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Viper #34973 27/05/03 09:18 PM
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Looking at Viper through my spy-glass I noticed he was trying to catch up with me. He seemed to turn away after a while as if he'd lost me. "Just doing a simple look-see, my friend" I whispered. The roaring of the beast had died down now but I knew where it was. The noise had been coming from the hill in the distance, about a mile away. I carried on, running at half-pace through the dense undergrowth.....

I crested the hill and dived to the ground. There it was! I could see in the dark remarkably well and there it was in the clearing below me. It seemed to be resting, and was every bit as ugly as had been described. As its six heads lay down to rest there was suddenly a bright blue light. A shimmering doorway appeared next to the beast and a mysterious figure stepped through. The chimera reared up immediately, as if to attack. "He's dead..." I thought.

"Hold!" yelled the cowelled figure holding up his staff. A bright blue light seemed to glow from the jewel atop its shaft. The beast immediately froze and cowered before this seemingly undefended man, obvoiusly in pain.
"What news? Are the interlopers dead?" He asked. The beast shook its heads sorrowfully. "Fool!" He yelled. He thrust with his staff and the beast screamed in pain. "If you do not find them in two days you shall be returned to your cage where you belong! Now, BEGONE!" With that he moved, almost without walking, back into his portal. I closed behind him as silently as it had opened.

The beast uttered a howling scream and set off with renewed vigour into the night. Fortunately in the wrong direction....

I had to tell the others. I made my way back, JVB's sword was not going to forge itself....

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34974 27/05/03 09:48 PM
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There was scream from the other magical beast. Arrggghhhh, it hurt, there was so much anger coming from it. It was muttering something about a wizard, trying to lock it back up. He was sent here to find my new friends! What did the wizard want with their souls, they are good, he is evil.
I will find this wizard.
I will speak with Womble when he returns.

Carrie #34975 28/05/03 01:07 AM
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*jurak hearing all the commotion, being in this unsightly position, turned his head to the side, and saw members of the group going off in all directions,
he was particularily interested in what womble was up to

Rummaging through his sled, the orc produced a sharpening stone and honed his dragon wing sword to the finest edge possible!
[color:"#0099ff"] I'll be bach![/color]said jurak, as he returned the stone to it's place in the sack.
[color:"#0099ff"]Jurak will go to help womble, but circle around and approach from westside[/color]

Being the superb warrior that he was, the orc was always thinking tactical!And with that he headed off to circle around the offending, incessant howling. Minutes later, he stopped and peered through the trees, at the strange sight before him....there was a wizard floating in a portalway, next to the chimera,
words were exchanged and the beast let out a howl to split the night, it took off running straight in my direction!

Being as how i vowed to not kill things anymore, i hurriedly searched through the satchel the shaman had given me, pulling out numerous potions and scrolls
(what were these scrolls for, maybe there is a scroll decrypter among the group, i will check when i return)
at the very bottom, encircling the inside of the bag was the "Harmonious Collar of Congruence", the shaman had mentioned this collar, he said once equipped, all agression would evanesce.

Meaning whoever wore the collar would be of no bother to anyone, very safe...thought the orc! At least until we can decide what to do with feisty chimera! I wish i knew who speaks chimera, maybe wolfy does, but he is certianly a long way from here.

Quickly the orc set a snare to trap the unsuspecting chimera, and was finished just as the chimera crested the hill. The orc remained deathly still behind the old oak tree...waiting...watching...

[color:"brown"] SSwwwwwwwwwwwooooooosssssshhhhhhhh!![/color]

!!![color:"white"] Rrrrrrraaaaaarrrrrr [/color] !!!

The orc stood smiling, pleased with his trap
[color:"#33cc33"]Got you now Chimera![/color]
and quickley wrapped the collar around the chimera, not once but twice, and fastened the buckle.
The effects of the collar were instantaneous!
And the frothing, snapping chimera was turned to a sedate brown furrball!
Grabbing a long rope from his waistbelt, jurak fashioned a leash for the new brown "pet" he had acquired, and headed off in the direction of camp....

