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DQueene #34553 29/03/03 04:47 PM
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I also jumped into the hall, following the battle noises going on. I didn't have much to fight with but maybe I could distract them by flying fast over their heads, so I started flying back and front overthe enemy

Viper #34554 29/03/03 07:06 PM
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Nooooooo! I was wrong to head for the hatch, leaving the others behind to get roasted in the flames. I looked at Wolfy and turned on my heels, rushing back - the heat was unbearable, I coughed, gasped and started to lose my eyesight... I fell on the ground, wanting to lie there... then I felt a strong pull on my neck: Wolfy was trying to drag me on. I smiled under my tears and got up again: The only spell I could think of at this time was Purify and Clean...
I drew the rune into the air, but something must have gone wrong: Hurling it against the flames it turned into a huge ball consisting of water - the flames were quenched, but the smoke was nearly worse than the heat - a large smoke wall rushed towards me, suffocated and blinded me - before I lost my conscience I was able to draw the rune again.... and fell... into the darkn....

kiya #34555 29/03/03 07:29 PM
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Being a Demon the flames really didnt bother me but the smoke was getting bad...Lucidity followed the others down into the hatch and I was right behind him...then I say Kiya turning to run back towards the fire...she stopped having lots of problems with the smoke...and started casting a spell...I stopped and came up behind her I was going to grab her and run as soon as she finished...after casting the spell Kiya fell and I caught her....with the flames quenched I could hear the battle on the other side of the door I hadnt realized my friends were still over there...I laid Kiya into wolfys arms with some distrust but no choice and took off toward the smoke filled hallway...I could hear the fight going on in the next room....I lept through the door and onto the wall on the otherside pushed off as I landed and flew over the heads of my friends drew my sword and took down one of the axe wielding monsters as I landed..."GO" I yelled pointing through the door I had just come through..."RUN, Ill hold them off....the others need help" This claim wasnt true but I wanted to get them out of the hallway which was becoming highly toxic...

NeroJB #34556 29/03/03 09:59 PM
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As I caught my breath on the stairs, Nero scrambled back up the stairs and into the room, so I followed him. I saw him drag Kiya toward the hatch and Wolfy, so I quickly searched the (now much clearer) room for other survivors. The flames had been quenched somehow, but the bags of grain, wooden support beams, and rafters were still smoldering -- so there was more smoke coming soon.

Sounds of battle rang in the hallway outside the door. Nero leaped over the grain bags, one hand grabbing at his sword. I followed.

The hallway was as smoky as the room, but I could see well enough to count four largish humanoids (three with axes, and one waving his arms mystically), DQ trading blows with a sword, JVB wielded a short sword in one hand and punched faces with his other hand, VIper was flying interference over the enemies, and Nero had drawn his sword and was yelling "GO!" and "RUN!". In short, it was mass confusion.

I could not find an opening in the foray to use my dagger, and no safe passage to circle around behind the enemy, so I watched helplessly for almost two minutes as the battle raged on. No one seemed to be winning or losing, but everyone did seem to be tiring.

A sudden sense of fear crept up my back and lodged between my ears in the back of my head. All this time I had been ignoring the one weakness of our group: an attack from the rear. I whirled around fully expecting to see a dozen monsters charging toward me. No one was there; the coast was clear. I turned the fear on its ear, and decided to try to discover if the hallway circled back around behind our enemies.

[Linked Image]

I followed the hallway around two corners to a set of double doors. Peeking through them, I saw no threat, so I [color:"yellow"]Poof![/color]-ed and floated in the direction of the double doors behind the enemies.

[color:"pink"]Foop![/color] I jabbed my dagger into one of the waving hands of the fireball-casting monster, and said [color:"orange"]"Hi, Viper! Need a hand?"[/color] as he flew toward me.

-- BG
BeeGee #34557 29/03/03 10:32 PM
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I heard Nero yelling something like "Go", but that word had no meaning at all to me at this point. I was totally focused on the battle at hand, my blood felt like it was singing through my veins. I was dancing with my sword and the steps were coming from the depths of my soul.

