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BeeGee #35053 31/05/03 08:55 PM
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Location: Belgium
After i talod everything to the group i went to my house.

I opened the door and walked in. The door closed after me with a bang! I didnt close it??? Theni saw a bright white light comming from the livingroom. I slowly opened the door and ttok a peek look inside.
There she was, surrounded with a glowing white light next to to the dinner table.
", Lisa??? Is that you??"
[color:"#CCFF66"] "Yes Jolie, its me. Come closer"[/color]
I was stunned by here beauty. She hadnt changed a bit.
[color:"#CCFF66"] "Jolie i need your help.[/color]
"My help?? On what?"
[color:"#CCFF66"]"You will need to avenge my dead. Bring the killers to justice![/color]
"How? I dont even know who they were."
[color:"#CCFF66"]"Follow the clues!! and you will find them!"[/color]
"What clues??! There is nothing here!" But she had dissapeared already.

Then i noticed a piece of paper that shouldnt be there. I took it and read it.
It was written in blood.

[color:"#FF3333"]Aloicious illusion[/color]

What does this mean????
I discided to take the note with me and then show it to the others. Maybe they'd know what it means.
i left the house. But i could still feel my wifes presence. I had gooseflesh.
Still not shure if all what i saw was real, i went back to the tavern.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
BeeGee #35054 31/05/03 09:03 PM
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old hand
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I put the sword back down and picked up the old looking long bow, knife and armor and glanced up to see the innkeeper looking really disappointed. "I'll trade the magic paper for these and food and ale and a night's lodging - in a room by myself, of course!"

He agreed, looking nervously at the sword I'd put back down and rubbed his obviously sweaty palms on his pants, [color:"#ffa0d0"]If yer other magic item is good, I'll let ye have the sword for it."[/color] He swallowed loudly and rushed into speech, [color:"#ffa0d0"] "It don't like me none, see? Ever'time I try to pick it up it kinda freezes me where I am for a few arns[/color] (hours). [color:"#ffa0d0"] It seems ta like you." [/color]

"Are you telling me it's cursed and you want me to trade my magic item for it?" I asked incredulously.

[color:"#ffa0d0"] "No, no no, It's not cursed fer the right person! Ye saw it never hurt you, now did it?"[/color]

I pulled out the pen and asked, "This is the magic spell writer, as long as you only write blessings with it - you will be blessed. But," I held up my finger, "if you ever write anything nasty about anyone with it, you will lose everything - family, friends, your business... I'll take the sword and an additional [color:"orange"]20 gold [/color] for it."

He licked his lips, and I could see he really wanted the pen (and this was without ever seeing it work). [color:"#ffa0d0"]"I dunno [/color][color:"orange"]20 gold [/color][color:"#ffa0d0"] is an awful lot!"[/color]

"Hold out your hand," I ordered him. He did, but his hand was trembling so bad, I had to grasp it firmly. "What's your name?"

[color:"#ffa0d0"]"Ian Alemeister." [/color]

I quickly wrote his name on his arm, and put magical symbols around it.[color:"#a0d0ff"] %Ian Alemeister%[/color]. "Write all your blessings this way and good things will come."

[color:"#ffa0d0"]"All right, all right, ye have a deal. Take it.[/color] He pointed wildly at the sword and then he counted out my [color:"orange"]20 gold [/color].

Then I saw it's sheath hidden far back in a dusty corner. "I'll make one last deal with you Master Ian."

He looked at me with his eyebrow raised, "Did you know you've acquired quite a few magical items in here?"

He hastily shook his head and glanced around as if something might creep out of a corner and attack him.

"I tell you what, I'll identify one of them for you if you'll give me the sheath back there in the corner." I pointed back where it was lying half under a box.

[color:"#ffa0d0"]"Please ... please do!"[/color] He stuttered hastily.

"Good or Evil?" I asked.

[color:"#ffa0d0"]"Wot do you mean, Good or Evil?"[/color] He looked at me as if I were crazy.

"Good magic item or evil magic item?" Gee, just like a man ... you have to explain everything.

