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BeeGee Offline OP
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[color:"orange"]Where did that third moon come from? I remember only seeing two of them in the sky ever since we came to this world ... from another world with only one moon. "So," I thought, "traveling from world to world is as easy as one, two, three!"

The clouds surrounded me, caressed me, and comforted me. I have never felt this much at peace and this much alone without feeling lonely. I feel wonderful!

I don't think I'll ever leave this place ... [/color]

-- BG
BeeGee #34654 17/05/03 02:19 AM
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I looked at Metheeka with a startled expression on my face. "You mean I can travel through your mirrors anywhere I want to go?"

She chuckled, "Don't be greedy now. You can only go where your heart desires. Just remember you must choose wisely when you do go, if that's the road you travel."

"Now, I have to tell you why your here." I must have looked really confused, because then she laughed and said, "Ah ha! So you've already forgotten yer not from around here, hmmm?"

"Well, you and yer companions aren't from anywhere close to here at all. Now, I have to be tellin you that you haven't met all of yer future companions yet." She glanced at me, "Do you remember anythin about your past? Anythin at all?"

I just shook my head, and she continued. "Ye were sent here by tha King of Larian. He has these quests ye must complete or else the life here is going to get really really bad. People will die sure enough if you and yer companions can't help us."

She picked up a scroll and handed it to me. It was sealed with a red wax imprinted with a unique picture - it was a winged dragon blasting fire. When I started to open it she immediately grabbed my hand.

"Not yet, dearie. Ye have to choose which companions yer goin to meet up with. When yer back with them is soon enough to open the King's request."

She reached into a pocket of her volumous apron and pulled out a mirror. She laughed when she saw my face, "Yer already tired of the mirrors, huh? Well, that's how ye see things and get to things here. When ye have accomplished yer quest ye can return here for yer others!"

This was really starting to be too much! I scowled at her and said through clenched teeth "Others? One's enough, don't you think?"

She just laughed and started pushing me toward the mirrors and said "Pick yer companions now, dearie. Time's a wastin!"

DQueene #34655 17/05/03 06:02 AM
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I felt uncomfortable and woke up again - Lynn had turned around and taken 3/4 of our blanket, hrmph. I thought about for a while and then decided to leave it to her - poor thing, she needed her sleep to get over the kidnapping... Something else was disturbing.... I felt observed.... Looking around carefully and secretly I noticed Nero's glance and couldn't make out what his look was about, then my eyes fell upon Wolfy, my faithful and hairy companion. Pretending to be half-asleep I rolled over and buried my head in one of his furry necks, flinging my left arm over his body, he grunted.

"Wolfy, we should be cautious - Nero is probably still angry about his trousers," I whispered. "But don't worry, I'll take care he won't harm you. Gah.... you should do something about your scent - you know what? I'm going to look for lavender tomorrow. Back to sleep for the both of us..."

Wolfy grunted again, opened one of his four large yellow slitted eyes and glared at me.

"Hey, it was just a joke, what about rose petals?" I murmured, holding him firmly and trying to keep back a chuckle. "What's wrong about being a nice, handsome good-smelling werwolf? With a pink bow around your neck? I'll even let you choose which one."

Wolfy struggled.

"No, Wolfy! I'm cold... Don't move away, keep quiet and get back to sleep, there's a good one..."

Wolfy sighed heavily and his body relaxed again - I smiled and fell back into my dreams, feeling warm, protected and comfy again.

jvb #34656 17/05/03 11:41 AM
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"NO, I have been training and fighting the whole day and I dont want to fight anymore!! LEAVE!! "
as expected the beast didn't listen.
"please, i'm to tired to pull up a good fight... but if you come back lat-"
i wasn't able to finish my sentece when it came jumping at me with another feragious attack.
It hurt like hell, i must have flown backwards a couple of meters, before smashing against a wall with my head.
"Damn you, stupid whatever you are!" I said becoming angrier and angrier.
"If you really want to fight i'll give you a fight, but it will be your last!!" I yelled, while adding in my mind : "i hope".
It didn't take any notice at all of my words, and just attacked again, but this time I was prepared:
I grabbed my shield and blocked his attack.
He didn't like that, lets see if he likes my next move, i thought while grabbing my sword.
He saw it, the look in his eyes changed.
But he didn't looked scared at all...
I was able to see him better now, well better is a harsh word; i was able to see his shape.
The strange this was that it was changing, growing fast, and then suddenly it stood up, and i saw it had a sword in his hands too. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
I do hope this is a bad nightmare..
I knew i shouldn't have trusted that strange guy.