I saw the mage falter in mid-spell, screeching from the sudden slash to his hand that BG had managed. Foxy little imp that he was, he had skittered out of range of the mages enraged attempt to knock him out of the air. Now was my chance to attack the mage. I jumped directly in front of him as he grabbed for BG and sliced his hand from his arm in one clean blow. He screamed like a girl, and started hissing another spell in a sibilant manner directing it straight at me. I laughed and sliced a long cut down his other arm, taunting him and breaking his concentration again.

Part of me that was 'me' was hiding in some corner of my mind, whimpering at the very thought of what I was doing. How could I be so cruel? I had to stop this now. I had to kill him to ensure our safety, but I didn't have to torture him. I took control of myself again and looking at the mage, I said, "Forgive me" and I lopped off his head.

DQueene #34558 29/03/03 10:51 PM
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As I darted clear of the monster, DQ stepped in with a flurry of sword strikes. Just before she dealt the fatal blow she said "Forgive me", but her eyes glowed silver and the fierce expression on her face sent chills down my spine. I think I may have "yelped" a little.

I quickly recovered, though. I dropped to the floor and slashed at the ankle of one of the axe-wielders, then skittered out of range of his whirling swing.

-- BG
BeeGee #34559 29/03/03 11:49 PM
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Leaping into battle I had tried to get the others to leave but they were to battle driven to do anything but fight. So while DQueen and BG were dealing with a mage I lept into the air my eyes red (in battle my eyes turn solid red...freaky huh) with my emotions surged into the battle I could feel my strength grow even beyond what it was felt like my skin was on fire and lightening was coming from my hands....I found myself behind jvb and unable to find a path through the chaos...I rose tetsusaiga above my head and brought it down to the floor with all my strenght....a shockwave flew down the hallway right between jvb's legs knocking the beast he was fighting over DQueen and onto the remains of the mage...I took my left hand off the hilt of my sword and looked at it with utter amazement..."what was that...?" quickly coming to I realized that there were still two raging beasts in the hall trying to kill us...

NeroJB #34560 30/03/03 12:13 AM
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Feeling something knock into my back, I crouched down quickly, reaching my free hand up and grabbing and pulling whatever it was over my back. The momentum from whatever had pushed it made it really easy to throw it down on top of the dead mage. The beast was stunned for a second; but that was all. It quickly raised it's battle axe to block my sword as it descended straight toward its chest. My sword shattered from the impact, leaving me with just the hilt in my hands. I quickly jumped back and to the left, clearing a space for jvb to step forward to confront the beast.

I pulled my knife and prepared to stab one of the other two beasts in the back if I could reach them before they noticed me.

DQueene #34561 30/03/03 12:43 AM
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I was numb with fear. Part of me watched the battle with detached analytical fascination, but most of me just wanted to be somewhere else. I quickly backed up until my back was against the closed double doors, then floated upward until my head bumped the stone ceiling. From up here I could see that victory was only a matter of moments away.

My ears perked up when I heard a voice call from somewhere in the stony halls: "Help! Is anyone out there? I'm locked in a room! Help me! Someone?"

It was Lynn's voice.

-- BG
BeeGee #34562 30/03/03 12:00 PM
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“Please help me!… Help me out of here!… Anybody there?…”

Oh man, when will they come and free me? I’m so scared. Being locked up in this dark and smelly room was like one of my worst nightmares come true.

“Heeelp!!…” I really hope they can hear me. How much longer do I have to be here?

*sniff… sniff...*

A huge battle was going on in the other room. I could hear people screaming and yelling. I think it’s NeroJB and BeeGee. And… poor DQueene was in trouble as well. Oh god, I do hope nothing seriously happens to them. I can hear the fear in their voices. As much I would like to escape and help them… *sniff… sniff…*

What’s going on here? Where am I?…
Can they hear me?…

NeroJB… BeeGee… DQueene?… Are you guys there? Please give a sign!

