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Womble #34993 28/05/03 05:58 PM
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he shure is fast, the little [nocando]
I leaped at him again, holding my sword tight.
"This time you wont dodge me!!" I Yelled.
I dont know why, but i always feel very strange when i am fighting, it feels good, in a weird way.
Something inside me must love the fight, i think i must be born for it.
If only that bloody womble wasn't so fast..
We never had a good hit on one another, only dodging and dodging..
This time i will hit him....
I let my sword come down, and he..

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #34994 28/05/03 06:47 PM
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After eating as much chicken as an orc possibly could, jurak let out a satisfying
noticing that willow was sobbing gently and still clothes-less,checked his sack and said,
[color:"#33cc33"]oh yes, and for willow i have this velvet bag [/color]which is of no use any more, for it was only used to contain the collar of congruence, [color:"#33cc33"]and we cannot have a clothes-less "weeping willow", is there a tailor among us, someone to fashion a fine morgana from this soft purple velvet?[/color] he shouted playfully. [color:"#33cc33"]Jolie let me see that letter....oh my... this may take a while,[/color]he said as he reached for his book of words and started frantically turning pages as he was so absorbed into his new mission...

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #34995 28/05/03 06:57 PM
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The orc had found me some velvet, i took the lovely fabric. It was soft to the touch, and it would feel wonderful on my skin. I decided to see what i could do with it, i thought in my mind what i felt was suiting. Suddenly the fabric started to change, flowing, folding. In a moment in my hands i held a beautiful gown. Did i do this, just by thinking it? Everybody was watching me now. I felt very self conscience.
I was getting the most intense look from the Paladin. He was a beautiful man. I felt something i had never felt before. What was this longing to know him more than as the person i saw?

Jurak #34996 28/05/03 07:07 PM
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I thrust my blades in a cross formation to block JVB's blow. Normally I would've dodged and let him run himself ragged before tripping him up and holding my blade to his neck, forcing him to surrender. I liked him though and he'd also been taunting me, saying things like "Stand still and fight properly! What are you? A or a goblin?"
Anyway, JVB was mad from chasing me around and delivered a very forceful blow. Both my blades were sliced clean in two! "Oh yeah, rune of sharpness, that's what I put on that weapon! EEEEEEKKK!" My whole life flashed before my eyes, I swear only 3 weeks of it were interesting...

Then something wierd happened. The blade stopped after splitting the hairs of my head, penetrating no flesh or bone. JVB collapsed to the ground with the sword but much to my own surprise not a drop of my blood was lost. And I kind of like my blood inside me. I stood in shock for a while. "Maybe the weapons I have forged cannot harm me!" I thought to myself.

"What just happened??" JVB asked. "I've no idea, maybe some kind of magic. Enough practice for today! We'd better go back. I'm hungry!"

With that we went back to the campsite. I would need a bigger melee weapon, maybe a double-headed axe...

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Jurak #34997 28/05/03 07:07 PM
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Wandering through the woods I looked down at the half of Kiya's crystal that she had given me. I grabbed my bag and found some string that I had made from the pants wolfy had tailored for me. I made the jewel a pendant and strung it around my neck. I looked to my shoulder at my new freind the one that Kiya had given me as she left. It was a hawk which i named Kilala. I continued walking making my way through the dense woods wondering if I would ever see my companion again...then in the back of my mind the song that had held me completely came into my mind and I I knew we would be rejoined this revelation was subsiding I found myself wandering to the edge of our camp...

NeroJB #34998 28/05/03 07:37 PM
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Jurak also brough a peace of cloth, apperantly valvet, and gave it Willow. She took the piece and 'foged' it into a nice robe <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />. How???
I caught myself staring at her again. That look in her eye attrackted me towards her. I felt something i hadnt felt in a long time Was it love???

Then i suddenly remebered my wife and her dead. I could do nothing but turn my head away from Willow.
Suddenly i knew were to go!
"I have a suggestion on were to go! To my village its a few days walking to the south. We can spent the night here and then move on. Jurak hurry on decoding the message will you."

I sat down near the fire and tried to sleep, but i couldnt i was to mutch exited.I'm going home! i'll find the ones responsible for her dead.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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I woke up all refreshed and went to join the other, dragging the pillow with me. "I don't know who gave this to me but thatnks A LOT. it's like I've slept for 3 days and caught up all my lack of sleep.
So what's going?? "

Viper #35000 28/05/03 07:54 PM
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"Hey Willow, You might have use of these. I never knew why I have been given these in my bag when I came to this world but here ya go."