[color:"#ffa0d0"]"Evil, I want to get rid of all evil"[/color] His words came out in a rush, and he still looked extremely spooked.

I looked around and pointed at a melevolent looking belt. "Be very careful who you sell that one to. It will sap their strength and eventually they will die."

I grabbed the sheath and walked back out to the tavern to get the promised food and drink. He followed me after locking the door to his storeroom. He served me himself, a steaming plate of stew and warm bread slathered with butter.

Last edited by DQueene; 01/06/03 04:24 AM.

DQueene #35055 01/06/03 04:33 AM
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By the time Jurak had arrived back at the inn, his head was spinning <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/ouch.gif" alt="" />
he was absolutly flabbergasted at the events that had transpired
earlier that morning, and just wasn't sure what he would say
to his pals when he got to the inn......
[color:"#33cc33"] Everybody, listen to this!, either i'm losing my mind or i'm hung to the teets,
and need more sleep,
but my chimera has been turned into a rat!!! [/color]
Mouths dropped open all around the room!
after stating such a preposterous thing...he produced the so-called rat/chimera in question, and put it gently on his shoulder
[color:"#33cc33"] Do all of you understand the meaning of this?,[/color]
he asked without waiting,
[color:"#33cc33"] this means that we now have nothing to pull our sled,
i can get over that, but now we must protect the rat at all costs,
for it is the only way to the wizard!,
and I think that we should leave this town,
before more calamity comes down upon us, we should make haste
and gather our belongings, make our way to the coast where we may find a seaworthy vessel! What say you all? Who's in?[/color]
With that said, he sat back down to finish his meal!

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35056 01/06/03 06:06 AM
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Location: sailing around
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Location: sailing around
i grimaced, another day workin, slavin away fer th' likes o' these misserble lubbers. workin me way honestly (fer th' most part anyway) towards gettin meself a new ship was no lookin' profitable anymore. i needs ta find me a quicker way ta go 'bout this. per'aps tis time to be headin back ta th' coast. i've stowed away enough ta hire me a couple o' swabs, i'll gamble on th' prospect o' findin a few buckos lookin' fer adventure. once i'm at th' helm of a grand ol' vessel, i'll get me riches back. one merchant at a time. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/badsmile2.gif" alt="" />

arr, here's that big smelly orc again. nearly emptied the kitchen's last night, 'e did. 'e sure seems excited about somethin. and- is that a rat sittin on his shoulder? seems i should tell tha innkeeper 'bout this, being unsanitary an' all. but rats do be good luck on a ship, i'll let 'im be.
suddenly, somethin that ol' orc said caught me ears. that rat seems ta be bringin me tha luck, since there's no ship hereabouts.

"pardon, but did i hear a mention o' the sea? i 'appen ta be a fine captain, if'n ye be needin somebody ta steer."

if'n i can get these folks ta get me ta th' coast, i'll be sailin 'fore the tide turns.

faile #35057 01/06/03 10:24 AM
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Location: Belgium
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Location: Belgium
After the breakfast I went outside for a stroll. The sun on my was lovely, nice and warm, like it was shining straight into my heart. A big smile appeared on my face as I walked on. I looked around to the people, the shops. Everybody was doing his thing. As I walked past the blacksmith I entered his shop and asked him if he had some nice bows.
"I do" he said, "But I don't know if I've got better ones than the one you've got. That one looks mighty fine"
"Thank you" I said, and I went back on my way as there was nothing more for me on the blacksmiths' shop. I found a nice piece of grass to lie on and so I did, it was nice and soft, a bit longer then when it was just mowed. I took one grass and put it in my mouth and started looking to the sky. I dreamed off and starting thinking about our journey since we entered this world. Some nice memories came to mind and some less nice like kiya, lynn, wolfy,.. leaving the group. I was hartbroken over it, but I couldn't show it, it was not my nature.

Viper #35058 01/06/03 05:59 PM
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old hand
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After running upstairs to the room the innkeeper had provided for me, and requesting a much needed bath (we were all a little ripe smelling after wondering around for several days, I realized that I still wasn't sleepy. "Thank heavens I only need to sleep occasionally."

