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jvb #35013 29/05/03 06:27 PM
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I went to Womble and asked if i could use his spyglass. He didnt ask me why. But i think he knew because he gave it to me and smiled.

I looked into it and saw Willow going for her swim in the nearby lake. my god what is she beautifull!! The strange feelings came again. So i am in love again. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" /> Then i had some visions about my wife. Willow 'changed' into my wife, she didnt look happy and dissapeared.
Noooo. I have to get this out of my head. I have to close this chapter to go on.

I placed the lookingglass carefully in my bag along with the other thing i wanted to take with me. We gathered to start the trip to my village.

I went to Willow, who had returned from her swim, and gave her my magebook.
"here you go Willow. I dont know if you will be able to use it, but still. I think its a spellbook or somekind. Consider it a welcomes gift."

"Dont worry Luc, we can go around the castle easyly. I've done it before."
I turned to Jurak:" Hey, Jurak. what was on the note???"

Last edited by joliekiller; 29/05/03 06:53 PM.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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It had been a long time since I had used my ability to read minds....I was scared of it. The crystal that Kiya had given me had put my mind at ease. While we were waiting for Viper and Kilala to return I sat down and closed my eyes. I never really slept, I didnt need to but every so often I needed to rest my mind and close it off to the rest of the world. In my trance I saw many things...

[color:"orange"] First was our group surrounded by darkness yet emitting a great white light and island of white in a sea of darkness. Things grew smaller as if I was getting farther away and I saw a line drawn...on one side the light and on the other the darkness, the light was being steadily consumed the darkness flowing over the undefined landscapelike lava destroying what was beautiful and good. In the depths of the darkness I saw seven structures. The first on an island surrounded by razor sharp rocks the second atop a mountain to the south (the one we rescued lynn from?) The thrid tower was tall and narrow an ominous needle piercing the sky above a dank and dark swamp. The fourth tower was beyond a sea among a putrid forest that oozed evil. The last three towers were beyond my sight...somewhere dark shapes on the horizon...then I saw two paths diverge from where I stood high above the world. The first showed the light that was our group separating into smaller pieces which bacame more and more dim until all that was left was darkness. The second path showed our group growing bigger and brighter wading amongst the darkness and keeping it at bay protecting the light...then in a blinding flash the darkness was broken and it fled to the four corners of the world beaten and broken....[/color]

When I focused my eyes I saw the group was ready to leave so I got up and walked to DQueen and said listen as we walk...I told her everything as we trudged south through the forest as I finished she looked at me blankly...

NeroJB #35015 30/05/03 03:36 AM
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I guess Nero thought I wasn't listening to him but his words describing his vision brought more clarity to the words from the scroll.

I stared unseeing in the real world, walking blindly after the others. Nero's telepathic abilities must be growing I thought with a shiver. I could 'see' what he had seen and these places truly seemed to reflect the power of their evil masters. For that must be what these places were.

I shook myself, and fastened my eyes on Nero again. "I think that Aloicious must be in that castle where we found Lynn." I glanced at the chimera. "When he finds his beast comes to his call no more he will be enraged and chase us even harder than before. We need his talisman I am sure, but I don't know if we're ready to face him."

I glanced worriedly up at Nero, "Do you think he will go after Kiya and the others if he doesn't find us?"

I looked around at our ragtag group, "We need supplies badly. but those of us who came into this world together..." I frowned because this was getting confusing, I knew we had come here together, but from where and how I didn't know. "Remember we all have our faces on a wanted poster. We may have to let Jurak and Womble and Jolie get our supplies for us." I chewed on my lip for a moment, "Or we must be disguised."

I took a deep breath and changed the subject back to our quest, "It's just a guess about the poem, but I'm afraid if we don't get the talisman's from the wizards in time they will free some great invincible trolls."

I rolled the scroll open and glanced at it again, "It definitely says Aloicious. Maybe if we're well disguised in town and ask around carefully we'll be able to find something out."

DQueene #35016 30/05/03 07:25 AM
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"we'll need a disguise." DQueen said. "Dont worry DQueen. I know the village, as long as you're with me no one there will dare do something. But there will be problems with fe the chimera. But a little disguise isnt bad. espatially for those bounty hunters."

