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BeeGee #34473 25/03/03 02:23 PM
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After some people jumping into the sewer I decided to take the jump as well...

jvb #34474 25/03/03 02:57 PM
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When i heard laughter, I decided to go back into the cave.
Curious what all the fun was about, I decided to go down there as well, but only after I changed pants.

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34475 25/03/03 04:02 PM
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I looked at Kiya and gingerly took my abused pants from her outstretched hand. "It's a good thing I have ziplocs in my backpack," I grumbled, trying not to inhale too deeply of the odor emanating from those pants. "Wait a minute," I thought to myself. "What in the world is a ziploc?"

I started looking through my pack and found not only the chest we had found up in the cave, but this clear bag that seemed to seal on one end. "This must be it! Maybe it'll keep the odor in until I can wash those pants." I muttered, "At least I hope so." This pack was wonderful though, it had all kinds of pockets , even one on the outside that had little holes that air could go through to whatever was inside. That's where I put those pants!

"Kiya, let's open this chest. Okay?" She came over to stand by me as I slowly opened it. Inside I could see two, wait no it had three things in it. First, a big rusty, ancient looking key which I handed to Kiya. A signet ring, which I slipped onto my finger. Last was a folded piece of paper that appeared to be part of a map.

DQueene #34476 25/03/03 11:18 PM
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While Kiya and DQueene hovered over the little treasure chest, the rest of the group (as far as I could see) was climbing down into the hole. All I could see were their legs, of course, but I knew their knees better than their faces anyway -- being short, I learned to adapt.

The bottom of the pit was getting crowded, so I called to the group, "Some of you could come in here. There's plenty of room, just watch your heads and try not to splash about in the muck."

While I waited for the group to sort themselves out, I started studying the coat of arms painted on the wall. It didn't make much sense to me, but I doubt that it was painted for my benefit. But it was painted here for some reason. I wondered what that reason might be.

-- BG
BeeGee #34477 25/03/03 11:54 PM
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I grabbed the map, hmmmm interesting... the same Coat of Arms was on it.
"DQueene, do you believe this is a map of the sewers? I mean, it would make sense to any apprentice not getting lost? Hey, look here, there seems to be an exit in the.... SW. Ups, wait a sec, let me turn the map, it was upside down, Silly me.... Yes, look here, an exit: And NE, like the mirror pointed out!"
Ah, maps, I loved them - I tend to get lost using them - but I still loved them. Eagerly I waited for her response.

kiya #34478 26/03/03 12:16 AM
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Now that Kiya had turned it right side up, I could see that she was probably right. There was a big [color:"red"] X [/color] that looked like the hole we had just climbed down and another big [color:"red"] X [/color] where she was pointing and saying the mirror had told us to go to. There were plenty of places to get lost down here if you weren't careful and made the wrong turn.

Just then I glanced back in the shadows against the far wall. "No, it couldn't be." I walked over and stared at the item leaning against the wall and started laughing again. "Uh, does anyone need a ladder?" I pointed at it, not realizing that it was probably only a blur to everyone else. "Should we take it with us, just in case we need to go 'up' again? " I picked it up with one hand, "It's not that heavy."

I walked back to Kiya, pulling one of my permanent markers out of my backpack. "Let's mark the wall here and along the way, just in case we get lost, okay?" I marked a [color:"yellow"] 1 [/color] on the wall and looked at everyone. "Let's catch up with the imp, shall we?"

"Oh here Kiya," I handed her another marker (with a finer tip). "Mark a '1' on the map next to that exit."

DQueene #34479 26/03/03 12:48 AM
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I eyed that strange-looking thing DQueene gave me:
"Is it going to splotch? You see, ink and I don't go very well together - we're no good friends... Has anyone got a piece of good ol' charcoal by any chance?"
And whispering to DQueene:
" I can at least wipe the dust off then.."

kiya #34480 26/03/03 02:16 AM
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"Here, I'll do it. I only write on my hands, not my face like you do." I smiled and very carefully put a [color:"yellow"] 1 [/color] right by the [color:"red"] X [/color] where we'd come in. I blew on it to make sure it was dry before I handed the map back to Kiya.

"Come on everybody," I walked to where BG was standing by the coat of arms. I stared at the coat of arms and then lifted my hand to look intently at the ring on my hand. "They're definitely the same. Wonder what it stands for?"