[color:"#33cc33"]I certianly hope there is someone still there![/color]

Last edited by Jurak; 28/05/03 01:36 AM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #34976 28/05/03 02:40 AM
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old hand
old hand
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I woke from my sleep of exhaustion, feeling refreshed but feeling dejected with the loss of my companion Kiya. I stretched and glanced around the camp seeing only some of my companions warming themselves by the campfire. I noticed the young elvin sprite was also awake and walked over to smile at her.

"Hi, I am DQueene. I know it's a silly name isn't it?" I smiled at her with a small twinkle in my eyes. "Parents never seem to name us anything neat. I always thought it would be nice to be called something like Shannon or Shana or ..." I paused in confusion, where were these names coming from? They were absolutely weird.

I shook my head and smiled at her again. "What's your name?"

She peeked up at me me through a fringe of blue hair, smiling a quick sparkling little smile. "I be Willow." She hesitated and then said, "Your friend, the flying dragon, asked me to tell you he follows the one called Womble."

I was truly confused for a minute, my friend the flying dragon? I started giggling, "Oh you mean Viper." I reached out and patted her arm. "I'm sorry, I'm not laughing at you. Viper isn't a dragon, he's a deva which I think is like an angel."

I blushed when I remembered I had cried all over Viper and fallen asleep being patted on the back like a baby. Oh well, I guess I could blame my actions on lack of sleep.

I glanced back up at Willow, "I think Willow is a beautiful name. I remember a good witch who was called Willow. She was great friends with a vampire slayer of great reknown!" I shook my head, giving up completely on where these memories were coming from. They were just there, popping up at odd moments, saying I know this ... I know this. No more fretting over them.

I glanced at the others around the fire, "Where did everyone else go?"

Not waiting for an answer I immediately asked, 'Oh and what's for supper, I think I could eat Womble's little steed over there," I pointed at the boar snoozing contentedly by the tree.

I waited for someone to tell me where everyone went, but when they all sort of hesitated I got a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach. "Okay, where did they go? Someone tell me now!" I said this a bit more sharply than I intended, but I couldn't help the sudden fear that made my stomach uneasy. "They didn't go after the chimera did they?" I glared at my innocent comapnions in suppressed fury.

Jurak #34977 28/05/03 03:25 AM
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"What the heck was that?" I paused on my way back. The chimera had stopped roaring. I headed in that direction...
When I got there I saw Jurak...leading the chimera by a leash! How the hell did he do that? "Jurak!" I yelled, immediately getting his attention and wandered over. "Jurak trap beast!" he said very proudly. I looked at the pit not believing my eyes. "It was that simple..." I thought, he simply treated it like any other beast. Totally vicious with evil powers but still a dumb animal and just as easy to trap! "We'd better be getting back..." I said. Jurak agreed. "We go fast way" he said. With that he picked me up and ran. "Whooooaaa!" I yelled as we hurtled through the trees. "Look out!" I yelled as a big branch armost took Juarak's head off. He simply ran through it laeving a trail of devastation. "Gonna be easy to track this one...." I thought to myself. I looked behind to see the beleagured chimera being dragged along. It offered no resistance. "What're you going to call that thing anyway? I bet it eats more than the rest of us put together!" Jurak wasn't listening, he seemed to love pounding through the trees. "Run forest, run!" I thought to myself and then wondered who forest was...

We arrived back at the camp in no time. Our friends were surprised to see us so soon. They calmed down once I told them about the chimera..
"Hello DQueene!" I said. "What! Oh hi Womble" she said. She had been staring at meatloaf in a scary way. "You hungry?" I asked, "because I know I bloody well am!"

I told them the story of the wizard controlling the beast with a simple gesture. This was a new event indeed. I went to the fire to melt down some old weapons for JVB's sword. Jurak went hunting Wabbit. He seemed to love those things.
I worked on into the night, hammering hot metal across stone....

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34978 28/05/03 03:38 AM
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I must be losing my mind....the chimera is back and now it is a pet?

I need more sleep.

Well at least Willow is starting to speak in the common tounge (now we work on Dragh).

Lady Streak purred at my legs and I remembered that all things are beautiful.

I picked her up and listened because that is often a faster way of getting information than asking.

LuCiDiTy #34979 28/05/03 03:40 AM
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Yup, Jurak 'tamed' it with a bit of orc shamanism.

