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Carrie #34953 27/05/03 06:24 PM
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"Huh? What's going on?" I snapped up from my work. I had apparently been busy for at least a day. I saw the group members returning one by one to the campfire. Kiya had brought an 8-foot tall Orc! What the hell was going on here? Apparently he was some kind of emmisary. I chatted with JVB and Jolie for a while about the monster they had fought. There was a chimera roaming the woods eh? "Great...." I thought to myself. Meatloaf was amusing himself snuffling for food so decided to wander over to see the fairy-type creature that had 'materialised' sometime last night by the campfire. The orc had piled a massive stock of wood onto the fire. At least he was useful for something....

I tried to speak to the fairy but she didn't speak any common tongue that I recognised. Anyway, I sat down with the rest of the group to try to figure out where we could go next. Jurak had hunted some rabbits and had cooked them. As I chewed on one I thanked him. I couldn't beleive an Orc could be so civilised! For some reason he wanted to be a rabbit. He kept eating the brains to try and think like one....

There was a ghastly roar in the distance. "That chimera may be getting closer..." I said. I looked at JVB, "maybe I should make you a new sword matey!" I said grinning, "or at least one that doesn't talk back to you!"

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34954 27/05/03 06:30 PM
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There was a roar in the distance. I understood this language, another creature of magic. But, this one was evil, and he was looking for my savoirs! What could i do? Maybe i could speak with the creature, convince him of otherwise. He was so evil! Hearing him turned my blood to ice.
The group fed me, not bad. It was sweet. I needed to talk to them. I need to know how i can help them.

Carrie #34955 27/05/03 07:03 PM
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"Here lassie, I got you a piece of rabbit!" I handed this to the elvish newcomer. She seemed to like it. From her actions I could see she understood every word I said but was unable (or unwilling) to reply. "Maybe Luc can speak to her, after all he understands Dragh." I thought.
The chimera's roar seemed to terrify her. What the hell was that thing doing? I needed to know...

Night came. Creeping in on us quickly as if there was something evil about it. "Time to see what's going on" I said to the others, "let me scout out the beast! I shall return soon... Meatloaf! Stay!"
Equipping my weapons I pulled on my cloak enshrouded myself with the night. I made for the roar's origin....

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #34956 27/05/03 07:24 PM
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We heard a roar. "Oh no, the monsters back!! I thought we'd shaken it off!"
I saw the new elvish creature was terified by its roar. What does this mean???

I couldnt help myself falling asleep I must have been really tiered.

I started dreaming.
[color:"#009999"] It was a beautifull day and i was walking through the fields somewhere. I was really enjoying it. I was singing and running through the kneehigh grass. I reached my village and walked towards my home. When i entered i just saw some imps running off. I checked the room on my right and saw my wife laying in pool of blood. [/color]
[color:"red"]No!! i checked her out. She was dead. No you filthy imps! You've killed my wife!! A few passes a way was my daugther. She was also slaughtered.
I took my wife in my arms......

"No Lisa, NOOOOOO. Lisa! Lisa!" I woke up. I saw some of my companions look at me. "Was i dreaming out loud again?" They nodded.
Man i really have to do something about this situation! But how come i dreamed that again? I new that it went imp who did it?? Was it the monster that toyed with my mind again???

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
Womble #34957 27/05/03 07:28 PM
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"NOOOO WOMBLE, dont go!!!!
All of us fought it at the same time, but it still was too strong for us.
you cant possibly beat it alone!!

i dont want to see you get yourself hurt..
it owuld be better for everyone of us to rest, and find out more about our new companion here." I said, looking at the blue elf..

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34958 27/05/03 07:36 PM
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I agreed with the young human, though he was not all he seemed to be. There was something diffrent about this person. I had to find a way to comminicate with the wise dwarf. The creature wanted their blood and their souls.
I got up, and started following the one called Womble.

Carrie #34959 27/05/03 07:46 PM
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It was then that I noticed the new addition to the group. She looked concerned, but I knew that she was unable to communicate with our group. Maybe me and dragh can!

[elvish]hello, my name is Lucidity I am a native of this land unlike the other people, who seem to have transported here from somewhere else. I am interested, can you understand me?[/elvish]

hope that works

LuCiDiTy #34960 27/05/03 07:55 PM
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As i was walking over to Womble, i thought i was going crasy!
My tounge! Someone else here was a creature of magic, and could speak with me.
So many questions.
Womble forgetten for the moment, i answered Lucidity.
"Yes, i can understand you! Where is this place, where did i come from, who are all these people"
I was starting to pick up the other language, but now i had someone to comminicate with right now. At last, some answers to my questions!

