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Viper #34813 22/05/03 06:39 PM
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I noticed Viper lying by the tree. "Viper!" I yelled running as fast as my short legs would carry me to the tree. He was pretty badly injured, I saw a break in his wing. Trying not to move him too much I propped him against the tree, carefully supporting his wing. I dug out some very potent-smelling chemicals from my small bag and wafted them under his nose.
"Hypatia! Anyone? Help him please!" I yelled...

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34814 22/05/03 06:45 PM
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"hmmph... huhu.. wha...."


"Dqueene... eyes... so.... beatif....."

[color:"red"] " <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" /> NO, KEEP AWAY YOU FILTHY EVIL SHADOW.. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/memad.gif" alt="" />" [/color]

[color:"green"] "Wha.. where.. where am I?" [/color] I opened my eyes and saw Womble being very worried.

"what hapened? I had this nice dream Womble, my friend. I did not talk outloud did I? Wouldn't want anyone to found out..?? "

I had a big smile on my face and I stared in the depth

Viper #34815 22/05/03 07:13 PM
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"Easy there Viper, you had a hell of a knock, can you stand?" I helped him up, his wing looked terrible but I'm sure it would heal.
"You were mumbling something in your dream about a 'dark one'?" I said to him, "you know the meaning of this?"

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
kiya #34816 22/05/03 07:34 PM
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I breathed heavily... with each drawn breath I heaved myself slowly out of this vision and came back into reality again, opened my eyes and looked at the Shaman. His eyes were piercing me, searching my soul for answers.

"Shaman... who killed the young ones and the female in the first place? Did anyone investigate?"

The old orc shook his head slowly, his grip on my wrists loosened a bit.

"Blood was enough... wolf was there - was enough."

"And if the wolf had come there just a few seconds before the orc? And even if his snout was bloody, maybe he tried to take up the scent of the murderer?"

"Blood was enough... wolf was there - was [color:"red"]ENOUGH![/color]"

"NOOOOO, it was not enough - you had sat there side by side, shared your meals, hunted together, had listened to the music of friendship - and the bond was so easily broken? By blood... without [color:"red"]PROOF?[/color]"

I rocked to and fro, from side to side, trying to calm down, the music of anger rushed through my veins - and I was not able to find my own counter melody. I clenched my hands to fists and felt a sharp prick... I let go and felt the halfmoon again. Controling my breath I was able to look at him once again.

The Shaman's eyes and mine met, the melody of contest started and this time I wanted no soothing tune, we sank into each other and the contest battle song raged to and fro - we left our bodies and...

[color:"#daa520"]I soared over the countryside... fights down below... burned villages, crying women, abandoned cattle, children searching.... burnt earth... twisted, tortured bodies, destruction everywhere... I screamed out of rage and fury: This is what the Song of War does, this is what the Tune of Death causes, this leads to the Melody of Mourning and Sorrow... this is ANTI-LIFE... the vision changed, the drums were burning in my veins, the arrows hit through me, the thunderclap of explosion burst me to pieces, I was the crystal.. I hurled myself unto my next neighbour... I clashed into the next one.... I felt myself cracking... I fell... I fell... [/color]

Last edited by kiya; 24/05/03 07:21 PM.
kiya #34817 22/05/03 09:37 PM
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jvb Offline
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[color:"#666666"] FLASH [/color] wow, what was that.
Where is everybody? i thought, looking around the campfire.
Wow, i dont know what it was, but it really soberes you up.
when i looked around me i saw womble and viper standing at a tree.
"Can someone explain to me what happened? i cant remember a thing.."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34818 22/05/03 09:53 PM
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Noone was able to notice that I had returned.

Why you may ask?

O just a big bolt of lighning coming down from the clear sky.

Odd isn't it?

Unfortunatly my eyebrows were singed (how I don't know), the funny thing is that I felt a strange connection with the lighning, almost like it flowed through me.

