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Jurak #34933 26/05/03 07:16 PM
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"Hello Jurak", I said and shook his hand. "My name is Viper and I'm a Fallen Deva. If you wanna talk, just call me, if you want a sip of whisky, ask for me flask. Nice to meet you"

"Are you alright DQueene?" I asked. I saw something disturbing her, "you know where to find me if you want to <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/winkwink.gif" alt="" />"

I took off again, scouting the area

Last edited by Viper; 26/05/03 07:16 PM.

Viper #34934 26/05/03 08:08 PM
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[color:"#33cc33"] Well met, Viper! What is falling diva?[/color]
he said shaking hand with his new friend.
[color:"#33cc33"] Can Jurak help scout area? Me good swordsman![/color]
as he holds up his dragon wing sword, glinting in the sunlight.
[color:"#33cc33"] Jurak has mighty sword, me call sword "buckaroo"[/color] <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #34935 26/05/03 08:52 PM
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From his height flying in the skies, Viper saw something. Lying out of eye from his comrades, there was a creature. She was an elvish looking creature, with blue hair, and a very fair complextion. She was completly naked, and unconcious. Viper thought she must have been created from the energy of the magic. He flew back down to the earth, and went to tell everyone about this being, to see what they should do.

Jurak #34936 26/05/03 09:01 PM
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The whol ething, about Kiya trying to hurt me, had been very heartbreaking. I tried to explane to her that i left Wolfy at the camp for his safty. "Me and JVB would go look for Luc. We new it could be very dangerous and i asked Wolfy to stay with the group at the camp to protect them". I told her the whole story about how we found that girl and agreed to help her. And then how she became a 6 headed, 4 armed monster. I continued the story with how suddenly Luc arrived and then DQueen. I told everything i could remeber (Maybe not exactly as it happened, but very close) and the how DQueen got us out with the mirror. "...Well the rest you know. We landed before your feet and you healed us. BTW thanks again for that, eventhough there are a few side-effects"

I looked at her, i dont know if she realy was calmed. I think she is quite pissed at me for leaving Wolfy alone.

I hope she can forgive me one day... I putted my reserve armor on and prepared to leave for the camp.

"BTW i almost forgot. Welcome to the group Jurak, i'm Joliekiller a Paladin."

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: dragon lair
jvb Offline
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I put the broken pieces of my sword in my backpack.
"Well, lets try to make the best of this situation..
Hi jurak, I am JVB, how are you doing <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />
You look sick my friend, all greenisch and stuff <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/rolleyes.gif" alt="" /> "

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34938 26/05/03 09:34 PM
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old hand
old hand
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When Viper told us of the strange beautiful creature lying not to far from where we were I couldn't help but be suspicious. After all, two of my companions had already been decieved by a little girl. There was no telling what form evil could take in this world.

I tried to tell myself I was a fool to even care about someone else ... even as my feet were trudging toward the spot where he said he had seen her. Trust me, I grumbled the whole way.

Viper had already scouted the area from the air so I was reasonably certain there were no hidden ambushes. I still approached her recumbant body caustiously, trying to 'see' if I could sense any taint of evil attached to her body.

"No, no I don't see anything," I muttered to myself as I knelt down beside her.

Tug, tug on the backside of my pants - "Damned hip riders!"

I sighed as I took off my cloak, and covered the the delicate sprite-like creature with it. Picking her up, I started back to the others. "I hope we find some more clothes soon...."

DQueene #34939 26/05/03 10:08 PM
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[color:"#33cc33"] here take these blankets[/color]
said the orc, after rummaging through his sled
and producing a pile of neatly folded burlap blankets
[color:"#33cc33"] orc not need blankets any more,
only used for journey through mountian pass,
not needed in lowlands,
because Jurak have d-ick green skin[/color]
(smiles sheepishly to rest of group),
and hands blankets to DQueene!
[color:"#33cc33"] here take, Jurak make fire, keep warm,
little creature shiver to death,[/color]
Jurak goes a short distance to pick up some firewood
and proceeds to make a nice roaring fire for the group...
[color:"#33cc33"]me love fire!

Last edited by Jurak; 26/05/03 10:20 PM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #34940 26/05/03 10:39 PM
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I woke up feeling very warm. I blinked my silver eyes, to clear them.
What was going on, who was i? And, who were all these people, that emitted such beautiful Auras?
I was so very confused, but i felt safe, and taken care of.
I sat by the ball of heat, i sat and observed all of them, hoping for some clues to something.