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34657 17/05/03 04:54 PM
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When I turned and looked at the mirrors again, I saw that my choice had been made for me. Everyone accept jvb was sleeping. jvb, on the other hand, was battling aomething that appeared to shift its shape to accomodate the fighting stlye of its opponent. Well, we'd just have to see how it handled fighting two enemies!

I readied my axe and then reached and touched the mirror with my other hand. The world was suddenly swirling around me, it felt like I was in the center of a tornado! And then I was there, standing behind jvb, crouching down in a battle stance - ready to fight.

"jvb, it's DQueene. I'm here to help if you want me too."

DQueene #34658 17/05/03 10:56 PM
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[color:"yellow"]Sitting in the trees above the camp looking down at what remained of our group I closed my eyes and listened intently for any troubles that might be in the forest around us. I had gotten used to not sleeping...being a half deamon I could never really sleep I could meditate for 10 minutes and be fully refreshed. I opened my eyes and looked down at the few remaining mebers and my eyes were drawn to a large pile of fur I knew was wolfy....damn thing...still need new pants...Then I saw the light flicker and catch the side of Kiya's face...something about her frustrated me...I didnt know what it was...frustating and at the same time calming...I decided I would go for a walk and find a nice spot to practice my skills. I needed to clear my mind and cutting things was a good way to do that...I found a clearing with smaller trees (3-6 ft tall) scattered about. I drew tetsusaiga and knelt down to clear my mind. I had learned to control the swirling choas of being able to enter peoples minds but only to a point. I found that I could not get that girl out of my mind...humans can do that to you. I focused harder and harder but was not having any luck it wouldnt go away. With my eyes still closed I swung my sword purely out of frustration...a deafening noise made me open my eyes and in front of me was a line in the earth and path through the trees that had not been there before. The sword was pulsating in my hand...i think its time we put you away...with that I lept into the air and hopped from tree to tree until I reached the camp....It didnt look like anyone had awoken...but i wasnt sure...I again took up my post in the trees trying to figure out what had happened how had I destroyed a large section of forest without even trying...maybe I woudl fight with only my claws when my friends were had that happend...what caused eyes drifted down into the camp and stopped at the girl...was it because of her...a human...? [/color]

NeroJB #34659 18/05/03 07:31 AM
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<THUMP> - "OUCH", I rubbed my head and glared at Wolfy. He stood next to me and stared at something, fur bristled, stiff-legged, deep soft growls came out of his throat.

"What's the matter, boy?" Following the direction of his head I saw that he stared at a tree - hm, the tree where Nero crouched. "Did he try something on you?"
One of his heads turned to me, the other was still fixed on Nero.
"OK, I'll have a word with him, don't worry," patting his head and dodging Wolfy's large tongue, I jumped up - only to find myself on the ground again. "Damn blood pressure..."

I stood up again and walked up to the tree calling softly so not to wake the others:

"Hey, Nero, come down - I want a word with you... no need in waking up the others. Let's walk a few steps away from the camp."
Wolfy was right behind me, I pushed him gently away and pointed to the camp fire.

"Nope, you're not invited... be a good boy and take care of the others. Let them sleep, ok? So, keep your tongue and jaws to yourself. Just take care, no one is going to harm them."

Wolfy grunted and resisted my push.

"No, look, this is very easy: Me - master... you - servant, ok? You take care of the others, I will go with Ne..."
"Bah, Wolfy, alright, you - comrade, you - protect others, I protect you. Now run along and do what I want.."

Trying to keep my dignity with his saliva all over my face I watched Wolfy trot over to the fire and sit down.

"Now for you Nero, come down, please, I'm going over to that little cove. I want to know what's going on."

I turned around and started walking over to the place I had pointed to, dragging my satchel after me... one never knows when it might come handy, wiping Wolfy's opinion of our relationship off my face.

Then I dropped dead in my steps: What a vast destruction! An open strip lay before me, as if a large bulldozer had moved its way through the wood Bulldozer? What's a bulldozer? I thought, scratching my head - I shrugged my shoulders, probably some giant race, not important.
I turned around, arms crossed, foot tapping the ground impatiently and waiting for Mr-Jump-On-Trees to join me.

Last edited by kiya; 18/05/03 07:38 AM.
kiya #34660 18/05/03 04:21 PM
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I woke up, again. I looked around me and noticed it was abit misty. I shivered because of the cold. So i decided to move towards the fire.

I tried to get up, but it was really hard. That "battle" with my eveil me exausted me. I strumbeled towards the fire were Lynn was sleeping next to the twoheaded beast. The "beast" gleared at me as if he was going to attack me. "Oh no", i thought "i cant handle another fight right now!"

