Joined: Mar 2003
Did you try clicking on the locked door after Tax says that he has given you the key? (I assume so, but it can't hurt to check) The key should have been placed in your hero's inventory, but could be hidden or obscured by something else. If you had your DK talk to Tax, perhaps your hero would have better luck? If you do not have the key, it is possible to get a replacement copy (I would have to load one of my old saves at that point to get the required inventory files). Alternately, you can bypass the locked door either by hex teleporting or using the technique described in the armory trick in act 1 topic to get a summoning doll through the wall, and have it enter the BF, then exit to get your main characters through (repeat the process to get out of that room again, when you are done in the maintenance tunnels). Let me know if you would prefer the inventory files method. If you need more help we should probably take this to a new topic, as it is no longer about the patch.
Joined: May 2007
hiya I have now got through the dungeon, thanks for all your help, i am so grateful not making myself bald by pulling out my hair LOL. thanks again this site is fab, cheers for all your help Kazza <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />
Joined: Aug 2008
Hello. I am French and does not speak a word English then I use a translator. I hope that you will understand what I say a minimum… I read all the posted messages because I had a similar problem: after installation of the patch 1.49, a message announces "This is not good range version". I tried to translate words of Raze I did not completely understand. Moreover, in what relate to me I only found an Australian or English version and my Vista is French I believe. Can you help me please please please ? I have haste to play but I desperate…. Thank you very much Ambre 
Last edited by Ambre; 29/08/08 12:50 PM.
Joined: Feb 2003
Hello Ambre and welcome in our forum  Unfortunately my French is rusty... but I'll check with one of my French colleagues and ask him to help you.
Joined: Feb 2003
If you send an email I can try to help you step by step, however in English or you can post your question in the French forum for
Joined: Sep 2008
Hello, New to game.. I am playing game ..all is working o.k. ( P.C. ) but I don't know how to stay alive or to arm my self ... I eather use a knife or a sword ... how do I get more help to fight others.. do i need a patch... thanks Slick Kidd
Joined: Mar 2003
In the main menu, the game version number is listed in the bottom right corner of the screen. With the English version of the game, 1.49 is the latest release. You can download a pdf version of the BD manual if you do not have one (it may be on the CD), and there is also a Beyond Divinity Strategy Guide. Kiya's BD demo screenshot walkthrough/spoiler covers the first level of the full game. There are also various helpful topics in the Help/Tips/Tricks forum, such as Killing Fergus. At least get the manual, but if you don't want to read ahead and possibly get spoilers, post a new topic with details of where you are and what you are having trouble with. Welcome to the forum. 
Joined: Sep 2008
Hello again , I have to ask... I see there is a help / tip for Divine Divinity ( crate your own destiny) is that the same game as Beyond Divinity ? or is that a different game ? I am now playing the DD crate your own destiny is there a down load for this game ? I have been trying to stay alive when I have to do battle ... beyond the wood fence or in tunnels there is a a guard at the gate ... he talks a bit and fights and leaves then I fight with and die and have to reload.. thanks for your help Slick kidd
Joined: Mar 2003
Divine Divinity (DD) and Beyond Divinity (BD) are separate games, and there are separate forums for them. In the main forum list, the DD forums are listed under the BD English, German and French forum groups. To the far right of each group heading, there is a symbol with a '-' sign to indicate that the group is expanded; if you are logged in you can click this symbol to collapse the group to just the title bar; for example, I have the 'Divinity 2 - Ego Draconis (German)', 'Beyond Divinity (German)' and 'Beyond Divinity (French)' groups collapsed to make it easier to see the English forums for Larian's games. There is a pdf version of the DD manual you can download, as well as a patch. Some re-release versions of the game may already be updated to the latest 1.0034A version, as shown in the bottom right corner of the main menu, so would not need to be patched. The DVD version is already updated, and the patch (designed for the CD version) should not be installed. There are a number of quests you can do in Aleroth before heading too far into the catacombs or outside, and if you explore everywhere and loot wherever possible you should be able to get a few equipment upgrades. Outside, opponents are weaker and spread out more to the east, west and north of Aleroth, but get relatively strong as you head south. Early Starting TipsEarly Starter Tips (NON-Spoiler Version)
Joined: Sep 2008
Hi. Boy o Boy read all the help tips from you and others ... Thanks for the help I only help I can get them in use ... to play out the game... again thanks Slick Kidd
Joined: Jun 2009
hey everyone...I've been having a weird problem, and it looked like some solutions may come here so here we go
I just got the game, and ran into some troubles. The troubles lie at the end of of act 1, with that imp character, razhox, who is supposed to give you the key to a chamber nearby that should give you entry to samuels lair. Anyway. I had that cital armour, but got better one on battlefield, and forgot to switch back to other armour once I teleported back. Next thing, whole floor attacked me. Thnx to 50 potions and quicksaves I managed to kill them. But that left me with the cook problem.
The man is dead, my saves are all from after his death, and the imp character is falling in loops not giving me a chance to either persuade him to give me the key or allow me to kill him too, but the fact that he's a friendly is not helping much...I tried to find a away on the internet to attack friendlies, but to not success so far.
