it?

"Uh, guys, uh... the books says that we need to listen to Lynn and follow her instructions. Where's Lynn?"

DQueene #34379 19/03/03 03:42 PM
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"Thanks for checking things out Viper...Ok so who wants to join me on a little scouting trip...a tracker of some sorts would be nice...we nee to go and figure out what it was that Viper saw out there...and if we see anything out there foodwise we'll bring dinner"

Last edited by NeroJB; 19/03/03 03:44 PM.
NeroJB #34380 19/03/03 04:24 PM
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Rummaging around in my bag for a few moments I manage to come up with a beautiful tea kettle and a pouch of what looks like tea. I smell it. Mmmmm, Earl Gray, I just love that oil of Bergamon. "Here ya go Kiya," I hand her the kettle and the tea.

I listen to Vipers report with trepidation and Nero's suggestion with deep concern. On one hand we probably shouldn't go asking for trouble. On the other it sounds like trouble is currently looking for us.

I look over at the still sleeping Polgara and decide its high time someone checked on her. Or at least untied her and laid her comfortably on the ground to awaken.

The universe is expanding -- that should ease traffic.
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when i was looking for my bag, i suddenly got a strange feeling, something inside of me seemed to say: no, go the other way.
well, i decided to follow this "feeling" of mine, and as if it was a miracle, there was a bag.
And my name was on it.
This would be a handy ability if it stayed, i thought.
well lets join the rest, to find lynn i thought.
or maybe shes in the castle wich we saw in the mirror...?
she's not very close anyway, something inside me tells me that.

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
Hypatia #34382 19/03/03 05:04 PM
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"Aw, thank you, Hypatia, you're one of the sensible here," I hurried to the brook, got some water and then placed the kettle carefully on some larger branches I had arranged crosswise over the fire. After some time the water cooked, I sniffed at the wonderful Earl Grey aroma and mumbled:
"If this delicious flavour won't wake Polgara, then nothing will."
I crumbled the leaves into the water and waited for the time I could sieve it through my clean handkerchief, wondering at the same time were would the mugs be?
"Has anyone got an idea how we're going to drink the tea?" I asked no one in particular. "Don't hurry with the solution, we've got plenty of time: 5 minutes."

kiya #34383 19/03/03 07:43 PM
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"I could make some straws from the reeds by the stream." I offered helpfully, "That tea smells good. Is that Darjeeling?"

I trundled over to the stream and used my knife to cut and clean the reeds, being sure to rinse them thoroughly inside and out several times. Four minutes and sixteen seconds later (somehow I knew precisedly how long it took -- some sort of internal clock, I guess) I returned to the teapot with ten very long straws.

"Can we blow bubbles?" I asked, "It'll cool the tea and make funny noises, too."

-- BG
BeeGee #34384 19/03/03 07:48 PM
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Mhhhh , someone is making some good tea . I love it to awake with the smell of coffee or tea and that is why I smiled brightly when I opened my eyes . The first thing I noticed when I was in the land of the awaken , was a stone (or is it a branch) in my back . The second thing was that I saw the sky when I opened my eyes and that was the moment when I realized that there was something wrong .

Wasn’t I supposed to be in the conference hall for the Larian meeting . Oh boy where did I land this time . With a painful back I stood op from the place I lied before and went to the smell who woke me up . When I walked to the girl by the fire , my foot stuck behind something and with an elegant move I lied again on the ground . While snarling and swearing I looked down to see what it was who brought me in this situation and that was another surprise in this evening . Next to the ebony bow I found a blue backpack of course , curious as I am , I looked inside and found a small golden book with “Polgara” on it . Wow , A book for lady Pol , but wait a second am I not supposed to be Aunt Pol ? That would mean that it is a book for me . I didn’t needed that long to conclude that it was okay then to read what was in the inside . Ä Cookery book ? Why did I get a cookery book ? Well , Time brings advice so I placed everything in my backpack and went to the campfire . This time I could reach the woman without any further accidents .

She offered me a cup of tea and I introduced myself as “Polgara from the forum , but you can say Andrea “ and in one breath I asked if the woman knew what happened and why I had to run around in a blue robe and a cookery book in my backpack .

Reach for the moon.
The worst that can happen is you'll fall among the stars.

NeroJB #34385 19/03/03 08:06 PM
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Getting closer, or at least I believe so the feeling told me I was near. Throughout my life I have tried every means to open the golden book with my name on it, to no avail. Now while walking the book has fallen on the ground...wide open. Not knowing what to do or what can come of this I can do nothing but look at it wondering what is going to come next. Dare I guess that the castle that has been off limits to everyone in the land will come soon?

