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"Get out of it's line of sight!!" I yelled at the suddenly emerged dqueene.. But i was to late; his stun attack had already made her incapable of walking.
She fired an arrow, right between the eyes of one of the heads, and i also saw luc fighting as hard as he could, and with succes i must say.
Then there came a beam, right out of the air!!
It chopped of another one of the heads.. But where did it come from?? I looked up and saw viper flying up there.
Way to go dude, i thought. together we will win this..

But my optimism was totally for nothing..
the beast started laughing and all his dead heads suddenly revived..

I heard jolie was as suprised about this as me..
how could this be? i thought..

[color:#a0a0ff] Dont worry my friend, that beast must have a weak spot, but the only way to find it is attacking again and again... You shouldn't give the beast time to rejuvenate... Charge now while it is still laughing... Now he is still weak.

I agreed that it would be the best thing to do, and so i jumped for one of his legs.. trying to make him incapable of moving, just as he did to my queen.. why do i keep calling her my queen??
I hit it with all my power, not doing any real damage.
But how? Why am i that weak? i thought.

[color:#a0a0ff] thats because you dont put your hart and anger into it

But how? i know i have done it several times before, but that was mostly out of reflex.. automatism... pure anger because someone hurt my friends.. If i was only able to master that power, i should be able to help my friends..

my friends.... they have always been there for me.. even now, they show up and try to save me from the enemies, how big or how strong they might be, my friends charged in fierless... And now they need me, and i'm incapable of doing anything... I HATE MYSELF!! WHY AM I THIS WEAK!!!!
tears came into my eyes.. I HAD to help my friends..
Even if it meant giving up my own life...
If thats what it takes to help, i will do it.

Then suddenly my sword started to glow brighter then it had ever glowed before, and i knew this was the moment to strike!!
In one fast movement i cut of a leg .. and this was the first time i saw all of the monsters heads looking full of pain..

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
Jurak #34874 25/05/03 01:43 PM
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Meanwhile in the woods...

Oh, nooooo, how horrid! The blue-green brute held up the squealing rabbit by its legs and offered it to me <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />???? Use your brains, Kiya!

"Errhm.... yes, I'm quite hungry... thank you for the offer... Oh, so sorry, must have slipped out of my hands..., clumsy me!"

The rabbit scrambled away quickly and I had to attract the orc's attention, so the poor thing would remain alive.

"Hi, I'm Kiya and what's your name? You're an orc, right? Though I never saw your kind change its colour - are you a mutation?"

The orc stared at me, gave the escaping rabbit a wistful glance and, scratched his head. Then he fumbled in his sled and took out a battered old book, starting to thumb the pages.

"Orc... here let me help you..."

Taking the book I turned it around and presented it back.

"Here, reading goes like this far more easier if you have the book in the correct upright position. See the little black scribblings? Those are l-e-t-t-e-r-s, which word are you looking up? Maybe I can explain?"

Last edited by kiya; 25/05/03 06:12 PM.
jvb #34875 25/05/03 01:50 PM
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After its heads had reappeared, JVB attacked it and cut of a leg!! Whats more, it didnt return!! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" /> That was good news! But how did he manage to hurt it so bad?? Was it because it was laughing and so became vulnarable??? That was something to look into.

My amulet changed of color AGAIN, this time to purple. Whats the function of this color??? The monster turned itself to JVB, enormously angry for the lost leg!! "Watch out JVB!!!!" i yelled. One thing was good: i couldnt go as fast as before!

I grabbed my sword and charged at the monsters back. I jumpped high up didnt knew i could that! and hitted it in the back.

When i was back down i immediatly run back to the others (just incase). I looked at the damage i've done. The was a scratch from its right shoulder to its left leg. It was at least a few cm deep. 'Blood', i think it was that, dripped out of the hudge wound. It started to heal already... "Oh no" i thought, "not again??"

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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I flew towards Luc and said "Look if we're gonna beat this thing we should beat it together"

I stuck out my hand as a sort of agreement to go to battle together and watch each others back.
Then suddenly the monster..

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To my disgust I saw all the heads regrow - "Geez, what was this thing - a hydra or something?" I got this picture in my head when I thought about hydra that showed a beast regrowing it's heads whenever they were chopped off.

Then I noticed that jvb had actually been able to cut its leg off and it hadn't reqrown! Maybe only the heads could regenerate themselves? Or maybe, it was his sword? Come on, think DQueene! What could damage a monster this powerful besides something just like itself?

"Ah ha!" My eyes started to gleam and I scrambled quickly for the little mirror in my pouch.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch!" The feeling was coming back into my leg and it hurt like a jellyfish sting at the beach.

