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jvb #34573 30/03/03 09:05 PM
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"yes dqueene, I will fetch the others" I said,While picking my sword back up.
I took one last look at the battlefield and there I saw the shield the giant orcish creature was using, and I decided to take it with me, just in case..
Then i walked towards kiya and the rest who were hiding.
"c'mon guys, the battle is over, its all safe now.
And btw kiya, could you plz take a look at me, I'm still kinda tired from the fight..Dunno if you know any spell against that?" I said, leaning against a wall because I couldn't stand up straight.
"damn, that guy shure was too much.."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34574 30/03/03 11:40 PM
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Lick... drip... lick... scrape...
I woke up and saw Wolfy's 2 heads and tongues hovering over me.
"Good boy... no, stop it, I'm fine, thank you..." I shoved him away and made a quick search: Body - ok; clothes - singed; head - hurting; face: well, very wet!

I stood up and remembered my comrades being in danger.
"Wolfy, where are the others? Come on, lead me to them..."
My pet wolf whined, turned and set off, nose on the ground - I followed.
"Now, let's try this," I mumbled whilst following him. "Purify and clean on me, will see what happens..."
Drawing the rune into the air and pointing it at me - Whoosh
"Shucks, drat..."
I was wet all over - but at least headache and burning lungs were okay again.
Wolfy looked at me with the typical dog laugh, I glared back:
"So what? I'm still an apprentice - now don't you laugh at me - otherwise I'll use this spell on you!"
A short whelp an Wolfy continued tracking down my comrades - then I saw the first...
JVB drooped against the wall, holding a shield in his hand and slightly green in the face, my face lit up - I drew the rune of Rinse and Purify into the air and let it gently float to him:
A small squirt of water landed into his face.
"DQueene, want the next try?"
I looked closer: Oh, it wasn't DQueene, my nearsightedness had deceived me - it was BeeGee, not looking all to good: A bit scorched, dirty, greasy and a bit hurt.
Leaving JVB, who didn't seem to be very pleased with my cleaning effort I went up to the imp and offered to help. Ignoring his wary look, progress comes from experimenting, doesn't it? I dug out my book and thumbed it through.
"Hmm, shrink..." He backed off.
"Hey wouldn't it help you to be smaller? I mean, you could save yourself the trouble of using lockpicks, but on the other hand - you couldn't collect any gold coins, right? Let me have another look... Blow! That's it! Show a bit more positive and constructive attitude, BG. I have to try out everything in the book - and I'm only trying to help!"
I drew the Blow Rune carefully in the air, hoping my quick estimations of his size and weight were right. (Good, he didn't know how bad I was at school in physics and maths). I softly blew the rune into his direction.
BeeGee turned topsyturvy into the air and crashed against the wall, where he hovered helplessly. But the gush of wind had removed all stains in his face and clothes, giving him a shiny new appearance - a bit red in the face though....
I was pleased with the result and used the rune on myself to dry. Phoosh... I looked down on myself and saw, my garments were dry - and my poor blouse, the one I had sacrified as a bandage for Wolfy, had shrunk.
"Bad quality," I grumbled. "This is something I have to talk about with the Larians - definitely another bug."
"Anyone else wanting to be washed and cleaned?" I looked into the round and noticed that even Wolfy had taken a few steps back and tried to become invisible.
"No one? Bah, then stay dirty," I pouted.

Last edited by kiya; 31/03/03 05:50 AM.
kiya #34575 31/03/03 06:39 AM
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I went over to DQueene to check up on her as I saw a bit of blood running down her neck.

"Are you alright?" I asked.

Viper #34576 31/03/03 11:26 AM
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After being totally soaked (thank you kiya... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" /> ), I did feel a bit less tired.
I walked towards the place where i left my backpack, looking if I had some sort of spell book of my own in there.
While a was walking, the same feeling I had after killing the poisonous rats came back to me.
This time much stronger; I felt great for a short while.
When the feeling had gone away again I noticed that i wasn't tired anymore, I was just back to my old, healthy state.
"How did I do this?" I thought. "So it must really be the experience I'm feeling..But why am I suddenly healed? Lvl up maybe, I dont know.."
I opened up my backpack and saw that there indeed was a book in there, but it was different from the ones of kiya and hypathia.
There were a lot of (still) empty pages..Only the first few had words on them.
And besides, there were little drawings next to them.
The uppermoste drawing, with text next to it, showed a sword.
I tried to read the rune, And when I finally succeeded in doing it right, the drawing + text faded..
"What did I do", I thought, "I did say it correctly didn't I?"
Turning a page over, I saw a couple of other interesting drawings, and i took the one which appealed to me the most..
The fist with something around it wich looked a bit like some sort of an explosion..
I casted the rune and then suddenly all the pages were empty again.
This is very odd, I thought. I wish lynn was here with us..(not knowing that she was very nearby)