I put on my armor and sword and knife looked in the mirror. Again it was like I was seeing everything in double vision - in one (like I had an inner eye) I could see the power inbued in the armor and bow and knife. The other view only showed a worn bow, a beat up set of armor and a knife that needed sharpening. Out of place was the glow from the sword called [color:"yellow"]~Wizards Bane~ [/color].

I frowned down at it and thought "Well sword, you really shouldn't be trying to attract that much attention. Why don't you tone it down a bit?"

To my amazement it did! Oh, not to my 'inner' eye, just in the other vision that everyone in the 'mundane' world could see.

I laughed and clattered down the stairs, glancing around to see who was still awake in the main area of the tavern. Seeing that Viper wasn't there I walked outside into the bright sunshine to look for him. Taking a deep breath, "My the world is truly amazing."

Glancing around I saw him reclining on the grass not far from the inn. I started biting on my lip, trying to bolster my courage to go up and talk to him. I laughed at myself, "Gee DQueene, you're not afraid in any battle, but your completely terrified to go up and talk to one of your companions. How silly is that? Come on girl, you can do it."

I walked over to Viper and waited for him to notice I was there.

DQueene #35059 01/06/03 06:10 PM
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I stayed in the Inn. The town was so busy, and all the people, animals and other creatures scared me. I was used to the earth, the sky, trees and flowers. This was not my place to be, but i will wait for the rest of my campanions to find all they needed. Jolie had gone to his old house, i could feel his pain. I knew his wife's spirit could not rest, i knew she was haunting his house. Poor people, their souls hurt.
I also knew, until Jolie's wife's soul was at rest, his heart would still be with her. I must let him heal first.
I should go out of the town, be with the earth. I felt the need to speak with the trees, i needed to heal my spirit after being in this dirty tavern, smelling of human sweat, old rushes, and stale beer. But, Jolie was not here, maybe i should wait a while longer, then take a walk, with him to protect me.

Carrie #35060 01/06/03 06:29 PM
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Location: Belgium
I was walking through town after my visit to my old house.
I came past a house that i didnt knew. I had changed or rebuild. I knocked on the door. An old lady opened the door "Come in Joliekiller."
I was confused. How did this lady know me?? I've never met her?
I followed the lady to the livingroom. I was a nice home, nice decorations, a bit old but still beautifull furnature. I sat down in an old chair near the fireplace. The lady started to tell her story.
"I arrived here a few months after you departure. I heared alot of stories about you. Mostly greatly exaggerated but still true. I came here because i sensed a hurt soul. The spirit of your wife. I went to the house and made contact with her. Thats how i figured out that only you can put it to rest. You will have to avange her dead. Even if it means your own dead!"

I had to swallow by that. She continued.
"You've found the note in the house havent you?" "Ehh yes?"
"Its a message from her. It the key to the sollution. Keep one thing in mind Jolie, tha hardest problems have an easy sollution."

"What do you mean by that??" "You'll find out soon enough. Now go back to your friends, they are waiting. One in perticular."

How... Was she referring to Willow??
I said goodbye and left.

I enter the tavern a few minutes later. I walked over to table were the others were having there breakfast. I sad down next to Willow.

I didnt say a word, but i felt she knew what was going on.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Canada
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I wanted to touch Jolie, but new i must not, he was not ready to feel all i felt for him. I was glad just to have him by my side, and feel his presence. To be close to him...
I sat, and waited for him to tell me what he was going to do.

