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BeeGee #34593 02/04/03 02:40 PM
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When Viper carried the wounded man to us, I had to grab Wolfy by the scruff of one of his necks to keep him from attacking to protect 'his' Kiya. I petted him on the back of his head and told him to 'guard' her and not attack. I quickly tied the visitors hands and motioned Hypatia over.

"Hypatia, do you think you can heal him?" She nodded and cast her spell quickly and efficiently on the man. I saw color reappearing in his cheeks and his eyelids started to flutter as he started waking up.

I placed my knee in a vulnerable part of his anatomy, being careful not to place too much weight on him yet. I pulled out my knife and placed it against his throat. I looked at Luc and said, "If he doesn't understand me will you ask him why he has that poster with our pictures on it? I don't want kill him, if I don't have to."

"Kiya, would you look in your mirror and see what it says about him?" She immediatel pulled out the mirror, peering at an assortment of dots.

She looked at me with a confused expression on her face and said, "The mirror is making him red and green. It's like it can't decide if he's our enemy or not!"

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"dont hurt him yet, dqueene. We still dont know if he's our enemy or not..
I don't think he is actually, something just tells me that he is OK" I said after looking into his eyes, not seeying any kind of evil.
"But we wont know for shure; just let him go, he cant hurt us because he's greatly outnumbered if he tries anything."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34595 02/04/03 04:04 PM
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With the finding of the man just at the bottom of the stairs the group stopped to help him....fearing we would be chased from behind I suggested to Kiya that we run back up the stairs and leave a little surprise for the castle guards who were sure to be looking for us by now...we walked to the top of the steps and opened the hatch very quietly. Looking above I could see one guard peering into the darkened room...I quickly pulled out one of my new throwing knives...hmmm first try...well if I miss Ill just jump up and cut him down...I aimed and *fwoosh* the knife flew and went strait into his I thought Im a natural. Not wanting to waste my knives I jumped up into the room grabbed it and jumped back down into the hatch with Kiya. Ok now Kiya light this place up...Kiya drew her rune in the air and I stood behind her(not wanting to be half baked) and watched as a good size fire started amongst the bags of grain...lets get out of here I suggested and I think she agreed...we ran to the bottom of the stairs where the mysterious man was still lying unconscious on the sewer floor. Picking him up I said...Kiya and I left the castle a little present it is time to leave now... [color:"yellow"] and we all ran down the sewers past our x's and out of the cave into the beautiful sunlight... [/color]

Last edited by NeroJB; 02/04/03 04:45 PM.
NeroJB #34596 02/04/03 04:43 PM
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When i finally woke up, i noticed a women with an knife on my throuth. She wanted to know how i got the picture of the group. I honestly didnt know what she was talking about. She got a little mad and showed me the picture.
After carefully looking at it, i said "I found that picture on one of the bandits i killed outside this castle"

She looked at me with confusing eyes, but she loosened up the grip on my body.
The next she asked: "Why did you attack BG?". "Who's BG, i asked". "The imp" she responded.

I was abit confused, i didnt remeber attacking anybody. Man what a headache i have. I wanted to take something out of my backpack but i noticed it was gone.

"Looking for something?" the woman asked. By that time i asked her name, i hate talking to people i dont know by name. "DQueen she said", "cool name" i anwsered, "Mine is Joliekiller, i'm a paladin". I wanted to show her my holy symbol, but it was missing.

"Oh one last thing thanks for healing me, whoever did it."

Last edited by joliekiller; 02/04/03 05:01 PM.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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"What were you doing in there Joliekiller? And why did you tried to attack us?"

Viper #34598 02/04/03 05:34 PM
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Well thats a long story Diva creature. It all began about 2 years ago, when my wife and kids were brutaly murdered by a group of imps. Eversinds that day i've tracking down every imp until i find the once who killed my family.