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34577 31/03/03 04:09 PM
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I smiled at Viper, and although I was sure I was still a little 'green' around the edges, I nodded to let him know I was okay. I leaned over the guy whose axe had caused my sword to shatter and muttered, "Okay, I'll just take this with me. I don't think you'll be needing it, now will you?"

I walked around to where BG was being 'tumbled dry' by Kiya and peeked into the room that he had just unlocked. I saw Lynn standing against the wall shivering and saying "I'm sorry, I didn't know it was you BG. I didn't know. Honest!"

I went over to her to reassure her that everything was alright, but she started backing away from me and saying, "No, don't touch me ... you're .. you're all bloody!" I looked down and realized I was absolutely covered in blood and my clothes were starting to stiffen.

"Sorry," I muttered to Lynn.

Turning around I looked at Kiya and BG again. "Kiya, do you think you can try that cleaning spell on me?" My bravery in battle wasn't anything compared to the bravery I was displaying now. Trusting Kiya's fledgling mage skills was like skating on thin ice, you never knew when you were going to get wet.

I closed my eyes and tensed in anticipation of being tumbled dry just like BG.

DQueene #34578 31/03/03 09:41 PM
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Kiya woke me from my nap. Through the pain and unfocused eyes, I could tell that she was trying to help me, but the loud ringing in my ears made it difficult to make out her words. I heard something like: "Shrink mumble mumble mumble mumble mumble Blow! mumble mumble mumble mumble BeeGee mumble mumble mumble!"

Then she gestured, blew me a kiss, and a huge gust of wind flung me end over end until a wall stopped me. When the wind died down, I could hear a little better and felt much cleaner. But my nose still hurt ... a lot. I knew better than to touch it, after the lesson with the bump on my head.

Then something peculiar happened. Kiya cast another spell -- this time at herself. She got really clean as a result. In the process, her already short blouse (she had torn part of it off before) got really tight and little shorter.

I averted my eyes.

-- BG
BeeGee #34579 31/03/03 09:57 PM
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The room started to fade, and I felt really dizzy… For days I was without any food, or some water… *cough* My throat is so dry…

Completely disoriented I glazed around me (getting close to insanity…) Somebody appeared… But there was something unnatural about that person’s walking… I think it’s DQueene, not sure though… Yes, it’s her. It was like she was walking farther while she should get closer… I firmly closed my eyes for a second, my whole body was hurting, and then I pulled myself together. We have to move on, there’s work to be done.

“Just get out of here!” I yelled at them, “it’s full of guards in here, and they won’t spare you for a minute!”

“Sorry DQueene, I didn’t want to hurt you, will never yell at you again… Can you forgive me?” But all that time I was locked up in that jail over there, scared like hell, and then BeeGee entered and I thought it was one of the guards coming over to torture me. Days and days, full of screams and screeching cries and… ! Och, I don’t want to think about it anymore. All I know is that we have to get out of here as soon as possible. And where are the others, are they ok? I hope nobody got hurt, we didn’t loose anybody, did we?…” You could clearly hear the tremble in my voice.

Och God! I have to be grateful that I’m still alive!
In all my infinite stupidity I forgot to thank BeeGee and… to apologize for what I did to him. I slowly stumbled forward looking for BeeGee, but I couldn’t immediately find him?

Lynn #34580 31/03/03 10:07 PM
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I reached my hand out to Lynn, ready to steady her if she should faint or something. "It's okay, we cleared the hallway and the others are checking the rooms." I dropped my backpack and pulled out a little bottle of water and one of the pastries I had in it. I looked at it and grimaced, it was all squished, a chocolate cupcake with cream filling all flattened like a pancake.

"Here Lynn, eat this. I know it looks terrible, but it'll give you some energy until we find something else." I smiled at her as I turned the stool back on its legs and pushed her down gently to sit on it. "It's okay. Eat and then we'll decide what the best way is to get out of here."