*sniff… sniff...*

jvb #34563 30/03/03 12:03 PM
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"hehe, You must learn me how to do that" I said, smiling at nero.
But when I was just done talking, I saw that one of the monsters fell over dqueene, and started attacking her inmediatly afterwards.
I thought she could manage this on her own, but when she attacked it, her sword broke..
She jumped aside inmediatly, lookede back at me and I got the clue.
I leaped towards the monster, holding my sword firmly in both my hands above my head, and it started to grow again!!
While in the air, I noticed this enemy was bigger than the other we had slayed...Much bigger.
So i figured he would be stronger to.
He saw me coming towards him and held up his shield (he was the only 1 I had seen carrying a shield) trying to block the attack.
[color:"#666666"]CLANCK [/color] my sword hit the shield, leaving no damage.
"Thi-this cannot be." I thought after trying to hit him several times afterward.
"he is too strong..This will be the end for me..."
Having tears in my eyes of anger and a mix off all other feelings you can have, I gathered all of my strenght and put it in one last try for victory.
I lifted up my sword, and it started giving light..
Like I was in trance, I yelled something, I didn't even hear myself, In fact I couldn't hear and see anything anymore.
The only things in the universe at that moment were me, and him..All other things had vanished.
I saw him looking at my light emmitting sword and getting a sort of fear carrying look on his face.
This was my time to strike, and I let my sword come down with more than everything I got.
I didn't expect that it would help a bit, so I closed my eyes, preparing to die with honour.
But then I felt something fell on me, and when I opened up my eyes, I saw that his head lay before me.
I actually didn't feel any kind of happyness at the time..
I just wanted to sleep...
I saw dqueene ranning towards me.
"hehe, everyone is here again." I thought, and then everything faded and got black before my eyes...

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34564 30/03/03 03:54 PM
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I had learned by now that I am not much of a fighter, at least not in face-to-face combat. But I needed to help! I needed to save my friends!

What can a useless imp with only a dagger do? Against those horrible great beasts? "THINK!" I reprimanded myself. "There must be SOMETHING in your Bag of Tricks that could be useful!"

I mentally review the contents of my Bag of Tricks:
  1. gold book tied with purple ribbon -- not heavy enough to be used as a weapon, no time to read, ribbon too short and too weak to tie anything
  2. invisible book and pens -- yeah, right. That's just my imagination
  3. change of underwear -- definitely needed later, but not right now
  4. assorted nametags -- papercuts? not good enough
  5. 34 gold coins -- mine, mine, mine! Well, okay, I'd use them if I had to, but now's not the time to attempt a bribe
  6. 3 straws made from reeds -- spitwads? Nope, not good enough
  7. lock picks -- THAT'S IT! I'll find Lynn and free her!

I dropped to the floor, burst through the double doors and slammed them shut behind me to block out the sounds of the battle. "They'll do better without me underfoot." I half-heartedly reassured myself.

Then I listened for Lynn's voice ...

-- BG
jvb #34565 30/03/03 03:57 PM
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A lot had happened in just a few moments. jvb was attacking the beast who had fallen across my back and Nero was fighting both of the other beasts.

I crept up behind the closest beast to me, 'telling' Nero in my mind which one I would attack so that he could distract the one and fight the other. He must have 'heard' me because just as I prepared to leap on the back of the one closest to me Nero brought his sword down in a sweeping motion in front of its face. It immediately turned its broad back just enough for me to jump and cling to its shoulders. I brought my knife around in front of its throat and sliced a deep furrow from ear to ear. Blood gushed all over my hands and with a sudden shrug of its shoulders the beast flung me against the wall. My head hit with a resounding thud and I swear I saw a dozen stars floating in front of my eyes.

Just then, I felt something heavy fall into my lap. My first reaction was to raise my knife and plunge it into whatever had 'attacked' me which I did almost by instinct. I felt a bloody hand grasping my arm, heard a gurgling sound, and finally able to see I looked down just as the light dimmed in my enemies eyes.

As the world blurred and receded into an almost tunnel like vision, I glanced around the room. Nero had the last enemy well in hand. Viper was checking on jvb and I saw BG disappear through the double doors.

I looked back down at myself and felt like I was just waking up from a nightmare; but if it was a nightmare, it would all go away, right? My stomach rebelled as I saw I was literally covered in blood. As the nausea rose in my throat, I knew the little bit of chocolate I had eaten earlier wasn't going to stay where I'd put it. I turned to the wall and lost everything, as tears streamed down my face. My first real battle... hopefully my last.

