Not that I regularly post here, but I feel like contributing with the games I spend most of my game-playing time on these days:
City of Heroes/Villains. Superhero MMORPG programmed by Cryptic Studios and produced by NCSoft. It has a POWERFUL Costume editor to make your character look unique, and a pretty flexible skills system too. Not quite as popular as the big World of Warcraft, but in my opinion it's more fun at this time.
Titan Quest with the Immortal Throne expansion. Good ol' Diablo style RPG, with a skill system I find much better than either of the Diablo games.
Civilization 4 with Beyond the Sword expansion. Loves me Empire Building TBS, and in my opinion the BTS expansion brings Civ4 to be the best Civ game I've ever played. (And I've played from Civ1-4, Alpha Centauri with Alien Crossfire expansion, and both Call to Power games)
Wizardry 8. Fun little CRPG, little roleplay but I find the combats and system quite fun. Combats are turn-based, but the game world is 3D and you move around in real time when not fighting.
And of course I go back to <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/div.gif" alt="" /> and <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/beyond.gif" alt="" /> every little while. Such excellent Action RPGs.
Every single one of these, I play on my PC. Don't own any Consoles or Handhelds, and don't want to.