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BeeGee #34913 26/05/03 04:38 PM
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Kiya made an attempt to heal us all. She succeded, but as usual with the nessacarry side affects. My armor had almost completly gone (good thing i have a backup one!) My sword was abit wet but not yet rusted so i quickly dried it with a piece a cloth that i had left of my clothes.

"Wereis Wolfy??" Kiya yelled at me. "Dont worry, hes fine. Hes at the camp with the other girls and Womble."

I looked a t my holy symbol. Damn, i had shrunken a bit. I hope it still works!!

Then i saw the orc. I wanted to attack, but something told me it was alright.
"Kiya, are you going to introduce us to your friend?"

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
BeeGee #34914 26/05/03 04:41 PM
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I sat up gingerly and pursed my lips to blow a strand of [color:#CCCC72]hair out of my face. "Hey ... hey... that's my hair!"

"Kiya, I really hope you become an expert at that spell really soon."

I jumped up and stretched and felt my pants start to slide down my hips. "What?" I glanced down. "Hip riders! I hate hip riders1" I yelped, giving them a quick tug to try and get them back in place. "Kiya, were you going for a fashion statement here or something?"

"Oh well," I walked over to her (she started backing up as if worried that I was going to do something). My eyes twinkling, I reached over and hugged her. "I think you may have just saved our lives, sweetie."

Then I whispered in her ear, laughingly, "Just wait though when you least expect it, you just might wake up with red hair!"

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I gave DQueene a quick smile and then turned around in fury:

"Oh, yeah... you're good in distracting, Mister! You promised to take care of him... and now?"

I gulped down my tears, waved to Jurak and said vaguely:

"Jurak? Those are my comrades... well, a part of them, I'm sure, you're all capable of introducing yourselves."

Then my eyes started to glint: Jolie still had a goddamn sword.... my forefinger secretly drew the small R&P rune and directed it to the weapon... With a grim smile I watched one little spot of rust growing on it...

Let time decide, Kiya, I thought full of revenge.

"Jolie? BTW, your amulet is just a pebble now. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />"

[color:"#00ced1"]Yes!!! It didn't pay to be good - well, not all the time...[/color][color:"#a0a0ff"] The tune of revenge hummed in my blood... slitted eyes... hurt... looking for weakness...[/color]

Last edited by kiya; 26/05/03 04:57 PM.
kiya #34916 26/05/03 05:00 PM
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When I noticed that Kiya was really being serious, I decided to quit goofing around. I gave Viper his stripes back, and apologized to Kiya:

"Sorry, Kiya. You're right. We need to rid ourselves of anything that was touched by the yucky Evil magic that smacked my booboo. I don't even have my Bag of Tricks or my dagger anymore, but 'Good Riddance!', I say" I said.

With that said, I slid off of her shoulder and plopped on the ground beside her. I kept one eye on the orc, ready to Poo in his mouth if he decided to make a meal of me. As I was already on the ground, I decided to try my "run-around-in circles-til-I-float" spell. I kept forgeting the last part of the turn, and ended-up doing figure-eights.

-- BG
kiya #34917 26/05/03 05:03 PM
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I woke up, without a clue




BeeGee #34918 26/05/03 05:10 PM
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I noticed the look in Kiya's eyes and decided that now might be a really good time to distract her. Power was seductive and I knew the line between good and, ... well, evil was just a flip of the coin.

I reached out and jostled her shoulder, "Kiya, we need to hurry back to camp. I think we have some other things there that need to be R&P'd. Let me tell you and Jurak what's been going on ...." I proceeded to do just that with jvb and jolie chiming in to give their versions of the facts.

Viper was flying overhead, ensuring we didn't have a visit from any unexpected enemies...

Just then Lucidity mumbled and Kiya ran over to him ...

Last edited by DQueene; 26/05/03 05:15 PM.

LuCiDiTy #34919 26/05/03 05:10 PM
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Wrenching myself out of DQueene's grip,I ran over to Luc and shook him:

"Hey, wake up - you're totally ok, stop feigning here... I've got something for you..."

with these words I took LadyStreak out of my pouch and placed her gently on his chest. "Take good care of here, she's bruised - please, heal her."

Last edited by kiya; 26/05/03 05:14 PM.
LuCiDiTy #34920 26/05/03 05:12 PM
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I lost interest in trying to run in circles, so I wandered over to Lucidity. He was in and out of consciousness, sometimes lucidly joining in the conversations; other times collapsing on the ground and dozing off. I waited for one of his doze-off episodes, and climbed onto his shoulder and hung onto his earhairs to brace myself.

That's when I noticed that LadyStreak had decided to join me, and she brought Kiya along, too.

Last edited by BeeGee; 26/05/03 05:14 PM.

-- BG
BeeGee #34921 26/05/03 05:26 PM
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As I moved around a bit I noticed that I still had the old dagger I had picked up in a sheath on my hip and it was rubbing a raw place in my skin since my pants no longer protected me from the sheath's roughness.

"Uhmm, Kiya, didn't I intend to give you this dagger?" I unbuckled the belt and sheath and handed it over to her.

DQueene #34922 26/05/03 05:32 PM
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I looked up, still absorbed in my parting pain - I had already started to like LadyStreak a lot:

"Hmm? Dagger? Why, thank you DQueene - but you have no weapon at the moment, shouldn't you keep it until you find a better one? After all, I've still got my spells..."

I turned back an watched the little animal curling herself together on Luc's chest... I missed Wolfy!

