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BeeGee #34893 25/05/03 08:29 PM
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The monster raised its remaining three heads as if to scream at the sky above.
It grew to double it's previous size.
A bright red aura formed around it, growing stronger with each passing heartbeat.
The victims of the amulet's deranged powers were confused -- healed and dying at the same time -- their powers gathering into the monster's spirit.
An evil flame began to form in the pupils of the monster's remaining eyes.

-- BG
BeeGee #34894 25/05/03 08:39 PM
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" jolie.... what have you done??
what has happened?? I dont even have the strenght to hold my sword anymore.." I said, while it fell out of my hands, and i fell on my knees.
"No after all we have done... it can not end this way.." I said, but i knew it was over.
I tried to gather enough strenght to stand up again, in which i succeeded, and i picked up my sword.
"YOU...YOU MONSTER!!!!!" I yelled at the beast, trying to run towards it.. But my strenght failed me and i fell down a couple of meters away from it. I was unable to stand up again... I just lay there, waiting for my very painfull dead.

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34895 25/05/03 08:46 PM
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"Destroy the amulet!" DQueen yelled. I took if off trow in to the air and wacked it with my sword. It exploded with a big bang. I was exausted and tiered. I could even lift my leg.

The my holy symbol glowed bright white. Now what?? The closer i came to my friends the more i glowed.What was this all about????

I heared JVB yell "YOU MONSTER". I didnt understand. This amulet i found i long before this blast?? Did that blast revive it??? Revive the evil???
How come i didnt see it??

The monster laughed again. The sound made me shiver. Are we going to die like this? All because of me??? The thought alone was more than i could stand...

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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just when i thought it couldn't get any worse, my sword started talking again.

[color:#a0a0ff] See? This is what happens if you dont listen to me! I told you your friends were weak. I told you that they would get you in danger! I told you they would be responsible for your dead...

You're right, i thought.... The mere thought made me cry..
My friends betrayed me.. The only one i could trust was my sword..

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34897 25/05/03 09:04 PM
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The monster's chest swelled as if taking a long, deep breath.
One of it's heads turned to stare at jvb's futile advance.
It moved it's mouth and jaw as if to speak, but only DQueene heard what it said:
This is what happens if you dont listen to me!
I told you your friends were weak.
I told you that they would get you in danger!
I told you they would be responsible for your death...
It watched as jvb yielded to it's thrall. Then another of it's heads turned to stare at DQueene ...

-- BG
BeeGee #34898 25/05/03 09:22 PM
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JVB heard the words come from his sword. The spirit within the sword was also under the influence of the Evil Wizard and the monster. It simply repeated the words that the monster was forming. DQueene knew the truth of this, and could see that soon JVB would turn against the group, unless she could break the spell.

-- BG
BeeGee #34899 25/05/03 09:25 PM
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I couldnt stop thinking that the situation we were in now was all MY fault.
Why did i put on that amulet? Why? Why?

I started to cry <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/cry.gif" alt="" />. I tried to grab my sword and put it up against my chest. [color:"black"]"I'm sorry" i yelled "I'm sorry i've put you into this. I've doomed you all!! Now i'll end all this by ending my life!!" [/color]

I moved the sword towards my heart..........

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
jvb #34900 25/05/03 09:31 PM
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[color:#a0a0ff] Didn't you see it? Didn't you see it with your own eyes? You were winning.. Winning from that monster.. But then jolie came and healed it, while draining your strenght at the same time..
And you know why? Because they are yealous of you..
because you are more powerfull.. You were the only one able to hurt the beast.. and they hated to see that.. You have me, i can make you the most powerfull being alive.
they knew that, so they drained your strenght at the moment i was weakened so i couldn't protect you.. And once you are dead, they'll try to take me from you, to use me for themselves.. Will you let that happen?

his words sounded so true.. so right.. What he was saying must be true..

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
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"No, jolie, jvb stop!" It came out as a hoarse croak from a throat that was almost to dry to speak. I tried reaching out a hand to stop jolie from ramming his sword into his heart. It was futile, I had no strength. I gave a sobbing gasp and screamed from frustration and anger.

That seemed to give me strength. I glanced at the mirror in my hand and noticed that my eyes were swirling silver and the angrier I got the faster my eyes swirled and the more my eyes swirled the stronger I got.

I reached over and grabbed jolie's hand - "No, stop! You have done nothing wrong! It is the evil here that is making you think you have harmed us."

I saw sanity return to his eyes and he squeezed my hand back. "Gather the others!"

"jvb! Look at me! You must not listen to the voice! It is lying to you and deceiving you."

He just looked at me suspiciously and told me I was lying. That roused my anger even more. Staring at him I spoke through gritted teeth, "jvb you do not obey a deceiving demon, you are to strong for that!"

He shuddered and looked at me and whispered, "My Queen, I ... I'm sorry, I know you would never harm me."

I grabbed his hand and pulled him close to my side. Then I glanced up defiantly at the beast. When it met my eyes it flinched back, the first trepidation I had seen from it.

