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kiya #34713 20/05/03 11:03 AM
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So it seemed everyone was packing and preparing for a quick retreat of this place, I noticed the fire hadn't died completely, so I went over to the fire and held my hand above it to check the amount of heat it still beamed out, To hot, i had to extinguish it, but at the same exact moment I tought about extinguishing it, it died completely.
The smell wil hang around some while, so let's hope nothing passes by to soon and figures out where we are.

I took my bag and crosbow and walked towards wolfy maybe he could tell me more what's happening while ludidity ain't here.

It's one of these days...
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I heard Kiya complaining from the forest and underbrush below and behind me. I heard every word, including her made-up word "foopoof" which I assumed meant "poofoop". Although, she might have meant "foolproof", but then the context of the sentence would have been ...


The pretty little birdies chasing the twinkling yellow stars in circles around my head, were tweeting to the stars that I had just discovered an invisible barrier. "That's using my head" I thought to myself approvingly.

Knowing that the others in the group would be equally impressed by my marvelous dicovery, I notified them with the traditional invisible barrier discovery vocalization:

[color:"pink"]"Ow ow ow ow OW! My head! My head!"[/color]

To emphasize the event for those out of earshot, I dramatically fell to the earth flailing my arms and legs, arching my back, and bouncing on the ground several times before rolling around holding my head with both hands, squinting my eyes, and grimacing to show both of my teeth.

They must have understood the message because they came running directly toward me and the barrier. I suppose that they, too, wanted to discover what the barrier feels like when you smash your skull into it.

-- BG
BeeGee #34715 20/05/03 02:08 PM
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I started running toward BeeGee as soon as I heard his
[color:"pink"]"Ow ow ow ow OW! My head! My head!" [/color] indicating he'd found something again and probably with his head as usual. It was a really good thing that he seemed to heal at an extraordinary rate with all the 'head' banging he tended to do.

I still couldn't see anything when I got to him, but I stopped before I ran into whatever he had hit.

"BeeGee, are you Okay?" I crossed my eyes and peered at his head. There were actually little birdies flying around his head! Now, How did he do that?

BeeGee #34716 20/05/03 02:12 PM
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As we walk further on, trying to follow BG, i noticed the flashinglight again. "What the hell is that?" <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" />. It looked like a barrier or something. I tryed to warn BG but it was to late. He flew right against it and fell down with a big dramatic scream.

We run towards him to see if he was alright.
"Are you allright?" I asked half laughing <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />. I have to admit it was kind of funny to see him fall down like that. "Qwite a show BG." I said laughing <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />.

"Didnt you see that barrier BG?" He looked at me with great eyes. "You heard me. Didnt you see the barrier?" BG had to admit he hadnt seen it.
I was confused about that. How come I saw it and BG DIDNT

Last edited by joliekiller; 20/05/03 02:17 PM.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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The stars faded away quickly, but the birdies hung around for a while. Finally, they landed on my nose -- lined up in a neat little row, facing into the breeze. But when I reached up to touch them, they [color:"yellow"]Poof[/color]-ed.

"That's IMP-possible" I observed. "Birdies don't poof." Or do they?

Several of the group had gathered around me. Some of them were focused on me, others were trying to see whatever it was that I ran into. Hypatia kindly massaged the lump on my head until it stopped complaining, then gave it a kiss to tell it to behave itself.

"I ran into something hard. It felt like a wall, but looked like an invisible barrier." As I continued my explanation, all eyes rose up into the air to look for the invisible barrier. "Silly people! I said 'it's invisible'. Looking for it won't do you any good."

-- BG
BeeGee #34718 20/05/03 02:36 PM
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I was laughing so hard at the antics of the little birds that it took me a minute to realize that I was the only one laughing. That, of course, made me frown - Didn't these people have a sense of humor? Then it dawned on me. They couldn't see the birdies! I looked at BeeGee and he had the audacity to wink at me! Why that little ... Imp! Somehow he could make me see what he was seeing. I looked in front of him and sure enough I could 'see' the invisible wall. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> This imp was having a really weird affect on me! Just then all the birdies and the invisible wall just disappeared. I looked at BeeGee skeptically <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" /> and he just whistled a little toon and tried really hard to look innocent. Hummph!

I turned to Viper, "Viper, would you please fly up the wall, very carefully and see if you can tell how far up it goes?"