I dont know how i knew why they wouldnt hurt them if i was around. some memory came back of an important man in the Village, Beregost was the name of it, he needed help and i helped him out and so became the villages hero. I remember him saying: "You and whatever friends you bring are welcome here."

We moved out. "I'll take point, if thats ok?" I practacly didnt wait for an anwser and moved on.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
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jvb Offline
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"eh guys.. we have a bounty on our heads.
You really think its that smart to go there undisguised.
i mean, they probably wouldn't do anything themselves but 1 of them at least will inform some bounty hunters; thats for shure." I said to no one in particular

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #35018 30/05/03 01:36 PM
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I grinned at jvb, "A disguise is easy if you just keep it simple!"

I quickly grabbed some of the burlap that Jurak had picked up for us, borrowed a knife from the ever helpful Womble and cut it into the right sized strips. I quickly braided my hair and wound it tightly around my head. Grabbing a couple of 'bobby pins'from the bottom of my backpack (yes I still have it, although it is much lighter now) I secured it. I then wrapped one of the burlap strips around my head like a turban. Then I cut a neck hole in the bigger strip I'd cut, draped it over my head so that it hung to the ground, covering my arms down to my elbowa and tied it off with a small rope (about two man's height, but thin and supple that I also managed to dig out of Juraks supplies - "Whoever had owned the rope in the past must have been a thief," I laughed).

Then I leaned over and walked with a shuffling step and holding out my palm and started saying, "Good master, can you supply a few pence for a poor traveling pilgrim. I've traveled many a day to worship at the shrine of my holy mistress Kitar."

I straightened up, grinning at everyone. "Did it work?"

DQueene #35019 30/05/03 02:12 PM
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I thought it was a good idea for everyone to wear a disguise. There was no telling who we may meet on the road, or in the town. And, no doubt, the wizard would be looking for us. If i was to not let my presence known, i would have to block my thoughts, and disguise myself as well.
I went back to the edge of the lake. There were herbs there that would help us all.
I picked some yellow oaker, this would do well when ground up to change my hair colour. I would also need something to change the colour of my moonlight skin. There must be something red, it would give me some colour to my skin.
I picked some cherries, they would stain the skin. Perfect. I will bring all this back, whoever needs some can use some.
When i got back, i also took some ash from the fire, this i put around my eyes. I ground up the oaker, and the cherries. The oaker i put in my hair, turning it yellow, and the cherry juice i put on my face.
There that should do it.
Do i look diffrent? i asked everyone.

Carrie #35020 30/05/03 05:03 PM
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BeeGeeI-XII had spent the better part of three hours backtracking the ion trail of the massive energy bolt that had hit him and tainted his friends and their possessions with Evil.

For his efforts he learned that the energy bolt had been sent through a trans-dimensional portal. Which dimension it came from, he did not know. "End of the trail!" was all he could think to say.

From that far up in the sky he could see from horizon to horizon. He could see that the world was a flat square, not a round ball. He could see that the stars were painted on the inside of an immense glass sphere, but the two suns were outside that sphere. And, he saw that the two moons floated inside the sphere according to some mystical logic.

"I wonder what's on the bottom side of the world?" was the first question that popped into his mind.

Then, BeeGee spotted a familiar landmark: the Double Raven castle. A narrow silver beacon of light shown from the top of the wizard's tower and curved gently toward the very spot where the energy beam enterred this dimension. That was too much of a coincidence to ignore, so BeeGee followed his nose and the beacon down to the castle.


Three days later, after much poofooping and patient listening, BeeGee had learned that the Double Raven Castle's resident master, Aloicious Venificus, was in league with an even greater wizard named Aloicious, and that Aloicious was a member of the "Circle of Doom" (whatever that is). Then BeeGee overheard Venificus apologizing to a mirror in very respectful, obedient, and cowardly tones about not having verified "the absolute destruction and removal of that band of outworlders!" He did, however, seem more than a little pleased with himself when he said "I have planted three spies in their midst. They all shall die horribly in their sleep!"