BeeGee #34923 26/05/03 05:33 PM
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Sure mommy I am hungry, do we have any bread or cheese?? I like cheese

*swats at bug on ear*

I opened my one eye and saw BG go flying

*groan* dammit


Why is there a furry animal on my chest?

well at least she makes my chest warm!

O she's hurt

I put my hands around her small body and mumbled a chant I learned as a child.

She purred (or something like it) and fell asleep on my chest, I decided that was a good idea and joined her (after seeing Kiya run off to get BG who had stars circling around his hear...wierd)

LuCiDiTy #34924 26/05/03 05:40 PM
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"Ha!" I swirled around and ran back to Luc."Stop feigning, I saw your eyes twitch - now wake up..." I shook his shoulder. "WAKE UP LUC, I've got an animal for you and I need to tell you something about her... Aww, come on... open your eyes... this is LadyStreak, I don't know what she is - but she needs training, well... because... she's not very well mannered."

I thumped my fist in his side, Luc groaned but did not open his eyes.

"Luc, if you don't wake up immediately, I'm gonna... gonna... TICKLE you."

He squinted at me

"Ahhhh, I knew this would help. OK.. she has one little trick: If she gets annoyed she squirts a fluid all over the place - you'll have to take care of that, understand?"

"Hmmmmmmmmm, lemmesleep..." Luc turned his head away.

Ah well, I tried!

Last edited by kiya; 26/05/03 05:46 PM.
kiya #34925 26/05/03 05:45 PM
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Back at the campfire when I finnaly was fully awake, I noticed some wher missing from the group,[color:"#DDAA66"] Where are they?[/color] I asked in my language, oh yeah no-one understands me, Luc ain't here.

I decided to get up and search the forest with the campfire in my back, walking around it, I didn't see much movement, some leaves twiched by the wind. I noticed I had good vision, Aren't I susposed to see less detailed in the dark?

It's one of these days...
kiya #34926 26/05/03 05:48 PM
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After i cleaned my sword i tried to calm Kiya down. "Wolfy is safe! he's at the camp." I didnt seem to help she casted a spell. I dont know if she completed it because DQueen dristracted her.

I noticed my sword was abit rusty. Hmm i'll clean this later.
"Kiya lets go to the camp and you'll se that Wolfy is OK."
I left in the direction of the camp.

What has come over Kiya? She was never that 'evil' before. Why did she cast a second spell on me??

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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Suddenly I felt something burning on my chest - I clutched ... and held my crystal. It was hot and scorched me... [color:"#a0a0ff"]Revenge... give hurt... thumping fists on a defenseless... acid of a bitter word... revengeeee... revengeeee.[/color]

[color:"#ff6347"]Prick[/color]... Ouch!!!

The tune stopped at once. I took a deep breath and realized what I was doing: Harming a comrade! I was shocked... but still I felt the bitter lust of hurting Jolie, because he had betrayed my promise, abandoned my companion Wolfy.

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The tune she sang drifted into my mind and suddenly I had to leave she would be fine. I ran to i dont know where and found that I needed to think. Kiya's song had been about life and the past where we had all come from. And sitting perched upon the highest tree that I could find i closed my eyes to think about where I came from, where my home was. In our party we had elves and humans and dwarves and BG's. But no demons, not even any other half demons. There was no place in this world that I could call home. Humans feared me and demons would consider me weak and useless... what was I supposed to, where was I supposed to mind fluttered to the group and Kiya...our ragtag group was all that I knew of family. I then knew what I was supposed to do I knew where my allegience them and to protecting those that couldnt. I would fight the evil that was part of my very being. Any demon that we would come across...with evil in mind I would vanquish...and at this rate I thought to myself...we are sure to run into some....With that I lept from the tree ligter and free...and ran like shadow back to my friends...."What is going on here I said when I arrived at a slightly tense camp?"

NeroJB #34929 26/05/03 06:20 PM
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"Going on... here?" I turned around... "a lot has happened, let the others explain, I can't."

I turned away, lost of words. Feeling bitterness in me and something else... [color:"#a0a0ff"]Whisper of remorse... faint and weak... stealing a glance... hanging head... fading pride... the scent of grey shaggy fur... yellow eyes... lolling tongue... soft paws padding ... yearning for comfort... [/color]

Last edited by kiya; 26/05/03 06:31 PM.
kiya #34930 26/05/03 06:32 PM
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Seeing Kiya's sadness broke my heart.

"Okay DQueene, I told myself, time for the ultimate sacrifice. Come on, you can do it."

Struggling with my own inner demon, I reluctantly dug into my pocket and pulled out my most treasured possession... a sqaushed, almost flat chocolate bar, and silently held it out to Kiya.

"Here sweetie, I think you need it more than I do." I walked over and patted her on the back.

DQueene #34931 26/05/03 06:34 PM
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"Thanks, DQueene," I blinked back tears and took the bar, I knew how high this sacrifice was, "I'll keep it for Wolfy."
Putting it into my satchel, I took a few deep breaths and followed her.

kiya #34932 26/05/03 07:13 PM
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the orc stood dumbly in amazement,
watching BeeGee run in figure eights till he got too tired and crawled into someones ear.
[color:"#33cc33"] What is this?,[/color] as he looked at the mismatched, ragged looking group
[color:"#33cc33"]these friends of Kiya?
My name is Jurak i was sent by shaman
to journey with group!
help group
protect group![/color]
he said and waited for a reply.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
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