DQueene #34902 25/05/03 09:48 PM
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The freshly energized monster turned it's third head toward Viper, fixing it's stunning gaze on him as he propped himself up with his weapon and braced himself in a defensive posture while he tried to gather his strength. The monster stood imperiously, threatening the group with his mere posture, neither attacking nor retreating. The head recoiling from DQueene's rebuff was the only indication of weakness in the monster.

-- BG
BeeGee #34903 25/05/03 09:59 PM
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DQueen said something to me but i couldnt hear what it was. Th sword came dangerously close to my chest. Only a few cm away. I closed my eyes...

Then i felt a hand on mine and someone said "You havent done anything wrong! This is the evil here that makes you think that!"

I opened my eyes and Looked right into DQueens. Her eyes were silver colored. Her voice made me calm down and gather my faith in my friend and myself. I felt that my strenght was returning.

Did we beat the monsters grasp on us??

JVB was lurking dangerously... DQueen spoke to him, almost demanding him to stop. It seemed to work, he calmed down.

"Thank you DQueen. I owe you one"

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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[color:"#FF3300"] Chaos, confusion, and most of all relief

I saw that JVB was alive (and strong enough to do quite a bit of damage)

I saw that DQueene was able to recover

The monster was at wits end, then recovered to new strengths

Jolies amulet strengthened, healed, then took out lives away

seeing what his amulet was doing and being enchanted by evil, jolie started moving his sword tword his own chest.


Summining all the energy that one person could posses I got off of my feet, limped over to JVB and cut his sword in two,

[wisper]I will not let you die needlessly [/wisper]

and with all my energy gone I collapsed without knowledge of what was to happen next.

Last edited by LuCiDiTy; 26/05/03 04:53 PM.
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after reading through his book, for what seemed like eternity, he FINALLY
looks up and says,[color:"#33cc33"] my name is Jurak, and i'm pleased to make your acquaintence ma'am.[/color]
(smiling all the while, sitting on a boulder constantly looking around, he shrugs in dispair,)
[color:"#33cc33"]no meat? what orc eat? orc sit here, and rest my feet.
Mmmmmmm...,imp smell like cabbage! Sure not food?
Jurak knows of "running in circles to float spell".[/color](telepath)
the dog-tired, hungry orc sat dejectedly on the rock, wondering what the next move is going to be.
[color:"#33cc33"]I was sent by the village shaman
to secure your voyage into the anals of history,
and i am at your service [/color]
Jurak looks intently into the book again,
[color:"#33cc33"] orc don't understand....why i here? Book don't tell all, hhhrrruumph!
Shaman tell orc, but...too many rabbits on way here, orc forget! [/color]
Jurak looks over Kiya's shoulder, and sees a trail of dust rising in the distance and gets a little stressy!
[color:"#0099ff"] Look! someone comes from the north![/color]
as he stands up to get a better view...[color:"#0099ff"] too far away....[/color]

Last edited by Jurak; 26/05/03 04:07 AM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #34906 26/05/03 08:04 AM
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Ahhh, he has at least given away his name, good!

"Pleased to meet you, Jurak - yes, the Shaman told me to find someone of his clan. Hmmm, <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" />, so you're the One-And-Only... No, imp is no good food. Not at the moment, he has to ripe and grow up to become a good meal <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />." Looking over my shoulder:
"Oh, probably, [color:"yellow"]Nero[/color] coming here, he's another one of our group. Well, Jurak, if you're not too tired, I would like to take you to our camp and introduce you to the others. We're all stranded her in this strange world - a world where the old bond of mutual friendship and understanding was broken, due to violence. The only thing we can do is try to renew the bond between individuals of all races... Ok, let's get going, and ... here, take this crust of bread, will help you against your hunger."

I rummaged in my satchel, dusted off a few crumbs, dirt and whatevers, presented an old piece of dry bread to the orc. He turned it between his claws gingerly and looked at me doubtfully.

[color:"gefh40"]This ... food? Human food?[/color]

"Yep, that's food - at least it does not wriggle and squeal, right? Come on, take a bite, won't kill you."
Looking into my pouch I saw what BeeGee had done: Poor LadyStreak had ribbons on her ears!!!

"BEEGEE!! didn't I tell you something about no nonsense? And as you're able to unwrap your nappie... I warn you, get out of that pouch in time, ok?"

Sheeesh, being an imp mother was not very appealing... though he was a sweet little guy, the way he beamed at me cheerfully - flashing teeth, twiddling his scarf in a Stan-and-Laurie-manner. Hmm, probably his relatives.

I made a quick decision: With an apologizing look towards Jurak, I grabbed BeeGee and went a few steps aside. Placing him on the ground, I dug a small hole, looked for an appropriate leaf and said sternly:

"Now, if you feel a certain... impulse... you tell me in time, I dig a hole for you and you know what to do, right?"

BeeGee nodded obediently.

I sighed with relief:

"Ok, then that's settled - now, ahm... are you ready? I'll turn away, ok?"

