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kiya #34453 24/03/03 06:23 PM
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"Nero, since we don't have any rope, will you hold my hands so that she can climb up me?" He nodded reassuringly at me and grasped my hands securely. I climbed over and dropped my legs down in the hole. Given the stench emanating from down there I knew that if Nero's hands slipped, I'd much rather land on my feet than my face. Phew! I grimaced and tried not to breathe with my nose, taking shallow breaths so I wouldn't gag. (Cough, Cough)

DQueene #34454 24/03/03 06:38 PM
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I grabbed DQueene's dangling legs and started to climb up on her. All went well, until I grabbed her belt: snap...
and I was where I started from, holding her belt and torn leggings in my hands laughing and crying at the same time.

DQueene #34455 24/03/03 06:45 PM
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I just stood there, stunned, helplessly.
I didn't know what to do anymore..
this was all so strange.
I could see fairly well in the dark, much better then back home.
"is there any way I can help you guys?"

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
kiya #34456 24/03/03 06:45 PM
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Wondering if my face was as red as it felt, I was so glad I had that split skirt thing happening with my outfit - at least I wasn't 'indecent'. I rested my face on arm, trying to muffle my own giggles.

"Please tuck my pants into your waistband Kiya, and uh, try to be more careful this time okay?" I braced myself for whatever would happen next ...

DQueene #34457 24/03/03 06:48 PM
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" I can't... can't stop... sorry, but this is ridiculous..." I stared at belt and leggings in the middle of a severe laughing fit, completely helpless.

kiya #34458 24/03/03 07:10 PM
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As the other ran into the cave I got this unstoppable urge to climb in a tree and spy on who or what was following us. So I did, I climbed into a tree that very dense and sat there looking to the road.

After a short while a horde of red orcs? red? ah well rushed on the road and past me, I tought they hadn't a clue and were following no-one anymore when suddenly the last orc yelled "CHIEF! CHIEF! COME QUICK" The biggest of them then yelled "halt!, what is it you stupid insect?". "The the the tracks have sto stopped chief" stuttered that other orc. " WHAT! how do you know that I see no tracks stupid" The chief shouted mokking at the stuttering orc. even more scared the orc stuttered: " Tha that's s be be because you ran o ove r them, "the went of the road here" he continued more confident "look before you ther are no track their either".
The chief was confused and said "HUH? you seem the be right this time"," SHUT UP OR I SLAY YOU" he yelled at the other orcs laughing with thier chief.
He ordered his orcs to find tracks to where we dissapeared.

As two orcs came really close I wanted, I expected to be scared of them noticing but I wasn't. It seemed they didn't spot me at all even when they where right below me, had this someting to do with how wierd I look? i guess so"

It's one of these days...
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My ears perked up. I heard sounds behind the echoing laughter. The sounds came from the entrance to the cave. I tiptoed to the entrance and peered out. More than a dozen red orcs were sneaking toward us, the front orc was staring at the ground as it crawled forward.

I pulled my head back into the cave and whisper-yelled to the group: "Orcs are coming to the cave! I think they have found our tracks! And I don't see Dragh anywhere."

DQueene and Nero both looked up at me from the edge of the pit. Nero was lying on the ground with his arms around DQueene's chest, and DQueene almost completely hidden hanging down in the hole. That left Hypatia, Polgara, Viper, LuCiDiTy, jvb and I to defend the cave.

"The odds are worse than two to one," I thought, "time to even up those odds a little, I think."

"Stay here, keep everyone quiet, and be ready to fight." I whispered to the group. Then [color:"orange"]Poof![/color]

Unseen and unheard, I sneaked into the middle of the group of orcs and gently squeezed the trigger of one their crossbows, as it was strapped onto an orc's back. When he spun around to see what happened, I tangled into his legs and brought him down to the ground. My dagger found his heel and he screamed in pain. His crossbow bolt had somehow found the leg of the orc leader, who was also hopping around on the other leg and screaming.

Last edited by BeeGee; 24/03/03 08:09 PM.

-- BG
BeeGee #34460 24/03/03 07:37 PM
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As I sah BeeGee taking on some orc i knew he wouldn't make it alone, he was vastly outnumbered so I took out my crossbow and shot 2 orc with it, I leaped from tree to tree until I had the chance of another clean shot.

It's one of these days...
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[color:"pink"]Foop![/color] in the middle of the orcs.

"Oops!" I hadn't planned to become visible. At least, not in the middle of a group of hostile orcs. I guess that attacking someone while invisible makes you visible. Note to self: Practice things before using them in combat.

I tried to run, and this time my feet found traction. I successfully ran between the legs of two orcs, around another orc, and into the shield of an orc at the back of the group (away from the cave). "Thwaaaaaaaang!" My head bounced off of the shield, and for a moment I saw twice as many orcs as before (my eyes were crossed). I was momentarily stunned.

From somewhere, an arrow or bolt had struck the orc who blocked my escape. I ducked under his falling body and ran to hide behind a nearby tree, hoping that I could disappear again before the orcs could catch up to me. I only hoped that I could survive for the few seconds it would take me to run that far.