I am beginning to think that I don't know a whole lot about my self.

I did a mental check and noticed that my back was warmer than uaual.

I took out my sword (of which I have no recolections of the origin). The sword was glowing and a little warm.

"ooooo" "I kind of like this" I felt charged almost boyant as I held the sword. I think that the lightning might have awoken something in this sword.

Which brings me back to the original question, WHERE IN HEAVENS NAME DID THE LIGHTNING COME FROM??????

"Dragh" [Elvish]did you see anything else??? O, and how did you plant that tree like that? Its kind of freaking me out! [/Elvish]

jvb #34819 22/05/03 09:55 PM
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"There's no time to explain!" I/we yelled in unison. "Didn't you hear us say that this place is Cursed Ground?!?"

"You must leave [color:"yellow"]NOW[/color]! All of you! [color:"yellow"]That[/color]" I said pointing up to the sky "was just the first blast of magic! Do you want to see how many more you can survive?!?!"

And, taking my own advice, I ran back out through the barrier and made a beeline for the distant mountainside lake I had seen from above. I ran as fast as 26 legs could carry me.

-- BG
BeeGee #34820 22/05/03 10:02 PM
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"Don't go out there Beegee!" I yelled "The orcs!" They were no match for his speed though. He vanished like a caterpillar on crack. "Bugger!" I mumbled to myself. I could never move that fast, neither could Viper with a broken wing.

The sky was looking vengefull.

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
kiya #34821 22/05/03 10:05 PM
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[color:"orange"]hitting the ground... I was shattered to pieces... burned to cinders... turned to ashes... scattered by the wind ... silence... sweet single sound of silence rose....[/color]


the call of loneliness, sad tune coming from the last of his kin... yearning melody... it called me back... song of lost memories... yellow eyes... respect... fur... the last of his kin... [/color]

I awoke, the Shaman and I had fallen over one another, our eyes were close together and met... he understood.

"Shaman, the bond between the races is gone forever, the bond between one and one is still alive. Your enemy, the werewolf, the last of his clan, renewed this bond of mutual respect and understanding with me, the human, again... Do you and your orcs want to share his fate if you carry on with bloodshed?"

His eyes pierced mine again, and then he spoke:

"If one-of-my-clan follows you, I agree. You find - I wait."

[color:"#a0a0ff"]"The soft tune of hope began... a whisper... a gentle breeze... a tiny spark... in search for support...[/color]

BeeGee #34822 22/05/03 10:06 PM
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jvb Offline
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"You don't have to say that twice.." I said and started running my legs of.
"3 times is a charm" i thought running towards the barrier yet again.
Like last time i closed my eyes, but only this time i really had the feeling that i had to get over there fast.
the power of my will must have been so strong that i could gater enough power to get trough it.

"Why cant i get trough this thing as easy as you guys?
you just walk trough it, no sweat, and i have to give all my energy for it.
Whats so different about me?"

[color:"orange"] There's so much about me I dont know... Why cant I just be like the other guys??
I always have the feeling there something inside of me... Maybe thats why it costs me so much more energy to get trough that barrier. If thats true, I wonder what it is, and what i have to do to set it free...
And that strange guy, who was he?? will I ever see him again??
Only time will learn... [/color] i thought to myself

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
BeeGee #34823 22/05/03 10:08 PM
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Worring about the saftey of.... all the BGs I guess I ran after him remembering to shut my eyes as I went through the barrier. Unfortuantly the little BG didn't remember and was sitting on his booboo holding his head. I picked him up as I went.

Darn hes fast even when he is split

The lake in the distance got closer, and the little BG fell asleep
He also snores quite loudly for a little guy

LuCiDiTy #34824 22/05/03 10:28 PM
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The blast of the lightning has shaken everything. JVB was immidiatly sober. atleast one good thing about that blast I almost laught with that thought.

I tried to get up but almost fell down again. Oeps, be carefull must have been quite a bash. I looked around and saw BG running of and bumping into the barrier AGAIN <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />.