I found imp tracks need the enterance of the sewer and went down. A few step behind me where a couple of bounty hunters and they attacked me. Thats where i found the picture of your group and also noticed the imp on it. I tracked you down until i found you.

I head voice around the corner and looked and saw an imp. I wanted to attack but hesitated because my holy symbol wasnt glowing, witch it should when something evil is around, and waited and started thinking what it would mean.

From there i dont recall anything thill a woke up ....
wait theres one thing i remeber that my blood started to boil and everthing in my body went crazy.

Last edited by joliekiller; 02/04/03 05:40 PM.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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BeeGee Offline OP
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From nearby, I heard the armor-clad paladin's speech.

"So, he hates imps. That would mean me. <gulp>" I thought, "I'd better stay hidden until I can sort things out."

As I floated (invisible) high above the group, I could see the castle near a river less than three kilometers away. It looked peaceful and welcoming from this distance, but I knew better. Those Wanted Posters dispelled that illusion.

So I turned my nose into the wind and followed my instincts. Something deep inside told me that, if I followed my nose, I'd find my way to the realm of imps. I will make it my personal quest to find the imps who attacked the paladin's family and make them answer for it. ... Even if it was the last thing I ever did.

It wasn't long before I had put more than a dozen kilometers between me and the group, but I stayed invisible (just in case predators or bounty hunters spied me flying past). <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wave.gif" alt="" />

-- BG
BeeGee #34600 02/04/03 06:44 PM
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Backing up from the group as they questioned the newcomer, I watched everyone interacting with each other and felt that after my actions in the castle I needed time to think about how 'feral' I had become when fighting the guards. I looked at my friends and decided they were safer without me. I didn't think I would hurt them ... I knew I would never want to hurt them; but, I felt as if there was a different person inside me trying to get out. Until I discovered who or what I was, it was better to be on my own.

I stepped back silently into the trees and turned and walked away from the group, willing myself to be invisible to all of them. It seemed to have worked. I turned myself into the wind and started running using a fast, easy stride, and breathed my first real free breath since I had arrived in this world.

"Farewell my friends. I hope Lynn can help you find your way home; I've found my home - here." I smiled and continued on my way.

DQueene #34601 02/04/03 06:58 PM
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After my "speech" they untied me and let me go free. I offered to go with them. But they havent discided yet. I hope they do so soon enough, because time is running out and my amulet was starting to glow, witch meant that there was something evil around....

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
DQueene #34602 02/04/03 07:01 PM
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pfft, It's really getting on my nerves that I don't know the English language anymore, I'm alway just following the group not knowing what they are up to, the only one who understands me is ludicity, but I can't really expect him to be my personal tolk.

I pretty bored actually, I need something to do, A companion. I also strangly understand Wolfy, by only looking at him, I can see in his eyes what he wants, right now he's hungry, so i gave him some of the meat I took for him. He took it gently out of my hands, and only shredded it when I retracted my hands. nice doggy.

It's one of these days...
jvb #34603 02/04/03 07:06 PM
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"hehe, I knew he wasn't evil.
Hello there joliekiller, my name is Jvb; sorry we reacted strangely, but that sort of stuff happens when you attack one of our group... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> (sarcastic undertone)
Btw, where is BG?? I think he will be floating around invisible somewhere, but I dont feel him.."
Then I feeled some kind of shock..
"whe-where is dqueene??" I asked.
"I dont see her. Has she left us? But why?"
I wanted to go and look for her, but something told me that she didn't want me to; she wanted to be alone...
"NOOOO!!!" i thought.. " of everyone within this group i felt the closest connected to her.. and now she's gone.." <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/disagree.gif" alt="" />

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
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Seeing that the paladin that we came upon needed no translation:

We need to find somewhere we can go and sort things out. Here is not such a place.
If he is so inclined I thing that Dragh and I will and I shall go and find a good place to settle for the night and we can find out what is in our books and take inventory of ourselves before we press on.

