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BeeGee #34673 18/05/03 07:40 PM
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OWWWWWW!!!!!!! What did ya hafta do that for!!! I was just trying to be funny....OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW OW.....I tried to stand up but my head was still spinning and i fell she can hit hard....I thought to myself. "Ok so what exactly did you drag me back out here for" I asked..."and you better not say to smack me like still owe me new pants btw" With that I trailed off and leaned against the nearest tree massaging my nose...

NeroJB #34674 18/05/03 07:55 PM
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[color:"orange"]Ka-wham, ka-squish[/color] Taking one step backward I squashed something soft and chubby behind me and whirled around.

"BeeGee... where have you been, you little nuisance. Oh, I'm very sorry, didn't mean to make your nose bleed..."

Damn... now I was in trouble, two guys in need of First Aid and Hypatia still sleeping at the camp fire.

"Sweetie, run along to the camp, ask Hypatia for something thats stops blood, be a good little boy, ok? Oh, and it's nice to see you again. Nero and I have to settle something. If she hasn't got anything for you I'll be right back - or do you want a little R&P-treatment?"

BeeGee shook his head violently, covering up his nose he hovered over me in a safe distance. I sighed. Why does stuff like that always happen to me?

"Ok, Nero and now for you: I noticed you look at us, Wolfy and me in a very puzzling manner, if there is anything you want to say then spill it out. Yeah, I'll look for new pants... Is that it? Oh, and stop feigning you're hurt, forgot your thick demon skull and skin? Look at yourself, not even a scratch, b-a-b-y <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />"

I stood there, hands in hips, feet planted firmly on the ground, my protection mode in the library if my authority was questioned.

kiya #34675 18/05/03 08:00 PM
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I let my nose bleed freely, knowing that somehow I had probably just learned a new magic spell and couldn't wait to try it out.

I curtsied to Mistress Kiya, the catalyst for all of my advanced physical magic training, and then went [color:"yellow"]Poof![/color]

"Maybe the others will be happier to see me," I thought to myself. A quick floating glide toward the campfire found me amidst my other long-lost friends.

I spotted another abandoned nametag near the fire, so I picked it up and put it in my Bag of Tricks. The bag was already nearly full of diamonds. "I'm gonna need a bigger bag" I deduced.

[color:"pink"]Foop![/color] "Have I been gone long? Did I miss anything? Oh! ... I almost forgot ... I know who put the bounty on our heads. It was Aloicious Veneficus!"

-- BG
BeeGee #34676 18/05/03 08:22 PM
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Nice shot Kiya I giggled as BG went flying through the air...of course he didnt land because well hes BG...Kiya looked at me after he left and asked me why I had been looking at her and wolfy earlier....Not both of you I thougt to myself just you...."I wasnt looking at nothin I yelled" glaring at her...She just stood there and glared back...I couldnt take was like there was a drill boring into my head..."OK fine I was looking but only bacause you are so goofy looking!"....Again she just stared...she isnt buying it I thought...Then I looked beyond her and saw what I had done earlier...."OK FINE...turn see that...all that destruction...I DID IT... and I dont know how...I was trying to get you out of my head so that I could practice and I swung out of frustration and then BAM all of this...what did you do to me...?"

NeroJB #34677 18/05/03 08:46 PM
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Gulp - I turned around viewing the destruction I had seen earlier.

"You did that? Because of me? Aw, come on, did you have a special affinity to your pants? Hmmmmmmmmm...."

I observed Nero's face closer, he really seemed bewildered and was apparently giving me the blame for his state. Why me, Freud, why me?

"Well, Nero, if you were a male human I'd say you should take care of your testosterone hormones or have yourself examined by a healer. But as you are a half-demon, I have no clue... no clue absolutely. I didn't do anything to you, maybe you're in some sort of shapechanging state? On the verge to become a human for one day or night? Now, be sensible, we've got a bounty on our heads, are short of trousers, stranded in a strange world, surrounded by enemies: Could this have caused a sort of mental disorder in your body? Even half-demons can only take a certain amount of stress?"

What is stress? No clue, but it sounded good.

