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kiya #34693 19/05/03 02:14 PM
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"Thanks Kiya, for everything. Thank you too Wolfy." For the first time in years i felt relaxed and at ease. "Well he better have some anwsers if i find him. That stupid piece of sh******* of a wizard. Oeps sorry about the bad language <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shame.gif" alt="" />."

"Now let see what the others have to say." And i stumbeled towards them.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
kiya #34694 19/05/03 02:33 PM
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I opened my eyes, I looked at the sky, wich was at me left side orange, my right side darkgrey.
It's getting morning and time for me to wake up.

But this is not my room? Have I been drunk again what am I dooing in these woods? I started remembering yesterday what a busy day that was.

I sat up and looked around, apparently some of us had a rough night, has there been fought? how come I slept trough anything that could have made such a damage. I'll find out soon, I got on my feet and wanted to jump but then CRRRAAAAASH the brench of the tree I was standing on broke and fell down wit me on to it. I got up and saw there was nothing much left of the tree, that was close whatever happened. Clearing all twigs and leaves from my clothes and hair I walked towards the campfire where most were awake to.

" Hey, what on earth happened here" I said, or I meant to say because it came out of my mount whole different, the different language again.

I saw wolfy had noticed me, at least one of his heads did, so I asked what happened to one of wolfys heads.
"It told me half-demon went beserc, and others fell out the sky." It also told me his other head didn't listen to him and hadn't been kind to the others. Must be strange having two heads, each has his own will, own oppinions they must have fought eachother a lot.

It's one of these days...
jvb #34695 19/05/03 03:03 PM
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"just follow me, i'll look for a way out." I said, picking my weapons back up.
*sniff sniff* "I smell something over there, it smells like flowers, lets check it out."
We finally saw it again: The daylight.
At first it really hurt my eyes.
"I'm sorry dqueene, I didn't mean to bring you in danger.
I should have stayed with the group. It's just that i didn't know what to do anymore when you left the group..

"Its ok." She said, and those words really relieved me.
"C'mon" i said "I know the way back to the group."
While we were on our way there we talked about what happened to her since she left and she told me the whole story.
"Hmmm Those mirrors can come in handy."
After travelling for quite some time we saw a campfire.
"We're there." i said, smiling.

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34696 19/05/03 03:59 PM
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When I saw the change in Jolie's aura, I knew that he could now see past the fact that I am an Imp and listen to my words. And, since my nose had stopped bleeding, I could speak to him with some seriousness and dignity. "Here goes nothing ..." I mumbled to myself, then ...

[color:"pink"]Foop![/color] I appeared sitting next to the campfire with my Bag of Tricks in my lap. I fixed my gaze on Jolie, staring straight into his eyes and began to speak: "I have searched the world for the Imp or Imps who killed your family. Do you want to know what I learned?"

I was completely unarmed, vulnerable, and decided not to defend myself or dodge if he should strike out at me. I didn't even notice that I had turned completely white. Maybe it was due to blood loss? Or maybe it reflected the purity of my intentions?

I continued to stare into his eyes and waited for Jolie to answer.

-- BG
BeeGee #34697 19/05/03 05:33 PM
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First of all BG, that was your name right? I have to appolegize myself for my behavior on our first encounter.
Second: Ofcorse i want to know what you have learned about the murder.
Please tell me and the others. Fire away. I'm all ears!
Concentrates himself on BGs talking

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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Gah! I broke the surface of the water with a gasp, air flooding into my lungs like a divine wind. I'd remained under the surface of the pool for a full 3 minutes after diving in, 10 orcs and 4 wolves on my tail! I checked around. Nothing in sight. I could hear the excited howling of wolves in the distance. They were heading away from me..... good.
I dragged myself from the water, soaked to the bone, freezing and collapsed on the riverbank. Darkness engulfed me.

I awoke suddenly. I had been dreaming of large metal birds, flying faster than dragons with many people inside them. A hint of my past. Certainly far away from here.....

I bent down to wash my face in the water. It was cool and refreshing. The water was metallic where I came from.... Unless you paid for it, yes that was it. Silly really.

At this point I actaully saw my own reflection for the first time. A name sprung to mind, 'dwarf'? I think that was it. For some reason a hearty laugh sprang from my throat. I laughed long and hard, at least for a minute. So that's who I was then. A stunty little gold fiend with a nasty temper and a gift for making up songs about 'gold'.

Suddenly there was a snap behind me. A twig suddenly breaking. I pulled out my boomstick and then remembered the powder was still damp. Muttering something under my breath I drew my axe and crouched behind a tree.


" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34699 19/05/03 09:29 PM
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Sitting in front of the campfire still...."damn paladin" I muttered to myself...Cant control anything. I think we should get moving...the sun is coming up and we...well mostly me have made enough noise and fireworks for everyone in a daylong walks distance know where we are...just an idea but I usually think that it is a good idea to not be where your enemies are...." I got a few approving nods as I scanned the group...except Kiya she turned as soon as I looked at her...she was uncomfortable too....oh well..."Lets Pack up...Hey BG why dont you go and float around and make sure noone is coming.." *Begins packing up belongings....*

Womble #34700 19/05/03 09:30 PM
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Snapping a twig to get his attention, I drew near.

"I am Lucidity, a human from this land. It appears that I am too late to help you"

"What are your intentions here? I am not alone by any stretch of the imagination and I, well we rather are traveling, but what of you?"

LuCiDiTy #34701 19/05/03 09:42 PM
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I paused, Lucidity...... That sounded familiar for some reason. Do I take the chance and expose myself? What if it was some trick?

I decided I could not be worse off than now. Stepping out I approached him...
"Greetings stranger, I have found myself in a strange land, I have no memory of my past. There are many strange creatures here. Unfortunately most of them want to eat me!"
There was a short silence as he looked me up and down. I decided to make the first move. "I offer my hand in friendship, I'd tell you my name but for now it escapes me."

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34702 19/05/03 09:46 PM
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"Well, since you offer friendship I will offer mine" "I believe that the best course of action is take you to our camp and decide what to call you and where to proceed"

I was inclined to believe him because I have always heard that Dwarves are noble and truthfull in their actions.

LuCiDiTy #34703 19/05/03 09:55 PM
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"Lead the way my friend."

He seemed to have an aura about him. It almost made you trust him. I knew one thing, wherever we were going was an improvement on orc country.
There was a sound in the distance, like a wolf howl. I could not tell at this volume. "I think we'd better move." I said.

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
NeroJB #34704 19/05/03 10:06 PM
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Well, if my partner is packing I'd better do it, too.

I started to put out the camp fire, woke Lynn, who stared sleepily at me, folded the blanket and did all sorts of little chores, trying to avoid Nero's glances, lost in my thoughts.

Nonono, this is no way to deal with the situation, Kiya. Avoidance causes pursuit... Run away from something and it will reach you.... Get lost, Freud! Or tell me at least how to deal with this, huh? Wise words won't help - I'm scared to death, thought about that, old man?

Bumping into several group members, apologising, working...

Well, is there a difference between the demonic side of a male human and a demon? Oh, yes there definitely is! Claws, powers, aggressions... Scram, quit, leave me alone

There was no work left to do, the others were busy and I decided to sneak away to take a look into my spell book. I found an old tree by the brook, sat down and stared at the pages...

kiya #34705 20/05/03 12:35 AM
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old hand
old hand
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As jvb and I were catching up on everything we had been doing since we separated from the group I felt a new/old presence in my mind and glanced up to see Viper flying toward us. My heart did a funny little pitter-patter as he came closer. Have you ever seen a diva? Even a fallen one? Beautiful, so beautiful to our mortal eyes. You would never question how Lucifer had pursuaded the other angels to follow him in his revolt against his father if you had seen the diva flying back into my life. For a minute I felt all the seduction that was invested in the one immortal creation and sighed softly.

"Okay DQueene, get a grip, this is your friend and companion! Not someone you're supposed to lust after!" I berated myself (silently of course - since I sooo didn't want anyone else to know what I felt everytime I saw him).

jvb was pretty excited, waving at Viper and asking him how close we were to everyone else. Viper glanced at me and smiled, sharing his amusement with me over the sheer boyish enthusiasm that seemed to exude from jvb's every word.

"If we hurry we can make it before they break camp," Viper said.

As we approached camp, we saw all the destruction that had been wrought. Trees were down, bushes flattened ... it looked like a tornado had struck or something even worse. With one accord, jvb and I broke into a run - while Viper took to the sky.

As we rushed into camp, we just stopped because suddenly Wolfy was there blocking our entry. I looked at him and without even thinking I jumped on him and started tussling with him. He knew what I was doing, I knew what I was doing; but I'm pretty sure everyone else thought I was absolutely crazy. Didn't matter though, I knew that if I didn't reassert my control over Wolfy that he wouldn't respect me so that's what I had to do. Given that neither one of us wanted Kiya to be upset with us we didn't use any teeth, <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> we just used strength and agility. We ended up with me on top, one hand on one throat and my teeth resting against his other throat - growling real low. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> My that was fun!

DQueene #34706 20/05/03 05:02 AM
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"I think my report will have to wait until later, Jolie." I mumbled as Kiya started kicking out the fire, and Nero gave me the order to scout the perimeter.

"Looks like things are back to normal, as much as that word applies in this dimension." I glanced a half-apologetic, half-defeated look toward Jolie, as I began floating up and away from the group to begin my scouting. Of course, I had heard the dwarf stomping through the underbrush before he entered camp, but since he wasn't charging or sneaking I had deduced that he was no threat. The other sounds in the distance were troubling, however, so I decided to distance myself from the bustle of the camp to ferret them out.