Kinda cool really, no need for brute force. Just cunning. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/devil.gif" alt="" />

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34980 28/05/03 04:45 AM
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Jurak meandered up and down, across and back, using the chimera to tow his sled, all the while picking fruit,berries,nuts and certian roots then stacking them neatly, looling around noticing that he'd managed to get himself quite deep into the forest.[color:"#33cc33"] Hmmmm, Jurak wanders too far too fast![/color]
and also,that he had taken up quite a collection of edible items for everyone!
[color:"#33cc33"]Lot's of food, group will be pleased with Jurak![/color]
Continuing on a little further, things started to look rather he'd been there before,... it was then that he saw it!, in all it's run-down dilapitated, ramshackle, tumbledown glory!! It was the shack that was his first post in the orc army! The memories came flooding back to him now.... all the beatings!, all the torture!, and for what!? because he did not "conform" with the orc ideals! He tied up the chimera securely to post, and started deep reflection....All these negative thoughts were affecting the orc so gravely, that he felt
[color:"#0099ff"] was.....
with that he brought about the dragonwing sword, and with a mighty swing of finality, brought the mighty sword down upon the rusted old lock that was keeping him from "his" treasures.
[color:"#33cc33"]I will take whatever is of use, for me and my friends, as for the will make a great orc bonfire![/color]
Lighting a torch, so as able to see the furthest corners of the shack, he started on his mission of ransacking the entire contents.
He found many a useful item some old leather armour bits, blankets, pillows a couple of old daggers, very few potions, some empty flasks, and an "orcload" of chicken wings
[color:"#33cc33"] Yyyyyeeeee-Hhhhaaaaawwww!
we're havin' chicken tonight![/color]
Jurak hastily loaded everything he'd acquired onto his sled, threw the chimera a bone and said....
and they were off to rejoin the others.......

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #34981 28/05/03 05:59 AM
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Wolfy and I saw a fire in the distance: The camp!

I rushed up to Lynn, Hypatia and Polgare and told them about the plan to move over to Wolfy's lair - they consented. Wolfy lead the way and after a while we found an old cave - scattered with bones.

"Ups, R&P won't help here..." I said, hand in my hips.

We looked at each other and knew what to do: The girls gathered them and I dug a large hole: friend and foe were reunited in it. Hypatia murmured:

"Something's missing, be right back."


"Oh, just some bulbs and roots, they'll grow over this grave..."

Polgara nodded and went off to fetch some water, whilst Lynn and I patted down the earth. We planted Hypatia's saplings and started to clear up the rest, to make everything comfortable for all. Then I remembered something: Looking for a bent stick I thrust it into the grave and hung my crystal amulet on it.

"Why are you doing this?" Lynn asked.

"Oh, I like the idea of this place becoming a spot of peace, so all who hear the crystal singing will want to come and enjoy the atmosphere here," I answered and listen to the wind spreading the tunes.

"Good idea," Polgara said.

We sat around the camp fire, the music flooded the air...

"When will the others come to us - will they come?" Hypatia stared into the flames dreamily.

"Oh, depends on..." I said thoughtfully."By the way, do you want to know what I discovered about the secret of this world?"

The others nodded and listened eagerly.

"Ok, here goes... We've all played a role in our old world, the tame and civilised one - and this world here just shows what we are, what we fear and what we are looking for. All the demons, our aggressions, our hidden violence, what we wish for - all this is shown to us. Remember the poisonous rats? They didn't attack me... the chimera, it didn't meet me... As long as our members believe, they have to fight, they will meet enemies, their inner ones with the faces of monsters. They might kill them - but they'll come again, an endless fight."

"Oh, did you tell the others?"

"Nope, their ears are closed - they have to find this out themselves," I replied gruffly and stared into the flames.

"I hope, they'll find out soon enough and then come to us," Hypatia said wistfully.

"They might, they might not..." I mumbled, fondling Wolfy's ears who lay on his side, totally relaxed.

"But if they come and we can return into our old world - what of you and Wolfy?" Polgara asked.

I shrugged my shoulders:

"I guess, Wolfy is a part of me - bah.. no use in thinking about that. I'll cross the bridge when I'm there."