DQueene #34719 20/05/03 02:49 PM
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"Hey Dragh...(hope he knows his name) come down here with me please....(no response)Wolfy!! (One of the large heads turned to look at me.) Tell Dragh to come down here." Somehow that got the message across and I had gotten His attention. "Kiya can I borrow your 'pet' for a minute I need a translator." We need to find out how close these orcs have gotten....going alone doesnt sound to appealing to me."

NeroJB #34720 20/05/03 03:01 PM
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I whistled the song that kept rolling through my mind, with soft sad words:

[color:#a0a0ff]Come feed the little birds, show them you care
And you'll be glad if you do.
Their young ones are hungry,
Their nests are so bare;
All it takes is tuppence from you.

I also recalled the image of a woman in a long black dress, floating through the air with an opened umbrella in one hand and a large carpet bag in the other. How odd.

-- BG
NeroJB #34721 20/05/03 03:01 PM
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"Viper, the barrier does go up pretty high but it looks like it ends about 10 meters above the trees. I cant see if there something on top of it but be bloddy carefull up there."

I turn my head towards the bottom of the barrier.
HMmmm, <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" /> looks like its something magicaly made. I touched it and it felt very soft, almost like water or something like that. One thing was for sure: We couldnt just walk trough it, BG had proven that <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />.

They asked me if the orcs had something to do with it. Well i couldnt anwser that. All i knew was that it stretch as far as the eye can see.

"Hey is there anyone here who has somekind of dust or oil that makes things visible?? Hey i just had an idea. I'll check it higher to see how high it goes. Viper can you take me with you??"

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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I heard Someone call out my name but more I couldn't understand, one of wolfys heads looked at me and told me to go to Nero.
So I did, Standing next to Nero I carefully touched the invisable wall, wich was hard as granite. I picked up a little stone an threw it right trough the wall... I did it again, and yet again. I saw most of the group had noticed it.
I looked at wolfy and told him to bark at Nero.

It's one of these days...
NeroJB #34723 20/05/03 03:32 PM
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Great, just great

"Hey, uh little guy *cringe* This was our camp, and they must have just left because the fire was just extinguished."

Just then I saw a great winged creature fly above the trees straight up, and I recognized my companion Viper

"This way"

I started running, then had to slow down again. Dwarves while viscious fighters and loyal companions have short legs and are there for slow.

"I see one of our companions flying above the trees (that electied a response from the dwarf)and I am guessing that they are heading away from something or they would have waited for us, let us hurry"

Still running slightly ahead of my new friend (can't help it) I ran into Nero, Dragh, and the two headed wolf. I must admit Dragh looked happy to see me.

"hey don't worry this is a friend he is a dwarf that has lost his way and would like to join us."

LuCiDiTy #34724 20/05/03 05:28 PM
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"Puff, puff, pant! Hold on there! Not all of us have long bloody legs!"
I ran after my new companion as fast as I could. Breath burning in my chest.
Once I caught up I collapsed on the ground, wheezing. Lucidity introduced me to some of his other companions. Nero was a half-demon by all accounts. I wasn't sure if I trusted him. Draghersmosran, or Dragh as he was called for short spoke no language that I could fathom. Maybe I could work on that.
Wolfie was a scary beast. I made a mental note to make some silver amunition for my boomstick. Again they all looked somewhat familiar. A word popped into my mind, 'forum'?

"Pleased to meet you all!" I grinned after recovering.... "Maybe we should get out of here, the Orcs are probably near."

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34725 20/05/03 06:01 PM
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I noticed that the new guy was taller than me. I can fix that. I floated up into the air, eye-level with the tall folks, and grinned down to him:

"You may have lost your way, but those orcs didn't. They sound like they have caught our scent and are charging toward us. I'd give them maybe ten minutes to catch up ... if we don't find a way past this barrier."

"Anybody have any ideas?" I scratched my head and thought really hard. I even squinted my eyes to help me think better.

-- BG
Womble #34726 20/05/03 06:02 PM
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"Welcome Dwarf to our little group...I am glad you are here...the orcs are close...I can smell them...problem is someone made a magic wall up ahead and we are unable to pass through it...Let us go and scout the friend Dragh here is quite the woodsman...Luc could you ask him to go and scout and then come back and let us know where they are? The rest of us should find a place to hide."

Womble #34727 20/05/03 06:24 PM
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I watched our newcomer from some distance - if my nearsightedness wasn't deceiving me it was a dwarf. The way he glanced at Wolfy and then back at his strange stick he was holding, alarmed me.

Natural enmity between both races?

I whistled for my pet and gladly noticed, this time he had chosen to obey. When Wolfy reached me I bent over, patted him fondly and whispered in his ear:

"Hey, what about that shortlegger, do you like him?"