DQueene #34581 31/03/03 11:48 PM
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Finally we had found Lynn...and she was realatively ok. I wandered around the halls in the level we were on and searched all the rooms one appeared to be a weavers shop...I found several cloaks a dozen pairs of pants and some new shoes. We all moved back into the room where we had first found wolfy and sat down for a minute to collect ourselves and decide what to do next. "OK we have essentially two options, we can either retreat into the sewers and go hide and figure out our next move or we can go on a bloody rampage through a castle filled with orcs...*sniff sniff* demons....*sniiiiiiif* and some terribly stinky humans, did I mention that if we choose plan B most of that blood will be ours? We dont have much time they'll notice the guards didnt return...we dont want to be here when that happens...

Last edited by NeroJB; 01/04/03 12:12 AM.
DQueene #34582 01/04/03 12:05 AM
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With the Battle finally over and thier friend found me and Nero started searching the bodies of the fallen warriors. We got done and Nero headed off to join the others, but I needed a minute to collect my thoughts. I sat down took a deep cleansing breath and closed my eyes.

I guess that moving in the rafters wasn't the best idea, thinking about my now hairless and tender feet. I was able to take two of the lesser monsters out before the group saw them but they were of no consequence. I feel a welt of guilt for not being side by side when my now battle hardened comrads were fighting and defeating the enemies. Granted I was able to lessen the load for them but I feel like I needed to be around them to fight and defend to my full potential. I need to look after that BG too, I don't want anything happening to him. He is an integeral part and, despite everything I was taught he is growing on me. Overall I am impressed beyond words as to what everyone did here today.

Getting up I walked to where I could hear the rest of the group talking. I saw all the members and a new person.

"Miss, I am LuCiDiTy from Yaromath just east of Watao. I have been wandering these lands for my whole life and I feel that this quest and these people are part of my destiny. I am honored to meet you and I hope that I can hel...Do any of you feel that?"

They looked at me like I had asked them what color their sherpas were druing a snow storm in bhagaro.

Saying this I could feel a slight tremble in my feet as though it came from above.

"I am not sure but I think that I am feeling more monsters coming but from above in the castle. We need to move and we need to be quick about it."

We started off right away and I realized then that the vision that I have had about the castle was only the beginning to this strange adventure.

LuCiDiTy #34583 01/04/03 12:34 AM
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Nero helped me get Lynn back into the room where we'd found Wolfy. I noticed several large barrels in one corner of the room and decided to go investigate them while everyone gathered their thoughts and discussed what we should do next. I strolled over and started using my broken sword to pry the 'lid' off one of the barrels. "Pop!" The lid came off suddenly and rolled off into the corner. I leaned over and sniffed the contents of the barrel. "Dried meat! Great!" I turned around and whispered loudly to everyone. "This barrel has meat in it. Come get some while I open the other ones."

I quickly opened the one next to it and found dried fruit. That was even better, since I knew some of my friends didn't eat meat. "Fruit in this one, everybody!" I quickly put as much as I could carry comfortably from both barrels into my backpack. Everyone else who could, did the same.

Just then Luc said, "I am not sure but I think that I am feeling more monsters coming but from above in the castle. We need to move and we need to be quick about it."

We immediately gathered up our packs and weapons. Polgara and Hypatia helped Lynn, supporting her on either side. We left as quietly as we could making sure to shut the hatch behind us.

DQueene #34584 01/04/03 12:57 AM
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Everyone seemed to have the same notion: return to Wolfy's room and regroup. On the way, I asked Hypatia if she could try healing my nose, ear, and head. She agreed, and before long I was feeling no pain. She even kissed me on the nose again. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

That's when I heard DQueene pop open the first barrel, and mention food. I didn't have any interest in food, since I don't eat, but several of the others seemed eager to stuff some of it into their backpacks. I took the opportunity to scramble out of the room and check several of the other doors in the hallway. Most of them were locked, and I didn't think I had time to practice unlocking them -- although I really did want to try. Instead, I found two unlocked rooms.

