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LuCiDiTy #34633 06/04/03 09:04 PM
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After Kiya healed and woke me up, because of the water. BTW thanks Kiya i really needed it i was getting really hot in there <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />

I tried to get up but my legs still diddnt want to do anything so i stayed down.
What the hell was that?? Was i dreaming or not? If i was dreaming then how did i get hurt so badly??? I stayed down and fell asleep again.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
LuCiDiTy #34634 06/04/03 09:28 PM
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sensing the pain in Jolie's mind I rummaged through my pack and thumbed through my book of potions...looking for the right page I finally found it..."hmmm looks like its the orange one..." rummaging through my pack some more I found an orange vial and said "Jolie this may help you sleep better...."

NeroJB #34635 06/04/03 10:19 PM
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"Oh, wonderful, Nero... what if you changed him into Sleeping Beau? Do you believe the Seven Dwarves will come, build Jolie a pretty glass coffin and the valiant princess comes riding on a horse to wake him with a kiss?" I shook my head - another one for the trial-and-error-method, sigh.

kiya #34636 07/04/03 12:09 AM
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just taking your lead kiya....

NeroJB #34637 07/04/03 10:41 AM
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thx for the potion Nero, i hope that i can get some desent sleep now. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/sleepey.gif" alt="" />

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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"Wake me up when we're leaving ok, I'm gonna try to catch some sleep"

I lay myself down and immediately fell asleep... in a deep sleep

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jvb Offline
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After seeing luc meditating, I wanted to try it myself.
I walked away from the group, and went to a small mountain nearby.
I climbed up the mountain, in order to assure myself that I was really alone, and got the silence I needed.
When I closed my eyes, I inmediatly had the feeling that everything around me dissapeared again, like I wasn't on the ground anymore..
I decided not to open my eyes to see what was going on, but instead I was going to wait where this would lead to.
Then, I started to see things, vague at first, but becoming clearer with every second.
Now I could recognize it, I saw BG!!
He was sneaking towards some sort of a castle..
"I wonder what he's going to do in there," I thought, "plz come back BG."
And after that I saw dqueene, walking trough a forest, looking happy.
"Thank god she is doing fine." I thought.
Then I realized I needed to go on a personal "trip" too.
I wanted to find true peace in my heart, cause I always had the feeling it wanted to tell me something.
Then I decided to write a message on the ground near our camp, which they would shurely find when they would go looking for me the following morning.

"I wont be gone long.. I promise.." I said to myself.

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34640 09/04/03 11:51 PM
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After following my nose for several days and nights, I finally found the Imp Realm. It was empty, but there was a note on the door that said:

[color:"yellow"]Out of business. Please direct all inquiries to the firm of LLR&J-S, Ltd. Inc.[/color]

I knocked on the door anyway, hoping that perhaps a caretaker had been appointed. I wasn't disappointed, for the appointed appointee peeked through the shutters and pointed to the aforementioned note on the door.

I waved and grinned. When the appointee recognized that I was (and still am) an imp, he opened the door and gave me a querilous look.

I shrugged my shoulders and asked, "May I come in?"

He opened the door and stepped back to let me in, following my every move closely with his eyes. The door was quickly closed and locked behind me before he deigned to speak: "Yer pardon, sirrah, but I was operatin' under the distinct impression that all imps had left this planet some fifty-seven years ago. Are ye back, then?"

"I've only just arrived this fortnight" I assured him, "and as far as I know, I am the only imp on this planet, if your information is current and correct. If not, then I am on a quest to find the imp or imps responsible for the deaths of a wife and children of a man I recently met."

"You're the only imp on the radar," he said, as he showed me a radar scope. The four-dimensional rotating light beam showed a holographic image of the entire planet, and only a single blip lit up on each sweep: Me.

"I'll take my leave of you now, good sir. I have completed my quest, although not precisely as I would have anticipated. Nonetheless, I thank you for the information and bid you good day." I exitted the door I had entered through, and turned my nose in the direction of the Double Ravens Castle.