"tula utue yamen' ten' esta" I asked Dragh

Silently I wondered what had happened to BG, I was hoping to teach him how to defend himself better.

Everyone else plug the hole to the underground passage and sit tight while we scout ahead.

And with that I jumped silently into the trees blade drawn...

jvb #34605 02/04/03 08:05 PM
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So i finally joint the group and together we continue the journey. Along the way i told them the complete story of the savage murder of my family.

About 1 ting we agreed, it is hard to believe that this is the work of imps, but the evidence shows other. Maybe there is someone else behind this..... Were they illusions? Where they brainwashed?? Was it something else??? Who knows?

And then there was still the mystery of the attack. The weirdest thing is cant even seem to remeber anything of it. What the hell is going on?? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" />

And were are BG and DQueen? I would like to appolagize to BG, i didnt know what i was doing. Sorry, 1000times sorry BG. I hope you can hear me...

And again i thanked Hypatia for healing me. I hope we'll become good friends <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" /> i kind of liked the girl, dont know why yet <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" />

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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I took off with Lucidity, as he suggested. I noticed wolfy wanted to go with us but I told him to stay wit the others protect them, we went back into the woods where I felt very releaved and safe. I spotted an open place surrounded by low leaved trees and bushes, where we could start a fire, without the light and sent spreading to much and informing unwanted guest of our precence. I said "Tanya maa ve quel yaman a' estolad" and nodded to my right.

It's one of these days...
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"Weera" I agreed with him and we took off to gather the others up. The magnificigant thing about traveling with Dragh and I am sure he feels the same way is that I can't see or hear him because of his skill. Despite this I know he is there and that makes it even easier to travel.

LuCiDiTy #34608 02/04/03 11:29 PM
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It seemed our little group was falling apart two had gone where we dont know. While we were sitting next to what was the entrance to the cave waiting for Luc and Dragh to return I heard something in the bushes....hmmm Kiya where is that mirror of yours...? We need to see if anyone is around...Jolie do you think you can fight right now...jvb you ok as well...we may be in for a treat soon.

NeroJB #34609 03/04/03 07:04 AM
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I felt abandoned and alone. DQueene was gone which left a gap in my heart. Some others were gone as well, but that didn't hurt as much.

I decided to get some sleep and to think what we could do next. Is this quest breaking, is this the end, are we going to stay here, trying to build up a life for ourselves..??

Viper #34610 03/04/03 08:48 AM
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Nero mentioned that he heard smething in the bushes. I checked my symbol and it glow red as never before.... Something really evil was out there.

"Nero, its something really evil, watch out ok? And btw a'm fully recovered and ready to fight the sucker!" i yelled. Everbody who was waiting there prepeared for a battle...

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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jvb Offline
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"what? another enemy?!
The last thing I need now is another fight..
I have got all my strenght back but..without dqueene and BG; it just isn't the same.." I said to myself, while grabbing my sword and shield.
"What if it has hurt BG or dqueene? I couldn't forgive myself.." I thought when I felt the adrenaline rushing trough my veins. Whatever it was, I was determind to kill this creature.
the odds were against him, or so I thought...

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34612 03/04/03 04:24 PM
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Me, JVB, Nero and the others who were around readied orselfs for the upcoming battle.

At that moment we felt the earth shaking and shivering. "What the hell is that?" Hypatia asked. "I dont know." i anwsered "but it is definetly something big!"

At that moment we heard a big bang and Hypatia flew through the air and landed abrubtly against a tree. She wasnt moving... Kyia immidiatly went looking to see if she was still alive. I wanted to follow her but my attention was drawn to something else...

The creature was now within our site... It was a huge ogre looking thing with one big eye on the face. It was carrieing a big club, with witch he had hit Hypatia.

Me, JVB and Nero immidiatly attacked the creature. But no matter how hard or how mutch we hit it, it didnt feel a thing. What kind of creature is this???? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" />

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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