He glared at me... Wow, we were in for a contest

"Nero..." I tried again, "get a grip on yourself, meditate, ask your sword, your Gods or whatsoever. But, please, leave Wolfy in peace. He means a lot to me and if you're going to harm one single hair, you're going to taste the same medicine. Even if your coat is fire-resistant - I bet, he won't resist the combo of Sparks + Rinse + Purify, ok?"

kiya #34678 18/05/03 10:34 PM
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"I dont give a #$@%^*&(*&(*#&$@#^#!) about that mutt" I yelled..."No offense wolf boy..." "Kiya you know how I can read minds or what ever...well I can sort of control it...sort of...I have never read yours....never had to, you are pretty good at making your thoughts pretty obvious...but when I did 'that' (pointing over her shoulder) I was thinking about you..." I sat crosslegged under the tree attempting to compose myself..."ahhhh youre no help" "youre just a dumb girl arent you.." I was totally frustrated by now...I wanted to know why that to control it...what if someone had been standing there....sigh

NeroJB #34679 18/05/03 10:48 PM
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Freud, do something, for peace's sake

"Nero, calm down - you're turning all shades of colours now! And I'm NOT a dumb girl - I'm just trying to get you back to what we humans call common sense! If your thoughts about me have this destructive power, then stop them. If you're able to mind read, read your own mind. Think of bees and flowers - no, on second thought, DON'T think of bees and flowers, erhmmm... stop thinking?"

Dammit, couldn't he see, there was more important stuff to do than wallow in emotions? The last thing I could use now, were emotions taking over a demon with claws, destructive powers and a Tetsu-whatever. Keep calm, Kiya - use your brains

"Nero, you can meditate, right? Use it, take the sword and meditate on it. Become the sword, listen to it, talk to it - maybe you'll get an answer. I'm going to wait here and I'm going to watch. Come on now, try it."

Chin set stubborn, I glared at him - my determination must be clear, even to that bewildered companion of mine. I want to help him, even if it kills me.

kiya #34680 18/05/03 11:30 PM
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Maybe she's right....OK i said to myself was no use I couldnt concentrate...I clencehed my teeth and least someone else could see what I did....(random noises of things breaking...and explosions) I opened my eyes and dropped to my knees...that sure is tireing...phew...I turned and looked at Kiya....she seemed confused...or bewildered Im not sure which..."At least you know that Ill take care of far you are the only thing that I can figure out makes me do this...dont want you to get hurt...may not be able to do it anymore..." With this I winked at her wiating to get smacked for it in the same moment I did it.

NeroJB #34681 18/05/03 11:46 PM
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I looked at Nero, turned around saw the large open strip in the wood, bushes, trees, even the ground was ploughed around us, like one of those circles I had seen in a field... somewhere, sometime.... Only a small piece was left out, the part where Nero and I were standing on.

"Boy, you've really got a problem," I stuttered. "The only thing I could see was, that your sword suddenly grew larger and a sort of lightning came out, causing this destruction. But look... see the trash around us? It was hurled away from us, so if we're all in a battle and stand close together, your sword will just cause damage out of this circle. Wow, quite effective against a large group of enemies."

I was in awe, such powers. No, I didn't want Nero as an enemy. My thoughts whirled, brain machinery was working at high speed.

Ok, Freud, whateveryouare, which emotions cause this high destruction? Hm, seems it could only be love or hate.... Simple.... Simple? WAAAAAAAAHHHHHH.

"Errhm, Nero, guess, you won't like it: but <shifting uncomfortably from side to side> .... could it be... you... have a certain sympathy for me?"

kiya #34682 19/05/03 01:43 AM
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"Uh...I ah....well....OF COURSE NOT....youre just a stu...lit...girl....hmmm"...maybe she is right I said to myself...i either love her or hate her.....I sat in silence...eyes closed...then mind was finally clear...she's least partially...I can help but love her...dont know why...but at the same time intense...hate...not out of action but out of being...I love her so I hate her...she is human...only human...I stood up and looked at her...she wasnt glaring anymore..."you're right, I you...but you drive me nuts at the same time...." With that I turned my back to her lifted my sword and closed my eyes. I focused my energy and swung...I opened my eyes and looked at her. "Well thats, figured out...dont quite understand, but at least we know how it me a favor, if we get into a fight...stay close" With that we walked back to camp a little calmer and feeling a whole lot more awkward around each other. When we arrived everyone was congregated around the fire except Jolie who was still asleep..."Hey wake that paladin up, we need to figure out what to do next."
With that I sat down in front of the fire feeling like my face was as red as my cloak....