LuCiDiTy #34961 27/05/03 07:56 PM
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I took DQueene in my arms and felt her getting weaker and weaker until I heard a funny little snore. she was sleeping. I held her a bit longer in my arms and wings until I felt a distress in the group and a roar a bit further away. I looked up and saw Womble getting ready to go.
I lay DQueene next to the newcomer (I didn't catch her name yet) and gave DQ a little kiss on her forehead. I said to the newcomer: "I'm sorry but I didn't get your name yet, I am Viper. I've got no time to chat with you now but could you please tell DQueene that I have had an important matter to look into". I looked at Womble leaving and the newcomer new what I meant.

she nodded to make it clear to me that she understood somehow and looked at me as if she could see how madly in love I was with DQueene and how I felt that this mission could turn out quite bad, I've been having that feeling for some time now.
"Thank you, we'll 'talk' when I get back" I got my gear and took off high in the sky, folowing Womble to make sure he was ok, he felt like a real close friend from the day I met him

Last edited by Viper; 27/05/03 07:57 PM.

Carrie #34962 27/05/03 08:10 PM
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[elvish]Whoa whoa, we are in the middle of a forrest near the invisible barrier...wait you have no idea what I am talking about. We are all together in a strange place working together towards a goal not yet found. I realize that is vague but what you need to know is that people are friends unconditionally. I would trust and lose my life for them. I have only seen you since Viper brought you down from the sky. do you remember anything else?[/elvish]

LuCiDiTy #34963 27/05/03 08:15 PM
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I just know, the dragon gave me this person, she rescued me. to take care of. He loves her so much, i will do that for him.
All i can remeber is spinning, see bits of magick all coming together to form - well - me.???? I don't know what happened before or after that, i was hoping to find some answers here. The next thing i knew, i was sitting by that ball of light, feeling so warm.
Can you help me with their language?

Viper #34964 27/05/03 08:16 PM
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jvb Offline
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i cant le them go by themsleves, but i dont have any weapons <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> ... but i will feel guilty if i dont try to protect them..

and so i went.. Running as fast as i could after womble, while i saw viper flying over my head.
why am i doing this? I know i cant be able to help them without my sword.. I can do quite the damage with my fist, but it cant possibly be anything compared with my sword.. my only new advantage is that I will be faster and more agile now..

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34965 27/05/03 08:33 PM
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I was a bit dissy after that dream and tried to look around. I just saw Womble leave and Viper went after or with him. Then JVB ran after them. "What the hell is going on here???" Then i saw Luc talk the new creature. She spoke elvish!!

I ran towards Luc and asked if he already knew her name.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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Someone came up to Licidity and asked my nae.
My name is Willow i replied. I was learning fast.
Now, i think we really have to help the others, what can we do?

Carrie #34967 27/05/03 08:49 PM
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I heard JVB calling me. I sighed and turned back. As I approached him I lowered my hood and called his name. I didn't want to surprise him after last time.
"Its ok my friend. I don't want to fight the thing, merely observe it and see if I can find a weakness. I will not be seen, trust me. Go back to the safety of the camp with the others. I'll report back soon..."
With that I turned and dissapeared into the shadows again.

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Carrie #34968 27/05/03 08:51 PM
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I saw jvb following and flew towards him "What are you doing jvb?"

"Helping you guys" he said
"No, this is Womble's quest and mine, no one can help us, besides you don't have any weapons! Who is going to defend the women, I know they can take care of themselves but I'd rather have you AND Luc there to help them, help/protect DQueene. Will you do that for me.... as a friend?"

I didn't wait for his answer but I flew on before I lost track of Womble. The decision is in his hands now, but I've got the feeling that no one can help us

Viper #34969 27/05/03 08:55 PM
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I saw JVB returning to camp. they want to do this themselves. That was alright, i did promised the dragon i would take care of his beloved. It was getting dark.
I still hoped someone could tell me where i came from.
JVB looked disappointed.

Carrie #34970 27/05/03 08:57 PM
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"My name is Willow" she said. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> I almost fell of the shock. She spoke our language! "Nice to meet you Willow. i'm Joliekiller a Paladin."
We shoke hands.

"Welcome to our group. How did you end up there in the woods??"

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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*Broken English*
I really can't tell you, i don't think anyone can. I just know that i was created by some kind of evil magick, and next thing i knew i was laying here by the fire, warm and comfortable.

Carrie #34972 27/05/03 09:16 PM
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The group got re-united, except for kiya. They also brought some kind of nightelf, I could understand her, so did Luc. But she quickly spoke english, How does she learn so fast and why don't I?

I went back to the fire, and introduced me [Elvish] I'm Draghermosran, call me Dragh. just like you I don't know what I'am, I know I'm very close with nature, animals and such. Well I'm happy to hear I'll be able to talk to more persons know." [/elvish]

I sah some leave again, wich I disliked why split up the group, together we are much stonger.

It's one of these days...
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