Next thing; easiest way to fix such things is to keep an eye out for new patches I thought. However, it fails to patch. The patch installs, but the game isnt patched. When I open it it says 1.470 in the bottomright corner. And apart from that, the saved games are also saved in version it seems, since that part is displayed next the savefile. So even if I succesfully patched the game, would I succeed in fixing the bug if that was somehow part of the patch? Cuz since it's version related, wouldn't it open in the old version then?
I hope any1 here has a good solution cuz starting all over again would be...well....a lot of ugly words in a row?:P
Last edited by Paladin of Energ; 15/06/09 09:03 AM.
Joined: Mar 2003
The imp Rashax only gives you a key to open the door to the cook's supply room. To get to Samuel's lair, head south of the kitchen / storage room, then to the far east. There is a locked door on the way there, opened by a lever a little to the south. When the game is patched from 1.47 to 1.49, the game version can still be shown as 1.47 on the main menu (it gets displayed correctly installing over an earlier version). This is just a cosmetic issue, though; if the game starts without the Play CD in an optical drive, then the patch installed correctly. There were no changes to the game itself in the 1.49 patch, so no changes in the save file format or version. Welcome to the forum. 
Joined: Jun 2009
omg I totally missed that damn lever....all that cuz I missed a lever...I'm sort of embarrased  But thank you verymuch raze, can go on now 
Joined: Dec 2009
Hi everybody, I am new here.  Here is the thing: installed BD on my new Windows7 machine; I *think* I followed the procedure of installing the game, NOT rebooting, deleting the "StarForce Installation" files, running the patch. So I should have no traces of StarForce in my system... However -- Event Viewer accuses an error: "\SystemRoot\SysWow64\drivers\prodrv06.sys has been blocked from loading due to incompatibility with this system. Please contact your software vendor for a compatible version of the driver." I checked this, and prodrv06.sys seems to be a StarForce related file. So I guess some of it got into my system, huh? Can you guys confirm that in your systems? Note: I just reformatted my HD 2 days ago, and BD was the first game installed, so SF did not come from anywhere else, AFAIK. Now, I do not want to cause an uproar -- I am very happy that Larian tried to make this patch available to remove the SF protection, it was a good move to compensate for a very very bad one (of including SF in the first place). But, if I am correct, someone should add instructions to remove these files from the system in that list of instructions way further above (by Lady Rain -- thanks you for that, it was helpful!), no? Thanks a bunch!
Last edited by Thexder; 22/12/09 12:33 AM.
Joined: Mar 2003
Just to make sure I run the StarForce Driver Removal Tool whenever I re-install the game. An older version (that I downloaded after the 1.49 patch) left the prodrv06.sys file is in my c:\windows\system32\drivers folder (Win98, also deleting the Starforce related files in the BD folder and installing the patch before rebooting). I just tried the latest version, which removed it. Welcome to the forum. 
Joined: Feb 2010
Hi, Raze. When I tried to go to the site that you link to for the Stardriver removal, I see the site, briefly, then I'm redirected almost immediately to this site: http://www.1923turk.com/index.phpVery strange.
Be merciful, for I am old and spazzy...
Joined: Mar 2003
Checking the Starforce support page, it looks like they have started hosting the driver update and removal tools themselves. Whatever happened to the other webpage, it is no longer necessary to go through a third party.
Joined: Aug 2010
I have done absolutely everything to try and get the Corrupt Items glitch to go away, I have reinstalled 3 times to make sure the Starforce thing is not installed, and all the times the folder was not even there, even the removal tool said there where no items to remove. I didn't reboot and installed the patch before rebooting. I have tried to set it to all Compatibility modes there is and the game crashes no matter what one I use. It will only run on Windows 2000, XP and vista and when I untick it and run it on Windows 7 but all those have the glitch.
So I am really at a loss, I have no idea what to do. I have bought the game as a re-release as DVD from the distributor xplosiv on amazon, which has it's own install button and the 1.49 patch included. And so I am guessing Starforce is not even on this the DVD.
Clumsy human, you hit your head! How can you miss a haystack that big?
Joined: Mar 2003
Someone else had a problem getting the game to run in Win9x compatibility mode (in Vista), but I'm not sure if that ever got resolved (about half way through the topic below). Inventory graphic placement bug corrupt items in Vista/Win7
Joined: Aug 2010
When I set the game to run in windows 98/me the game starts as it should I can see the wolf running on my screen and Larian studios, but when it comes to nVidia my computer goes out to windows and the game is running in the background I can even hear the Death Night talking in the intro video. When I click the game on the task bar the game opens for about 1 second and then goes back out to windows, so the game is running I just can't open it to play it.
Even when I hit escape, the game goes strait out to windows and the game is running in the background.
I am not really sure what to do, but I hope there is a solution to the problem.
I am suspecting it to be the DVD I am running it on, so I am thinking about buying it on gog.com but I want to make sure that it can run on windows 98/me before I buy it.
Clumsy human, you hit your head! How can you miss a haystack that big?