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Womble #34833 23/05/03 02:21 PM
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"oh no, whatch out guys! theres something coming at us.
If i can see it correctly its a boar!!
But whats that on his back?? Is it womble??? No that cant be..."

When it came closer i saw that it indeed was womble, unable to control the beast very well..

"Womble!! stop or you'll hurt somebody!!"

He replied: "I'm trying, but the *** beast wont stop!"

"i guess we should make room for them to be able to pass us wont we?" I asked the others.

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34834 23/05/03 02:35 PM
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I continued to follow BG toward the shimmering lake. I was running out of patience for his alter egos though, due to the fact that they were taking turns 'falling' down and needing my help to be carried. Each would fall and when I picked them up they would just snuggle into my arm and fall asleep for a while. O, well such is life when you are dealing with an imp.

"BG how about we slow down and wait in the underbrush for our comrades"
no response
"BG there are some berries and interesting looking rocks over there"

LuCiDiTy #34835 23/05/03 02:57 PM
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Galloping headlong towards JVB and the others I pulled furiously on the reins. "!" We screeched to a halt just in front of where JVB was standing. He'd decided to take cover in a bush. "Its ok!" I panted, "you can come out now!"
"Where the hell did you find this?" JVB asked.
"Snorting around in the woods." I replied. "I was sick of running after you long-legged freaks! By the way, did you see Viper? Has anyone tended to his wounds?"

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34836 23/05/03 03:01 PM
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"yeah hypathia healed him the best she could, but she's KO now, it has costed her a lot of energy to perform the healing.

i think we should make a new campingplace to survive the night around here somewhere..
I still dont thrust it though, so i'll keep the first guard..
and eh womble, plz park your pet somewhere, its standing in the way."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34837 23/05/03 03:11 PM
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That was one of the best suggestions I'd heard for a while. I parked the hog next to a tree and started gathering firewood. If the rest of the group could see our fire they could gather here. Viper would be ok now he was healed.
We were still in hostile territory though so I was glad JVB took watch. Once the fire was burning I sat back with my pipe and relaxed. The forest was quiet, only the occasional owl hooting in the distance..

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34838 23/05/03 03:31 PM
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i asked everyone to join womble at the campfire and grabbed my sword, in order to defend myself against unsuspected attacks.

My sword emitted a beatifful blue light, it made me feel relaxt and calm, but still very concentrated.
Then i heard something [color:"blue"] JVB, can you hear me?? [/color] "Wh-who said that??" i asked when i looked around me.
[color:"blue"]You dumba*s, look in your hands [/color]
"i eh, have my sword in my hands..."
[color:"blue"] Exactly you idiot! Your holding me! I'm the one who saved your life plenty of times now.. [/color]
"if this is true, how come your able to talk?"
[color:"blue"] Because the lightning has broken the spell which made it impossible for me to speak, and also greatly weakened me.. You understand correctly, I'm stronger now, and i can help you better in the fiercest of battles.[/color] "wow, thats great <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> , i'm looking forward to working together with you. Btw, will the other guys be able to hear you as well?"
[color:"blue"] No, only the user of me will be able to hear what i'm saying.. [/color]
"oh, good to know, so my friends will think i'm a complete idiot now, since i'm talking to my sword <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/tongue.gif" alt="" /> "
[color:"blue"] they just might <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> [/color]
"Hmmmm sorry that i havent asked but... do you have a name?"
[color:"blue"] But offocurse, my name is Erling. [/color]
"hmm cool name"
[color:"blue"] why thank you [/color]

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34839 23/05/03 05:22 PM
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Together with Wolfy i ran towards the other trying to keep up with them. Since they had a headstart i had to catch up with them.

A few trees later i noticed a little fire and some people around it. I stopped running and sneaked towards the fire. I came closer and saw it were my companions. Hmmm, i'll scare them with a sneaky approch <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> i tought.
I silently got closer and saw JVB 'talking??' to his sword. Hmm he'll be my first one <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />.

I stepped on a brach [color:"brown"] <Crack> [/color]. JVB snapped out of his talk and nervously looked around. "Who's there?" he yelled. I didnt move or said a thing. Actually the whole thing made me laugh <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />.

I waited on what he was going to do next <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />. I had a bit of fun...

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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Sneaking about was always easy in the dark, except for paladins. They are great heroic sword-wavers or pillars of holy power, not theives... I however could sneak, rather well really. I pulled my hood over my head and ducked out from the fire after hearing the branch snapping. Even from here I could see Jolie trying to sneak up on us. I made for his left side, downwind from Wolfy. He was crouched behind a tree smiling to himself. I guess he had seen JVB talking to his sword. That made me smile too but I figured it was normal for him.
I think the time he stopped grinning was when I slapped him on the back and said "BOO!"

