In Windows Explorer, you can browse to the '
..\Beyond Divinity\Static' folder to view the '
intro.mpg' video. Rename that file and the game will skip playing it on startup. That may not help (it did in a couple cases of a crash after the video: see
here), but it will at least remove a step each time you try the game.
Someone else had a problem with the game automatically minimizing during the intro movie and crashing if they tried to maximize it (
BattleFields N00b ?), which was fixed by a Windows patch for XP.
A few people with problems on startup could avoid it by setting their desktop resolution and the game resolution to be the same.
Are you shutting down all non-essential programs (especially anti-virus) before starting the game?
There may be some things you have not tried yet in the topic below, as well.
yet another "Game simply won't start!"-threadWith the 1.49 patch installed, you shouldn't need the DVD at all. There were no changes to BD with the download version, so I don't think getting it from GoG would help, unless there was a scratch on the DVD or something, and the install program did not report an error in some file.
The topic
Crash on start up contains a file verification method you could try.