Thinking that there must be a useful clue somewhere in all this information, BeeGee hightailed it back to the last known haunts of his fellow outworlders.

-- BG
BeeGee #35021 30/05/03 06:15 PM
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"Easy boy," I comforted Meatloaf as we approached Beregost. I'd shaved most of my beard off as a disguise so I looked more like a halfling, albeit a very bulky one. It was hard to diguise Meat, so I didn't bother. I had gone in advance of the party to check out the village, and would meet the others in the tavern later. I knocked on the door to crude fenced wall.
"Who's there? Friend or foe?" An old-sounding voice barked. "If I was a foe do you think I'd tell you you idiot?" I thought to myself.
"Freind!" I replied, "They call me Womble, Womble the short!"
A lower hatch opened. "On your own eh?" The man said, flashing a toothless grin. "What is your business here?"
"Just to purchase supplies and rest at the inn, good sir!"
"Fair enough, come in, Womble the short! Welcome to our humble village. You can call me Fred."
"Thanks Fred" I replied, thinking of a few other names I could call him too. I trotted in on Meat, surveying the surroundings. Seemed fairly ordinary to me. I made for the 'Three pigs' inn. I would wait there, gather info and get me a good feed. I was starving, and had a thirst on me that only a jug of ale would satisfy...

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35022 30/05/03 07:06 PM
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jvb Offline
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once i was properly disguised, i went for beregost.
when i got there a man asked me "Friend or foe?"
Stupid as I am, i replied: "What do you think, you are still alive arent you, wiseguy?"
I quickly found out that he had no sense of humour, and wasn't planning anymore on letting me enter the village.

"Hey mister, i'm just a kid!!" i said with a sad looking face <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/puppyeyes.gif" alt="" />

"Sorry kid, i dont fall for that."


jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #35023 30/05/03 07:45 PM
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Location: sailing around
the door to the inn crashed open, and in staggerd a... person. looking closer, i could've sworn it was a beardless dwarf, but what dwarf would ever shave it's precious beard?
the... dwarf-thing... winked at me and ordered the biggest beer i could posiibly provide. by the seven seas, i need to hurry up and get back on the ocean. of course, the only reason i'm working in this bilgehole is to make enough money to by a new boat. although, stealing patron's purses has helped quite a bit. well, serves me right for letting a cabin boy steer.
oh yeah, the beer. i wandered off to get it.

jvb #35024 30/05/03 07:59 PM
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"Ahhhhh thats better!" I said gulping down a frothy mug of ale. "Baaaarrrrp! Excuse me!" Someone in the corner muttered something about 'manners of a dwarf' but I let it slide. A couple of fellas were sitting near me at the bar.
"Did you see that idiot who smartmouthed Fred at the gate, haw haw!"
"Yep, sittin' on a tree stump with his head in his hands. He had a big-looking sword with him though! I hope he's not gonna give us any problems!"

"Members of the town guard." I figured. I sounds like JVB out there. "The fool's going to blow his cover...and mine!"
I tossed a gold coin at the barmaid. It landed with a plop in her cleavage. "Here you go, dearie. I'll be back in a second."
"I'll still be here, shortarse" She replied. I looked at her again. She was pretty, even for a human. Her long flowing curled hair draped over her shoulder. The darkness in it matched her eyes, mysterious and sultry. "There's more to that woman." I thought.
I walked back to the gate. "Hello again Fred." I called to the guard.
"Ah, Womble wasn't it? How do yer like our tavern? Especially the barmaid eh?" He said with a gratuitous wink. "Too tall for me!" I replied and laughed. Fred gave a toothless grin. "Yikes!" I thought.
"I heard you had some smartarse at the door?" I said.
"Yeah, some joker, I just thought I'd leave him out there for a while."
"Ah well, you see, that smararse is a messenger for me. I've been expecting him for a while and it would be nice if I could get the message he has for me, if you know what I mean."
"Well, I don't know."
"Maybe this will help..." I said holding a gold piece.
"Its starting to help!" I sighed. There was nothing more irritating than a guy who knew he had you by the short and curlies.
Fred finally agreed on three gold pieces and opened the door.
"Come in boy!" JVB smiled and started to speak but the look I gave him silenced him.
"Thanks Womble." He said sheepishly when we were inside. "No problem!" I said, "you owe me 3 gold pieces by the way."

