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There we walked, both holding our weapons prepared, becuase you just never know in those strange forests.
Especially now it was getting darker and darker..
"Luc, you there?? BG??
hmm, i think they are far away from us."
To bad my sword is asleep, i thought, it might be able to help us find luc.. You never know what kind of strange powers a talking sword can have.."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34854 24/05/03 01:48 PM
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[color:"pink"]I am safe. I am warm. I am curled up in a dark soft place. This place smells nice. There is a nice piece of lint here for me to rest my head on. Lynn's pocket is just the right size for me.

I am the littlest BeeGee -- BeeGeeXIII. I was left behind. The other me's ran together, but I didn't. I was asleep in Lynn's arms. When I woke up a little to roll over, BeeGeeI-XII was altogether and had gone away.

I miss my Bag of Tricks. I lost all of my goodies: my gold book with the purple ribbon. My nametags collection. My gold pieces. Even my dagger. I lost everything. Even my other me's.

Now, I am tiny and scared and a little sad, but I am with my friends. I need them and they need me. And I need my sleep. After all, I am a growing Imp.


-- BG
BeeGee #34855 24/05/03 02:03 PM
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I pulled Draugh into camp and placed him as close to the campfire as I thought was reasonable without catching him on fire. He still snoozed on, although he did twitch and moan every now and then as if having a bad dream. "Hmmm, Where are you Draugh?"

I looked around the camp, "Hey, everybody, I was given a scroll by an old female troll when I was gone. She said it came from the King of Lar and would tell us why we're here. She says it's a matter of life and death for many people of this world. As soon as everyone comes back, we'll open it and read what it says, okay?"

"Oh, and before I forget did anyone pick up anything after we were struck by lightning? Something tried to entrap me when I went back for Draugh." I shook my head and frowned, "It was really beautiful." Again I shook my head, "but it was truly evil. Beware if you did, I think the wizard placed little pieces of himself in them to trap us in his power."

Viper looked at me (Wow, he was distracting - he shouldn't be that beautiful!) and asked with a small frown on his face, "What wizard?"

"Oops, sorry. I dreamed of a group of wizards viewing us from above, and one of them threw the lightning at us. That's how I knew to warn everyone." I closed my eyes and concentrated trying to remember my dream, "I think there were seven of them ... wizards I mean."

DQueene #34856 24/05/03 02:58 PM
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I heard DQueene make her announcement about the King's scroll, and decided that I should take stock of my Impish skills before we all start out on a new quest. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" />

I sat up (sorta) in Lynn's pocket and tried to float ... but to no avail. The most I could do was feel light on my feet ... er light on my booboo (I was sitting at the time).

I tried to become invisible, but when I tried to [color:"yellow"]Poof![/color], the most I could do was [color:"yellow"]Poo![/color] ... yuck! I'm going to need to find another pocket to sit in. *Sorry, Lynn.* <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shame.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" />

Well, at least I could still see double when I cross my eyes. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/silly.gif" alt="" />

-- BG
BeeGee #34857 24/05/03 05:54 PM
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Me and JVB continued our search for Luc. Checking every tree or cave or even the smallest places, since BG was last seen with him, to see if he wasnt there.

All of a sudden i noticed a little girl down the road. "Hey JVB, theres a little girl near that tree." "Where??" He asked. "Overthere near that big old tree on th rightside of the road."

"Right, now i see her." He anwsered me. Went in for a closer look. She was crying and i asked: "What is the problem baby?" "I'm lost." She moaned <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" />. "My famely and i were walking in this forest when we were attacked by something. i could run away but i dont know about my parents."
<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" />
"Calm down, we'll help you find them wont we JVB?" He nodded with his head.
"Alright. Do you remeber with way it was?" She pointed at the forest, the dark forest afer her. We took her between us and started the search of her parents....

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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jvb Offline
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We had been there, deeper and deeper into the forest, for quite some time, and still we hadn't found the parents nor a beast who could possibly have attacked..