A short yelp.

"Keep away from him, not all notice your beauty, Little One... I'm sure, a bath with lavender and a pink bow would improve your appearance, hm?"

Wolfy backed off, shook his shaggy fur violently and showed his large fangs.

"You know what? Let the others sort out that invisible wall, we'll find a shortcut of our own. Come on, boy..."

I turned around and started to move sideways, parallel to the invisible frontier on the lookout for a gap or something, moving my hands over it and finally leaving that discussion club behind me.

"Ah, silence again, Wolf - just you and me, wonderful... Come on, boy..."

Suddenly I saw a large black crow eyeing me, behaving strangely. I stopped and looked back, with a [color:"orange"]Crawcrawcraw[/color] he flew up only to land a bit further, eyeing me again.

Does he want me to follow him?

I was curious, besides his beedy yellow eyes did seem to hypnotise me, so I followed and followed... Losing track of the barrier, my group and walking deeper into the forest. Silence grew around us, the trees seemed to get larger, it was darker than before, a deep dark green. After some time I couldn't see the crow anymore, its black feathers seemed to melt with the shadows and I stopped.

"Wow, that's great, I'm lost, Wolfy... the group will probably kill me. Do you know the way back?"

Wolfy sat down on his haunches, lolling his tongues and his message was clear: Girl, you got us into that, now look for a way out yourself.

Hmpf, I shrugged my shoulders and peered sharply in the shadows. Remembering my herbs, I dug for them in the satchel and took a great bite - after a short moment of dizzyness the shadows seemed lighter and I could make out that bird as a red schemen.

"Ahhhhhh, there you are, thought you could fool me, right?" I walked up to it and with a last loud [color:"orange"]Craw [/color] it rose and flew away.

Great... nice mess, Miss Curious!... Shut up, Freud!

Walking up to the tree stump the crow had sat upon, I noticed a hollow and peered into it, using my minor rune of light - or flame to be correct.

"Interesting, Wolfy, very interesting, care to join me?"

Without waiting for his approval I got down on hands and knees to crawl in. Dry leaves rustled.... little creatures seemed to scuttle away, I continued to crawl further, hearing Wolfy pant behind me. The way lead down and after some time I could hear a sort of tinkling sound - an underground brook? I concentrated on it and moved into its direction. After endless hours - so it seemed, because my knees were smarting already and my hands were bruised by sharp stones, I finally reached the source of the sound:....

Last edited by kiya; 20/05/03 06:31 PM.
NeroJB #34728 20/05/03 06:25 PM
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"Hop on Jolie, but hold on tight, it can go pretty fast".

I flew up, a few 20 mtrs above the trees and Jolie was 'messing around' on my back, trying to see a much as he could. at a certain point his hands were in front of my eyes and we went in the strangest ways. On the ground I could hear some laughter; "Let them laugh, they don't know how annoying Jolie is right now.

SIT STILL Jolie, if you keep this up YOU're gonna hit the ground faster than you'd like <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> "

Jolie calmed down and feasted his eyes because what was beyond the barrier, even he couldn't foresee that........

Viper #34729 20/05/03 06:36 PM
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"Where is Dragh....."I nodded to Lucidity and the Dwarf who were hidden across the path from me...they nodded back without a clue...I could smell the Orcs they were getting closer...we better find a way out soon or we are going to have afight on our hands...

NeroJB #34730 20/05/03 06:50 PM
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It seemed that the barrier was made to hide a magnificant city. I asked Viper to go slowly closer, just in case.

We 'hit' the wall again. "How did this happen??? I didnt see a wall! Hmm maybe i can only see a part of it Viper, bring me back down please."

Back with my feet on sollid ground i told the others what we've seen and about the barrier. I noticed Kiya wasnt with them.
"Hey does anyone know where Kiya is? Wolfy!!! Woooooolllllllfyyyy!!" He seemed to be gone too. Probably to protect her.
"Man were the hell di she go now?"

I walked to the barrier again to take a closer look. I touched it and suddenly knew how to 'disable' it.

"Hey does anyone have an emp-granade or an emp-modulator??" My own word chocked me. What the hell is an emp-grande or emp-modulator????

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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"Hey jolie, did you notice it too in that city??"

"So creepy, I didn't see a single soul, the cold of the city was almost inbearable, as if something terrible had hapened there. What do you think"

Viper #34732 20/05/03 06:55 PM
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"Yeah i saw it too. I gave me the kreep too. I didnt say it, but my symbol glowed there for a sec, witch meant something eveil was down there."

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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