NeroJB #34683 19/05/03 02:01 AM
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When Nero ordered someone to wake the paladin, I decided to [color:"yellow"]Poof![/color], just in case he woke up swinging.

"One bleeding injury at a time," I mused, "is my new personal motto. Besides, if he wakes up and injures me on top of Kiya's damage, who knows what kinds of powerful magic I might unleash. Nope! Best to be careful and safe."

Last edited by BeeGee; 19/05/03 03:25 PM.

-- BG
BeeGee #34684 19/05/03 05:49 AM
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Still asleep high in the trees, in a different place then they thought I was
I go to sleep, and now a day later nero and Kiya are about to either jump each other or kill each other. The paladin has head trouble, and my friend BG is back

I smiled remembering BG perfecting the poofoop.
Now I am not quite asleep, but not awake. I remember what happened to me while I was meditating. I saw an image, my tattoo on my chest. I saw it rotate and fold in on itself. I can seem to make the different symbols come together like a puzzle


A man is in trouble

I leap off of my branch without incident or sound and race to where I can sense the man in peril. He is fighting Orcs with a flintlock? WTF?

Suddenly I remember my inner sight, with the interlocking pieces... A strange feeling comes over me. I feel power like I never have before

Watch out!!!

LuCiDiTy #34685 19/05/03 12:24 PM
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jvb Offline
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it all happened to fast to understand.
dqueene appeared and shot an arrow into the monster.
I was too tired to do or say anything.
"thanks dqueene, where would i be without you."
when i turned back around to look at the body of the monster, I saw that it wasn't dead at all.
To make it even worse, it was charging towards me..
why dont i ever have luck? i thought.
"Nothing will stop me from leaving this darned place!!!
Not even you!! I dont care how powerfull you are!!"
I yelled without really believing my own words.
I jumped up to evade his attack, but he jumped up as well.
Luckily I was able to use the wall to jump away.
He then set his attack for dqueene.
"Whatever you do, I will not let you touch my queen!!"
I suddenly felt all my strenght come back, and so i jumped back in battle, more furious then i had ever been before..
"Now you die.." i said walking slowly towards the creature.
I dropped my sword and shield on the ground... " I wont even be needing these. C'mon, bite me."
He tried to attack me again, but i was to fast for him; i grabbed him and threw him against the wall.
He lay there dazed for a few seconds, and in the same time i picked up his sword and said "goodnight..." and let it come down on the creatures neck.

"plz dont look dqueene. Its a horrible sight."
Deep on the inside i was scared... why did i kill a creature who was already beaten?? why did i kill a creature in cold blood? Why did i call dqueene my queen?
so many questions, and so little answers..
I guess time will teach me; i thought by myself.

"guess its time to find a way out of here."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34686 19/05/03 01:04 PM
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We reached the camp, I thankfully fled from Nero's presence and went over to Jolie who still slept by the fire. Wolfy had crept up silently behind me and seemed to watch the paladin closely.

Something is wrong here, why is Wolfy so suspicious?

I bent over Jolie and shook his shoulder gently:

"Wake up, Paladin, you've slept enough... come on, adventure's waiti..."
Suddenly Wolfy lept over me and had both paws on Jolie's chest, he growled with one head and bared his teeth at me with the other one.

"Wolfy, NO, bad boy, get off..."

kiya #34687 19/05/03 01:09 PM
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I woke up from a gromming noice. I opened my eyes adn was face to face with Wolfy. I think my face turn pale on the spot.

"WTF, get off me" i yelled. But he wouldnt listen. "Kiya? Would you please be so kind to get Wolfy off me please?".

The beast glared at me with his big eyes and showed his needleshap theeth.

I tried to get my sword or something else to get him of off me...

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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Jolie, I'm sorry, but Wolfy won't listen to me. Don't move a limb, hear me? Leave your sword whe..."

[color:"yellow"]Snap, crunch [/color]

"Errhm, Jolieeeeeeee? Do you have a second weapon? I warned you, didn't I??? Wolfy, bad boy, very bad boy. Now, come over here - AT ONCE"

The werwolf remained where he was, his eyes had turned into an alarming red colour and after a while Jolie's sword was melted into a useless little lump of iron. Then I saw something glittering in it, I bent over to have a closer look and saw...

"Jolie, look at this, what is it? Who gave you this sword?"