Carrie #35062 01/06/03 06:52 PM
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Location: Belgium
I sat there for some minutes, moving nervously on my chair. My companions and friends saw this and asked what was going on.
"Well, i've been to my old house and discovered that my wifes spirit is still alive. Acoording to her and an old lady i met, i'm the only on who can put her to rest. But i dont have a clue on how to do this."
I heard a voice in my head saying "the note. Show them the note!"
I took the note and showed it to the group.
"I've found this in the house. I dont have a clue what it means."
I started to swet heavily and had difficulties breathing
"Sorry everyone but i need to get some fresh air."
I ran outside. I didnt look, but i knew Willow followed me.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Belgium
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Location: Belgium
I heard some footsteps, tilted my head and saw DQueen standing there, the rising sun shining in her beatifull hair, her face looked like so many beatifull things and yet nothing could reach her beauty.
"Hey DQueene" I said. "Hi Viper" she said back, "I was just walking through town when I saw you lying down here in this nice weather".
"Join me I said, it's nice here, the clouds are lovely and the sun... the sun.. just perfect !". So she lay herself 90 degrees rotated with her head on my stomach. millions and millions of butterflies started flying around in my stomach and some in the air as well, 1 even sat down on DQueene's nose making her sneeze [color:"orange"] Hatssssjie !! [/color]

"hahaha" I laughed out loud, it was a loud laugh, like I usually do when I enjoy laughing, when I mean it. It even got me some tears in my eyes.
"So what do you think that should happen no DQueene? with the group I mean. I just feel that's something is not right, there are some frictions and we need to solve them before all our friendships explode to pieces. Should the group split up or do we need to organize a huge campfire to talk about this with everyone. I'd go for the latter, and I would want to do it tomorrow night. for these 2 days i'd just like to enjoy the piece and quiet and the nature...... [color:"purple"] with you [/color] <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shame.gif" alt="" /> <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/shame.gif" alt="" />

Viper #35064 01/06/03 08:55 PM
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Location: dragon lair
jvb Offline
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Location: dragon lair
[color:"#a0a0ff"] I woke up and got dressed.
I looked through the window, what a great day it was.
not 1 cloud in the sky.
i saw dqueene and viper lay in the grass, they loved eachother, it made me smile.
to bad they are to shy, i thought.

now where have my shoes gone? i thought
i looked everywhere, also under my bed.
i didn't find my shoes there, but i did see something else.
I just couldn't reach it (damn my short arms) so i moved the bed a little so i was able to pick it up.
it was a poster, a very familiar one.. It was a wanted poster, with very familiar faces on it.. Us <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/eek.gif" alt="" />

We still dont know who wants us dead...
so much has happened lately, we forgot about this..

the answers must lay in the castle we left behind, and i will get those answers..

But how can i convince the others to follow me, viper and dqueene only have eye for eachother, and jolie and wants to find out more about the dead of his wive.. I cant seperate our entire group in a number of small ones..
its better if i go alone, unarmed, leaving my weapons for them to use..

and so it was decided.. in order to keep the group intact as much as possible i left by myself, leaving all weaponry on my bed, taking only what was needed.

I walked out, payed for my room and went to a food store in which i bought some food for on the road.

I had left a note for them to read:

"dont worry about me, i have some unfinished buisness to do.." and next to this letter lay the wanted poster.

and so i left jolies pretty village, hoping to find the answers that i need soon..

i walked for days and days, following the road, alone.
At some times i rested and sat down to look at the beatifull nature..
some times i even fell asleep..
I dreamt of dqueene most of the time, i knew i had a special bond with her..
Other times, i dreamt of being a dragon, flying hight trough the sky..
beatifull dreams they were.. all of them.

It was strange, but i didn't have to fight anymore, i hadn't fought for a couple of days and it felt kinda good.

maybe no one feels threathened my me anymore now i have left my weapons behind.. i thought.
still, i trained a bit every day, just in case..

jvb, royal dragon prince Cheers!
jvb #35065 02/06/03 01:28 AM
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old hand
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I was relaxed, lying in the sun with my head resting on Viper's tummy and trying to get the butterfly's to leave my nose alone. Suddenly it tickled so much I sneezed. [color:"yellow"] AhhhChooo [/color]

He was laughing so hard at me, that I turned around and started tickling him. "Ha, laugh at me will you?" He grabbed me and tried to tickle me too so I jumped up and started to run away laughing.

I stopped suddenly and turned towards the road leading out of town and my tears were no longer from laughter but from sadness. "Oh jvb, come back. Don't leave."

Viper walked up and put his hand on my shoulder, "What's wrong DQueene?"

I looked up at him, "jvb's gone. I think he thinks we don't want him anymore."