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
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BeeGee Offline OP
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One of me was over here. Some of me were over there. And there, and there, and with him, and with her, and ...

I was losing my mind. I only knew two things for sure:
  • I need to pull myself back together ASAP, and
  • Everything that the Cursed Magic touched was somehow tainted -- evil and devious and deceiving.

I even heard one of them talking, it's evil intentions cloaked behind promises of power and friendship. But, in my minds' eyes I could see them glowing a putrid shade of blue -- gaudy and attractive, but oozing with filthy intentions.

If I/we don't distance myself/ourselves from these cursed objects, I/we will become tainted, too. And the thought of a tainted, evil, powerful Imp was too much to bear. A hint of a shadow of a wisp of a song began forming in the deep recesses of my mind, creeping up my spine and oozing through my conscience. It wreaked of violence, evil, trickery, deceit, and blindingly vile madness -- and since it was inside me, I couldn't run away from it.

"NOOOOOOOoooooooooooo!" I/we screamed, and began struggling, scrambling, and running toward ourself -- seeking the self-centered geographical centroid of our being -- hoping to reunite us/me and fight this creeping disease spawned by the Evil Wizard's energy bolt.

-- BG
BeeGee #34842 23/05/03 08:28 PM
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BeeGee (all of him) was freaking out going around and around and around (x13). I needed to help him. I tried my best by gathering them all together (even the one in the tree over there). I then sat down with them with me and closed my eyes. They closed their eyes as well even if it was just to mimic me (which it was). I then chanted an old chant that I had learned as a child. It seemed to help but who can tell with 13 imps???

LuCiDiTy #34843 23/05/03 08:55 PM
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As I converged upon myself, I [color:"yellow"]Poof[/color]-ed, just before slamming headlong into myselves. Together, in that instant before we converged into oneness, I overheard Lucidity complaining to me about me, and pretending to gather many mini-me's up in his lap and singing to them.

"What madness is this?" I asked myself, "that hath so tricked the minds of these, my trusted comrades? What madness strikes so quickly and thrusts the dagger of its mad deceit so vexedly into their hearts and minds, that Lo! e'en they do not perceive it for the phantom that it is? Like silvered glass, poorly congealed, it distorts and reverses meanings, making this thing fat and that thing thin, upside down and topsy turvy. And, thus befuddled, makes not sense but makes the senseless naughty?"

I sat amidst the deluded fools, each trapped in his own little web of lies, each convinced that danger has been averted and friendships forged and reinforced, when in fact their independent delusions drifted them further and further apart.

Even Hypatia, Polgara, and Lynn were trapped in some sort of ballet, dancing like spring nymphs around an imagined bonfire, gleefully pretending to strip off their imaginary clothes (although in truth, fully clothed at all times).

"Enough." I whispered. "The answer to this riddle lies elsewhere. And it is a good thing that elsewhere is not anywhere near here, because here is nothing but Cursed Madness."

[color:"orange"]A solitary BeeGee floated invisibly up and away, once again following his nose. But this time, his nose was not pointed toward the Imp Realm .... [/color]

-- BG
BeeGee #34844 23/05/03 10:15 PM
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A sneaked behind a tree to watch JVB go "bereserk" on my approch. His eye went from one side to another as if the devil <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" /> was on to him. Again i couldnt stop myself to smile <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />. And then suddenly someone tapped on my sholder saying "BOO!". I turned around and swong my hand out and hitted Womble. He fell down. OEPS! "Sorry Womble, but neverd o that again. You scared the s**t out of me."

"Yeah, yeah" he said. "You can do that be we cant?! comon".
"You're right <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shame.gif" alt="" />. Damn i'll have to practice my sneak skill more."

Together we went on towards JVB, who was still searching after me i guess.
"Hi JVB." He turned and swong and could just dodge the hit. "Hey, watch were you point that thing!!"

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
Joined: Mar 2003
old hand
old hand
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I couldn't stop the shivers from coursing down my spine, I still felt the evil that had struck us from above. It was still here, although broken into smaller pieces it was still in our midst trying to take over.

I still couldn't find Draugh. Although no one else seemed to be worried, I was. I started walking reluctantly back toward the invisible wall fearing that he had become trapped there somehow. The closer I got to the barrier the more reluctant I became to actually go back to where the lightning had struck.