My return to the castle was much quicker than my exodus had been, due to a tailwind. When the castle came into view, I descended to the ground and began my stealthy approach. As I sneaked up to the castle gates, I remembered thinking that someone was watching me.

"But, that's impossible," I thought, "because I am [color:"orange"]poof[/color]-ed."

-- BG
BeeGee #34641 10/04/03 05:56 PM
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I had seen a lot of the beutifull trees and flowers in this world by now, and they were all beutifull.
"I wonder that if there had not been any humans on earth, that maybe our earth would have looked just as beautifull." I caught myself thinking.
I went to lay down in the tall grass nearby, I felt great!!
But then I heard noises..Sniffing..
I raised my head just a little and saw 2 boars, they were big and looked strong.
It looked like they were talking to eachother, and after listening a while I sort of began to understand them.

They said something like:
"We gotta hurry, they will kill us if we dont find food soon."
"Nah, calm yourself.. We will find something to eat."
"But what if we dont?"
"we will!" (the one boar looked angry at the other)
"But what do I smell there, do you smell it as well?"
"smell what?"
"I dont know, but its coming from that way; c'mon lets go over there.."
"allright then, you take the lead."
I saw one boar coming towards me and I knew I had to go, but I was to late.. They had seen me.

"there is something over there, lets kill it and take it home!!" One of the 2, clearly the higher in rank, said.
I stood up, thinking that a boar couldn't be to much of a challenge against a human..
I couldn't have been more wrong, they were incredibly strong and they used the advantage that they had me outnumbered; 2 VS 1 is never fair..
I tried to hit one of them with my sword but he inmediatly backed away, and at the same time the other one jumped against my back, tackling me.
I stood up as fast as i could, waving my sword around me as I did this, but I saw no boars..
"This grass is too tall, I have to get out of here" I thought and started running back towards the road.
Just when I was almost there one of the boars blocked my way, almost causing me to trip over him.. But i jumped right on time.. I jumpep over the boar, with quite a big space between us.
"Never knew I couls jump this high." I thought, while I was starting to land.
When I was back on the road I thought: "Well, lets get this over with."
One of the boars was behind me again but this time I was prepared: I used my shield to block his attack and with my other hand I thrustet my sword in the boars head.
He was as dead as one could be..
I knew I had gotten the leader because the other boar ran away in fear.
"phew, that was close," I thought, "It really makes a big difference when your friends arent there to help you..."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34642 10/04/03 10:19 PM
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My fears probably weren't justified, after all I hadn't tried to hurt any of my friends... Only people who had been attacking us. But Gods, I had enjoyed it for a moment and that was quite possibly a moment too long. I needed to know that I could control that part of myself completely - I couldn't live with myself if I hurt a friend.

I had been walking for hours and hadn't come across anyone else. A little over an hour ago I had come into a dense wood with many ancient trees, many of them so big around that it would have taken all of my companions and me holding hands to reach completely around them. It was beautiful and serene and I felt the music of the trees soothing whatever beast raged within me. As I walked slowly through the trees, I found a small footpath that had obviously been traveled many times before by many creatures. I knelt down and peered at the path - obviously some prints were human while others were, well, Not human.

I walked cautiously down the path until I saw a really huge tree with two other paths (besides the one I was on) leading away from it. The tree was garlanded with flowers and birds were nesting and singing in many of the brances. Much to my amusement (and amazement), I saw a big sign in front of what was obviously a door leading into the tree that said - [color:"green"]Metheeka's House [/color] and then hanging down from that sign was another one that said [color:"orange"]At Home - Welcome [/color].

I walked up and knocked on the door and it was opened by the funniest looking creature I had ever seen. She was, well she was ... a troll! She was shaped like a barrel with arms and legs like toothpicks, she had a Huge Nose with a big dent in the middle. She wore a dress that looked like a Hawaiian muumuu with huge purple flowers on it, and don't tell her ..., but her slip was showing and to top it all off she had on big pink fuzzy slippers. And I won't describe all the ... uh ... body hair...