I took a pair of shorts and a woman top out of my bag and gave it to her "maybe they were destined to be yours. Hope you like 'em and that they're your size <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />"

Viper #35001 28/05/03 07:58 PM
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I went for a walk by the lake. I was hurt by the fact Joliekiller could not look at me, and needed to be on my own for a while.
I slipped into the cool water. It made me feel better. I let my thoughts drift...
I saw what was to come...a child, who's child? A changling with skin the colour of moonlight. I could not see anything else about the child.
Another vision...I also saw a town. I had never seen one before, and was very curious about this. Over the town, i saw an image of the Wizard - he was laughing madly. Something was not right.
I got out of the water, and put my gown and cloak back on (i should give this back to DQueen) I now felt more unsettled than i had when i left the group.
I knew we would be leaving soon for Joliekillers home, i must hurry.

Last edited by Carrie; 28/05/03 08:51 PM.
Carrie #35002 28/05/03 09:02 PM
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Willow had power, there was no denying that. Jurak seemed to be troubled, he furrowed his brow so much that his warts started popping. Ducking the 'residue' from these explosions I made my way over to him. "What is it?" I asked.
"Big words confuse me!"
"Confuse is a fairly big word though right?"
"Oh yeah!"
"Just see the word in your head as you speak it. That will make it easier to read"
"Uhhhh Jurak head hurt! I go sleep for a while"
With that remark he fell over like a tree and started snoring, really, really loudly.
"Can someone help me roll him on his side?" I yelled over the noise.

After 2 hours, some ropes and an intricate pulley system devised by myself we could hear again. Jurak lay sleeping like a baby.

"Maybe we should head out soon." I said turning to Jolie. If we stay here we may be attacked again.
"Willow? Do you think you can find the wizard? Can you feel his power? Try not to attract him yet. I fear we are not ready for him."

"Shall we make plans to go to Jolie's village next daybreak? What say you my friends?"

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35003 28/05/03 09:42 PM
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We should head out, but let us remember that if we head due south we will run into the castle that we have run away from. Viper could you scout, in the air, south and see where we must go? Maybe you can take Kilala (nero's bird) and teach him to soar like you do. We will gather camp together.

I made a pouch out of some extra fabric that Jurak had, and soon Lady Streak was sleeping soundly, though I didnt' for a minute believe that she woudl be there long.

LuCiDiTy #35004 29/05/03 05:27 AM
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old hand
old hand
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I opened the pouch at my waist, checking first to make sure I hadn't broken the mirror Metheeka had given me. Gazing into it, it blurred for an instant and then cleared to show Kiya, Lynn, Hypatia, and Polgara being very domestic in a beautiful little cave. I giggled when I saw Wolfy go bounding through the image chasing a little BG. Everyone looked happy and I told myself that that was all that mattered.

Then I pulled out the long forgotten scroll, remembering the quest we had been given.

"Ahem, everyone! I think we need to read this. We're supposed to do this or a lot of people will die."

When I saw I had everyone's attention I started reading:

[color:"orange"] Seven Talismans.
Seven Scrolls.
Seven Wizards.
Nine Dread Trolls.

The Circle of Evil and Chaos will Rule
When moons converge on Mount Dooms' peak.
Each Wizard's Talisman will be the tool
To free the Trolls: one each week.

No native soul can wield the art
To break this Fate so vile and viscious.
But three will come from a world apart
The first they'll tame is named Aloicious.

DQueene #35005 29/05/03 06:52 AM
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"Sure I can Luc, I'll fly around with Kilala as much as I can, she'll pick up after a while" and off we went, high into the sky, the bird seemed to follow quite good, but it needed more practice

[birdtalk] [color:"brown"] we'll practive some more, just try to keep up, your wings will grow stronger and you'll be able to do amazing stuff [/color] [/birdtalk]

<img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" /> where the hell did that came from, the bird seemed to understand me as well as it talked back and said that we might have to scout a bit further.
[color:"brown"] Why [/color] I asked
[color:"brown"] Haven't you seen that fire further down? [/color]

I looked and saw a little light indeed. the birds eyes seemd to be better than mine