I was there ... I closed my eyes and pushed my way through, opening them again as soon as I felt the resistance fade. Glancing around I saw Draugh lying unconcious on the blighted ground. Moving as swiftly as I could, I ran over and grabbed him under his arms and started dragging him back toward the barrier.

When I was almost to the barrier I noticed something shiny winking at me from amidst the charred stump of a tree. I felt an almost overwhelming urge to reach out and pick it up. I let Draugh fall back to the ground and leaned over and started brushing the ashes away from the gleaming jewel. It was a beautiful necklace! My hand reached out to pick it up, something inside me chanting that it was mine. My hand had almost reached it when Draugh groaned.

"What?" I jerked my hand back, confused. "How could I just let him drop to the ground like that?" I looked back at what had gleamed so enticingly just moments before and saw an amulet. It was still beautiful, just as many evil things are beautiful. It now emanated a malevolent glow that moments before had not been visible.

I hefted my axe and brought it down sharply, shattering the heart of the amulet in one swift blow. A miniature version of the lightning blast that BeeGee had managed to deflect/absorb burst out of its heart just when the blade of my axe struck, flinging me on top of poor unconcious Draugh.

I rose a trifle unsteadily to my feet, thanking whatever gods had made Draugh groan and rouse me from the thrall of evil. I grimly grabbed his shoulders and started pulling him the rest of the way through the barrier to the camp.

"I wonder if anyone else picked anything up after the blast? I hope not."

DQueene #34846 24/05/03 04:40 AM
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I've got to find her! The Shaman said she would be here, it's pitch black and i've got no light, except this reflection from this odd silver box. The chief gave this to offer the group, i sure wish i knew what was in it! All he told me was they will be suprised!
Boy, i'm an odd Orc,(maybe it's cuz my daddy, left me in a ditch)
So now it is my duty to protect and help anyone that is not a foe!
But first i have to find them.
You think a big orc like me, with a compass and long legs to boot, that i could at least find my way to a small camp on time! I know it's around here somewhere.......Whooooa, ssssnnnnnaaaaappp, !!OUCH!!, orcdammit i say... that tree hit me right in the orclips(the most tender vulnerable spot for orcs) need some time to gather my only thought (rabbits hourly ) ooooooohhh there's one over there "runs after rabbit, forgetting everything previous". Gotcha waskaly wabbit! "rips off head and sucks out brains! get smarter eating brains! O.K. had fix, back to business, Jurak thinks to himself: hmmmm i wonder if this isn't just another wild human chase they've sent me on, after all it is my ?iniation? as emmissary for the Orcs.
Well whaddya know I sees a small glow in distance! (orc stupidity)Hey that must be them!!
I've GOT to rendevous with the one called "Kiya", or face the Orccery Gauntlet! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />(not good) <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />So I've got to get there before 7 in the next sun, or they will break camp and be lost from me! " starts stressing-out and turns [color:"blue"]blue [/color] <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> (double size,double strength),"now i'll be able to get there"
Jurak mumbles to himself (alot)and lumbers off down the side lookout rock at a whopping 10 cliks/hr!
Get that thought out of yer time for rabbits, just run,
( i hope they've got a nice rabbit stew on when or if i even find them! Judging from my omnivisor it's about 27 leagues?
This is why your always late...
Stop talking to youself ya big stupid Orc, and get goin'....................

Last edited by Jurak; 24/05/03 05:13 AM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #34847 24/05/03 05:52 AM
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Still in the orc camp

The Shaman turned his head away, like an old tortoise he sank into his large coat again. I nodded a Farewell, stood up slowly and looked around.
The orcs were staring at me... they had heard the Shaman all right, but their faces were definitely not very inviting.

Tipping, dangling, turning my halfmoon amulet I made my way past them - searching their hearts, looking into their eyes.

[color:"a0a0ff"]The bond between the races is gone forever
The bond between individuals is still alive...

The soft tune of hope was aided by the sound of searching... call of a young one in search of its mother... cry of an eagle calling his mate... buzz of a bee looking for nectar... green eyes meeting blue eyes... a laugh of mutual understanding... the gift of respect... question hanging in the air... where are you, Orc?[/color]

I searched..., dodging tents, camp fires... taking care not to come too close to these huge bundles of aggression, I searched...

Last edited by kiya; 25/05/03 06:14 PM.
kiya #34848 24/05/03 11:30 AM
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I trudged on and on... searching, humming, tipping the crystal....


A bloodfreezing cry tore me out of my trance, I pricked my ears and followed it.