She smiled (and oh my was it a sight!) and said, "Welcome! I've been expecting you! Where's all yer friends? Don't tell me they're lost already!"

DQueene #34643 11/04/03 12:48 AM
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I waked up from my nap and saw it was still evening, so I decided to sleep some more.

It's one of these days...
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jvb Offline
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After this battle I decided to hide somewhere and after i had done that i meditated again.
I felt so calm, and the experience feeling rushed trough my veins.
I was getting used to this feeling, I felt very strong as long as I felt it; almost invincible.
But there was my weak point, I knew it..
I couldn't let myself become overconfident about myself.. It would get me killed.
"So calm yourself jvb" I thought, "clear your mind."
"there must be many strong creatures on this planet and they will be able to defeat me if I ain't carefull enough."

"thats not enough." I opened my eyes to see who could have said that.. It shure wasn't me.
Before me stood an old man, he looked really much like the wizards in the stories I just to read back on earth.
"Wh- who are you mister?" I asked.
"Who I am is not important right now, and where I came from would be impossible for you to understand.."
"why isn't there time??"
"because a lot of people are hunting you and your friends, and if you guys don't be carefull you will be caught."
"You mean I must return to them?"
"No, not yet.. You need to be able to help them when its time.. And until that time comes, you must train."
"train?" I asked
"Yes, train. But dont be affraid; I'll help you."
"excuse me sir, but ehm, you see, ehm, you are kinda.."
"old?" He said laughing.
"well, errrr..yes.."
"Not everything is as it seems my young friend.. I still know a few tricks of my own."

I was very curious about how he could help me, and so I decided to let him help me train.
"We will first improve your reflexes." He said.
"but how do you want to do that?" I was nearly done talking or 3 objects came flying towards me with high speed.. He had thrown them when I wasn't paying attention.
The first to missed me but the 3rd one was a hit.
"AUCH, that hurt!!" laying down on the ground
"A true warrior doesn't feel pain! C'mon stand up and we'll continue."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34645 11/04/03 02:18 PM
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Standing watch in the trees above our campsite I felt like we were actually safe for the first time since we had begun our little adventure. Lynn was rescued and now we had a bounty on our head...what were we going to do next? I looked down into the campsite and saw my companions resting peacefully...I saw Lynn and Kiya nestled next to the fire under a blanket that had seen better days. I sat in the trees and continued staring at Kiya....theyre was something different about her...she confused me...I couldnt figure her out...I was intrigued...she could be so violent and vindictive and in the next moment soft and reserved...I pulled some dried venison out of my bag and began munching on it....the night stayed quiet and all slept well.

NeroJB #34646 11/04/03 06:42 PM
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As I crept toward the south-facing gatehouse of the Double Raven Castle, I spied at least six orcs on the parapets and another four or five milling about behind the portcullis. "This won't be easy" I thought, "but I'm fairly certain that the group must have been captured in the sewers and imprisoned in the dungeon, just like Lynn was. I am their only hope!"

I floated over the castle wall, fully expecting one of the crossbow archers to shoot me. I felt very exposed, even though I had been practicing my indetectability skill (poofing).and knew how well it works. As I floated toward the manor house, I noticed a huge tower standing behind it nearly twice as tall as the house. I also noticed that the stables were full of horses (on my left) and the forge in the blacksmith's building (on my right) had its bellows working full blast.

Some of the sparks from the forge drifted a little too close to me. When I dodged them, I ran into the wall of the manor house near a third floor window. Since the window was open, I decided to go inside. It must have been a princess's room once, judging by the frufru, pastels, and floral motif; but, the current residents seem to be using it as a weapons storage room. I immediately barred the door and began scrounging around for anything that might be useful. Before long, I had located two dozen flasks marked "Sleeping Gas" and another five marked "Petrification". I also cocked and loaded a couple dozen crossbows.

It took several minutes, but I was able to place a dozen sleeping gas flasks in strategic locations around the bailey -- hidden from sight, but an easy target from the princess's armory window. Then I quickly scouted the castle grounds, finding all of the doors, stairs, and guardposts. There were two gatehouses and baileys: one for the manor house, one for the huge tower. Both were inhabited by scores of orcs, a few goblins and hobgoblins, and a dozen or more barbarian men. I quickly placed a few more sleeping gas flasks around the tower's bailey and gatehouses.