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
faile #35025 30/05/03 08:02 PM
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"They're gone! They wandered off and left me again" observed a self-absorbed BeeGee, forgetting for the moment that he was the one who had wandered off.

Then he made a momentus decision: "I'll just wait here until they come back for me." A long nap seemed to be in order, eventhough BeeGee generally had little use for sleeping -- except for the dreaming parts, that is.

-- BG
BeeGee #35026 30/05/03 08:30 PM
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"damn i f*cked up real nice there..."
Suddenly the door opened and i saw womble.
A big smile appeared on my face <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

"W-" The look in his face commanded me to stop.
We entered the village together

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #35027 30/05/03 08:54 PM
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It was time for the rest of us to start on our journey.
Womble and JVB had left already, to scout things out for the rest of us. I hope they find us somewhere safe and comfortable to rest. I think we will be tired after this. I just hope Joliekiller doesn't leave me, i will need protection. I decided to go talk to him, hoping he could look at me.
"Jolie" i said "I would like to ask you to be my protector on this trip, until i fully understand what i can do with my powers i will need it, and i am not a fighter..."
To my relief, he answered yes to this. He seemed almost happy to do it.
I think we were all now ready, time to get going.
"Oh DQueen!!!! I almost forgot, here is your cloak, i hope me having it hasen't hindered you too much."
Alright, onto Beregost!

Last edited by Carrie; 30/05/03 09:16 PM.
Carrie #35028 30/05/03 10:24 PM
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"Let me show you the inn!" I said to JVB. I quickly checked Meatloaf was where I'd left him. He was, chewing on something. I'd swear that pig would eat 2-week old orc vomit.
"Now you're talking!" JVB smiled. "Here's your gold by the way."
"Don't worry about it." I grinned. "I've got plenty, just buy me a beer."
"Do you think Viper will be here soon?" I asked.
"He was working on his disguise, trying to make himself look less handsome." JVB replied.

We entered the inn. The barmaid gave a brief smile. "Oh yer'e back are ya?"
"Indeed madam, a round for me and my companion if you will." I repled, closing JVB's open mouth with my hand.
"Wow, she's...."
"Indeed. You ever wonder how such a buxom beauty ended up here? Strange if you ask me..."
"Maybe she's down on her luck"
"We'll see.."

Two massive jugs were plopped on the counter.(of ale)
"Cheers!" I said, "and don't be getting drunk and bragging about yerself young lad!"

" Road rage, air rage. Why should I be forced to divide my rage into seperate categories? To me, it's just one big, all-around, everyday rage. I don't have time for distinctions. I'm too busy screaming at people. " -George Carlin
Womble #35029 30/05/03 10:48 PM
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"ahhh DQueen could you help me? I have these demon ears, great for hearing, but not for staying in a human town..." I trailed off and she laughed at me and cut some burlap into a cloak with a hood....she is damn good with a knife I not to make that lady mad...I giggled under my breath and thanked her. "Carrie, how would you like to be my diguise wife...and DQueen you could be my mother in law"....I let out a little giggle as I looked at her glare....*WHAP!!!* damn I have a short attention span I just told myself not to make her mad. "well then lets head out shall we." I said as I pulled my new cloak over my ears....

NeroJB #35030 30/05/03 11:53 PM
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"I wonder where everyone could have gone to?" I mumbeld in my sleep. The little Z's circling around my noggin had woken me up with their incessant buzzing.

"No matter." I observed, as I shooed the Z's away, "They'll find me again. They always do."

Without a second thought, I [color:"yellow"]Poof[/color]-ed and floated off toward the Double Raven Castle to see what havoc a little, well-rested, lonely Imp could cause.

BG --------------------
"Crudeness and lasiviousness are the hallmarks of cowards" - BeeGee

-- BG
BeeGee #35031 31/05/03 01:07 AM
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Carrie asked me to be her protector. I accepted. "It would be an honor." We left for Beregost.