DQueene #34481 26/03/03 03:03 AM
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I pretended to mark a "[color:"yellow"]1[/color]" next to an "[color:"pink"]X[/color]" in my invisible book. I even pretended to have trouble getting my invisible pen to work. I must have appeared to be very convincing, because no one seemed to notice what I was doing -- it seemed so natural, I guess.

When I saw DQueene compare her signet ring to the painted coat of arms on the wall, I looked at the ring admiringly. It seemed like the appropriate thing to do.

"What a pretty ring. Can I have it?" I asked innocently. DQueene must have liked my appraisal, because she pretended to be offended by my request and hid the ring from me. She's sweet that way.

"Shall we continue on our way?" I asked, as I floated up to the top of the corridor to be at eye level with the rest of the group. Since no one objected, I led the way.

I assumed that the folks with the map would tell me if I was supposed to turn, so I headed straight ahead into the darkness. "Sure is dark in here, huh?" [color:"orange"]Thud![/color] "Ouch!"

-- BG
BeeGee #34482 26/03/03 08:10 AM
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I saw BG moving away and then I heard a thud and I heard him saying "ouch". I couldn't help myself but I bursted out in laughter

DQueene #34483 26/03/03 01:39 PM
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I saw BG heading straight towards a wall.
No, he isn't that stupid. I thought.
But he was... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ouch.gif" alt="" />
Viper started laughing inmediatly and I couldn't help myself anymore 2 <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34484 26/03/03 03:42 PM
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Having spent the majority of the time we were in this dank place rummaging through my pack, to be sure I had that soap I thought I put in there...lets see... dental floss (?) ah, yes here, soap. Scented, sure hope the boys don't mind smelling a bit floral after we get out of here. I looked up in time to see poor BG walk right into the wall.

"Oh, you poor dear," I helped him up and brushed the dirt off his pointy nose. "Don't mind them. Have you considered letting someone with low light vision lead the way?"

The universe is expanding -- that should ease traffic.
Hypatia #34485 26/03/03 03:56 PM
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"You are wise, My Lady." I agreed. "I'll just follow the group."

Luckily, I had hit my head in exactly the same place as it had hit the orc's shield, so I still had only one wound -- a fine lump on top of my head. "Ow!" It complains when I touch it. I'm not going to touch it anymore. "Ow?" It even complains when I sneak up on it. No, really. I'm not going to touch it anymore.

"Who's going to lead the group?" I asked.

-- BG
BeeGee #34486 26/03/03 04:11 PM
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I grabbed Kiya's hand and dragged her forward with me. "Kiya, you hold the map and make sure I don't make any wrong turns. Okay?"

I looked around at everyone. "Who can see down here? I can ... Can anyone else?"

DQueene #34487 26/03/03 04:19 PM
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"not too good. can someone guide me please??"

Viper #34488 26/03/03 04:33 PM
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Oh, ok, then: I was quite good at creating a fire spark in my left hand, holding the map carefully away from the little flame. I concentrated on it to let it glow softly instead of flame, so the heat would not blister me - it tingled a bit.
"There you are, just follow DQueene and me. One thing in advance: if the flame turns blue, I'll have to blow it out quickly, detonation danger, ok? DQueene, could you hold the map for me? I've already scorched it a bit - no, don't worry, just the edge with the exit... I'll keep it in mind."
Ignoring her exasperated look, she must know by now that I'm not that organised - I held my palm down a bit lower, so everyone could see where their feet were going to - and ... on what they were walking - yuck!
Finally the group reached the first bend - and there was the Coat of Arms again...

kiya #34489 26/03/03 05:46 PM
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"Oh No! We're LOST" I proclaimed. "We already passed a coat of arms once before!"

-- BG
BeeGee #34490 26/03/03 05:51 PM
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"No BG, it's not the same one. Let's mark this one with a [color:"yellow"] 2 [/color] and put a [color:"red"] X [/color] by it."

DQueene #34491 26/03/03 05:52 PM
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"how long is this road that we're gonna have to follow? I'm getting hungry"

Viper #34492 26/03/03 05:56 PM
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I dutifully wrote a "[color:"yellow"]2[/color]" and an "[color:"pink"]X[/color]" in the appropriate place in my invisible imaginary book. "I'm gonna need a new pen. This one smudges, and the red one is fading out." I muttered.

That's when I heard the noises. My ears perked up (and the right one complained that perking hurts around the scorch marks) and listen to the distant scrabbling of tiny claws against rock and muck. Little squeeking voices accompanied them.

I complained, "Rats!"

-- BG
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