After a few seconds I peeped back secretly: That darn imp was busily digging a second hole, dragging a leaf to it and now tried to combine both holes.


"Noooooooo, this is no game, BeeGee! Aww, you can't be that stupid, can you?"

I picked him up, spit on the scarf and cleaned his grubby hands with it - including ears, face and his belly. Then I placed him firmly on my shoulder and told him to leave my hair alone "NO hanging mat" - spare my earhole "NO entrance or place to put treasure in" and turned back to Jurak , whose face had turned from mint to blue, purple and grey. Did he fear I was going to use the scarf on him, too? I tried a smile:

"Oh, don't worry, I'm sure the other females in the camp may be able to help me with BeeGee's training. Now, come one, let's walk up to Nero."

I wanted to get back to my comrades as soon as possible, a little inner voice was telling me something had gone wrong...

kiya #34907 26/05/03 03:27 PM
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Watching as the beast reared back another head preparing to lock its gaze on us. I whispered urgently to everyone, "Touch me or at least touch each other."

I watched in shock as Lucidity managed to fracture jvb's sword before collapsing on the ground by us. "No ... don't! It's not his sword doing ..." And then I noticed that Lucidity was surrounded by the same aura that clung to the amulets.

I glared up at the beast and snarled ,"Wizard, you will not win!"

"jvb, grab your sword! Everyone, touch each other now! Viper, grab hold of Lucidity!"

I stared down into the mirror and prayed for this to work. I whispered "Kiya ... I need to see Kiya now. We need her to purify us .... please work."

Just as the cloudy picture cleared to show Kiya and a technicolor Orc the beast blasted us all one more time. "Aargh ..." Pain, I whimpered and managed to fall nose first into the mirror.

Whirling images, thoughts and whispers rushing through my mind, I heard the 'others' with me crying with pain and loss, and then we were lying at Kiya's feet. Most of us frozen in place, except our eyes which spoke of the tremendous pain we were suffering.

"Kiya ..." I managed to gasp. "Help us! We hurt."

DQueene #34908 26/05/03 03:33 PM
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The moment i woke up, i saw the world upside down <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
after what must have been like 10 minutes i understood that i must be lying on my back.
when i tried to sit up, i saw the point of a sword right in my face.. It scared the hell out of me. but i was holding it.. it was my own sword... it was broke <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

"Wha- what has happened? I think i dreamt that there was a fight.."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34909 26/05/03 03:37 PM
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DQueen said "Grab eachother!" I took her hand an that of JVB. And FLOOP there we went right through her mirror.

BOEM, BANG DOEF. I fell right infront of Kiyas feet. I wanted to get up, but couldnt move!! "O NO he hit us before we left! Kiya, can you help us?? We need healing. PLease??" I looked at her with a very sad face....

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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I jumped back hastily as a great mass of entangled somethings crashed down on me....

[color:"#fa8072"]Ouch.... whimpppper.... sighhh, dammit...[/color]

I looked at what had happened: Luc, Jvb, Viper, Jolie, DQueene lay on the ground before me, all in a heap. They were moaning, groaning, holding their wounded sides - clutching to broken swords and other items.

I saw, some were really hurt. So, crying to Jurak to stand back, I created the mighty rune of R&P, the ball grew in my hands, glittered, turned and increased slowly. Murmuring a short prayer to Freud, Hippokrates and all the other Gods I knew, I hurled it into the mass of bodies.

A whirl of blue, grey, silver... more moaning and groaning. I turned my back and hid my face in my hands... After some time no sounds came to my ears and I turned around, fearing the worst.

Most of them had lost their clothes, Jolie still wore a shred of his armour plate... Jvb's pants were shrunk... DQueene's hair had changed into ashblonde .... Luc had no cloak anymore... and Viper? Ohhhhhh nooooooooo, his wings had turned into red and white stripes, I mean they were coloured with red and white stripes.
Most of their weapons were gone or crumbled between their fingers, turning to rust... and even the amulets they had worn had turned into pebbles.

But their wounds were gone and their bodies healed - well, something at least..

[color:"yellow"]Ok, Kiya, make the best out of it... attack is the best defense[/color]

"JOLIE!!! Where is Wolfy? didn't you promise to take care of him?
Did anybody else lose their bag, satchel, backpack, purse, cart, sled, wagon, house, boat, airplane, or other suitable container, too?... As I lost my comrade?" My companion? My pet?, I whispered

kiya #34911 26/05/03 04:26 PM
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wow, that was fun <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/silly.gif" alt="" />

a lot of my bones were broosed and hurt, but not broken.

"Where's Hypathia?" I asked. "I left her lying on the ground when I took of for the fight"

kiya #34912 26/05/03 04:27 PM
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I liked the red and white stripes so much, that I envied them. My envy turned to lust, and lust turned to jealousy, and jealousy turned to larceny: I stole them. Somehow, my entire body ("entire" seems somewhat of an overstatement, considering my diminuative size) was covered with red and white stripes, and Viper's wings had returned to their normal coloration.

"Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine! Mine!" I revelled.

-- BG
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