[color:"a0a0ff"]The melody of peace and patience... wings fluttering... chirping of a nightingale... crackling fire... laughter and companionship... cheerfulness of a sunny spring day...[/color]

I was startled out of my dreams:

[color:"yellow"]A flock of hungry scavenger birds fell into the story world and are ripping it apart. Sitting on the prey's corpse, they dig their beaks into the story flesh, rip out a bleeding piece, toss it away or hurl it at each other. When nothing more is left to destroy and dirty, they will fill the air with their coarse voices, nod at each other and raise up to the sky, looking for something new to devastate.[/color]

"Polgara, please... quickly, danger is coming - put a ban around the lair, so no one may intrude and finish off their job," I screamed in panic, hurt and agony.

She nodded and raised her arms....

I sank back, watching the fire dying down to embers, feeling its ashes in my heart - our time here was over... [color:"#a0a0ff"] mist is rising... the moon calls... souls leaving their bodies... carried by a swirl of wind they rise... song of freedom... a soft farewell... protection... home...[/color]

Last edited by kiya; 29/05/03 05:04 AM.
kiya #34982 28/05/03 06:47 AM
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I stayed high up in the air and When I saw that Womble had no intention of attacking but only to observe, I kept circling at a safe distance.
When I saw that he was returning, I flew back to the camp the mission will be for a later time I thought to myself.

Arriving at the camp I saw everybody gathered around the newcomer and I heard that they were talking to her. she catches up quickly
I went to sit a bit further and just listen to it all, nobody saw me arrving so I had some privacy to get some rest. I heard from the conversations that her name was Willow. Nice name I thought, and then I fell asleep

Viper #34983 28/05/03 10:43 AM
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While i was talking to Willow i heard Womble arrived. I turned around and saw Jurak WITH the monster! "Jurak, whats the meaning of this??? Why did you lead this monster right to us? Now were doomed!!"

I almost turned purple because of my anger. But this anger fained off as soon as i could tell it wasnt dangerous anymore. It somekind of new collar on it.

"What happend? How did you capture sutch a monster alone, while we couldnt defeat it with 4 of us <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />"

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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jvb Offline
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So, womble and jurak are back... with the monster.. The monster we couldn't beat with all our powers combined.. The monster who could stun you with his eyes..... It cant possibly be that this monster has been caught so easiliy... besides, it has six heads, and only one of them has the neclass on it..... well we will see for the moment, I dont thrust it though..

I looked at my new sword.. "It wil never have the power of my old companion.."

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34985 28/05/03 02:26 PM
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"It won't be as evil either." I said to JVB. I had enscribed a rune into the handle of the blade. I had no idea what it would do but somehow I knew how to write it.
"Don't feel bad about the monster." I reminded JVB. "I wouldn't have known how to bring it down either but it had a weak mind. Jurak saw that and simply controlled it instead of trying to destroy the thing. His link to the creature is fragile though. If the collar is removed or lost it will be as dangerous as ever." JVB nodded. "Maybe we should kill it when Jurak returns," he said. I wondered, "The wizard who controlled it mistreated the beast badly, I'm thinking if we treat it fairly it may help us of its own free will." JVB was shaking his head. I could see I'd made him think, however.

"If we can deprive the wizard of his power he may be easier to find. I want to 'talk' to him...." I said grinning...

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34986 28/05/03 02:39 PM
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"sorry womble, but i just cant believe a monster that powerfull can be controlled that easily.
Maybe for a short while, but even the least has to happen to make him turn mad i think.
and when that happens we will all be doomed.."
I walked away..
"Gonna test my new sword, it will take some getting used to."
lets see if i can use it to cut firewood
I charged into a small tree, cleaving right trough it..
man this baby is sharper then i had expected.

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
Womble #34987 28/05/03 02:43 PM
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I overheard Womble say he wanted to meet the wizard.
"I am sure i can bring him here, after all i am his child, created by his magic"
I will send out a summons to him, then you call all meet him. Do you think he is the one who brought you all here?
[color:"blue"] [/color] I feared for my companions, if they should meet him. Would they be able to meet his magic, as i could sence he was very strong.

Carrie #34988 28/05/03 02:58 PM
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I woke up as I saw a sword appearing above my head, right through the tree.
"Hey, watch out will ya!!"

