Does this sound familiar. You have 37 minor life potions and 28 minor mana potions and you click 28 times to make 28 restoration potions. It would be a great feature if there was an option to mix all available minor potions into restorations ones.

Don't get me wrong, love the game. Its just little things like this that to me make it feel more like work than a game.

Thought I'd just mention it, it may have been brought up before. Of course Larian is on other projects now, but if its Divinity2, it will likely have potions again, so this would be nice to have.

My other minor point is in regard to item drops. It has become typical of almost all games now to have the best items be uniques. Sword of the Gods for instance, that is always found in the same place. I prefer getting the best items from random drops so as to keep the excitent going throughout. The only point of the item drops from monsters seems to be to trade for gold. I think it defeats the purpose of drops if its just to trade for gold, then it gets to be a routine like mixing the potions. The real quest then becomes traveling to 6 npc's to find someone who has enough gold to trade with.

Another thing is I have a level 35 charactor with 45 unused bonus points and 28 or 29 unused skill points. This is an indication that the game is not challenging. Like I said I love the game concept. But after I get the nice equipment I am asking myself what I need the equipment for?

What overwhelmed me was what order to do the quests and who I need to see to get a quest or which dialoge not to pick to break a quest. After restarting and talking to as few people as possible in order not to have 20 quests started in my log and feel the the quests are the best part of the game. Though they could be set up not to be so strict that you need to do things in a specific order or otherwise they won't get completed. FOr example the Dr. Elrath quest. If you don't speak to farmer so and so then the orc won't be in the cave, than the note won't be there or the key or whatever. Why can't you do the quest by going to the cave first?

I have heard that these quests are suppose to be non-linear but they mostly are linear. Yes you can do the various quests in a differnet order but each individual quest has to be triggered by a very specific interaction, otherwise you never get the quest or the quest fails. That part is a bit frustrating.

I still give the game an A- which was my initial impression. I have never even been to the wastelands but all I have heard is the game falls down a bit at the end. really I see it as a bonus. The game could very well have ended when the coucil of seven was brought together.