The first one was a complete waste of time. Nothing but boxes of clothes and stacks of papers and a couple of bookshelves with dusty old books. The second room was a treasure trove! I found three large cloth sacks (I stuffed two of them into the third one), a half dozen quill pens, a small bottle of black ink, a pouch of fine sand, a lump of white chalk, a wood chisel, and an iron file (coarse on one side, and fine on the other). "I'm rich!" I declared as I scrambled back to Wolfy's room just in time to see everyone climbing down the hatch to leave.

I'm sure I looked funny dragging a sack as big as me across the floor and down the hatch. The sack was getting soot all over it, from the floor, but I didn't care. I'll bet Kiya will clean it for me later. And I'm sure the castle housekeeper will thank me for mopping up at least one swath across the floor from the door to the hatchway. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

-- BG
BeeGee #34585 01/04/03 04:26 AM
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I hated the idea of leaving a good fight but staying it seemed to me would be suicide after gathering food and such we set off...staring up at the hatch I said "Kiya why dont we leave the castle with a bang...or a flame as it were...lets light this place up before we go...itll keep people from following theyll be occupied and wont track us." I got a few odd stares but I knew some of them liked the idea.

NeroJB #34586 01/04/03 03:40 PM
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I waited in the room were we found wolfy, who did seem to feel better now.
I took a look at my sword... It felt lighter then before, even being the same size.
"hmmm I wonder if this sword can take growing or shrinking commands" I thought.
"that would shure be handy" And so i tried... But logically the sword didn't grew nor schrank..

"well thats to be, but I kinda expected it.. C'mon guys, we must leave this place inmediatly, or else we will be in big trouble..."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34587 01/04/03 03:50 PM
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Last edited by Viper; 01/04/03 05:00 PM.

jvb #34588 01/04/03 03:54 PM
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I looked up when everybody was returning, but I still had some bolts to retrieve, One carcass had 3 stuck into it, they were mine, I also found a bolt with a green tip, laying around on the floor.
"Ok that should be all of them".

Strabgly, or maybe not I had a connection with the two headed dog, he seemed to be very interested in me, like he was waiting for me to give him some commands. "I'll take some of the meat for the Dog too, he seems starved."

It's one of these days...
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At the bottom of the stairs I stopped long enough to transfer the file, chisel, ink, quills, chalk, and pouch of sand into my Bag of Tricks. Then I offered one of the (clean) sacks to Lynn; I didn't see any pockets in her outfit.

"Who's got the mirror? Does it say which way to go?"

-- BG
BeeGee #34590 02/04/03 01:10 PM
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After escaping death in my previous battle i continued my way through the sewers. Suddenly i heard voices comming for around the corner. I silently went closer and looked around the corner...

The first thing i saw was an imp and i instictively reached for my sword. But my sences told me he wasnt evil atall? I was confused and started thinking what this could mean. My mind returned to the day my family was murdered. Suddenly i felt my blood boil <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" /> and everything in my boby told me to go kill the imp. I took my sword and charched in on the imp....

Halfway there everything went black before my eyes and i fell with a big bang in the water of the sewer (this was probably the result of exhaustian or because i was badly wounded after my previous battle...).

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
BeeGee #34591 02/04/03 01:44 PM
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I heard something falling in the water and it sounded pretty big as well. as a natural response I flew (over the heads of the rest) over to the place where I though the sound came from and saw some body lying in the filthy sewer water.

I grabbed the body and flew it to the group for medical treatment.

Viper #34592 02/04/03 02:14 PM
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When the armor-clad fighter charged toward me screaming what could only be described as a battlecry, I immediately [color:"orange"]Poof![/color]-ed and floated to the ceiling of the tunnel.

I quickly moved to engage him (hopefully from behind, since I was invisible), but he tripped and landed face-down in the mucky water as I arrived over him. I dropped onto his back, dagger ready, but did not kill him for some reason. Instead, I cut his purse and took his backpack (they turned invisible as soon as I touched them).

Viper arrived quickly and dragged the attacker toward the group, presumably for questioning. Meanwhile, I rifled through his purse and pack. In the pack, found only a small portion of food, a flask of holy water, and a copy of the Group's Wanted Poster. In the purse were two gold coins and a holy symbol.

I quickly [color:"pink"]Foop![/color]-ed and showed the group the attacker's pack, poster, and holy symbol. "What do you make of these?" I asked "Could he be a bounty hunter/cleric?"

"I think we should tie him up and RUN LIKE THE WIND!"

I voted with my feet: I ran into the darkness and was gone.

-- BG
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