Wolfy had retreated, he was licking his paws, his eyes a normal yellow again, but one head was still watching Jolie.

kiya #34689 19/05/03 01:29 PM
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"Whats that? It seems like a simple ruby to me." The stone had the shape of a ruby and was glittering in the light of the fire.

"I got this sword from a wizard about two years ago. It was a few months after the vicious murder on my family. I safed his son from a group of raiders. As a reward he made this sword for me. He put a spell on it so that only i could use it. I've had that sword eversince. Nobady had even been able to break it or even pick up! You're wolfy must have quete some power to been able to destroy the sword."

Suddenly i had a strange feeling, the one you have when you "think" you're beeing watched. I carrefully looked around but i only saw the others around the fire talking. Probablly mistaken, man you really should do something about your paranoïa, whatever that is.

At that time i noticed that the ruby was shining very brightly. I was attrackted to it like a crow to jewelry. I could think of anything else but to get the ruby back in my hand....
I reached for the ruby, but Kiya just took it away. I looked at her with fury and started to yell at her. "Give me back my ruby! Give it back its mine! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" />"

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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I was shocked, this paladin was starting to scare me - a threat for the group?

Wolfy jumped into position and stood in front of Jolie, teeth bared severely, neck bristling and saliva dripping. I was secretly very thankful for my faithful companion.

"Get a grip on you, man! Calm down, I just want to take a closer look..." Drawing the R&p rune in the air I flung it at the ruby - it cracked open and then I saw something crawling out.... something terribly evil... unspeakably ugly, changing its form, colour and status every second - trying to hover, crawl move over to Jolie.

"Jolie, stay back - all of you: STAY BACK!"

I used my flame rune, combined it with R&P and sparks and I don't know what else, included a circling end to it and flung it on that "creature".

[color:"red"]WHHHHHHHooooooooooooooooosssssssssshhhhhh [/color]

It flared up, the explosion singed my hair, coat, after the rumble had disappeared I gaped at the blackened hole on the ground and saw.... nothing. Where was it gone? Was it nearby? Would it return? I was scared and insecure, but determined not to let it show.

"Uff, Jolie, are you ok?"

He had collapsed again.
Hmph, paladins don't take commotion very easily

kiya #34691 19/05/03 02:00 PM
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I walk at Kiya with great determination. Even Wolfy, who had come to help her, could stop me now. Kiya made some moves and a flame came on to my ruby and destroyed it. "Noooooooo!! My Pressious!!!". A few seconds later something came out of the ruby and came towards me very very slowly.

Kiya immidiatly casted another spell or something and some flames came on to the "monster". Suddenly i felt a great pain as if i was hit by the flames myself. I was burning inside. I couldnt stand the pain no longer. "AAhhhhh Noooooooo!". I collapsed again.

After a few moments a heard a voice. "Jolie? are you alright?". I opened my eyes and looked up. There she was, Kiya. I could tell she was scared an insecured. I tried to calm her down. "I'm Ok Kiya. Or at least i think i am. Man what the hell was that 'thing'?? Did you destroy it? Was that the source of my evil???". I could barely stand so i sat down. "What the hell is going on with me? Can anyone anwser me?" I started crying. It was kind of strange, i dont recal that i ever cried. Not even when i found my family?! Did i change?? Was the evil gone?? So many questions and so little anwsers.

"My head, my poor head.." I weeped.

Note to myself: find a new sword asap

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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[color:"yellow"]Lick, sluuuuuuurrrrrrrrrrrp, lick [/color]
Wolfy padded over to Jolie and tried to comfort him. I was touched - my sweet, dear little werwolf...

"Jolie, I have no clue what happened, if that creature <shudder> it going to come back. But one thing I know for sure: Wolfy likes you and he will protect and take care of you. Maybe we will find that wizard of yours one day - and by then he'd better have a few very good answers for what's going on," I said grimly. "Keep Wolfy by your side and you'll be well. Just one thing I ask of you both: I'm the one sleeping close to him - if Wolfy agrees, of course..."

Yeah, specially at night - as long as Nero is here.... Aw, shut up, Freud!

"Oh, and as for your head - come here, I'll soothe it..." Holding my palms against his temples I concentrated on finding the tense parts and massaged them in soft circular movements.

Last edited by kiya; 19/05/03 02:13 PM.
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