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kiya #34793 21/05/03 10:39 PM
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"she's crazy" I mumbled to myself.....that girl is going to get herself killed...where she had dissappeared to in the first place I do not know but now that she was back I wasnt going to let her leave by herself again. She didnt want us to follow but, I wasnt going to obey that besides she's crazy. Once she had the orc convinced I snuck through the barrier and lept deftly into the trees ready to follow them silently and secretly...

NeroJB #34794 22/05/03 02:25 AM
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When Kiya asked us not to follow her I wanted to disobey her wishes, but I knew that we each had to carve out our own destiny and she had her feet firmly planted on life's path. Besides I knew that Nero was following her and I was pretty sure nothing would harm her if he had any say in the matter.

I could only shake my head as I watched the 'guys' settle down to their 'wodka'. Boy, they could certainly change what they were doing in a hurry. BeeGee looked like he was searching for something, he kept peeking through his fingers and then spinning around as rapidly as could and saying, "Gotcha!"

I glanced around and noticed a big tree standing all by itself about a mile away. "Well, I'm not tired and I want to see what's in that tree. So far, somethings been in every tree that size on this planet (??? - what's a planet??/).

I took off at a stroll, noticing that distances here could be really deceiving. One minute, the tree looked only a couple of hundred feet away and then the next time I looked at it, it looked several leagues away.

"What the ...," I growled. "I am going to make it to that blasted tree!" My vision blurred for a second and I was there! Right at the tree. "Weird," I shrugged.

I walked around the tree, looking for a door believe it or not. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Not finding anything I sat down and got comfortable. Now I was tired, my eyes slowly drifted shut and I fell into a dream.

[color:"orange"] I was looking down on a table with seven figures seated around it. Each of the figures were shrouded in a different colored mist - I couldn't see their true forms nor distinguish their words but I could sense their overiding evil. Then my dream shifted and I saw that the table was actually a miniature world and that the wizards... How did I know they were wizards? I don't know, I just did. One of the wizards pointed at something on the table and the scene shifted closer to the world. Down... down... down until I was close enough to see that he was pointing at some people. I knew I needed to see who they were, it was important, so very important. Just then my vision cleared and I swear I could see jvb sitting at our fire! Then the the wizard started mumbling in a syllabant whisper with his finger pointing at the camp and I saw a sizzling spark spinging from his fingertip... [/color]

I woke up with a scream of warning on my lips, hoping beyond hope that I wouldn't be too late to warn them. I jumped up and started running back toward the camp, willing myself to be there...

DQueene #34795 22/05/03 06:00 AM
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There she went, straight off to the orcs. please be carefull Kiya. She went through the barrier and after a few seconds an orc showed up right in front of her. I reached for my weapon and wanted to charge in but something stopped me from doing that. I have to respect her wish and give her a chance. But if that orc makes one wrong move, he'll know my wrath!

She seemed to convince the orc to take her with him to some place. I saw Nero follow her secretly. I didnt even stop him, mostly because i knew i couldnt. But this also gave me safe feeling, knowing some was with her watching over her. I poored out my bottle of somekind of drink. I took a sip and immidiatlly the word GRENADINE struck my mind. But what was grenadine????

I went towards the fire, Wolfy close on my heels, drinking from my bottle. At the campfire some of the boys were drinking a bottle of Wodka or was it Whysky? Even JVB drank it as if he had been drinking it for ages, knowing his only 17 <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />! JVB, obviously in a state of drunkness, started to tell stories. I sat down near the fire and listened to his stories. They were sometimes very funny and i had to laugh <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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I was very amused by jvb's stories and I had to laugh out loud quite some times. for his young age he had experienced quite a lot so far.

Smoking the pipe Womble gave me I continued listening. Passing the pipe back to Womble I started telling some of my adventures as well. So did Womble.......

Viper #34797 22/05/03 02:01 PM
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"Now what is that strange witch doing?" I said, breifly glancing up from the campfire to see Kiya walking through the wall. Jolie looked at me scornfully, maybe for calling her a 'witch'. He told me not to be concerned, she wanted to go and see the shaman alone. I noticed Nero sneaking off after her, that would make her mad to be sure but then, not much didn't annoy her in some way.( <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" />)
I sighed and sat down again with the boys, laughing and talking of the past few days, JVB told us of the old man he'd encountered. He'd apparently spent a day dodging rocks but had been finally found by DQueene and brought to the group. She'd dissapeared too. She was another mysterious figure, although not as much as Kiya. "Wizards, always soul-searching..." I mumbled to myself.
Viper passed the pipe back. He'd almost smoked all of it so I took some more of the tobacco leaves out to dry them for use. I finished the last of pipe...