"are you shure it was this way?" I asked.
She nodded, the tears still in her eyes, the poor thing.
"Ah dont worry, i promise we will find your parents and everything will be ok." I said, trying to comfort her, without much succes.

It wasn't only getting darker, but also quieter..
I didn't hear the owls anymore, nor other night animals.

Dude, this is getting creepy, i thought.

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34859 24/05/03 07:09 PM
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All f a sudden my symbol started to glow. " JVB watch out there is evil around!!!" Then it happend.... The little girl, once so sad and lovable, chanced form. She started to glow and grow.

I was terrefied and looks like i was stunned too. I couldnt move. I looked at JVB he seemed to have the same thing going on.Man i should have known something wasnt right here!

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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"JVB whatch out, there is evil around!!" Jolie yelled and i looked where it could be, seeying nothing special.
But then the girl started to change, she grew waaay bigger and started to glow..
When the glowing stopped and i was able to look at her properly again, i saw that she was an enormous monster with 6 heads .

It wanted to attack, but i felt the life returning in my body right in time o jump out of the way.
"Jolie, i dont know what this monster is, but apparently it has the ability to stun you or something, better whatch out.." I said, while i saw the eyes of the monster being pointed at me again, they started emitting a strange light, and again, i was unable to move..

damnit, i thought..... this would be a great time for you to wake up my friend... i thought to my sword.

[color:#a0a0ff] gasp, whats going on??
I had never been happier hearing his voice before...
well, look around, you see that big monster? Well THATS going on!!

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34861 24/05/03 07:41 PM
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Just a little longer to go! Boy I'm tired and i need another rabbit! Hey what is that?.... Am i hearing things in my head now? Someone is searching for me...maybe if i let out my famous Orcal mega-yell...."Ggrrrrooooooooooonnnnnnnnkkkkkk", my yell reverberated back and forth like a huge echo between the mountian ranges, "there, I said totally satisfied with my effort, if there is anyone around they will certianly hear that! It will be morn soon, one last stop for a rabbit..........ooooooh there's one!

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #34862 24/05/03 07:53 PM
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Oh no... not another animal in distress, I'm running out of bandages!

I heard the cry and started to search for it, humming my [color:"#a0a0ff"]tune of searching... soothing answer of Mommy... [/color] - GULP!I stopped in my tracks and peered out from behind a bush:

A large... blue something... was chasing a cute little bunny, double backing and dodging desperately, fighting for its little life.

I jumped out from my hideaway without thinking and and planted myself before this... this... GAH!

"Whaddaya think you're doing? Huh?"

That blue orcish brute turned to me, blinking with surprise and changing his colour from blue to mint and back to blue - a chameleon orc?:
[color:"gefh40"]"Rabbit - me eat rabbit - me need rabbit[/color] -[color:"#00bfff"] me want rabbit brains"[/color]

"Ohhhhhhhh, nooooooooooo, you're not! Use your own ones instead of killing innocent animals!"

Last edited by kiya; 24/05/03 08:06 PM.
Jurak #34863 24/05/03 07:58 PM
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When the glowing around th 'girl' dissapeared i could see what she had become. A 6 headed ,monster. JVB wanted to attack but couldnt move, neither could i btw. I heard him speaking to his sword again. What a time to do that!

One of the heads looked my way and 'smilled'. Well i think it was that. Suddenly somekind of light came from its, what i guess is its mouth.

I could just dodge it. it blow the 5 big, hudge trees behind me away like it were merly leaves <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />. "Now what?" i thought. First i'll have to find something against this stunn.

My amulets color changed again, this time to bright yellow. I also noticed it glow brighter then ever... What was this??
The monster shooted a sort of lighting at JVB. A big explosion followed. I couldnt see JVB anywhere. "JVB?? Are you OK??? JVB anwser me!!"
No response.....