Jurak #34941 27/05/03 05:29 AM
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The creature (ladystreak if I remember) stirred waking me to an incredible hunger, and an Orc...

"Uh, does someone know him?"

though noone notices my hand strays close to my sword and discretley puts lady streak behind me (I have grown attached already).

Carrie #34942 27/05/03 05:47 AM
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The orc was inspired by the "closeness and unity" of his new found friends, and of course being an orc, couldn't resist saying,
[color:"#33cc33"]Jurak has skull key for Orc supply hut not far from here,
only half day journey, many supplies, some weapons and clothing![/color]
Normally, he would not offer up such a gesture,
but he could sense a certian "oneness" of the group,
and had never experienced anything like that,
while he was training with other orcs,
he had always been under the impression that orcs are
only out for themselves, maybe now was the time
to rekindle some lost ancient traditions,
like nobility, honour, dignity and pride!
[color:"#33cc33"] Oh yes, that feels better already,[/color]
he said to himself, and sat back down,
only to fall fast asleep face down over a boulder!

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
LuCiDiTy #34943 27/05/03 05:53 AM
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Viper told us he saw a creature lying in the woods. "Oh no, not again" i thought. DQueen went looking for it. After a while she returned with a beautifull elvish looking lady. She wore nothing but a cloke, she got from DQueen.

Jurak started a fire to warm her up. "Hey, we should get the others. They'll think we're dead or something." Noone seemed to be listinging. They all looked at the new 'companion'. I still was suspissious about this beautifull creature. I hadnt forgotten my last encounter with one....

I vaguely saw how Luc reached for his sword. "No Luc, its ok. No enemies around."
Jurak mentioned a supliehut not far from here. "Witch direction?" I asked. He pointed to the east. "K, but i think we should get the others first. There on the west side IIRC."

The new 'companion' opened her eyes. The were silver colored. WOOW, what a beautifull creature! i couldnt help my staring at her.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
Joined: Mar 2003
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ok, I backed down. Now I had two problems, one to resist sleeping (sooo tired, maybe tied to number two). Two, I was flipping hungry.

I was thinkin, what to eat? what to eat?

This is when I felt something rubbing on my legs. I looked down and saw lady streak with a squirrel in her mouth.


"I think I am going to like this...uh creature"

I went to the fire and started preparing our meal.

What really gets me is, did she just need food or did she read my mind????

LuCiDiTy #34945 27/05/03 07:07 AM
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I wanted to join DQueene to get her but she told me fiercly to stay (like I'm a dog or something??). Was it because she was naked or because she was so beautifull as well. Did the new lady make her jaleous? Nothing could beat DQ's beauty but ofcourse she didn't know that.

Viper #34946 27/05/03 11:22 AM
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I sat down, a bit aside from the others and started to think. My yearning for Wolfy grew stronger and washed away my bitterness. I don't know for how long I was lost in my thoughts - then I made a decision!
The others were absorbed in their chores or dozing, I went up to Nero and touched him on the shoulder, beckoning him to follow me. I was glad, he didn't oppose - finding a quiet spot I displayed to him what I planned to do:

"Nero, I want to go back to the camp, take Lynn, Polgara, Hypatia and Wolfy with me and find a new home where his lair is. Noo - stop, just listen, please... You know, I made a vow never to abandon him - and my heart has never been in this fighting business. I need peace... The bond between him and me is very strong and increasing every minute, he has become my soulmate... Please, don't hold me back... Here...."

I took off my halfmoon crystal and broke it into 2 parts.

"Here, take this one, and take over my part of singing and looking for new bonds between the races. Jurak is the first, there will be more. I believe, we're all here for one purpose: Finding out how to survive in the new and old world, how to come together instead of fighting against one another. You have been my partner since we arrived here - but time is like a river, it flows and changes - go with the flow, and well... like twigs taking their journey for a while side by side, sometimes then part and take different directions. If you need me, use the crystal - it will help you to remember old melodies. And, if the time river brings us together again, I'll be there where Wolfy's lair is.
Please, don't make it more difficult for me than it is already..."

Nero gaped at me, found no words. It hurt me to see the bewilderness and pain in his face, but I was sure... one day he would understand.