It took me only a few brief seconds to decipher that a pack of Orcs -- red Orcs -- were galloping in our general direction. "I wonder what they are looking for?" I mused.

They were far enough away that I had time to do a quick circle around the entire camp just to make sure there wasn't another party of Orcs flanking us or setting up an ambush for our escape. Then, I made a beeline for the group and saluted Nero as I gave my report:

"A pack of Red Orcs converging on our position, sir! At least two dozen by my best estimation. No evidence of maneuvering foes in any other direction. I recommend immediate strategic withdrawel in [color:"yellow"]that[/color] direction, sir." And I saluted again, clicked my heals, and looked as serious as an Imp can without looking like I was mocking or joking. It took a lot of effort.

-- BG
BeeGee #34707 20/05/03 06:13 AM
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"Uh....thanks....soldier...." and I gave him a half harted salute in jest trying not to laugh. "Ok everyone you heard the....imp lets get going. Hey BG you suppose you could run in the direction you pointed and find a good spot to hide...if they are after us we'll need a little surprise to even the odds. Lets go everyone...follow Kiya and Wolfy...Ill bring up the rear...someone help lynn."

kiya #34708 20/05/03 07:22 AM
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Bah, the pages blurred, I couldn't understand the writing and flung the book into my satchel. Folding my arms around my knees and resting my chin on them I stared into the water, idly watching the stream carrying away little twigs and leaves, following them on their way. Letting my thoughts flow with them...

Then I noticed a little cove where most of the twigs were caught and bobbed up and down. I looked a little closer and saw something shining in it. I stood up and fished for it: a flask. A flask with something wavering and shiny in it, glittering in all rainbow colours. I tried to open it...

Ahh? Opening the box of Pandora? What is Pandora? Hm, could be a warning, I put the bottle into my satchel and returned to the camp - everyone was in commotion, I heard BeeGee saying something to Nero about orcs - Wolfy was pinned down on the ground, DQueene on top of him.

"Hey, DQueene, leave my werwolf alone... Wolfy, come here, what did she do you, hm? Good boy, stay close to Jolie to and me..."

Nero gave commands for all to follow us two and I asked politely:

"Where shall we go, Nero? I don't mind leading people on, but a little hint into which direction this lead is going to be would he highly appreciated..."

Gah, giving inprecise orders and bossing around... well, he seemed to have regained his old self at last, good. I waited...

Nero pointed silently to the imp and I understood:

"Following BeeGee? Ok, I don't mind but what about stay close to me when battle starts" I whispered nervously. Demons: muscles, emotions and no brains at all - and if, about the size of a walnut...

Last edited by kiya; 20/05/03 07:50 AM.
kiya #34709 20/05/03 10:10 AM
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"Is there something I can do?"

Viper #34710 20/05/03 10:25 AM
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"Agh, come on BG say something. Did you find them or not..." He had already left on his 'assignment'. So i discided to gather my stuff.
While i was doing that i realised i didnt had a weapon, since Wolfy destroyed the moonblade.

"Hey, does anyone has a spare weapon for me? Only until i find a new one? Anyone??"

I head BG and Nero talking about Orcs. Everbody prepeared to go away. Kiya was supposed to lead us. I went to her and Wolfy. I saw BG flying and tried to talk to him. That didnt work, he probably didnt even hear me.

"Lets go! Lead the way Kiya." Wolfy walk right next to me and for the first time since we met (Wolfy and I) i wasnt scared. On the contrary i felt safe.
"Lets go find me a new sword shall we?"

And off we went...

I had a weird feeling, just like if were beeing watched by someone or something. No matter what i couldnt get rid of this feeling.
"What would this mean?? Do i have a new ability??"

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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The paladin and I walked on in silence both trying to keep track of that imp flitting in and out of the trees, flying like a drunken bee, Wolfy between us. I looked at Jolie and noticed he seemed a bit absentminded.

"Jolie? is something troubling you? Stop looking nervously around, I'm sure, Wolfy will warn us if danger is at bay. What's the matter?
And, hey, BeeGee, would you mind considering that we humans are not as fast as you are? As long as you stay in front of me and I'm able to see you, you won't get hurt... So, cut out that foopoof stuff for now, ok?"

kiya #34712 20/05/03 10:51 AM
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"I cant help it Kiya. I cant get rid of this strange feeling we're beeing watched. I know Wolfy would warn us if there was any danger, but still i cant get rid af it."

I tried to keep track of BG. He seemed like a grashooper during dateseason.
what a weird expression??

Suddenly i noticed some sort of lightflash between the trees ahead.
"Kiya, theres something between those trees overthere."
She looked but didnt see a thing.

"I'm sure there was something. I saw a lightflash! Lets be doubble carefull, ok?"

We continued our way trying to follow BG, who apparently didnt notice we couldnt go that fast because of the 'wilderness' down here.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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