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DQueene #34533 28/03/03 10:20 PM
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"Key?" I blinked with my eyes, trying to remember... "Oh, thaaaaaat key? The old and rusty one that left some smudges on your shirt? Could be, why don't you try it?"
And grumbling under my breath:"I've got more important stuff to do than concentrate on a key - or a door - or... THOSE NOISES BEHIND IT..??? Ahm, DQueene, do you think this will be a good idea? Just opening the doors, heaven knows what jumps upon us and all that... And poor Wolfy is still ill... Maybe Nero would like to protect him?"
To the beast:
"No, I'll take care of you. No need to be worried, hm? I won't allow anyone to hurt you... Just the rules quickly, Deary: That little imp over there: NO FOOD - unless you're really starving. Nero, the demon: NO ENEMY, unless he wants to take a bone away from you. The winged creature there, Viper: NO CHICKEN. Same goes for this little chap there, JVB: NO PLAYTOY. And as for the ladies DQueene, Polgara, Hypatia - I'm sure you'll like them, hm?""
"Nerooooo? Could you stand in front of Wolfy in case any monsters want to attack him? I'm sure you will, right?"

kiya #34534 28/03/03 10:49 PM
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I floated up to the rafters where Luc was hiding, and sat down next to him.

"Great! I'm dog food. Think I can put that on my resume'?" I observed.

"Looks like you're the only one she doesn't have a rule for, Luc." I sighed.

-- BG
BeeGee #34535 28/03/03 10:56 PM
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I took the key from Kiya, listening to her instructions to Wolfy and watched BG haul his little tush up to the rafters. I whispered up to him, "Can you hear anyone outside the door? Is it safe to open it, if the key fits?"

He wagged his head up and down and in doing so flipped upside down on the rafter. I distinctly heard something like, "Oopsie dey! Downside up and now upside down. Whoa!" And then he floated down to watch me put the key into the lock. I struggled with it for several moments and he offered to spit on it, assuring me that his 'spit' could cure anything, even rusty keys.

DQueene #34536 28/03/03 11:57 PM
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Standing in front of a two headed multi legged wolf...thing was not my idea of a good time but I had to protect kiya...from herself...she is a little too trusting of furry things...I watched Kiya work her majik and the beast was being healed little by little. Once she was finished I helped her make muzzles for the heads...which made me smirk...two still seemed strange to me...after the beast woke kiya in her usual animal happy mode decided to take the muzzle of...I thought to DQueen " she is going to get us killed" DQueen looked at me and shook off a little smile. As she pulled the muzzzles of I drew tetsusaiga and made sure Lucidity was ready as well...*snap* the beast was fast and had kiya in he jaws but didnt punture this was a smart little wolf...might make a good pet...another bodyguard for Kiya (she needs it) with that something told me that the beast wanst a threat...DQueen had that under I sheathed my sword looked at kiya and said...girl is your brain broken or something???? am I supposed to protect you huh....sheeesh..." and I walked away...I noticed that BG had tried to unlock the door to no success. DQueen and Kiya were now looking for the key that they had found earlier...wolfy...(so creative Kiya) was sitting in the corner eating whatever Kiya had given him...Lucidity was watching over making sure he didnt do anything. Walking over to the door with the little light above it I noticed that while the lock was tough the door was somewhat old....Lynn doesnt have time for this and *SMASH* I kicked the door broke it from its hinges and sent it flying half way across the next room....I turned and looked at Kiya who was giving me a 'why on earth did you do that' look..."Lets go" I said..."Kiya, mirror please"

NeroJB #34537 29/03/03 12:10 AM
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"NOOOOO, Wolfy, come back here - I said: NO ENEMY - he's not threat... Oh, sorry Nero. Wolfy meant no harm, he's just playing..."
Nero's tone was apparently not polite enough for my pet...
Wolfy looked at me in a sweet sheepish impish way, a piece of pant cloth dangling from his jaws. I melted - and it was difficult for me to refrain from laughing, because this great hero and halfdemon had to use at least one hand to cover his torn seat...
"I'm really sorry, Nero, maybe DQueene has some new pants from you. Oh, if you don't mind, could I have the rest, then for Wolfy? Doggies like to play and practise claws, teeth and so on, ye know?"
To Wolfy:
"Guess you've made yourself an enemy, I warned you, didn't I?"
"The mirror, yes of course, here it is - how are you going to hold it???"

kiya #34538 29/03/03 12:13 AM
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When the door went *SMASH*, I went [color:"yellow"]Poof![/color]. As long as I was invisible and no one seemed to be charging in through the door, I floated out the door and looked left and right down the torchlit hallway. There were two doors across the hall and one on the same side as Wolfy's room. The hallway ended at double doors on our right, but turned right at the end of the hall on our left.