-- BG
BeeGee #34462 24/03/03 08:01 PM
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I sah Beegee running and I hope dhe wouldn't lure them to the cave so I had to finnish these orcs off but I hadn't enough bolts, So I concentrated my attacks on those who seemed most dangerous, I first brought down their leader, then shot the biggest remaining orcs, when I was fresh out I wanted to fight them with the fists but that didn't seem nececary, The orcs ran screaming " heelp the trees are attacking ", I had only one Bolt left, I wanted to shoot one of the in the bottoms but I kept it incase...

When the scared orcs where out of sight I jumped out of the trees and went to be sure the orcs were dead.

It's one of these days...
kiya #34463 24/03/03 08:01 PM
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As I prepared to run out and help them, i felt someone holding me back.. it was Dqueene...
"what are u doing, let me go!!!"

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34464 24/03/03 08:09 PM
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Holding my head where a large lump was forming, I staggered out from behind the tree. The pain in my head had kept me from Poofing, so all I could do was watch as the orcs fell one by one from Dragh's crossbow bolts. It was amazing to watch him jumping from tree to tree while shooting in mid-air with such grace and accuracy.

"I'm glad he's on our side." I mumbled.

Now, he was pulling his bolts from the dead orcs. I decided to check each orc to make sure it was indeed dead. Twenty-seven gold coins later, I was satisfied that they were not alive. None of their weapons looked very useful, but they might fetch a few coins in a marketplace.

I walked up to Dragh, and held out ten gold coins. "Here's your half, Dragh. Nice shooting!"

-- BG
BeeGee #34465 24/03/03 08:19 PM
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Suddenly BeeGee stood aside me, he gave me some coins and said to me I could have half and I shot well.

I replied "Diol lle, amin uum sut nan' ta na mart " Hmm that came out wrong again, I meant I didn't know how but I just did this with ease"

Well I patted Him on his head gently to show my gratitude of his comment but he didn't seem to like me patting him.

It's one of these days...
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I took the head patting the way it was intended, even though the lump on my head complained loudly.

That trouble dealt with, I decided to return to the cave and see how Kiya's rescue was progressing. As I stepped into the mouth of the cave, however, I was knocked flat on my back by JVB as he lurched out of the cave following a loud [color:"yellow"]"Pop!"[/color]

He had a mixture of expressions on his face, but I couldn't waste time deciding what they all meant, because I was too busy staring at two things:
  1. DQueene held a belt in her hand as she dangled in Nero's arms at the edge of the pit, and
  2. JVB's trousers were tangled around his ankles as he was trying to run out of the cave.

Needless to say, I burst out laughing (the only possible civilized response to the situation) and turned yellow with green splotches out of sympathy for JVB.

-- BG
BeeGee #34467 24/03/03 09:39 PM
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i quickly pulled my pants back up, before anyone could really see it, and walked outside to see if there was anything usefull out there.

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34468 24/03/03 10:42 PM
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"Here, DQueene, I'll throw the belt up, maybe one of you could tie them together so I'm able to leave this hole..."
Chuck, tiddleytiddleyplonk ... after about 5 efforts I had managed this olympic discipline and sat down patiently on the floor, DQueene's pants as a protection from further sod spread out neatly under me.
"I wonder what she's going to do to me," I sighed, still chuckling.

kiya #34469 25/03/03 12:48 AM
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Deciding that down was easier than up considering my pantless state, I looked at Nero and said, "Please lower me by my hands and I'll go down to Kiya." He was so good, a perfect gentlemen, not even trying to peer down in the darkness to see what was going on.

I lightly dropped the small distance to the floor and looked up again at Nero, "Would you drop my pack or get that imp to bring it down?"

While he was doing that I looked at Kiya. "If you don't stop giggling!" I couldn't help it, I started laughing too. "No, I mean it! Really!"

kiya #34470 25/03/03 12:49 AM
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When I saw DQueene drop into the pit, I decided to join her and Kiya, so I grabbed DQueene's backpack and floated down to them. I saw the tunnel that Kiya had crawled into, so I walked into it with headroom to spare. Sometimes it's good to be short.

I stood there peering into the dark tunnel while I listened to DQueene struggling with her new leggings.

-- BG
BeeGee #34471 25/03/03 01:27 AM
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"Mmmmppphhh," I tried to stop chuckling, turned around and held up DQueene's illtreated and smeary pants. "Errh, do you think they will be of any use? Here, they are yours."
"BeeGee, don't go too far in there, just to the spot with the coat of arms, do you hear?"
I peered into the small corridor wanting to see what that imp was up to.
"And Nero, could you tie that belt to something, so all of you may descend and join us? I believe, I've found a way to the castle. Oh, and all of you should have something to cover your nose with - this way is going to be smelly... I wonder what was in that chest, DQueene, can you tell me?"

kiya #34472 25/03/03 01:59 PM
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It was all I could do to refrain from laughing when Kiya asked me "do you hear?" How could I not, with these ears?

So I did as she asked, and started walking down the corridor until I found the coat of arms. I almost missed it though, because I thought I was supposed to be looking for a jacket.

I just stood there, shuffling my feet and rubbing the lump on my head impatiently. When I got bored of doing that, I tried humming and curtsying, but I got bored of doing that, too. So I decided to look around, which was hard to do since it was so dark.

That's when I found another nametag. I couldn't read the name because the ink had smeared and faded. It was older looking than ours and had a slightly different design. It said [color:"orange"]1998 Larian Gaming Conclave.[/color]

-- BG
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