Then I waited and listened.

-- BG
BeeGee #34647 13/04/03 12:17 PM
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I stood up..
I would show this would be wiseguy where I was really capable of.
I felt the adrenaline rushing trough my veins.
"This is is," i thought, "The final test, and I WILL succeed!!"
Other stones came flying towards me, 2 this time, and I was able to dodge them.
"Is that all you got?" I said sarcasticly.
"You want more then?"
"Why not, hit me <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" /> "
As I was done speaking, the old guys hands were full with stones again and he prepared himself to throw them.
They came flying towards me, I dodged 1,2,3 but I didn't see the next one coming soon enough, I was still dodging the 3rd one.
Out of total reflex I raised me left arm and punched towards where the stone was, I hit it and the stone flew a bit back.
My hand didn't even hurt much.
"Very well JVB." He said.
"But how do you know my name?"
"I know a lot of things.. Lets move on."

I spent the next couple of hours evading stones and I even was getting quite good at it.
"lets rest now, follow me to my house plz."
I knew by now that I could trust this guy, and so I followed him untill we reached a tree, a very large one actually, and when he ticked on it, there came a hole inside.
"Enter please." he said.
"But its very dark in there."
Believe me, you will be able to see very well."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34648 13/04/03 06:03 PM
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It took several hours for the sun to set. During that time, watching and listening to the goings-on from the princess's armory-bedroom window, I learned the rhythms of Double Raven Castle. I had watched two changings of the guards, identified several key individuals, heard certain names mentioned (with respect, fear, or disdain), and learned a bit more about the wanted posters with our faces on them.

Someone named [color:"yellow"]Aloicious Veneficus[/color] had issued the wanted posters and placed a bounty on our heads, dead or alive. Judging from the conversations between the guards, the bounties were large enough to make them highly motivated to find us. I wondered why Veneficus wanted to find us, and why it didn't matter to him (or her (or it) ) if we were alive when we were found.

But I heard nothing about any new prisoners, and the only mention about our group was that the one they had caught (Lynn) had escaped into the sewers leaving a burned trail of bodies behind her. Lynn was being described as a powerful sorceress with godlike powers, who had let herself be captured just so she could spy on the castle. I also learned that the the stairway and tunnels to the sewers were collapsed, and Veneficus had placed a magical seal on the dungeon-end of that blockage.

I remembered several of our group talking about being able to communicate with each other using their minds, so I decided to try to contact them. I assumed a full lotus position, floated upside-down several meters above the floor, recited the "Oh, Mommy! Pot may." mantra, and crossed my eyes for good measure. The good news is that I didn't get a headache; the bad news is that I could only get New Wave music radio stations and something that sounded like high-speed Morse Code.

I decided that I'd just have to find them the old fashioned way:
using a crystal ball and a scrying spell.

"Too bad I don't know any scrying spells." I moaned.


Suddenly, I woke up ... in my own bed ... in my own human body ... in good old U. S. of A. "Man! What a dream! I'd better write this stuff down before I forget it all. Nobody's gonna believe it!" [/color]

Last edited by BeeGee; 13/04/03 11:14 PM.

-- BG
BeeGee #34649 16/05/03 01:52 AM
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I smiled at the ... uh ... lady troll and said, "Is your name Metheeka?"

I pointed at her sign and she looked at me and said, "Don't be stupid dearie. Why else would I have a sign that say's [color:"green"] Metheeka's House [/color] on it in front of my house if I weren't Metheeka?" She wiggled her eyebrows and scrunched her nose (ever seen a nose that was really really long, scrunch? - <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />)

She turned around and motioned me into her house, shooing me into what appeared to be her parlour. "Have a seat dearie, while I fetch some tea."