I gritted my teeth and edged my way around behind the beast. The strength and agility were finally back in my leg. Thank the gods, I could move again.

I watched for my opportunity. Just then it lined up one of its heads to again try to damage one of my friends and I prepared to leap. When I saw 'which' friend it was, I hesitated momentarily and my heart must have skipped a beat. I felt my rage build to the boiling point and I literally saw red, it was trying to hurt 'my' Viper! "Stay cool DQueene, rage doesn't help!" I recited this to myself like a mantra as I leapt onto its back, quickly grabbing it around that head and shoved my mirror directly in front of its eyes. The 'ray' that it had planned to use to damage Viper had been directed back into its own eyes at full force! Screams resounded from all of its heads at once and they started thrashing around (all except for the head I was on). It was frozen solid.

jvb's sword was still gleaming and I thought as I looked at him. "Cut it off with your sword now jvb!"

He responded just as I jumped off. It was as if he'd heard me tell him what I wanted him to do (although with all the screaming from the beast that was clearly impossible). Just as soon as I managed to get myself safely off he ....

Viper #34878 25/05/03 04:37 PM
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jvb Offline
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"Great move jolie!" I yelled after he attacked the monster in the back, leaving severe wounds.
But then the impossible happened, the wound started to heal again.. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
how come all his wounds healed except for mine??? What have i done which was so different then what the others are doing?? They shure do try as hard as me? Maybe it was just dumb luck..
Well anyway, it shure had slowed the beast down..
sunken away in my thoughts i didn't see what had happened on the battlefield, all i did knew was that suddenly almost all of the heads were screaming from pain except for one, and in my head i heard dqueenes voice saying that i should chop of that 1 head..
"If you say so.. I'll give it my best shot" I said and leaped towards the head; the other ones were in to much pain to try and stop me..
And so, with an elegant move, i chopped it of, landing behind the beast..

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34879 25/05/03 05:11 PM
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Meanwhile, back at the camp ...

BeeGee thunk with his pea-sized brain. He thunk and thunk until he was blue in the face. That seemed to help. When his face turned blue, it made his brain swell ... and it gave him a swell idea: "Find a safer place to practice magic."

"Until I can poof without hesitating or stuttering, I need to find a place that won't mind stinking to high heavens when I make a mistake." I mumbled to myself as I climbed (booboo-first) out of Lynn's pocket. She would have seen and heard me if she wasn't half out-of-it and slightly distracted by the commotion of the fighters leaving in such a hurry.

Polgara was dousing the fire with water and Hypatia was grabbing everyone's belongings up, using a cape as a make-shift sack to hold everything.

I headed for the woods. On the way I found a nice soft leaf to take with me. "This might help clean up some of the mess I'm about to make" I though approvingly to myself. Although the leaf was twice my size, it dragged nicely if I walked backward and leaned waaaaaay over to get it started moving.

Several minutes later I found a suitable spot and decided to try the poofoop combo spell several times. The gentle breeze kept my nose from turning green, but the ground was getting a little slippery around me. That's when a rabbit dashed into my little outdoor laboratory/lavatory. I must admit that the antics it displayed were worthy of an Imp, as it tried to stop with its front end, dart with its rear end, hold its breath from the smell, and scream with fear, all at the same time. It was obvious that the rabbit had been fleeing from something, discovered my mess, and was caught between an escape and an ambush.

It made me chuckle. That raised my spirits. That gave me hiccups. That made me [color:"yellow"]Poof![/color]

"Tada!" I exclaimed. The rabbit was either unimpressed, or uncaring, because it continued its confused antics. I didn't have the heart to scold it for overdoing the gag. Besides, in my poofed state, I could now backtrack to whatever/whoever had spooked the rabbit and my curiousity was roused.

[color:"pink"]Foop![/color] "Yep! That worked, too! Yippeee!"

Last edited by BeeGee; 25/05/03 05:25 PM.

-- BG
BeeGee #34880 25/05/03 05:26 PM
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A shriek again - I sailed around and tried to find out its origin. Then I heard a bustle in the undergrowth and saw something pink-orange moving in there - vaguely familiar...

"BeeGee?? What happened to you, I'm sure I didn't use the R&P spell on you in the last few days? Oh, poor little Deary, come here... Uhhhh, errhm, keep your distance a bit, will you?"

I drew the R&P rune into the air and blew it towards BeeGee.

"Ok, now little guy, what happened to you?"

I bent down and took him into my hands and in spite of knowing better, I tickled his fat little belly.

Last edited by kiya; 25/05/03 05:27 PM.
BeeGee #34881 25/05/03 05:31 PM
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"Yes! jvb it's not growing back!" I did a short and totally inappropriate victory dance (something to do with making a fist with my right hand and with my elbow bent, jerking my arm back in a short choppy motion. I dunno it just 'felt' right.)