Then everything around me started to spinn and became dark before my eyes. I fell down on the ground.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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A howl startled me, I took my heels and ran back to the camp. Wolfy was hovering over Jolie's body, one head bent over him and the other high up in the air, calling for me.

"Good boy, what on Earth happened?" I ran over and examined the paladin's body - he was breathing fast and shallow as if under shock, his face was pale and had an unhealthy greenish shade.
Pushing Wolfy away, I started to slap Jolie's face gently.

"Hey, wake up, everything's ok..." No response. I started to think feverishly. "Wolfy, come over here, let's see what licking will do... Ah, no, on second thought... I ran over to the brook, dabbed my cloak in it and then squeezed it firmly over Jolie's face and chest. Yeah, he was dripping wet but still not conscious.

"This is my last chance..." I dug into my satchel and found a small flask with an oily looking green fluid. I opened it: Whew! What a scent! Holding my breath I poured a few drops on my palm and held it in front of Jolie's nose.
"This should wake him up, even if he's paying a short visit to Hades," I muttered, still holding my breath and probably turning red in the face.
Hah! it worked! Jolie stirred, moved and then started to cough, hitting my palm away.

"Heyo, are you with us again? Just wait a sec, got to get rid of that smell, then you can tell me what happened."

I jumped up ran to the brook again and washed my hand. Yuck, this smell will stay for ages! Ah well, good to hold off insects... I returned to Jolie, crouched on the ground and looked at his face closely:
"This green shade becomes you - did you learn something new? Changing into a chameleon for instance? Look, what you've done, scared the wits out of poor little Wolfy..."

kiya #34662 18/05/03 04:50 PM
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"What?" i said to kiya. "Am i green?!!?" I was still a bit dissy. "Hé Kiya what was that stuff you had on your hand? Pffeew what a smell!"

"The only thing i remeber is fighting with my evil me. A shield protected me. i dont even know were it came from."

"Now that i think of it, the green color on my face, could it be a side effect from Neros potion?"

I tried to get myself up a bit and looked around. The first thing i saw was that beast again, very close this time. "Keep that thing away from me!" i yelled. "Man what a headeache i have. probably from the fall. Any idea what time it is Kiya?"

I wished i could sleep well for a few hours so that i could recover a bit. But no always something that keeps me from my sleep <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" />.

Last edited by joliekiller; 18/05/03 04:58 PM.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
Joined: Mar 2003
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I glanced at jvb, noticing how tired he looked. All of his training today had obviously made him too tired to be able to respond.

"Oh well, I'm not going to stand here and let him get gutted," I muttered to myself. I let fly with an arrow that I hadn't even realized I had put in my bow. It struck the creature in the upper thigh and it screamed a high pitched shrill noise that made me instinctively cover my right ear to filter out some of the noise. Then it started to growl, a low rumble that slowly reached a full throated roar. It seemed that roaring must have been its way of warning us, because just then it rushed at jvb with it sword raised above its head, preparing for a downward strike that would surely kill jvb if he succeeded.

(Note to self - full throated rumbly roar = charging monster)

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"Yes, quite a pretty shade of green, maybe a sort of camouflage in the woods? As long as your armour stays a shiny silver it will suit you well. Oh, errrhm, ever thought about drying yourself? I don't know why, but you're a bit wet and if your armour gets rusty.... Even the green camouflage won't hide you from enemies if you creakcreakcreak into their direction.." I stifled my laugh and looked at him closely and then used R&P on my palms so the smell ceased at once.

"Headache, hm? let me see what I can do. Hey, stop moving, keep quiet, Jolie," I put my palms on his temples and gently tried to massage them, moving over to the back of his neck after some time. "Relax, comrade, your muscles are as tight as a stone."

Ah, I had found the right spot! A quick severe jolt with my thumb and I felt the imprisoned nerve jumping back into its position.
"There, this was the cause of your headache. Now, go back to sleep, Wolfy is here to protect you, don't be such a sissy. You'll still be able to take a nap, it's dark."
Jolie squinted nervously at Wolfy, who - I have to admit it - displayed his large white teeth in a sort of provocative manner.

"Wolfy, close your mouths, stop it - no one is impressed."

Turning back to Jolie who was feeling uncomfortable in his wet armour I used Rinse and Purify quickly and noticed with relief, that no bad side effects had occured. Cupping my hands around his temples again and humming a tune under my breath, I was able to put him back to sleep again. I kept on crouching next to him and watched his breath, this guy was giving me a headache!
Oh, Mighty Mage Freud, where are you, when I needed you most? Who was Freud???