I finally arrived, with Carrie at my side, at the gates of my beloved village Beregost. I knocked on the gates door and someone opened the door.

"Hy, Fred. Its me Jolie. Can i enter?" He looked at me with a bit of disbelieve. "Jolie??!! The great hero has returned, enter enter." He smiled and opened the gate. "Have you seen some other people come around here lately?"
"Oh yeah. A halfling like man and a smarthmouthed kid."
Most have been Womble and JVB.
"Where did they go?" "To the tavern. But you should go to the mayor asap."
"I need some sleep first, i'll go in the morning."

I went off to the tavern. I opened the door and walked in. I saw Womble and JVB at the bar drinking alot of beer. I went towards them.

"Hello. Jessica, give me another one of my usual please." The bartmaid looked up and said "Jolie!? Is that you? Ofcourse it 'll be right up."
JVB and Womble looked at me <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />. "Told you i was know here!"
"Hey Jessica got some rooms available for me and my friends?? Some have still to arrive though." "Sure she said. All rooms are free! But you should defenatly go to Mayor Karantius. He said if you came to send you right away!"
"I know, Fred already told me. But i FIRST need some SLEEP!"
"Heres the key, you know the way."
"Hey give my friend another drink will you." And we drank at the bar, waiting for the others to arrive.

Last edited by joliekiller; 31/05/03 01:17 AM.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
NeroJB #35032 31/05/03 04:38 AM
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Fred would not allow such a beastly creature
as a Chimera through the gate, and practically wanted to kill it on sight!
[color:"#33cc33"] See, chimera not harmful,[/color]
as he patted each of of it's gangly, ugly heads!
[color:"#33cc33"]Jurak tie to big tree anyway for safety of all![/color]
and glowered at fred who was still not quite sure....
After tying up Fe the chimera, and throwing a chicken to keep him busy,
he headed off to the "local blacksmith" for metals,
accessories, and a nicer bow for viper!
as he needed one sooooo badly,
[color:"#33cc33"] Excuse me Floyd my good man,
i require metal of fine quality, enough for say...a small army,
as well i would like that blackhawk-vapor bow right over there...[/color]
pointing to the,baleful bow,glinting in the sunlight!
The poor smithy stood there stiff as a post! ,not knowing what to do!
he was just mortified...
this was only his second encounter with an orc, his first encounter
was a lucky one and they let him off
in exchange for his handyworks and weapons.
please don't hurt me, pleaded floyd!!...take anything you need,
just dont hurt me!

with that he disappeared faster than superman on laundry day!
straight to the back of the shop, and out the door!
Wow... the orc thought, this is kinda neat at least now i won't have to
pay for all this stuff! Today's my lucky day!!

pleased with his new found intimidation, he chuckled a bit and
went busily about the shop gathering pieces of quenched steel,
some whistling-broad arrows for vipers new bow,
and some various other items he knew the rest would be asking for,
by the time all was said and done he had pretty much something for everyone!

It was time to load this stuff in the sled and meet up with his colleagues at the bar before it was too late to "whet his whistle".
the orc was very busy for the next few minutes, going back and forth from the smithshop to the sled with his gifts.
he thought it odd, no one questioned his actions, but then again.....he's an orc!

Jurak on saving so much gold from the smithshop, barged through the tavern door and yelled,
[color:"#33cc33"]drinks for all my hardworking friends, whatever they want barkeep........and don't be.......[/color]
he stopped gazed at this hmmm... pirate, serving beer!
Hhmmmmm this pirate has no moustache, but...on closer inspection...
a large collection of gold coins, it was as if the bar patrons were playing tiddly-winks with the barkeeps shirt!
How funny!, thought the amused orc, and quaffed some ale!
It was a good feeling being here, no more least for a day!
[color:"#33cc33"]Womble, JVB, Jolie, a toast "may the face of every good news and the back of every bad news always be before us" ,[/color]
the four of them raised their pitchers high.......and drank deeply!
The orc starting to feel the effects from all the ale, and feeling a little bloated...... let out the most lilliputian "fart" <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />
The four of them looked at each other accusingly for a moment, and then burst into fits of laughter.....

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
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