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Hypatia #34413 20/03/03 04:42 PM
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I looked up from my spell book to realize that somehow the guard had been changed while I read. I laughed to myself, "Well, that seems to be me, no matter 'who' I am. Start reading and forget everything." I stood up and stretched and glanced over to see if Polgara was awake and ready to take watch with me. She was still quiet, but alert and willing to do whatever was needed.

As I walked around the campfire, I unconciously counted my companions. "Wait," I whispered. I stopped and counted again. "Who's missing?" I whispered to myself. I looked closer at all the sleeping people, some on their backs, some on their sides, some snoring and some floating just inches above the ground (the imp, of course, and ... he was pink again!). I giggled, I really couldn't help myself. But nowhere did I see a winged shape, even up in the trees.

I walked over to Kiya, "Polgara and I will take over guarding the camp now. Have you seen Viper? I'm worried, this is all so new ... old... I don't know what to us, but I'm worried about everyone adjusting. Do you think he's okay?"

DQueene #34414 20/03/03 04:51 PM
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"Oh, now that you mention it, this winged creature is not here anymore. I thought you all knew where he went - wasn't he on a scout mission?"
Best is to ask Hypatia or Nero, they could track him down..."
and grumbling to myself:" Pretty undisciplined troup we're having here... Strolling off by themselves, snoring, flying and waddayaknow else."

kiya #34415 20/03/03 05:00 PM
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That's when I woke up. I distinctly heard DQueene talking to Kiya, saying that the winged one was missing. [color:"yellow"]Poof![/color]

[color:"pink"]Foop![/color] hovering at eye level between Kiya and DQueene, my chest puffed out, my fists on my hips (okay, my fists where I should have had hips), and a brave and triumphant smirk on my face. "Fear not! I'll find him." I proclaimed. [color:"yellow"]Poof![/color] I was gone.

-- BG
BeeGee #34416 20/03/03 05:12 PM
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I jumped back when the little imp appeared beside me and had my knife halfway out of its sheath before I caught myself. "Imp! Stop doing ..." and he was gone.

I looked at Kiya and said, "He really, really has to stop doing that!" I blew my breath out in a frustrated sigh (I hadn't realized I was holding it until then).

"Why don't you go rest now?" I reached over and hugged her impulsively, "I'm glad your here." I quickly stepped back, blushing: "I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that." I said gruffly, "Go and sleep, we have to start looking for Lynn soon. The trail is already cold and I can't imagine, or at least I don't want to, what those Orcs are doing to her."

DQueene #34417 20/03/03 05:51 PM
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I stopped to take a nap after searching for a while. I had a dream:

[color:"pink"]While I was searching for Viper, the winged one, I came across a huge valley with enormous vertical cliffs on the north and south sides. A river flowed through the valley, and one of the istands in that river had a large black castle on it. I visited the castle and searched through its crowded halls and dungeons. Those orcs smelled bad, but the humans there were even worse. That's when I found Lynn. I used my lockpicks to open her dungeon cell and woke her gently.

"Do you want to escape? I know the way out of here."

She nodded and smiled, as if she knew exactly who I was and had expected me to be the one to wake her up. I gave her the nametag with her name on it, and she said simply "Thank you, BeeGee." Strange. That's when I realized that she looked and was dressed precisely the way I remembered her in the contefrance room -- whereever that was.

I checked the corridor for guards, but it was very, very quiet. I started to lead her to the stairs that go up to the ground floor and open into the Inner Bailey of the Castle. It was obvious that we needed a plan, a diversion, or something to get past the guards. But Lynn stopped me with a gentle touch on my shoulder, and said "In here" pointing to a chamber hidden under the dungeon stairs.

I followed her into the chamber. Lynn pulled a dusty old sheet off of a standing mirror and rubbed the dust off of the glass with part of the sheet. As we stood in front of the mirror I could see her and an older man with long curly brown hair dressed in shorts, boots and wearing a pith helment. The man seemed to be mimicing my every move (except for the floating in air part) and my facial expressions, too.