A few steps behind the last orc tent I saw a fight raging on in the undergrowth - how horrid!
A small black and white animal was trapped in a snare - it ran around in circles, jumped frantically up and down, trying to free itself. It saw me, froze and then started its death dance again.

"Oh, poor little thing... here let me help you.... [color:"a0a0ff"]Song of aid... support... healing lick of saliva... shelter... free breath ...[/color]

The animal stopped to wriggle and was still. I bent down and managed to loosen the loop suffocating it. Humming my tune of aid, mingling it with the melody of mutual respect and understanding I took a closer look.

Poor thing, its neck is bruised... Ok, I'll take it with me for Luc and Dragh, they will know what to do
Tearing a large part out of my cloak..Gee, I'm running short of clothes now I tied it together and created a pouch for the animal. I leant down to pick it up and comforted it with my voice:

"Therethere, Pretty One, now let me have a closer look at you - what are you? Hmmm, black all over, pointed snout, a white streak running over your back and this wonderful bushy tail?! Ahhh, yes, you're proud of your tail, right? Nono, no need in turning around to present and lift...."


"Errhm, don't worry, I'll get rid of that - but I must say, you're not very wellbehaved, naughty girl! Just take care, I don't know if Luc and Dragh will stand this nonsense... I bet they're going to train you - I hope so.."

R&P spell helped me to approach company again - I picked her up and put her into my improvised pouch - continuing my search for an orc willing to join me.

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there it was again, That "BOO" Yelling.
but who did it, i couldn't see him/ them.
Again a "BOO", but this time i quickly swung my sword in the direction of where the sound came from.
"Hey, watch were you point that thing!!"
In the dark i couldn't see who said it, all i could see was a black shape against a tree, so i pointed my sword at him, wanting to ask him who he was.
But then it came from behind: "BOO" ..
out of relfex i moved my elbow backwards to hit, whatever it was behind me, in the face with it.
"AUCH, what did you have to do that for? Dont you have any sense for humour?"
His voice sounded really like wombles.. so i asked" Womble?? is that you? Sorry dude.."
[color:"blue"] NO!! dont be sorry, it was them who scared you.. YOU dont have to apoligize to them! you are way better then them, i dont understand why you still bother to stick with them, always having to save their ****.. [/color]
What are you talking about?? these are my friends!
[color:"blue"] are they? well ok.. but dont come wining to me when they betray you... i'll go to sleep now.. [/color]
"very well, i hope you are in a better mood tomorrow"

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34850 24/05/03 11:46 AM
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After we scared the S**** out of JVB, he said "i hope you're in a better mood tomorrow." "Are you talking to me JVB?? I'm not in a bad mood today on the contary actually." Hed didnt react on that and i went to the rest of the group. I sat down by the fire and called Wolfy to come lie next to me.

I checked my backpack again, because the last time i didnt finish the checkup.
I seached and found the magebook again. "Hey, look at this! I have a magebook?! Who wants it? I cant use it."
I took the bag of coins i found on the orc and started counting. 1,2,3,... 98,99,100! 100 goldpieces <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />. Man that was a rich orc. Or was it a payment as a mercenarie?? That i suddenly remebered the note Maybe this will shed a light on it!
"Hey everybody, i found a note on one of the orcs. It written in a, for me, unknown language. Can anybody translate it??" I passed the note along to everyone but NO ONE could say what was on it. Hmm probably only readable buy an orc.
I putted the note back in my bag.
While i did that i though where is LUC??? Maybe he can translate it. "Luc?? where are you??" He wasnt here! "JVB do you know where Luc is?" He didnt. "Damn we better go look for him!"

Last edited by joliekiller; 24/05/03 11:58 AM.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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jvb Offline
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"you're right jolie, we'd better go look for him.
The rest should stay at the camp.
jolie, do you have any idea where he could have gone to?"
i thought: the last thing we can use is dissapearing partymembers right now..
There's something strange about this place, i want to leave it asap, but it would be better to travel at daylight.

"We should find him asap and then go back to the group, travelling alone can be very dangerous here.. I hope he isn't hurt in any way.

Dont worry guys, jolie and I will be back as soon as possible."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34852 24/05/03 01:07 PM
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"Alright lets go. i'd say we go back the way we came. The last i saw of him, he was chasing BG. Maybe ther together, maybe not."
And off we went swords ready eyes pealled at every corner, checking every tree. Now and then i checked my symbol, just in case. Wolfy stayed behinde to help protect the others.

"JVB this is a scary place indeed. I hope we find him soon. You never know what mind happen next."

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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