Viper #34989 28/05/03 02:59 PM
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"ow sorry viper, didn't know that you were sleeping here.
why all the way over here btw?
dont you trust the "captured" monster either?"

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
Womble #34990 28/05/03 03:16 PM
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Jurak arrived back at the camp before he even knew it, and saw a red and white mass in between the trees, just outside the firelight, upon closer inspection he realized it was viper... and he was fast asleep! Poor guy all tuckered out, and shivering.The orc reached behind him and grabbed a blanket and pillow for his tired friend.
[color:"#33cc33"]Viper stay warm and dry[/color] and gently placed the pillow beneath his head and covered him with a blanket!
He'd noticed that viper looked a lot healthier and was actually glowing! Must be all the fresh air, he mumbled to himself and continued on to the rest, warming themselves by the fire!
[color:"#33cc33"] Jurak returns with something for all,[/color] he said, and wheeled his sled into the glow of the fire's flickering flames. Standing very tall and proud, he retold his story to jolie, and jvb, reminding them that although the monster did have 6 heads... it still only had 1 neck! Staring at jvb's new sword, it looked like it wasn't as sharp as it could possibly be, so Jurak offered his stone to sharpen the newly forged steel!After his tale of adventure, the orc displayed his findings from the shack, some old leather pieces, a few daggers (desperately in need of sharpening), very few potions and...........dinner!
As soon as the group layed eyes on the chicken legs, it was like deja-vu... a mass of arms and legs all scrambling over each other, trying to get the biggest chicken leg! That amused the orc immensely! And he let out his first genuine orc laugh, since meeting up with this close-knit group!
[color:"#33cc33"] Bbbbrrrrooooooo-Hhhhhaaaaa-Hhhhaaaaa-Hhhaaaa[/color] he laughed so uproariously that all the chicken he'd stuffed into his mouth, was hanging from his teeth and all over his face!
Not a pretty sight, I tell you!
[color:"#33cc33"] we must find a way to the wizard from the portal, but right now...we eat, drink and be merry!

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #34991 28/05/03 03:33 PM
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Jurak told the whole story of how he captured the beast. Wow it was that easy. How come we didnt tink of that?

He also brough FOOD. Chicken MMMMM... I grabbed a few pieces and eat one of them and was going to put the other in my backpack for later.

"Hey Jurak. Were there any cloths in that shack?? Willow could use some <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />" I could stop my self laughing.

I just saw how JVB tested his new sword. It was descent enough.

"Hey Jurak, can i use your stone for a sec. My sword needs to be sharpened."

While i putted the piece of chicken in my backpack i found the note.
"Hey, look people. i've found a note. I almost forgot about it. Its written in a strange language. Can anyone read it??? It looks like orc readings, i think."
I had the note in my hand....

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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After a brief fight we settled down with our respective pieces of chicken. "Are you sure this is fresh?" I frowned at Jurak. "Chicken good!" Jurak boomed. I decided to believe him and took a bite... It was delicious! Must've been some magic orc preservative. "I think we should practice our skills." JVB said, "if that beast decides to go nuts then I want to be ready for it!" I grinned at him, "lunch first lad! We practice in the afternoon! A warrior marches on his stomach!"
I grabbed some of the tattered leather from Jurak's pile of presents he'd brought. "This will make a good light armour..." I thought, "we need a talor though." I packed it into the pouch on Meatloaf's back and fed him some chicken which he ate in his usual disgusting manner. "Behave you! I'm going to practice with the guys and I won't be long.
Jurak had sharpened a couple of long daggers so I grabbed them and set off for a local clearing. "Cmon JVB!" I yelled, "lets play!" He bounced to his feet excitedly, youthful exuberance all over his face.

We reached a clearing. It was so peaceful, the sun was shining brightly and the birds were tweeting in the treetops. Oh well, time to ruin the peace...
"On your guard, mate!" I said. He drew his sword. "This isn't fair! You only have 2 small blades." He said. "Don't worry... I'll go easy on you!" I said laughing. With that he swung for me, I dodged easily, parrying the rest of the blow on my daggers. We carried on into to afternoon, the ring of steel on steel in the air....

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
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