Standing up quickly, I vanished between the trees and glanced back at the camp. No one noticed my departure, save one - DQueene was watching me. We looked at each other for quite a while - she understood. Yes, she didn't like it all - but she understood, and she knew how stubborn I was. Yes, she was really the Queen of our group! I gave her a short smile, hugging her with my eyes and after a reassuring wave, I darted back into the woods.

kiya #34947 27/05/03 02:53 PM
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old hand
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My heart was breaking as I looked at Kiya and understood that she was leaving us. It was turning out to be a rotten day. First I had snapped at Viper when he tried to accompany me to find out who or what the new creature was he had found lying in the forest. Didn't he understand that I couldn't bear it to see him get hurt? If I could protect him I would and so far if he was flying he was safe. There was no telling how long that would last though.

And now Kiya was leaving our group... I understood, after all, hadn't I done the very same thing myself?

"Dammit I will not cry," I whispered fiercely to myself. "I don't cry!" Tears welled up in my eyes, defying my will just as tears always do. "Little monsters! They defeat you everytime," I thought as I sniffled.

Viper must have sensed my struggle, and knowing my pride wouldn't withstand an out and out tear fest, he came over and wrapped his arms around me. The world went even darker still as his wings followed suit. I felt safe and I knew I was so tired that I couldn't resist falling into a deep sleep right there, standing up and leaning tiredly against his body.

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/sleepey.gif" alt="" />

DQueene #34948 27/05/03 04:22 PM
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Walking along I thought of Dragh - where was he? Was he ok? How could he find the way to the group?
I broke a little twig here, notched a branch there - took a stone and carved a large arrow into the mossy barks. This kept me occupied until...

Why, Kiya? ... Well, you should know, Freud... Ahah, don't lie to me... Phhh!... Kiya, you're just abandoning the group! Nope, I'm not - they've got each other... Kiya? ... Get lost, old man

I hurled a stick into the underbushes, chasing up a flock of birds.

"Sorry! Put the blame on him..."

Forcing my alter ego out of my mind, I concentrated on the way, getting bored - I touched my crystal. [color:"a0a0ff"] Sharp cry of an eagle, searching its nest... wind, wafting around abandoned ruins... last howl of a wolf... the moon... [/color]

Well? Admit it at least to yourself, Kiya!... Aw, ok, old man, I'm running away, so what? Are you calling the hangman now?.... Silence...

I trudged on and on for hours, my inner voice and the rest of me in a nice lasting battle of wills. Then - at last! I knew what to do:

I sat down on a boulder, touched my crystal again and sent a call: [color:"a0a0ff"]My companion, where are you?... Come to me... come... shaggy fur... yellow eyes... padding paws... Woolfy...[/color]

I waited and sent... calling - singing - waiting - hoping.

Afte some time a grey shadow glided up and stood in front me: My werewolf had come at last! I fell around both necks and buried my face into his fur, crying and laughing at the same time. He stood completely still.. the pain in my heart slowly eased and we continued the journey together. I was on my way home!

kiya #34949 27/05/03 05:03 PM
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There was pain with the group, i did not understand. I could feel their pain, but didn't know what had transpired to make them all feel this way. I know one of the beautiful women had left, was that it? The one who had rescued me had been crying.
Maybe when i find what had happened i can help them. Maybe make them feel better.
I still sat, felt like watching them. There were so many strange creatures. And so much to learn.

Carrie #34950 27/05/03 05:14 PM
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What is she beautyfull. I snapped out of my 'trance' and looked around. "Where is Kiya?" I noticede DQueen was crying and Viper comfert her. She fell asleep. I closed my eyes. Kiya where are you?? A strange feeling went through my vains. She had left!! But i knew she would be ok, i felt Wolfy was with her. How did i knew that?? Was it a connection with Wolfy?? Did he tell me she was fine?

I went to the new creature and intoduced myself. "Hi, i'm Joliekiller the paladin. Whats your name?"

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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jvb Offline
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i saw dqueene crying, so i walked towards her..
"whats wrong? "
"Its kiya.. She left us.."
"WHAT?!? But why?"
"She has other plans, thats all there is to say.."
i sat down... " I- I dont want the group to fall apart again.. not at a time like this."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34952 27/05/03 05:44 PM
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I listened to the sounds everyone was making, trying to learn their language. I knew i had been created from magic, i could feel it coursing through my vains. It made me understand what they were saying, although i could not yet speak back. I will give it time. Then i can learn where i am, who all these souls are that have taken care of me, despite their own grief.

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