I knew for my mirror to work, at least one of my companions had to be 'bait'. So far the beast's glare hadn't killed any of us - just made us hurt really bad. I managed to hide myself behind a tree so that the beast wouldn't lock onto me. If it did, I wouldn't be able to use the mirror. I growled in frustration, I hated to hide while my friends were in danger!

I glanced out and saw that jvb's sword was no longer glowing. "What?" I whispered to myself, "jvb be careful, your sword isn't, well it doesn't look as powerful as it did before."

He glanced up just when I said that, then he quickly glanced at his sword and I heard him say, "You're right! It's not talking to me anymore."

"Wait... wait a minute... you can hear me?" I stuttered in surprise.

"And what do you mean it's not talking to you anymore? No, never mind, we'll discuss thist later. Can you get the beastie to lock onto you?"

I had a picture of what I wanted in my mind and jvb started to do just what I was thinking he should do.

kiya #34882 25/05/03 05:47 PM
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The move of DQueen, keeping the mirror infront of the beast, was quite genius. JVB chopped of that head and again it didnt return! Hmmm would only JVB hurt it so it couldnt regenerate???

The monster, now even more angry than ever, swong with all his arms at evrything saw move. (and that was alot). I dodge a few of its blows, but the last one hitted me on the head smashing me against a big oaktree.

Normaly i would have been dead but somesort of shield had broken my fall!! Were did this came from?? The amulet again??
The monster noticed it and one of the head fired another stunning beam at me....
My amulet changed immediatly to Bright Yellow and nothing happened. "You should have remebered that stupid dumbs*it moth******er." I grabbed a few branches that were cut off in my fall and sharpened them. I had one in each hand. I closed my eyes again and thruw them at one of the heads. The next thing i heard was a deafening scream. Clearly i had hit it in both eyes of one head!! With that head blinded it couldnt see me now and i swiftly ran to its back, jumped on its back and chopped that head off. It worked, it didnt grow back!! But now i was in big trouble: all the other heads turned towards me. I was frozen on its back. It <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" /> at me and one off the head was reading itself to fire a beam at me! "Nooooooo, " I yelled.......

My amulet quickly changed color to Bright Blue. THe head fired its beam.... I closed my eyes as if i knew i would die. Then i fell on the ground. <<BANG,BOEMMM>> "AUW" i opened my eyes and saw the monster grab for the head that fired upon me. Apperently the beam had been reversed? How did this happen? My amulet again?? Then i noticed DQueen behind me and i knew this was her work. THANKS DQueen.

Last edited by joliekiller; 25/05/03 05:51 PM.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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Meanwhile, somewhere else in the woods ...

When my belly got tickled, my toes got jealous. They wiggled so much they made my knees wobble. My wobbling knees shook my whole body so much, that I had to fling my arms out wide to maintain my balance. I guess it was a reflex, but my eyes started to shed tears and my ears stretched out (mimicking my arms).

The whole thing seemed a bit absurd to me, so I smiled politely to Kiya and waited for her to explain her impish behaviour. I wondered, "Why would Kiya initiate the Imp mating ritual? And how did I know to call it 'that'?"

-- BG
BeeGee #34884 25/05/03 06:03 PM
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I gaped at BeeGee, poor guy, he had obviously lost his senses.

[color:"#gefh40"] "Orc food? Me ... hungry." [/color]

I whirled around, the orc pointed his clawy forefinger at me.

"This here?" Holding the little wriggling imp in my hands. "Yes, why not? Take it if you wish..."

Shock therapy works wonders, Kiya <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" />

BeeGee #34885 25/05/03 06:10 PM
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Back at the fight
I saw jolie fall to the ground after managing to cut off another one of the beasts heads, but not before another head had locked onto the latest creature (jolie) to cause it pain. I knew I had just seconds to reflect what would probably be a killing beam.

I jumped out, landing with a thud in front of jolie, with my mirror aimed up at the head drawn back to blast him into smitheriens. Since I was further away this time, I wasn't able to stop some of the beam from hitting me in the side.

I screamed, it felt like someone had sliced me open from my shoulder down to my left thigh. Through my watering tearful eyes I saw the head was frozen in place.

"Kill it someone, before it unfreezes," I whispered hoarsely, breathing shallowly through my mouth in an effort to control the pain.

kiya #34886 25/05/03 06:15 PM
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"Gasp!" I couldn't understand Kiya's sudden change of heart. First flirtation, then rejection. She was toying with me, I could tell. But this romance was moving too fast.