The moon was high now, time to sleep soon.

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34798 22/05/03 02:14 PM
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After the fight the repercussions from my new skill (some sort of aura) I lighted quietly up into the trees. Luckily I was still close to Nero when the 'blast' went off. When the orcs were clear I fell asleep exausted due to the energy that I had channelled through my self and onto others. Now waking up I saw that everyone was gone

Fortunatly I was able to see them on the other side of the barrier. BG upside down, JVB talking to a bush, and Womble asleep holding a log.
"someone had something to drink I suppose"

Where were Nero and Kiya? Where was DQueen? I saw Dragh and went over, he seemed happy to see me

[elvish]What in gods name has happened? Where are the rest?[/elvish]

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" />

Womble #34799 22/05/03 02:24 PM
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I wasn't going to make it! "Hurry, DQueene, hurry!" I exhorted myself.

With a last burst of speed, I rushed into camp yelling at everyone "Get under cover! Lightning!"

I grabbed Lynn, Hypatia and Polgara, pushing them to the ground and covering them with my cloak and body; envisioning a huge mother bird protecting her young. I actually seemed to 'feel' my body shifting to accomodate the image. I cast an anguished glance at everyone else. Wolfy and BeeGee were the only ones who reacted swiftly to my panic. Why? I growled. Then I realized it was that damned alcohol and weed. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" />

kiya #34800 22/05/03 02:34 PM
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Humming and tapping every now and then I followed the orc and as I got a little bit bored, I observed him at the same time: Tough body, coarse neck, not very pretty - but probably a good warrior... What had been the bond between orcs and werewolves? Ah, probably the way they moved: silently, elegant, used to prey upon victims... carnivorous... predators.

"Do you like the moon?"

The orc stiffened. I tried again:

"You like moon?" Pointing up to the planet.

"Moon... <grunt>... Moon give magic, moon mighty... orc moon." He scratched his head, shook it and gave me an quizzical look. "You witch, you make black moon magic?"

"No. But there has been a bond between you and the werewolves, so I was trying to find ..."

[color:"yellow"]"YOU SPY! ARGH!"[/color]

He made a jump into my direction.

Uhoh, concentrate, Kiya, I held up the crystal, let the moonrays sink into it and hummed again, standing silently and (hopefully) relaxed.

"ORC! Look at me, I'm weak, unarmed and no one is behind me - so what's the fuss? Use your brains, for Orcmoon's sake!"

"You... witch, me...[color:"red"] KILL YOU!"[/color]

He tried to raise his axe hand, but my music was stronger... is it really so easy? Fear crept into his face, so I hummed the tune of peace, tapped my crystal, let it dangle...

"Orc, why do you think I'm a spy?"

"You like wolf... wolf enemy... killed young one. Me kill wolf and his young ones!"

His face saddened, I listened on. I saw his expression change again, from sorrow to pride and the lust of fulfilled revenge - then sorrow came back.

DQueene #34801 22/05/03 02:35 PM
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"hahahahahaaa... Lightning she yells *burps* .. excuse me <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />"

However drunk I was, nothing could ever beat DQueene's beauty, everytime I saw her it made me a little bit quite inside, her lovely shiny hair, those deep intriguing eyes...

DQueene #34802 22/05/03 02:38 PM
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When I heard DQueene's cry of alarm, I rose to the occasion. Literally. From my vantage point above the treetops I could see the surrounding hiils, forest, and everything. But I didn't see anything even vaguely resembling "Lightning" barreling toward the chemically impaired wastrels.

I [color:"orange"]did[/color] see DQueene perform a feat of inhuman strength, grace, and dexterity, when she swooped in on the girls and covered them like a dragon nesting her eggs. I even imagined for a moment that she [color:"orange"]was[/color] a dragon.

Then it hit me: maybe DQueene really is a dragon. I hovered there for half a moment pondering the thought, when ...

It hit me: An enormous bolt of energy! When I say "enormous", I mean huger than titanic. It was 100 meters wide and shot down out of the sky like the force beam of a DeathStar. No, a HyperDeathStar. Maybe even a DreadnaughtHyperDeathStar.