DQueene #35006 29/05/03 07:24 AM
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What was in that chicken meat?
Oh my aching warts!!
Shaking off the effects from the chicken, Jurak rubbed his bulging, bloodshot, eyeballs, stretched and then set about looking in his book for the last of the unrecognizable words in the letter.
As soon as the orc heard DQueene mention the name Aloicious, he jumped up and started doing the funniest Orc jig you've probably never seen, he was jumping up and down sooo hard, that the leaves from the nearby trees were shaking loose and fluttering to the ground!
[color:"#33cc#33"] thats it!, thats it!, i'm finished, oh thank you DQueene![/color]
and with that he hopped right over to DQueene's side, grabbed her and planted a big sloppy kiss on her cheek! Which she wiped off forthwith, and an affecionate grunt towards the overzealous Orc!
[color:"#33cc33"]Is that a co-inky-dink or what...,(coincidence, is just too hard for an orc to iterate )if you had not remembered your long forgotten scroll, Jurak would still be bookworm! No wonder word not in book, not! It's all starting to make sense now. This letter handwritten in ancient orc heiroglyphs, hard to translate but...[/color]
he hesitated,
[color:"#33cc33"]it is a map, a place far to the west, an old volcanic island, surrounded by several smaller islands, we will need a sturdy ship for our voyage!The ocean is three days journey and Jolie's town is one day, I propose that we go to Jolie's town first,for it is urgent we find out who is behind the slaughter, and from there we can equip our group with supplies from town and possibly find a reliable shipbuilder of sorts. Nothing too fancy, for we have not much gold, we will need to sell whatever we don't need for supplies and food! We must travel light, and fast![/color]
Just then a conspicuous flock of big black birds flew overhead making the most ungodly ruckus,, it almost sounded as if they were laughing...
Everyone looked dumbfounded,
all except Jolie, oblivious to the birds,
he was smiling a very evil grin.........

Last edited by Jurak; 29/05/03 07:25 AM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Womble #35007 29/05/03 09:09 AM
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jvb Offline
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the runo of sharpness... WOW.
Never knew a rune can be so powerfull..
I am happy that my sword wouldn't let me hurt womble though... I could have accidentally killed him with that blow...
I don't wanna do that ; how could i know that i would cleave his weapons in half?

"Womble, i just wanna say you put up a great fight there, we oughta do that more often <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/up.gif" alt="" /> "

At that moment dqueene began reading from the scroll...

"I dont get it, are we supposed to kill 1 wizard each week?
from what i have heard from womble those wizards look realy powerfull.. If we couldn't even destroy the chimera, how are we supposed to kill them? "

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #35008 29/05/03 03:52 PM
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We all started packing up, getting ready for the walk to Jolie's town. Womble had started putting his newly forged saddle on Meatloaf, who was grunting in protest. He did not like being restricted like this. [color:"blue"] [/color] i thought.
The orc was saying that they needed a ship to get to the volcanic islands. Maybe i could help there. If i could create a ship, like the way i did my gown. I will need to start practising this magic, see what i can do. Someone i'm sure can help me with it. I just need some materials.
But, what about the wizards? 7 of them!!!! How could we destroy them, we are but weak to them, and still learning what we possess. Time would tell.
But, first, the trip.

Carrie #35009 29/05/03 04:14 PM
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"I still need some good armoe" I murmered between my teeth, "I hate not having sth on me to protect me. And an upgrade for my bow would be nice as well. Ah, I'll see in Jolie's town, maybe there's a blacksmith"

Viper #35010 29/05/03 05:06 PM
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Jurak could sense the excitement of the group, it had been a long time since any had gone to town, Womble approached the orc, and handed what meager belongings he had to the towering orc, "here!" he said, and Jurak looked at his head and laughed,[color:"#33cc33"] looks like you've had a very close call with a brainsick groomer! Did your partner fair as well?[/color]
The orc was busy all morning gathering any salvageable possesions, scattered about the campsite, taking care to stow them neatly into his sled.
[color:"#33cc33"] we will now see what your made of ,chimera!
we know you were fierce [/b], but are you strong enough to haul all this stuff?[/color]
Not expecting any answer, he busily went forward continuing to pack up!

Last edited by Jurak; 29/05/03 05:14 PM.

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[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35011 29/05/03 05:55 PM
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I heard some noises of aproval from the group. Dqueene had laid it all down, we had a quest now. Everyone thought it was impossible but I think there is a way to acomplish anything. I was making a whittling a (small) lance for fighting on Meatloaf's back. People were packing up to leave and there was a feeling of excitement in the air. I patted Meat on the back, he grunted softly to me.
"Ready to go boy?"
"Thought you'd say that."

I checked my equipment. "Where was my spyglass?" Then I remembered Jolie had borrowed it to watch Willow take her morning swim. Humans and elves were so tentative about mating. A dwarven girl would just grab you by the beard and get on with it!

"Oh well, get it back later I guess...." I hopped onto Meat's back. "Lets go boy!" I said as the group moved out. Great adventures awaited us....

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35012 29/05/03 06:02 PM
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"well lets get going then.."
i walked towards dqueene..
"Hey, do you need any help with your stuff? "

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
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