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"ah, you felt that to. I'm glad I wasn't alone. I had goosebumps all over. still do when thinking about it. Also that strange shadow bothered me, I couldn't tell where it came from"

"brr" I sat down and started meditating a bit

Viper #34734 20/05/03 07:40 PM
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The dark and mysterious-looking female was watching me as I talked to Nero. She seemed to regard me with a little distain before dissapearing with the two-headed wolf. Interesting.
"We have to make a stand here! The orcs will simply chase us down and destroy us!" I said. A little over the top but Nero seemed to agree. The invisibly-walled city was irritating me. There was something.....disturbing about it.
"Viper, can you see where they are?" I checked my supply of black powder, it seemed to be dry now, good.
I poured a small amount out into a pile. "Hey! Do you think this will have some use against the orcs" I called to everyone. I cracked a spark off a piece of flint-FWOOOSH! A yellow flame shot up about 10 feet. After checking my eyebrows were still there I turned to the rest of the group, "well?"

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34735 20/05/03 07:41 PM
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As I was meditating I started to see things. Blurry at first but much clearer as time went by. I began recognizing things and seeing things moving, it seemed like people. The image kept on becoming clearer and clearer and then it all was clear to me, I had a vision of the group and it’s surroundings.

Something wasn’t correct though, it seemed like evrybody was panicking and running around, reaching for their weapons, I couldn’t see why though. “This hasn’t happened yet” I thought to myself, it seems to be the near future. “Why was everybody running around like that? We knew Orcs were coming, we were preparing for an ambush, did we miss something, did the orcs foresee our plan??”

Then all hell brake loose, [color:"red"] and as I opened my eyes [/color] I saw Orcs all around, Jolie yelling, reaching for his weapon, Womble diving away for an arrow….

Then an Orc right in fornt of me, his axe raised ready to split my grey matter into 2 nice pieces. Suddenly a bright light, similar to lightning, hit the Orc right in the chest cracking it open and making his guts splatter all around.

Great, that’s another bath in the river after this

I had no clue as to where the Lightning beam came from, but it seemed to come from somewhere on my body. Is this a new ability I am discovering by accident? If it is, it came just on time

Viper #34736 20/05/03 07:59 PM
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Viper seemed to be totally locked in his meditation, every few minutes making growling noises. Fairly intense. I prepared a snare. Looping a small vine round a tree and the other end to a sizeable bomb rigged to go off when any pressure was applied. "Lets see what this does" I muttered to myself. If the rest of the group were as good as they said they were then we had a good chance.
What was that name Viper called me? Womble?? Sounds strange...

An arrow suddenly split the air, whizzing past my ear. What the hell....? It was an advance party! We had no time to prepare an ambush! The taint of an orc shaman's work seemed to show itself here...
I ran back to the party. "They're coming!" I yelled. Only to see them already fighting. "Dammit!" I yelled drawing my crude weapons. I paused to aim my boomstick, seconds later an Orc's head exploded. Another thunderous blast from behind, accompanied by orc screams. My trap had worked! Grinning to myself I loaded my weapon again. They hadn't noticed me much at the moment. That was my plan, stick to the undergrowth and pick them off one by one. Circling the bushes I saw Joliekiller locked in combat with 2 orcs. I'd always heard Paladins were impressive fighters, if not a little 'too' courageous. Another orc had snuck in behind him. I took aim as he raised his axe for the killer blow. The shot rang through the air and to orc dropped like a stone. Jolie looked around for a second, confused. The orcs backed off, totally confused as to how this paladin had killed their companion. Apparently with loud flatulence! They bolted back into the woods. Jolie giving chase screaming "Infidels!"
I snuck on, circling the battle and picking off targets where I could. There was a noise from behind me. Suddenly an Orc leapt out of the bush, Axe in hand, frothing at the mouth. I rolled sideways but his axe came down with a mighty clang, cleaving my beard. "Me beard!" I screamed, "I'll chop yer green bollocks off fer that!" The next few seconds I didn't remember much. In fact the next thing I recall was hurling a severed orc head into the woods, screaming "good bloody riddance".

Maybe it was time to get into this fight properly....

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34737 20/05/03 08:24 PM
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Suddenly, I had a brainstorm. Lightning bolts and everything. "What if," I proposed, "we close our eyes and walk through the barrier?"

I tried it. It worked!