I was its first victim. Every elemntary particle of my body became radioactively unstable and the basic elements of Air, Earth, Water, Fire, and Spirit jumped to the Chaos energy level. Plus two. I had trouble keeping a clear mind through the ordeal, and a part of me wondered what chance those drunken fools would have with their chemically-induce, clinically depressed mental capacities. Not to mention the high probability of alcohol poisoning increasing their morbidity ratings and complicating Hypatia's booboo-kissing efficaciousness.

One of the reasons I started thinking in big words was because the explosive energy and searing heat of the energy bolt was splitting me into thriteen separate BeeGees -- tinier than the original, but perfect replicas in every detail.

And the energy bolt continued to blast away for nearly two minutes!

A fortunate side effect of all that energy smacking my booboo, was that I deflected more than 99.9927 percent of it away from the group. From where I could see -- and we're talking about 26 eyes to see with -- DQueene's huddle was completely unscathed. The distinct odor of burnt hair and scorched flesh rose from the vicinity of the inebriated revelers, and they began doing the bow-legged version of the "squirrel-ran-up-my-trousers" dance. Each of their flasks, bottles, and wineskins had instantly become Molotov Cocktails, shattering into a million pieces and billowing fire and concussion.

For six or seven kilometers, every tree was blown down. Every boulder rolled. Every stream evaporated, Every grain of sand turned to glass. And everything decided to smolder -- smelling almost as bad as the weed that had been passed around the campfire.

"No time for sightseeing" I reminded myself. "Pull yourself together, BeeGee!" another me said. "We need to find Kiya ASAP." another me observed. "You remind me of my cousin" one of me said to the other me.

The mini-me's joined hands and slowly descended toward the ravaged earth (although I'm certain the ground was not of the Earth).

-- BG
DQueene #34803 22/05/03 02:41 PM
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DQueen came back scream to dodge. "What for i asked???" But the way she was akting suggested i better should dodge away. As quickly as i could, i dodge under the nearest tree. "Wolfy come here!" He came towards me with the look in his eyes saying "What is wrong?"

"It seem DQueen is on to something. I think we should listen." He lay himself down next to me. I saw Womble, JVB and Viper were still partying. "Hey get down you guys!!" I yelled. But it seems like they dont even hear me.

O well there choice. I took the opportunity to check on the things i had collected on my way. I was looking in my backpack when suddenly a lightning struck in on the fire. I was blinded for a few seconds because of the enormous light it produced. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> "What was that?? <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> Was that what you were warning us about?"

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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I sah what was happening to BeeGee, I had to stop it, someway, anyway...
I act of despiration I took a branch and threw it towards BeeGee hoping it will knock him out of the beam.
But what happened was tottaly different, somehow when tha branch hit the ground, it began to root into the ground, seconds later it began to grow, branches growed out of it an leaves started to pop out of the twigs.

What was that? was that me?
whatever it was It didn't help BG a lot, or not that I could see cause a huge tree was standing in my view now. what now? could he poof out of there...

It's one of these days...
kiya #34805 22/05/03 03:33 PM
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"Sorry, to hear that - now where is your Shaman?"

The orc grunted again, turned around and continued on his way... we entered the camp and I was overflooded with a cacophony of melodies and tunes: Sorrow, hate, surprise, boredom, hunger, thirst, memories.

Ouch, I'm in trouble now - the only tune I could think of was [color:"#a0a0ff"]Peace. Humming the sound of a crackling fire, singing the melody of the comfy warmth on a sleeping mat, of a mother cradling her baby, the joys of a full belly,[/color] I moved carefully through the camp.

And all the time I felt the orcs watching me, hands hovering over their weapons.

Don't cough, Kiya, don't even think of sneezing

"Here, Shaman." My leader grunted and left me.

In front of me sat a very old orc - his face was full of tattos and scars, his light blue eyes glared at me as if I were an insect, ready to be crushed. His body was hidden under a large cloak made out of feathers, fur bits and leather. His ears were pierced with strange ornamental geometrical earrings.

"Shaman?" I bent down a bit and held my dangling crystal before his face. "Shaman, do you know of this?"

The old orc raised his hand slowly, it trembled, and held the halfmoon close to his eyes. "Oh, he's nearly blind," I thought.

"Strong magic, what is this?" crackling voice.

"A crystal, out of a cave - a cave where you and the werewolves once listened together to the music of harmony - in a time were a bond was between many races, a time long ago. Can you hear me?"

