
The problems are back (sort of). But now they activate when playing Football Manager, when browsing Firefox and when playing older, less requireing games. Firefox just froze, and after I rebooted things have been weirder than ever.

The first thing was that the loadscreen for Windows XP bugged. You know the bad with four (I think it's four) bars going from left to right to show that XP is loading? The top of those bars kept sticking, so after the bar had gone from left to right, there were bits of the bars still in there. Plus, bits got stuck outside the area where they showed (to the right).

When I loaded XP the resolution had for some reason been changed to 800x600. I switched back, but noticed another weird thing. Normally I can choose max 1280x1024, but this time I could choose max 2048x1536, which is way more than my monitor can handle (the choises are normally adjusted by this, but not today). Seconed, the advanced screen (where you can change the update frequency) has a lot less options than normally. And I couldn't change the update frequency (I can normally choose between 60 Hz and 75 Hz) because it was stuck to the default GPU setting. The screen posisioning had been changed as well, but I suspect that has to do with the different setting on the updatefrequency.

Last, scrolling isn't working normally (occasionally). It doesn't tick one step per scroll, it sort of slowly slides four steps at a time. Reminds of a wave.

So, is it time to say my prayers yet? laugh


Last edited by Ubereil; 05/04/08 09:45 AM.

Brain: an apparatus with which we think we think.

Ambrose Bierce