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: dragon lair
jvb Offline
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When the pain started going away at last, i opened my eyes.
Just to see i was hanging in a tree!!
how did i get up here??
I must have been blown away by the attack of that monster..
[color:#a0a0ff] Yes you were.. and you were dead if i wasn't able to block a large portion of the attack..

well thanks then, i guess...
Do you have any idea where they could be??
[color:#a0a0ff] use your ears, you should be able to hear them fighting...

You're right, i can hear them... Well no time to lose.. i thought while running towards the battle place.
I hope jolie is ok..

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34865 24/05/03 08:45 PM
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After that blow the monster turned towards me. Now i noticed that i had not only 6 heads , but also 4 arms and hands <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />.

In each hand it held a sword or a mace. It came right at me hitting with al his hands. I dodged the blow and hitted it with my sword. It didnt do ANYTHING!! What is that? is it immune to swords or so???

I hitted again and the result was the same: NOTHING.
It hit me with one of the maces. I fflew a fe wmeters trhough the air and landed against a tree. "AAAUUUUWWWW That hurts!!!" I got up as soon as i could. The monster fires a nother lighting or so at me. It hitted me but did nothing. I ran back at the monster, witch looked confused.
"You shouldnt be able to move??" it said. Huum, did found something to avoid the stun!!?? I though and i figured it was the amulet. "Well" said the monster "now i will crush you with my weapons." It charged back at me....

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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[color:"#CCAA55"] I kept falling in what seemed endless skies, time passed in a hurry, I even got bored, I could do nothing but falling, I saw nothing to fall on, wich would kill me but this ain't better.

After some falling I spotted a dot, right below me It came bigger was blue/greenish, it got bigger and bigger, what was it? then I started to recognize sees, mountains, woods ... it was earth, I was falling towards earth, oooh at this speed, I'll make a crater miles wide, that's gonna hurt. I rolled myself up in the hope of breaking my fall, how useless it may seem. But it only speeded my decent, then I man in a red/yellow suit next to me, spreading his arms, and legs like a bird, Or did I imagine gime, cause I didn't see him anymore. I mimiced him and slowed down. But Still I fell to fast, Earth was all I could see now, As I fell I sah lights, seconds later I could see houses, a city, then trees then poeple around a campfire than, I laying on the ground, I fell right towards myself, just as I hit the ground
[/color] I jumped up, aauwch this is hot, I jumped back and fell on my bottom, half contient I tried to see, but just like beeing drunk I couldn't see else than what's right in front of me, so I glared around to see everyone staring at me.

It's one of these days...
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I came out of my trance (when the BGs left me, I stayed meditating thinking they were still with me) hearing
"You shouldn't be able to move?!"
What? who? where?

I ran seeing Jolie standing proud against the beast, and I knew that he would need my help. I concentrated as hard as I could and put all the pieces of my tattoo together in my mind. I hope the aura works like it did to Nero in the last battle

The monster had its back to me concentrating on Jolie. I lept through the air striking one of the heads and two arms as I came down next to Jolie.

Still a ways to go

"Jolie, do you feel stronger? I am here to help! Is there anyone else?

That is when I saw JVB fall into a bush near by.

Thinking that he had died a rush went through me that had never been felt before. My tattoo glowed brighter and started to hurt, or was it my heart over my fallen comrad??

I regained my footing from landing and lunged at the monster with Jolie for with no regard for my life I MUST AVENGE!

LuCiDiTy #34868 25/05/03 04:39 AM
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My head snapped up suddenly as I felt pain, not mine, no it was jvb in pain. I jumped up and started looking around, where was he? I couldn't tell, I knew he was some distance away but I had felt his pain just as if he was standing there.

I was getting desperate, I could tell that something was wrong but I didn't know where he was, when I suddenly remembered the mirror that Metheeka had given me. I rushed over to my backpack and pulled out the mirror. At first it just reflected my face, but I remembered her words. She had told me that it would show me whatever my heart desired most and right now my heart desired to be with jvb! Slowly a picture started to form ... it was of jvb hanging in a tree, staring at Lucidity and Jolie fighting a 6 headed monster. I grabbed my bow, glanced at the others in camp and said "Lucidity, Jolie and jvb are fighting for their lives! I going to try and go to them!"