LuCiDiTy #34386 19/03/03 08:15 PM
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[color:"yellow"]Poof![/color] I appeared next to Polgara, crossed my legs and pretended to sip tea from a cup. Between sips I asked her, "Is your tea cool enough? It was very hot before, but I blew bubbles in it until it cooled down. That was smart, huh?"

I didn't wait for an answer. [color:"pink"]Foop![/color] I was gone.

-- BG
BeeGee #34387 19/03/03 08:31 PM
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I was starting to get frustrated, I remembered that Lynn was a friend and I knew that she was supposed to be with us. No one was paying any attention to me though.

I threw up my hands and stalked over to where the little imp... Yes, that's exactly what he was! How did I know? It felt like my memory or knowledge of my world was coming back to me now. I smiled and started looking at where Lynn's name tag had been. There was at least 4 sets of footprints, I leaned down close to the muddy ground and sniffed. It smelled vile, and I spat on the ground as if the smell actually put a taste in my mouth. Orcs! Orcs had captured her!

I jumped up and ran to the fire. "Orcs captured Lynn! And they took her that way." I pointed toward the setting sun. "She was alive when they left; but I don't know for how long." I stomped my foot: "Would you all listen to me!"

Kiya took a deep breath and said: "Calm down, DQueene, okay? Just calm down. Do you know that your eyes turn completely silver when you're, hmmm, upset?"

DQueene #34388 19/03/03 08:53 PM
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[color:"pink"]Foop![/color] I appeared beside my Bag of Tricks and pulled out Lynn's nametag. I examined it closely, sniffed it, tasted it, and smudged her name a little. Then I flipped it over and saw that she had scribbled something on the back of her nametag:

[color:"pink"]Orcs coming!
Tell Lar to send the [/color]

It looked like she was going to write more, but didn't get to finish it.

"Shrieking Geeks!" I exclaimed. "Look at this!" I held the nametag out toward the nearest member of the group, who happened to be Nero. "Lynn left us a message!"

Then my huge ears (huge compared to the size of the rest of my head that is) heard something moving in forest. "I hear noises coming from that direction" I pointed my finger eastward. "I'm going to go check it out."

I dropped Lynn's nametag and [color:"yellow"]Poof![/color] I was gone.

-- BG
BeeGee #34389 19/03/03 09:05 PM
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Sipping my tea and making a mental note to speak to BG about backwash I watch the goings on with quiet concern. DQueen is absolutely correct. We need to get moving after Lynn, but I look toward the bluish sun as it settles farther down below the horizion turing the sky an eerie greenish with peach streaks (rather lovely if strangely familiar though I know it shouldn't be). I've got to quit multithreading, especially if Nero is listening, he'll get confused. Back to my original train of thought (train? what a strange word, wonder where I got that from. seems that my memory is not quite functioning properly either), we probably shouldn't go wandering around in the dark in a strange forest. Yes, that's what I meant to think.

Looking up startled at BG's comment that someone/something is approaching from the east (Orcs, why does it always have to be orcs? No wait! I've never really met an orc before, why would I feel that I have?). I skoot back into the brush around my tree a bit, I start to ready my staff, but as soon as I touch it, the silly thing starts to glow happily. "You stop that!" I whisper and put it down for the moment.

Curious I look to see what is coming.

The universe is expanding -- that should ease traffic.
Hypatia #34390 19/03/03 09:11 PM
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[color:"pink"]Foop![/color] behind the crouching figure, wearing an ancient sword, and peering at a golden book. I think I startled him when I said, "I have a book like that. See?" I held up my little gold book, still tied with a purple ribbon.

-- BG
BeeGee #34391 19/03/03 09:25 PM
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When BG pointed eastward, I immediately cocked my head in that direction and let my hearing be more 'sensitive' again for a few seconds - yes I could hear something too. I pulled my long bow around and grabbed an arrow out of my quarrel and ran swiftly in that direction. I stopped behind a large tree when I sensed I was close to the stranger approaching the camp.

When I heard BG say, "I have a book like that. See?" I stayed hidden and prepared to fire. I wanted to see what he had to say for himself. He wasn't an Orc; but he still might have had something to do with Lynn's disappearance. Where else would he have gotten a book like ours?

Polgara #34392 19/03/03 09:44 PM
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I was just sitting at the cempfire sipping from my delicious tea thinking about the woman called DQueen

Last edited by Viper; 20/03/03 08:31 AM.

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