-- BG
BeeGee #34738 20/05/03 08:37 PM
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I readied my weapon. (a stick i just picked up). Tried it out on some trees, was descent enough. I looked around to see were i could hide for the ambush. Hmmm this tree is rather good. I climbed the tree and searched for a good place.

<KRACK> the brach i stood on broke ther i went tumbling down the tree....

BOEMM I hit the floor.. "Auw, that hurts". I stood up again. "pfw, only a few bruses". Better take another tree. I wish i had my saftybelt on What was a saftybelt???

I searched for another spot to prepare for the battle.

This is good, i closed my eyes and 'charge' myself for the battle.....

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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I wondered aloud:

"Do you think the orcs know that we can throw things at them from inside the barrier, but they can't get in?"

-- BG
BeeGee #34740 20/05/03 09:21 PM
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"What are you talking about BG? We cant get to the other side. So how are we going to trow tings at them from the other side?" I amost started laughing. But the idea was intreging and good...

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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I waved at Jolie from inside the barrier.

-- BG
kiya #34742 20/05/03 09:35 PM
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..... a hall - well, not really a hall, more a sort of vast underground cave. I could see the gnarled old roots, curving in and out of the earthen walls, ageless, some of them probably dead long ago.

And in this hall I saw an endless amount of light blue crystals floating in the air, turning in the breeze and tinkling when they meet - whirling around, losing contact and moving on to their neighbour - an endless dance with music... their own music... musicians, dancers and audience at the same time... It was awesome... breathtaking and simply beautiful to watch.

I don't know for how long I had stood there and gazed, it could have been seconds - minutes - even years.... Time played no role at all. I felt peace and calmness. Then I was jolted out of this magical dream: one crystal floated down to me, I held my palms open and it came to rest on them, it had no weight at all and if, it was lighter than a feather. I could not close my hands to imprison it - that seemed wrong to me. I simply admired it and my heart widened... the tinkling music found its way, my heart welcomed it, caressed it - peace and joy....

Then I heard a faint high sweet voice, more a whisper and a tune than coarse words of the human language - but I understood.
It said... it sang... it whispered of a time long ago, when all creatures of this strange world, we were stranded in, were at peace with each other and had chosen this place to meet, listen and leave again. The bond of mutual respect and love was strengthened. Then the tune seemed to change, it became sadder, lost its joy...[/color]

"What happened then?" My voice echoed through the hall...

[color:"#a0a0ff"]The creatures of this world ceased to come, not at once... but from meeting to meeting the number lessened and after some time noone came.[/color]


[color:"#a0a0ff"]Lust for power took over.... superiority took over... wanting to conquer, kill and enslave took over... Enmity between old befriended races grew and the seed of hate and death was planted...[/color]

"Can this be reversed? If I could gather some and bring them here, could they become messengers then for the old music times?"

[color:"#a0a0ff"]No, our age is over... this is the age of steel and blood.[/color]

Last edited by kiya; 20/05/03 10:01 PM.
kiya #34743 20/05/03 09:59 PM
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jvb Offline
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I saw bg walk trough the "barrier".
"hmm i oughta try that too" i thought, running towards the place were bg was.

[color:"green"]CLUNCK [/color] "nope that didn't work. Hurt like hell though"

"hey bg how did you do it? It would be great if we would be able to fight them from there, where we are safe."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34744 20/05/03 10:39 PM
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"I hate orcs" I muttered to myself....raiding party...this isnt all of them. "EVERYONE COME CLOSE" Everyone nearby seemed to understand and decided not to ask why.....time to try this out for real. My companions all drew close to me we were back to back weapons drawn....It worked I laughed to myself...the orcs are being drawn in....the raiding party had us surrounded...

BeeGee #34745 20/05/03 10:52 PM
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Wow, that happened fast I thought as I looked down on the group for above (love them trees I do). Well despite his big talking looks like the demon could use some help. I jumped down cutting several orcs on the way, I made my way to Nero. Fighting back to back was nice when you didn't have to worry about the people you are fighting with.

Suddenly (mid kill I might add) I had a thought. while defending myself I concentrated on my tattoo and made all the pieces line up like in my medatative state.

I could feel energy pulsing through me and I wondered if Nero at my back could feel it too.

LuCiDiTy #34746 20/05/03 11:00 PM
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"It's easy! Just close your eyes and walk over here."