Lynn painted a mystic rune in the air and the image in the mirror changed to show a forest, a campfire, and a now very familiar group of people. She painted the air rune again and I saw Viper perched on a high rocky place with his head tucked under one of his wings and one leg pulled up against his belly. Lynn took my hand and we --- walked into the mirror --- and we were standing next to Viper on a high, windy, cold, mountaintop.

Then I awoke and continued my search. I decided to look on mountaintops for Viper, for a change.

-- BG
kiya #34418 20/03/03 07:02 PM
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Gratefull for the relief I was planning on continuning my meditating. I had read at least the first half of the book and instead of providing answers it asked more questions about who I am and what hidden talents I might possess. It seems to be a manual of sorts but for what I do not know. Noticing that we have only one winged creature and he is 'poofing' I decided to scout ahead as to where the orcs took our missing companion.

"ladies, I am off to look around. I shant go far but I will be back soon"

And off I go more full of questions than I was before meeting this rag tag bunch of companions.

LuCiDiTy #34419 20/03/03 11:43 PM
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I woke up when morning was still bright and early. I had a dream about my feelings for DQueene and I knew now what to do.

I flew back to the place of the campfire very hard losing some feathers at the mountaintop because I left so brusk. I flew as fast as I could and after about half an hour I landed near the fire. "I'm sorry" I said to the group. "I'm sorry for leaving and not saying anything but there was something I had to do. I hope that you all can forgive me" I went sitting on my knees with a few tears in my eyes for the regrets that I had.
"I don't know whta got into me... actually I DO know what got into me and I had to sort some things out first. I'll tell you all about it in due time but not right now".

"I'm deeply, truely sorry" and I bursted in tears <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" />

(some part of my charatcter I hadn't noticed before in this world: I as very sensitive and emotional)

Viper #34420 21/03/03 12:06 AM
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"There, there, Viper," I pat him on the back gently. "We all have quite a bit to sort out. We were just worried about you."

The universe is expanding -- that should ease traffic.
Hypatia #34421 21/03/03 12:48 AM
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I walked over to Viper and knelt down on one knee beside him, putting my hand on his knee, "Hypatia is right, you know." I looked up at him with tears in my eyes, "We're all so confused with what is going on." I looked up when I felt someones hand on my shoulder and saw it was jvb. I put my other hand on top of his on my shoulder and patted it. "We can make it if we all stick together, you know."

I stood up, pulling on Viper's hand as I did, hoping he would stand with me. I smiled through my tears and looked around at everyone. "We have to find this woman Lynn." I'm ashamed to say I sniffed and actually rubbed my nose with the back of my hand. "Hmmm, sorry. I don't know about the rest of you, but she's fading from my memory. I think, I mean I feel, that she is our way home. Even if that wasn't so, she was obviously our companion when we came here and she was stolen from us. We must find her!"

"Are you ready?" I looked up at Viper, smiling softly, and whispered it again: "Are you ready?"

DQueene #34422 21/03/03 01:16 AM
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"there I see it"

While out scouting I found the very messy trail leading from camp. It looks like someone struggled for a bit (there are even a few bodies too mangled to recognize)and then they were off like the wind.

Running back to camp I saw that everyone was awake and Viper (was that his name they are all soo new to me)

"we need to leave now they have taken her and they are moving fast Gather your things, Nero extinguish the fire and we will be off"

"viper will you fly ahead, being careful not to be seen and see if you can see where they are?"

So it starts...

LuCiDiTy #34423 21/03/03 01:31 AM
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"LuCiDiTy, jvb and I can scout ahead with you. Hypatia, Kiya and Polgara would you want to follow a little distance behind us? Nero, if he will, can guard you and coordinate between all of us."

"Dragh, would you follow a little behind them and make sure no one sneaks up on them? I know that will leave you on yor own, but ..." I looked at him and he stilled looked uncertain about his role. I nibbled at my lip, trying to decide what to do, and turned to LuCiDiTy, "Can you translate for me? I'm not sure he understands me."

I turned to Viper, "Do you know how long you can fly yet? If you see anything, any danger, you can 'tell' Nero and he can warn us."