DQueene #34566 30/03/03 04:10 PM
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She was calling out to us before. Now all I heard was "sniff, sniff ...", but it DID sound like lynn's nose. I followed my ears to her nose -- it wasn't far. I found the door and started working on the lock.

Her sniffing stopped.

The lock was too much for me, but I wasn't about to give up. I struggled with it, I coaxed it, I threatened it. I turned red in the face and beat on it with my fists until my knuckles were bloody -- something happened: I began to imagine how the lock mechnism looked from inside the lock.

"Aha!" I declared and started to work again with my lockpicks, twist this way, push a little that way then pull -- gently, gently -- click. "Almost there ..." Twist a little more, push-pull, lift ... wait, not that much ... back a little ... click. "Now, just a little more ..." CLICK!!

"Done!" I lifted the latch handle and it was free. I struggled with the iron bar bracing the door, and pushed the door inward with all my strength.

The seat of a wooden stool is about the same size as my face. I know this because Lynn introduced us. My nose will never be the same. Thankfully, I passed out from the impact, and slept through the initial shock and pain.

I dreamed of hiking across Europe in shorts, boots, and a pith helmet.
[Linked Image]

-- BG
jvb #34567 30/03/03 05:07 PM
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[color:"pink"]Ah, I feel great..
I dont feel the pain anymore. I thought when i opened my eyes, and found out I was flying trough the air.
With me were a couple of dragons, but that didn't scare me, in fact, I just felt comfortable.
Asking myself how I could be able to fly, I looked to my right and saw an enormous wing!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
It didn't take me long to discover I was a dragon.
"were are we?" I asked to one of the dragons, and he replied: [/color]
"JVB, are you alright? Wake up JVB.."
I opened my eyes a bit and saw someone bending over me..
It was viper.
"what happened?" I asked, "Just a second ago I was flying trough the air.."
"No you haven't, after defeating that monster, you fainted, you've been here all the time.."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34568 30/03/03 08:06 PM
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The last monster I almost felt bad for but he wanted to kill us and no matter how bad I felt I couldnt let that happen. Seconds later the beast was armless and therefore weaponless then he knew tetsusaiga...intimately. After that I strode over to DQueen who was having some issues with the carnage that had just taken place. I walked over and *bleeggghhhhhhhh* she threw up on the carcass on the ground in front of her..."nice moves in the fight...but I think I liked that one better." She glared at me, I dont think she thought I was funny..."want a mint" I asked trying to be as sensitive as I front of others anyway. Again she glared at me. Deciding talking wasnt the best idea I used my cloak to clean off her face and then she used it on her hands...helping her up I said "Lynn is just ahead I can smell her"

NeroJB #34569 30/03/03 08:15 PM
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phew, I was relieved to see jvb opening his eyes.

Viper #34570 30/03/03 08:49 PM
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With a nod and half a smile, I thanked Nero for his good intentions, even though his attempt at humor was not exactly what I needed at the moment. Then I said, "We should search the, er, bodies. Maybe we find more clues about this place."

Then I heard Nero say he could smell Lynn. "SMELL her??" I asked with a grimace, "What are you? Half bloodhound?"

I quickly frisked the corpses nearest me, while I asked jvb if he was feeling well enough to call the others up from the sewer stairs. "We need to stay together. I don't want to find Lynn just in time to lose another member of our group."

Nero and Luc were checking the other bodies and looking at their weapons.

The mage-monster had an interesting pouch on his belt, so I opened it and found: a key ring with several well-used keys, several gold coins, and a parchment with a group portrait -- OUR GROUP!! Our faces were clearly drawn on the sheet with some odd-looking words scrawled underneath and a skull-and-crossbones drawn at the bottom.

Clearly someone had put a bounty on our heads!

"Let's find Lynn and get the blankety-blank out of here!" I said to Nero.

DQueene #34571 30/03/03 08:51 PM
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O, I still have to find my bolts in this mess, I'm fresh out.
I'll start looking, pheh what a stench this one.

It's one of these days...
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Combing the bodies with DQueen i found a very nice set of throwing knives...I threw them into my pack. I kept combing the bodies and made my way to the mage...on the mage was a pack...I think we'll let Kiya and Hypatia take a look at this...with that I and DQueen headed down the hall to find BG and Lynn.

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