She scurried out of the room, leaving me to see what was in a truly unique room. There were seven mirrors lined up on one wall, four of them were covered with a sheet, but the other three .. weren't. I saw something flicker in one of them and thought it must be me so I walked over to look. I couldn't believe my eyes, I saw my former companions. jvb was practicing fighting and training with what 'looked' like an old man (he had a very odd shimmer around him - just like an aura all around his body), another one showed most of the others in a group sleeping on the ground and in the trees - some watching over the others, ensuring their safety. BeeGee's was the strangest of all! His showed him sound asleep floating in the air (I know that's not strange for BeeGee <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />). What was strange was I could see what was obviously his dream! In his dream he was waking up in a really strange world! It looked like the one I remembered from my dreams, too.

I reached out to touch the little BeeGee with my fingertip ... Just then Metheeka walked in and said, "Don't be touchin that yet dearie! You might be goin somewhere that yer not wantin to right away."

jvb #34650 16/05/03 12:51 PM
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he was right..
i could see well enough to find my way in there.
But at the moment i stepped inside, the door closed behind me while the misterious guy was still outside.
"Hey let me out of here!!! c'mon this isn't funny!"
I heard footsteps behind me.
"who is there?? hellow?? anyone there? "
i decided to go further down and check it out.
there were 2 ways, both leading in different directions, i decided to take the left one.
when i went further into it, it became darker and darker, so i wasn't able to see all to well anymore.
suddenly i heard something before me, whatever it was, it came towards me with great speed.
when i looked closer i saw 2 eyes in the dark, coming towards me.
I was too slow, the beast jumped against me, knocking me down, and jumped off me right away.
The only thing i could see were his eyes.. they looked angry.
in what mess have i gotten myself this time.. i thought

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34651 16/05/03 06:52 PM
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It was a dark night, the moon was barely visible. I tried to figure out where I was but so many other things clouded my mind. How did I get here? Who was I? More importantly, what was I? I have a vauge memory of having longer legs. I was never this portly either. My beard itched.... did I always have a beard?
Enough! These thoughts were distracting me. I could hear Orcs in the distance. Just when I thought I'd lost them! I felt silly hiding from them, I'm not sure why.... With the weapons I had I could probably blow them back to whatever hell they were from.
I'd found the old flintlock pistol just 2 days ago. One of the first things I remember to be honest. It was rusted to hell sure, but easy to clean up. I seemed to have a knack for it. Anyway, some sulfur, charcoal and salpeter , which seemed remarkably easy to find helped to get me a mean weapon. I had spent a whole day filing down ammunition so that it flew well. Lead balls mostly, easy to extract from the rocks here.
I killed a rabbit with a single shot yesterday. I was ravenously hungry, just been living on berries and stuff. Anyway, this was the start of my troubles.... The Orcs heard the shot and were also tracking the same rabbit. I was still reloading my pistol when the first one was on me! He was big, but stupid, slow and clumsy. By the time he'd waved his axe in an overhead swing and finished belowing out a warcry I'd reloaded and shot him through the head. I swear it took a full minute for him to realise he was dead. Anyway I grabbed his axe a ran. There must've been at least ten of them.
Anyway, the bastards are still following me now. I keep running circles around them but they keep re-discovering my scent somehow. I swear I've heard wolves in their camp at night.
I wonder if I could fight them? Should I try? Is there anybody else out there?
Damn I wish I could remember something....

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34652 16/05/03 10:51 PM
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After a while i started dreaming again. There he was again: the evil me. He glared at me with his fury red eyes and then charged in at me. I was frozen of fear.

He swong his sword right at me. I closed my eyes as the sword came in for the final blow. Suddenly i heared a scream. My evil me was flying trough the air after as shock. "What the hell??!!" i said. Then i noticed a glowing "shield" around me. Where did that came from??? Was it because of Nero's potion? Was i because i know relised i wasnt alone on this journey and that i had friend who would help me trough the hard times?

One thing was for sure: my evil me vanished. Did i beat him? Or did hi dissapear to come back again later?? That was an question that remained unanswered.

After that i slept the whole night through. And i also felt a little different.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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