I smiled apologetically at everyone and said. "I'm sorry, I don't mean to be bossy. Tell me, if you don't want to do it this way."

Last edited by DQueene; 21/03/03 01:44 AM.

DQueene #34424 21/03/03 01:37 AM
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I've Heard my name but I couldn't understand what it was about, so I draw attention by waving my backpack.

It's one of these days...
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"That sounds like an excellent idea to me," I calmly reply. I'm still getting used to this old/young self in my head. At least it seems to have come to some kind of decision as to who or what or which is in charge.

I quickly gather up my things and tell Dragh to give a yell if he needs help.

The universe is expanding -- that should ease traffic.
DQueene #34426 21/03/03 01:54 AM
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Elen sila lumenn omentilmo!

Lle rangwa amin?

Creoso, mellonamin

Mallen pelu e' n'alaquel en' lye!

He will circle behind us and make us safe from behind.

LuCiDiTy #34427 21/03/03 03:51 AM
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"DQueene, no way... I'm not letting you get away with all the fun. Nero and I are willing to come, not just follow. Me might not be of much help, but we shouldn't divide the group, we're stronger if all stay together."
Looking at Nero, I noticed he nodded. Good, we were getting on as partners.

"Hypatia, what about you and Polgara? you stay behind and follow to pick up the badly wounded ones, being guarded by Dragh?"
Nero and I grimly went up to DQueene, Viper and the rest, waiting for the command to start.

I still had the feeling I should take closer look at my spell book but we had to rescue Lynn - and strangely enough, I had the feeling I was starting to remember more about my rune magic - as if a part of my mind had ceased sleeping and was starting to wake up. My fingers seemed to gain more skilfulness...

kiya #34428 21/03/03 04:39 AM
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I exchange a glance with Polgara and we decide that we will follow, but perhaps more closly than the group proper might expect. They will learn soon enough the usefulness of one capable of casting battle magics, and Clerics are fair fighters in a pinch. Soon enough we will see battle.

The universe is expanding -- that should ease traffic.
Hypatia #34429 21/03/03 08:27 AM
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"thanks all you people.", and I blinked at DQueene. "I'm not sure how long I can fly yet but I felw bck here as fast as I could in half an hour so I think that at a normal pace I'll be able to fly at least a few hours."

"What is it exactly that you want me to do? Say, I don't have a spellbook, but is it possible that I can also learn some spells??"

LuCiDiTy #34430 21/03/03 01:47 PM
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this shure is a strange world,I thought.
almost everyone looks different except for me.
Havent I changed anything at all?
since i had been a boxer in the "normal" world, i tried some punches.
no difference, or was there?
i had the feeling that i was a little bit faster, not much, but just a little.
when I tried to run, I noticed the same.
well I must be mistaken, I thought.
When i was done testinf I walked back towards dqueene, ready to go and find lynn.
however, something told me this wasn't going to be easy.
again that strange instinct of mine.
I would have to get used to it, i thought, it could come in handy I think <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34431 21/03/03 02:55 PM
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I smiled at everyone: "Let's get everything together then. You know, if Kiya and Nero are going to be close then perhaps we shouldn't spread out too much after all. Bigger parties are less likely to be attacked than smaller ones."

"Hypatia, when the imp read Lynn's note, he said something about a tree with a chest in it. Would you get someone to help look for it? It might have some useful things in it."

"If everyone's done with breakfast, maybe jvb can put out the fire?"

I walked over and grabbed my backpack, telling myself that sometime I'd have to go through it and see what else I had in it.

"Viper, when we get started it would be a great help if you could fly out occasionally and look for ambushes or terrain we can't cross on foot. What do you think?"

DQueene #34432 21/03/03 03:09 PM
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Really odd, I could smell things I've never smelled before. The smell I have know is a bit of choas, I kinda smell I have to hurry for a unknown reason. Also when I just woke I hade a similar experience, but then I smelled confusion, this could be usefull I guess. And I also understand animals what am I? I'll ask.

Lucidity, mani na amin?

It's one of these days...
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