[color:"a0a0ff"]I hummed the tune of harmony: Peaceful moonnights, howling in company, fur next to skin, the joy of sharing prey, the moonrays, hunting together, blue eyes meeting yellow ones, the moonshadows, the moon. Running side by side through the underwood - comrades, depending on one another, moon shining on both.[/color]

kiya #34806 22/05/03 03:35 PM
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As I/we descended, we began chanting an ancient teamwork mantra. We thought it might help us unite ourself.

[color:tan]London britches falling down,
falling down,
falling down.

London britches falling down,
my fair lady.

It didn't help.

-- BG
BeeGee #34807 22/05/03 03:44 PM
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The blast was over? What A ravage it done! I'll better look if no-one is hurt. I ran towards the tree who miraculously survived the blast.. but BG was gone. Oh no Is he vaporated? I'll mis the funny guy...

I looked at Dqueene and it looked like her cloak had protected them, nobody looked really hurt, besides poor BeeGee then.

It's then I noticed I was bleeding, I got more exhausted with the second? how can .. it .. be, I felt like having runned the cooper test twice, whatever it was. I fell down on my knees, and sah the tree die very quick, leaves all leaves fell of and when the last leave hit the ground, my sight faded and I just felt my head hitting the ground before everything stopped.

It's one of these days...
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"Viper! When I said I wanted a light I didn't mean like.... Oh!" I stared around, sobriety returning fast like a mallet in the face. Apparently there had been a bit of a thunderstorm. I could smell singed smoke from my beard, I hurriedly beat out the flames. "If I loose any more of this someone will die!" I growled to myself. My cloak seemed to be unscathed. Most of the orc weapons I had collected had melted into a pool. "What's that?" I wondered as I saw a shape form in the scorched earth. The metal cooled into the shape of an axe, a mighty looking blade etched with strange glowing runes. I picked it up, no bigger than an average handaxe it seemed much lighter, with superb balance. I found an unmelted rock to sharpen it on.
Everyone else seemed ok, if not a little charred. The lightning blast had scattered us several meters in each diretion. JVB moaned and collected his wits. It was a quick job.
I looked at beegee(s) with admiration, his booboo had saved us. The forest was gone though. What magic was this?

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
kiya #34809 22/05/03 04:03 PM
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I saw the Shaman orc move from side to side, in tune with the melody, lost in his memories.


I looked at him and stopped humming.

"Yes?" Dangling, tipping, dangling.

"Speech bad - song good," quick as lightning he grabbed my wrist with the dangling crystal and pulled me down next to him. I tried to resist, but he was too strong for me, I toppled over and fell on my knees, then his other hand grabbed my free one, with a quick wrench his palms were on mine, his fingers still held my wrists tightly.

"Ouch! This hurts..." I gasped and pulled away - in vain.

He bared his teeth, or to be exact, the ruins that had known better times.

"I listened, human - now you [color:"orange"]LOOK[/color] ".

He did something with my wrists, I felt pictures flowing up from them and entering my mind, I closed my eyes to focus.

Womble #34810 22/05/03 04:03 PM
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"Evil magic!" I exclaimed. Well, three of me did.

"This is Cursed Ground now." two others of me said.

"The diamond sink hole is gone, " another of me commented, "covered over with melted rock and ash."

"Lynn? What happened to me?" the littlest me sobbed.

-- BG
kiya #34811 22/05/03 04:26 PM
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[color:"pink"]I saw... the cave! My cave... I saw a werewolf next to me and looking down on my hands I saw they were claws. The werewolf looked at me, the orc, and I felt comradeship, we listened to the music of friendship.... The vision changed... I was in the woods... hunting... I felt the excitement, heard the wolf next to me, we were gliding silently... on the hunt.... The picture changed again... I came to my home... my female and her young ones lay in their blood, their throats had been bitten through and my comrade STOOD OVER THEM... [/color][color:"red"]RAGE! HURT! REVENGEEEEEEEE! My axe crushed down on the wolf, his head cracked open and he fell, his blood mingled with the blood of my beloved ones, my kin.... AAAAARRHHH[color:"pink"]
The picture changed... I hunted wolves... wolves hunted me... wolves hunted my clan... I hunted their clan... [/color]

kiya #34812 22/05/03 06:27 PM
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the blast blew me away, throwing me into a tree. I got knocked unconcious immediately and broke 1 of my wings.

There I lay.....

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