-- BG
BeeGee #34747 21/05/03 12:01 AM
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When I Kiya and wolfy left all the sudden, I followed them on the treetops.
Not that I don't trust them but for there safety's sake. The progressed deeper in the woods, trees got higher, bigger, darker... They stopped for a moment, time for me to look around, I sah no way back to our companions, neither a sign of the orcs.

Then Kiya and Wolfy, dug in some hole, I tried to but as I wanted to enter veins began to grow and closed the hole.

Well I'm alone know I have to get back somehow and fast.

It's one of these days...
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"So Lucidity...every been in a spot like this before? I have a little surprise for these bastards." While standing back to back defending ourselves I heard Luc murmur to himself...suddenly as if I had been charged by lightening I felt stronger distracted by this I almost didnt notice the orc swinging at me with his rusty blade. At the last moment I brought my arm up in a vain effort to defend myself. I opened my eyes back up and saw the orc stubling back bewildered (as bewildered as an orc can look) I looked down expecting my arm to be gone but there was barely a scratch. "What did you do" I asked Luc. The orcs seemed afraid and angry now. They were about to rush us...

NeroJB #34749 21/05/03 12:57 AM
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old hand
old hand
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When the Orcs had first attacked us I had somehow managed to get Hypatia, Polgara, and Lynn behind me up against the barrier. As I fired arrow after arrow into the oncoming Orcs, I heard Hypatia whispering to the other two that BeeGee said to close your eyes and walk through the barrier.

With the rustling of skirts, I felt them move through the barrier as if it were nothing. I smiled, at least they were safe.

Suddenly the arrows that had appeared as if by magic in my bow just stopped. "What the ???? Oh, well, what's a girl going to do?" I grinned as I grabbed the axe that I had slung over my shoulder and started the new dance. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />
I looked across the way at Nero and Lucidity, they were back to back fighting foes coming at them from every direction. I saw my joy in battle reflected in both their faces. I laughed and gave a battle cry and started clearing a path to them deciding that fighting by their side would defeat our foes that much the quicker.

Last edited by DQueene; 21/05/03 02:32 AM.

DQueene #34750 21/05/03 05:58 AM
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After my little talk to BG, i saw Nero and Lucid back to back surrounded by orcs. I took my nice treebrantch and run in hitting every orc on the way.
The fact that it didnt hurt them scared me abit, but atleast they moved away <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />

Finally i reached them. I told them about the barrier and how we could move through it.
"You dont have a spare weapon do you?" i asked. "I'd like to help kick there asses, but with this brantch wont do squat."

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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"Here use these" I said quickly handing jolie my faithful daggers..."Dont touch those they are poison tipped. Is everyone else through the barrier?" Now it was me Luc, jolie and DQueen staving off orcs...Realizing I can still talk to people in their minds I focused and Shouted in thought. "IF YOU DONT WANT TO BE RIPPED APART GET THROUGH THE BARRIER!!!" With that I closed my eyes and focused on the the duality and connection between love and hate and swung with all my might.....RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHRRRRRR!!!! BOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMZZZZZZZZZZZZZZGGGGGGGGRRRRRRRRAAAAAAAACCCCCCCHHHHHHHH The noise was defening and the light blinding...when I was finally able to focus again the sight in front of me was incredible....... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ohh.gif" alt="" />

NeroJB #34752 21/05/03 10:30 AM
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We stood there back to back waiting for someone to make a move....
Nero gave me his daggers to use right now. "Ok, filthy orcs, bring it on <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />"
Nero closed his eyes and started to charge up for some kind of attack. A big battlecry and a big explosion of some kind followed.

When it was over everthing in a 20meter radious was destroyed, including the orcs. THe barrier however still remained.
"Woow <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />, what an attack Nero. Am i glad i was next to you <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />"

We started to move towards the others on the other side of the barrier.

Ofcorse i checked the bodies for goodies and a new weapon. On one of the orcs i found a magnifisant bastardsword. It was very sharp and pointy. The handhold was made of the finest leather and golden roundings. It shined in the sunlight. "Wooow, what a cool sword!" I didnt seem to have any magics, but still.

On an other orc i found a bag with some coins in it and a note. I opened the note but couldnt read what was on it. It was written in a language i didnt understand.
Hmmm i better show this to the others

After i checked all the orcs bodies, i walked up to the barrier, closed my eyes and walked right through it. Finally safe! now only wait until the others come back. "But were is Kiya???"

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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