Then i saw Womble and Viper near a tree. Womble yelled for help so i went in for a look. "Whats going on Womble?" "Viper broke a wing." he anwsered.
Hmmm seems like something for Kiya. To bad she isnt here. Hypatia can you do something about it?

At that time i felt some heat comming from my backpack. I opened it and saw that the amulet i got from the ogre had changed. At first it was like a cristal. Now it was a cristal that changed into all possible colors.
what does this mean?? "Hey, does anyone know what this is??" i asked the group and pointed at my amulet.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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I just sat and waited in the trees. What on earth is she doing....but the orcs werent attacking her so I sat tight...slowly as I regained my composure I began to hear a was soothing and then coarse, jumping back of forth an apparent battle of wills. I sat mind entranced with no feeling of anger since I had 'awoken in this world'

LuCiDiTy #34826 22/05/03 10:42 PM
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"Cmon Viper! We're leaving!" I beckoned him forward. He still seemed fairly strong despite his injuries. We motioned forward to the barrier, closed our eyes and passed through as before. The orcs were just looking at us, almost entranced. "Maybe kiya has reached the shaman" I commented to Viper, he murmored an agreement.
We needed to travel fast to catch the rest of the party. "Wait there Viper.." I motioned to him as I pulled my cloak over my head, making myself one with the night. We needed transport, and that meant one thing...a mount. I hunted the night for a while, looking for something, anything to fill this purpose. Then suddenly there it was, snoring in the moonlight. "hmmm, that boar is just my height" I mused to myself.
Making no sound, I approached from behind and lept onto its back. Nothing, not even a squeal. "Hyah! Cmon piggie lets ride!" I yelled. It just snored....
"Right, this is either something of use or a bacon sandwich.." I muttered. I unsheathed my knife and jabbed it in the butt. "Wreeeeek!" It screamed and leapt to its feet.
"Nooooooooo! This way" I yelled, holding on for dear life...

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34827 23/05/03 12:40 AM
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old hand
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After the blast of lightning hit I thought I might have been struck on my head because when I glanced up there were a bunch of little BeeGee's doing a dance and singing something abount London's britches falling down. Who the **** was London? And why did BeeGee care if his britches fell down? Especially at a time like this? Lynn, Hypatia and Polgara were all making little muffled sounds (or were the sounds only muffled because my ears were ringing so loudly?) indicating that they would really like to get up - so I got off of them as quickly as I could and helped them to their feet.

"What's BeeGee going on about now?" I glanced up and tried counting the numerous little BeeGee's floating around. I think I counted twelve, but there might have been thirteen. His words finally got through the ringing in my ears - something about 'Cursed Ground' and getting out of here.

"Let's go!" I grabbed Lynn's hand and she grabbed Hypatia's and yes, of course, Hypatia grabbed Polgara's and we started running after the others. I knew we had to make it past all those Orcs, but they didn't seem to be attacking anyone so maybe something had happened to make them friendly.

Looking ahead, I saw that one of Viper's wings was bent at weird angle.

"Hypatia, can you see Viper's wing?"

When she nodded I asked, "Can you fix a booboo that big?"

She ran up to Viper and placing her hands on either side of his wing she began to chant. You could see a green energy flowing between her hands and Viper's wing slowly began to look normal again.

DQueene #34828 23/05/03 06:26 AM
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"thanks Womble" I said, "thanks for taking me away from there, I couldn't have done it alone"

Than I started feeling a strange warmth in my wings and as I saw behind me, I saw Hypathia doing something to my wing making it feel a lot better. "Thank Hypathia, that helps a lot"
When she stopped she almost crumbled of tiredness from healing my wing.