DQueene #34665 18/05/03 05:22 PM
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[color:"orange"]As Viper [/color]

I sat on a rocky cliff overlooking the camp and watched everything that was going on below. I had seen what Nero had done with his sword and found it mildly amusing that he had been so upset about it and watched him try to hide his new ability. Watching Kiya and Wolfie run back and forth trying to take care of Jolie and Nero both was also a lot of fun.

"I wish DQueene and jvb and BeeGee were back with us, or had at least invited me to go with them," I mused. "She has to know I belong with her." I frowned and consentrated on DQueenes face and suddenly I knew where she was. It was as if I was watching a television (???) - and could see what she was doing. They (her and jvb) were fighting a creature that I hadn't ever seen before - a true monster with a huge sword.

"I'm going to go get them and bring them back!" I exclaimed softly to myself. "We shouldn't be separated like this." I launched myself in the air, enjoying the thrill of being airbourne again. The warm night air caressed my face and I laughed from the sheer joy of flying under the stars, racing toward the people that I felt closest to in our group.

kiya #34666 18/05/03 05:24 PM
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Kiya was massaging my head and back. MMMmm that felt good. I felt myself relaxing and falling asleep.

The though of wolfy next to me frightened me abit, but kiyas voice reassured me it was safe. O well i hope i sleep well this time.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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As I lept silently from the trees, I saw Kiya take off towards the camp...stupid girl...I lept back into the trees...and jumped tree to tree all the way back to the camp. Looking down I could see that Jolie was having a problem again....for a paladin he sure has a lot of problems with his head. I sat and wainted. What is she doing now...

NeroJB #34668 18/05/03 06:10 PM
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Something hit my head, I looked up and saw it came from a tree and in it: Nero.
Groan, I need a holiday, I'm getting to old for all this action - I stood up and beckoned him with my thumb to join me in that cove again.
As Jolie was sleeping tightly, I was free again to do what I had wanted to originally, so I stood up and left.

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BeeGee Offline OP
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[color:"orange"]I was so relaxed, so centered, and so completely bored that I began composing a lullaby:[/color]

[color:"pink"]Rock-a-bye BeeGee
On the cloudtop.
When the wind blows
The clouds cannot stop.
When the wind chills
The clouds will grow tall
And down come the raindrops
BeeGee and all!

[color:"orange"]It was a soothing melody, but it tended to turn my clouds gray and lumpy. I decided that I didn't particularly like lounging on lumpy gray clouds, so I quit singing and set my mind to composing another song:[/color]

[color:"yellow"]BeeGee in the sky-yigh with diamonds!
BeeGee in the sky-yigh with diamonds!
BeeGee in the sky-yigh with diamonds![/color]

[color:"orange"]It sounded like a broken record (whatever that means), but I liked all the jewelry that was accumulating on my cloud. After collecting as many diamonds as my Bag Of Tricks could hold, I toned down my singing to something more soothing and introspective, although I began to suspect that I was recalling the song from somewhere in my deep dark past:[/color]

Summer breeze, makes me feel fine,
blowing through the jasmine in my mind.

Sweet days of summer, the jasmine's in bloom.
July is dressed up and playing her tune.
And I come home from a hard day's work, and
you're waiting there, not a care in the world.

See the smile a-waitin' in the kitchen,
food cookin' and the plates for two.
See the arms that reach out to hold me,
in the evening when the day is through.

Summer breeze, makes me feel fine,
blowing through the jasmine in my mind.

I stopped singing.

I remembered how I got here, but I couldn't fathom exactly why I had lost touch with reality. I almost panicked when I realized that my comrades were probably facing death and disaster back in the Larian Dimension (I don't know why, but I called it that). Meanwhile, here I am lounging on a soft, comfortable, safe, welcoming, lazy, happy, fluffy, cozy cloud.

What was I thinking!?!?!

I need to find a way back. I need to find it right now!

-- BG
BeeGee #34670 18/05/03 07:04 PM
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I jumped from the trees silent as breeze and glided down right behind Kiya...BOO I yelled...

NeroJB #34671 18/05/03 07:32 PM
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I swung around abruptly, flinging my satchel in a large circle at the same time and hit Nero square in the face.

"Uhoh.... sorry, but... neverevernever sneak up behind me, young man," I was still trembling, adrenaline rushed through my veins. I dropped the satchel and peered cautiously in his direction, ready to jump back if he wanted to hit me.

kiya #34672 18/05/03 07:36 PM
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After concentrating very, very hard, I was able to reconstruct the physical magic that had sent me into the cloud world. I used reverse logic to engage the reverse spell, imagined myself appearing near the group and ...

[color:"orange"]Ka-wham![/color] I appeared right behind Kiya.

So I greeted her posterior visage with "Boo!"

-- BG
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