"What next?" I thought to myself. "The third step in the Imp mating ritual is Denial (the first two being flirtation and rejection). If she does that, then she's gone too far. I'll be instantly thrust into the throws of lust. I can't let that happen ..."

[color:"yellow"]Poof![/color] I jumped out of Kiya's open palm and scurried into the underbrush.

[color:#80ff00]Where food go?

Kiya began to say something ...

-- BG
BeeGee #34887 25/05/03 06:17 PM
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"Come on Deary, show some female solidarity..."

With these words I took Ladystreak out of my pouch and pointed her backside with upheld tail towards BeeGee's escape trail.

"BeeGee, come back... at once... or else <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />"

kiya #34888 25/05/03 06:22 PM
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She didn't deny me. That was a good sign that she was regaining her composure. "Phew!" I wiped my brow. "Threats! She used threats. That means she just wants to be my bosom buddy. I can handle that."

[color:"pink"]Foop![/color] I ran toward my newest, bestest bosom buddy, arms spread wide, a big grin all over my face, and giggling madly.

I squealed, "Gimme a hug!"

-- BG
BeeGee #34889 25/05/03 06:40 PM
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Dammit, I just couldn't resist that little brat! He jumped into my arms, cuddled up to LadyStreak and beamed at me. She turned around at once and had a good sniff at him

wonder what she thinks of him...

"Ok, BeeGee, now behave, please - I want to introduce you to a new.... errhm.... friend." Looking nervously into the orc's direction:
"This is BeeGee one of my comrades and you are... the Orc?"

[color:"#gefh40"]"No... food?"[/color]

"Errhm, no, sorry ... not at the moment, maybe later..."

Taking a closer look at the little imp I decided to make him more representable. Searching through my satchel I found an old pink scarf, holding it between my teeth, I thrust BeeGee into the orc's claws.

"Here, hold him a while for me. Nooooo, not like that, just under the armpits, leave the rest dangling... yes, that's ok."

The mint/blue orc looked at me fearfully - but I didn't care, as long as he held BeeGee tightly it was ok for me. Making a triangle out of the scarf, I wrapped BeeGee in it and even succeeded in binding 2 neat ribbons at both sides, Argh, and this me! Me, who never wanted to be a mother!. BeeGee froze in the orc's claws and peered fearfully at me.

"No, BeeGee, no one is going to hurt you - but to be quite frank, LadyStreak is a bit picky with companions and as you're going to travel with her in this pouch I have to set safety regulations."

With a swoop I grabbed the little imp again and placed him next to LadyStreak.

"OK, now for you, Orc - would you please tell me your name? And there is no use in staring at the imp - just consider him take-away food neatly wrapped to keep clean and fresh."
And to my pouch companions:
"You in there, BEHAVE! I won't stand any nonsense now, ok?"

Both looked at me with wide-eyed innocence and my heart sank - I knew they were up to something.

BeeGee #34890 25/05/03 06:44 PM
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Dqueen was hurt after the latest attack of the monster. I could just hear heer say something about cutting off the head that was frozen. Instinctivly i reached for my sword and chopped the head off. "Another one bites the dust!!" i yelled. Somehow that sounded very familiar...

I tured towards DQueen. "Are you ok?? Are you hurt bad??" "I'm alright" she moaned between her teeth. "I'll see what i can do."
I dont know how but i knew she was hurt pretty badly. I felt sorrow and pain inside of me and i felt a strange feeling comming up.
Suddenly my amulet glowed Bright white. What the...??!! A beam of white light fired out off the symbol towards the monster. A blinding light stuck it in a cicle of a few meters. After the light dissapeared the monster was still standing. (What else did you think) But something had changed, i didnt knew what at that time but there was something different after this blast.

I felled mutch stronger and i all my wounds had dissapeared!! "Dqueen are your wounds gone too?" "So it seems" she anwsered. The others noticed the same there wounds were gone and there strenght had returned.

Woow did i had a new skill??? Group healing??

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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Wow! I learned a new skill! Group hugging!

I reminded myself to thank Kiya for the scarf. Although, I decided to wear it around my neck instead of where she put it.

The ribbons looked nice on LadyStreak's ears. She must have liked them there, too, because she curled up and started snoring cute little polecat snores.

Time for a short nap. Then, when I wake up, I can work on my "running in circles to float" spell.

-- BG
BeeGee #34892 25/05/03 08:23 PM
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Suddenly all of the strength that had coursed through my body moments before was gone. The pain that had enveloped my left side trippled and I felt completely drained of strength. I gasped and glanced over at jolie, seeing his amulet glowing with the same malevolent light that had radiated from the one I had crushed earlier in the center of the Cursed Ground.

"Your amulet" I gasped. "Destroy it! It is draining us!"

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