"It's not completely healed", she said, "so go easy on it for the first few days"
"I will", I told her. then I had to be fast so she wouldn't fall on the ground. I picked her up and carried her until she was strong enough to walk on herself again, but for now she was 'out'

Viper #34829 23/05/03 09:13 AM
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My words seemed to be in vain, not very hard because everybody was leaving or had already left. So i put on the neclace and followed the others. I ran as fast as i could, almost forgetting to close my eyes at the barrier. Few, that was close. Almost bumped into it.

I saw Viper at one of the tree waiting. "Where did Womble go?" I asked him. "No idea" he said. "Oh well he'll be back i guess."
I heard someone scream: "Not his way!!" I looked into that direction and saw a board wildly riding away from us. Did i see that right? Was that Womble ontop of the boar???

I turned back to Viper and noticed Hypathia was bussy healing his wing. When she was finished, she almost fell. Luckyly Viper catched her. "Lets move on i said. Dont wory about those orcs. They wont attack us." Something inside me told me that.

The amulet started to shine brighter and brighter.....
What was going on???

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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[color:"#CCAA55"]in my uncotientness I began to venture in the world of dreams, I was in some sort of castle, with many windows, windows with seetrough stone in it. I sah A lot of youngsters there, playing yelling. When suddenly a bell rang, and a minute later they were all gone. I spotted some of them trough the seetrough stone, the word glass came into my mind but I didn't know what it meant. I decided to go where all these youngsters went and went trough a dark hallway, I oppened a door stepped trough, and I was deep in some wood, the door behind me had dissapeared.

A ventured in the forest, i didn't encounter any living soul, even nu insects. I got desperate, this emptyness scared me. I decided to climb into a tree, at least 15 meters high I found a good supportive branch and sat on it, resting, looking around, enjoying the beauty of these woods.

Suddenly I saw some treetops move, I peered into the distance and saw somebody coming towards me, jumping from one to another branch, he was dressed in rags and a green hooded cape. As he was jumping towards me ha cam upon a large gap between two trees, he jump and I sah he would'n make it, I embraced my self, but what did he do? he reached for a branch, while he still was meters away, the branch growed quickly, it became bigger and especcialy longer, long enough for that man to grab it and pull himself on it. He runned again and came rather close I could see the tattoos all over his body, just like me, he must be one of my kind. Then there he was he stood on the same branch I was sitting on next to me, "Hi" I said but he didn't react, I stood up and wanted to pad him on the shoulder, but I couldn't My had went right trough him, it suprised me and lost my balanced I tumbled down into a black hole, quickly I came out of the hole and was still falling, but this time there was no forest no trees, I fell, into the sky, there was nothing but sky around me. Where had the earth gone to?

It's one of these days...
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"Stooooopppp!" I yelled atop this galloping mound of pork. I fished a piece of rope out of my bag and tied a makeshift harness. A branch barely missed my head. "Ok, now to get this thing in its mouth" A perfect lob and I had some reign on the beast. "Right!" I yelled yanking on the ropes as hard as possible, "whoa, you bugger!".
We eventually came to a halt. The beast was calmer now, it simply stood there, grunting and snuffling in the undergrowth. "Almost cute," I thought to myself. "Aw hell, I forgot Viper!"
I hopped back upon my mount like Long John Silver, whoever he was. "Heeyah!" I yelled, no movement. "Hmmm, this is how its going to be is it?" I bent down and whispered in its ear. "Apple sauce!" I said, licking my lips. A look of panic spread across its face, "Oink?" It said, and proceeded at the speed of a rather fat, hairy bullet. "Steering this thing is going to be fun...." I mused...

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34832 23/05/03 02:12 PM
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I glanced around trying to count all my companions, trying to make sure we had everyone with us. With all the little BeeGee's floating around and doing whatever fooping and poofing they felt like at the moment that was kind of hard. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/suspicion.gif" alt="" />

"Wait a minute everyone! Where's Draugh? Is he okay?" I glanced around frantically, trying to ascertain if he was up some tree and invisible or not. No, he wasn't anywhere. Had we left him?

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