Now that I had my bearings and saw no guards or monsters, I [color:"pink"]Foop![/color] drifted left to peek around the open corner. Another long hallway with doors on each side and a couple of torches. Still no signs of disturbed residents.

I waited and listened. I heard Wolfy playing, Kiya scolding, and Nero cursing. Several others were laughing.

"Yep! We're all gonna die horrible unexpected deaths." I sighed.

-- BG
BeeGee #34539 29/03/03 12:25 AM
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Ok so I break the door down make an awesome entry and get ready to fight when suddenly a giant two headed wolf tears half my pant off...."And I suppose you think this is really funny dont you" I said pointing at kiya. With that I spun the pack off my back and grabbed a new pair of pants and got dressed amid laughs from my companions....Lucidity and Kiya tought it exceptionally funny and DQueen was stifling giggles. Alright fine.....happy "you will get yours wolfboy" I said pointing my sword at wolfy and I swear the damn thing stuck its right tongue at me...seriously...this thing is wierd...walking to the door that I had smashed I started to pick up some scents that were completely unnatural..."demons" I whispered to DQueen who immediately stopped giggling..."I think that there may be more than orcs to deal with"...DQueen looked at me confused reading her mind I said..."ok so I am a freak...I am a nice demon...most arent" DQueen and I both stood in silence....and the rest got the clue...

NeroJB #34540 29/03/03 12:31 AM
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The double doors at the other end of the hallway burst open. I could see at least three, no five, largish something-or-others. Except for having only two legs, two arms, and one head each, the only thing I noticed about them were the huge battle axes they were holding over their heads as they ran into the hallway.

I ducked around the corner, [color:"yellow"]Poof![/color], and floated up to the ceiling. Just to be safe, I closed my eyes and stuck my thumbs in my ears. "Great!" I swore under my breath "Now my thumbs are stuck in my ears! I'll never get them out. Grrrrrrr!"

-- BG
BeeGee #34541 29/03/03 12:35 AM
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I quickly prepared for the sparks rune and hurled it at the attackers - making them stop dead in their tracks and dancing the fandango.
"Yeeeeeeaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhh, it worked!" I jumped up and down, then realised this was no game and prepared for the second spell: FIRE.

BeeGee #34542 29/03/03 12:38 AM
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When the doorway burst open I saw the creatures coming toward us, and quickly pulled my long bow out. Fitting an arrow to the string and pulling it back to my ear in one swift motion. "Twang" I sent the arrow speeding down the hallway. "Frell!" It had hit one of them in his leg. I jumped out into the hallway so I could line my next shot up better and leave the doorway open for the others to come help.

BeeGee #34543 29/03/03 12:40 AM
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I saw BG fly through the door...."Ok thats not a good sign" I said as the little imp floated up to the cieling...then I heard some "things" coming down the hallway...Dqueen leaned around the corner and started shooting I backed up into the room and Lucidity jumped from his perch in the rafters and grabbed several sacks of grain and threw them into the doorway...I told DQueen to retreat...getting the idea i helped him and after a couple dozen sacks were in the doorway I pointed at Kiya and said "Fire please, and BG get down youll get smoked out..." *FOOOSH* a fireball whizzed past my ear and lit the sacks on fire...I looked at Kiya and thought..."please dont do that" she smirked and smiled at me

Last edited by NeroJB; 29/03/03 12:42 AM.
NeroJB #34544 29/03/03 12:44 AM
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I was trapped on the wrong side of the pile of grain sacks. A quick look around revealed a dungeon cell door at my end of the hallway. "Better in than out." I declared, and forced the door open, entered, then slammed it closed behind me. That's when I realized that my thumbs weren't stuck in my ears any more.

"Yea!" I celebrated, then "Shhh." shushing myself.

I looked around the dungeon cell quickly, and found a single useful object: one gold coin. Now I have 34! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

-- BG
NeroJB #34545 29/03/03 12:45 AM
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"Hey, I'm just learning, Nero-Baby... Another one?" My eyes were bright, full of excitement.

kiya #34546 29/03/03 12:50 AM
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I burst out the door after hearing the first "Foooomp!" of Kiya's fireball-induced grain-sack inferno.