I touched my finger to the mirror and was immediately transported to the battle. Quickly tucking my little mirror into the pouch at my belt, I started firing magical shafts into one of the monster's heads. Again I was frustrated by the damage inflicted by my arrows. Aaargh! I could see I was having some affect, but ...

Wait, one of the other heads had sighted me and was swinging toward me... I heard jvb yelling something about not letting it get me in it's line of sight so I tried to roll away from it.

Something struck my leg, and it felt like a thousand needles had pierced my flesh and then the leg just stopped working. My vision blurred as my anger started boil over, I fired another arrow and it hit the beast in one of its eyes percing its brain. It shrieked and that head started tossing about and then just collapsed.

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[color:"#00bfff"] me NEED food, come long way, no food!
Who are you? take orc hungry?[/color]

Last edited by Jurak; 25/05/03 05:16 AM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #34870 25/05/03 07:02 AM
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I saw DQueene panicking and running to her backpack. I followed her and when she got the mirror I saw her eyes opening wide as she was shocked by something. I put Hypathia down on the ground, gave her a little kis on her forehead as a thanks ofr my wing and ran to DQ.

"What's wrong", I asked her, "It's jvb and Jolie", she said, "They're fighting an evil monster and they seem to be loosing. We MUST help them, but I don't know which direction to go, are you able to fly? or can you do your 'seeing' thing?", she asked me.

"I'll try to fly, but I don't know whether I can take someone with" I said with grief because this time she would be able to be my 'compagnion' but I couldn't risk injuring my wing more and thus being more of a burden to the group.

So I spread my wings slowly to see if they still worked. No problems. I moved them faster and faster and everything seemed to be ok so I took off [nocando] fast as I could, without straining myself 2 much. I flew as high as I could until I saw an ugly looking monster further away I flew in it's direction and I tried to do that Burning-Eye thing again.... didn't work.

I came closer and closer and as I saw jvb haning in the trees, obviously in a lot of pain and jolie defending himself like a sitting duck I got VERY angry and I pointed that anger to the beast and.... The beam of light hit the monster on one of it's heads, cutting it off like a knife through butter ('what was butter anyway?') I stayed at a safe distance, took my bow and started shooting arrows to the monster.......

Viper #34871 25/05/03 07:23 AM
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My blow cut a head and an arm clear off. The monster had managed to hit me, though I felt no pain due to the rage and pain (at my supposed lost comrade).

DQueene appeared, shot, got hit, killed another head, and went down all in one instant.

I looked over at Jolie, who knew as well as I did that it was time to end this, and we struck, with a little help from above (though I didn't know it until afterwards)

LuCiDiTy #34872 25/05/03 10:12 AM
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I was shocked at first. Suddenly someone hit that beast in the head. "Who is there??" i yelled. Then he landed next to me. "Lucid??!! is that you??!! How did you get here?" He didnt anwser and looked around. Suddenly he started to attack! "No Lucid dont, you cant hit....." i coudnt finish my sentence, he jumped up and hitted the monster. He seemed quite angry and hitted quite hard.

He knocked a head and an arm of. "Way the go Lucid!" He landed again next to me. Then another head went down. "How??" Then i noticed DQueen and heard JVB yell "dont get in its sight!" Too late her leggs stopped moving...

Another head went down by a burning lightflash! "Where did this came from??"
By then i noticed Lucid got hurt and the beast also pretty bad, but defenatly not critical. We had to end this!!

I closed my eyes, tried to channel my feelings. I felt the anger growing, my blod strated to boil.... I grabbed my sword and charged in....
I hitted it quite hard and fast in the leggs. I turned and turned around like a tornado. When i came to stand still, the monster was still standing!!! "What that was my best attack??!!" Then somethin weird happened. The monster started to laugh. It was a buldering laugh, probably heared alover the forrest. And then all its dead heads fell off and new ones appeared <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />!! "On it can regenerate!! Now what are we going to do about that??!!""

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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