I saw five freaked-out adversaries playing hot-foot, trying to stomp out the fire. That's when I saw that one of them had a crossbow and was cocking it with a nasty green-tipped bolt.

"Not so fast, pea-brain!" I screamed at the crossbow guy. [color:"pink"]Foop![/color] with dagger drawn, I fell to the ground and raced toward my mortal enemy with grim determination and no idea what to do when I got there.

-- BG
kiya #34547 29/03/03 12:50 AM
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"Yeah lets see it Kiya" I yelled as the first fireball sizzled out on the rocks that it hit...*PHOOOSH* another fireball went flying..."WHERE IN THE HELL IS BG" i yelled to DQueen....she nodded back not my mind I found BG and 'screamed' "BG WHERE ARE YOU"

Last edited by NeroJB; 29/03/03 12:53 AM.
NeroJB #34548 29/03/03 12:59 AM
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No time for words. I just replied with a mental image of my rampaging charge toward the crossbow buy and said "Charge!!!"

I half-hoped that Dragh's crossbow was faster than my feet.

-- BG
NeroJB #34549 29/03/03 01:02 AM
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I heard BG scream and saw him running straight at the guy with the crossbow. I immediately shot my next arrow directly into the creatures right eye and watched as it slowly toppled to the ground.

I heard BG yell "Charge" as he ran past me. I reached down and scooped him up and tossed him over the fire into jvb's waiting arms. I took a running leap and dived over the fire into the room. A random thought passed through my mind as I passed over the searing heat, "that feels nice". No time for that, I jumped up and notched my next arrow and prepared to fire.

DQueene #34550 29/03/03 11:07 AM
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I cought BG and put him on the ground again.
"you just be carefull." I said, when on the same moment:
[color:"red"] WHOOSH [/color] a fireball came straight at me.
It couldn't have been kiya, she's firing the other way...
Then i saw it, he was different from the other ones we were fighting, he didn't have an axe, for example.
In stead he held his arms up is the sky, whispering something, and there came the next fireball.
"This is going to be hard." I said, jumping after Dqueene over the fire.
While I was still in the air, I grabbed my sword and it shrank to the size of a throwing knive..
"but how..." I thought, but i didn't have time to figure out how this could be because I saw one of the attackers aim at dqueene.
I quickly threw my knive, hitting the attacker.
Not being one of the best knive trhowers around, I did hit him, but it was only in his armour.
But it was enough to slow him down though, so I had enough time to rush towards him and punch him in the face, while with my other hand i took the knive back out.
he didn't like that at all, especially not when i used my knive to cut his throath.
After this action, the knive grew a bit, but still wasn't as big as it was before.
It had a good size in this way, I hoped it would stay this way, I thought, while I decided it maybe would be wise to keep thing strange weapon.

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34551 29/03/03 03:16 PM
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The fire was really starting to get hot and was spreading. Already, some of the rafters were flaming, and many of the support timbers were charred black on their surface. The smoke was becoming unbearable, too, and everyone was coughing and squinting (except for DQ and JVB, for some reason).

"If we don't get out of here, we'll all suffocate or burn!" I yelled. "Get down on the floor and crawl out down the stairs!"

Polgara and Hypatia helped me find and open the hatch. As they started down the stairs, I saw Viper, Kiya and Wolfie headed for the hatch.

The last time I'd seen Luc, he was up in the rafters (which was no place to be under the circumstances). The roar of the flames made it impossible to hear voices or yell loud enough to be heard, so I crawled over toward the center of the room and tugged on the legs of whomever I was able to find. They were still standing and fighting, as far as I could tell.

The heat and smoke were too much for me, though, and I finally had to give up and leave through the hatch. I left it open, just in case some of the others were able to find it. Then I just sat on the stairs and coughed and coughed. The fire was sucking air from the tunnels below, which created a strong updraft into the room.

I sat on the steps in the smoky red gloom coughing and wheezing and wondering if I would ever see my companions again. That's when a nametag landed in my lap, but it was too dark to read the name on it.

-- BG
BeeGee #34552 29/03/03 04:32 PM
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I saw jvb hurtle out the door and attack one of the creatures shooting fireballs. BG and the others were having a hard time breathing and were rushing back out the hatch we had entered. I didn't have time to see who had left with him because I realized that jvb might have to fight the creatures outside by himself and might get hurt badly. I jumped back over the flame, praying that I wouldn't catch my clothes on fire in the process.

Hitting the ground and rolling into the opposite wall, I saw that they were too close to use a bow on. I quickly swapped weapons, grabbing my short sword, and prepared to fight.

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