Viper stared at me, "How do you know he's gone? I saw him just a little while ago in the inn."

I just shook my head, "I felt him, he's so sad." I glanced back up at him, "Haven't you noticed when we're really upset or just emotional, we can sense or feel what each other's feeling?"

He nodded, "Yeah, but only with you and jvb and me. Right?"

"Yeah, Nero too, of course." I glanced up at Viper, "I think he can speak to everyone that way though."

Viper wrapped his arms around me and we faced the road watching the speck that was jvb disappear into the distance. I reached down and patted the pouch containing the mirror that Metheeka had given me and whispered for mine and Viper's ears alone, "Don't think you can leave us that easily jvb, not if I have any say in the matter."

DQueene #35066 02/06/03 02:04 AM
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Jolie was really upset, i knew i shouldn't, but i followed him outside. I needed to see the sun. I kept a couple steps back at first, i was wary of if he wanted me there or not.
He spoke up, and told me not to be scared, that it was alright.
"Are you okay (as good as you can be given the situation?)"
He said nothing, and i felt the hurt he had inside him right now.
Very understandable...
We walked for a while, we went out of the town walls. I was very thankful to be out of there for a while. I took a breath of the fresh clean air. The sky, the trees, the grass...
I waited for Jolie to say something.
In his hand he had a piece of parchment.
"This, i found in my old house, it is a clue to my wife's death"
He held it out to me, and let me look at it.
"This is written in a dead language" i said. It was a language that was used thousands of years ago, by the mages of old.
"You will have to get a scholar to interpert this for you Jolie" I said sadly.
"Surely there is someone who lives in this area that could help you????"

The group was breaking, each going their own direction. Do i stay? And possibly endanger them? What if the wizard who created me knew of all this? What can i contribute to this group?

"Jolie, i think i may be a hiderance to this group, and already as we speak, the group is breaking, each to find their own way...." He took my hand lightly. We stared into each others eyes, for what seemed like eternity. He started to answer me, then saw JVB leaving out of the gates.

Carrie #35067 02/06/03 03:19 AM
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Pain, and remorse, regret and indecision. As I sat atop the tallest part of the inn trying to get away from everything my mind was flooded with all these feelings. Trying to get away from my own mind(this is gonna be tough) I lept high into the air drawing gasps from the people in town. I lept with all my strength, flying from building to building. When I finally stopped I found myself in the belltower of some sort of temple the bell was giant bigger than me it must be twice as tall as me I thought. I sat down in the quiet and thought to myself. Where is all this pain coming from. I thought I had learned to control my ability to listen to peoples thoughts....this was different somehow...this was more than thoughts these were emotions and desires peoples most heartfelt desires their deepest hatred...they were not random as I sifted through the chaos I found that each was from one of my companions, one wishing life, one afraid of death, one feeling distant, another wanting to belong, love and hate, pride and joy despair and thoughts wandered and the further I went the more scared I got.....I found the one member of my group that I knew would be strong and loyal and proud and....and...and my mind was overfilled...random pictures, painful memories and shunned ideas idle hate and anger....then as my mind was about to collapse I screamed out to her she would come and find me I knew she would...."HHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPP" my mind yelled as it collapsed and I drifted in to nothingness almost not existing...unable to move think or speak.....clouds endless dark clouds I drifted among them unable to get away...

NeroJB #35068 02/06/03 04:59 AM
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After his satisfying breakfast, the well-sated orc, gave what was left of his meal to the rat, Fe who was curled up in a small wooden box, nestled comfortably amidst some straw graciously supplied by the inkeeper.
Jurak bounded up the stairs to wake his friends JVB and Womble who,
as luck would have it were on separate ends of the lenghtly inn!

about to knock on jvb's door Jurak noticed that it had been left partly open.....
whilst barging through the door, the ungainly orc
tripped over the door frame and went sliding, flat on his face
across the floor, and came to a stop at the foot of jvb's bed!
Rubbing his sore chin, he said,
[color:"#33cc33"]jvb......time to get up........[/color]
no answer, not even a moan!...
[color:"#33cc33"] HEY! jvb......wakie wakie <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> [/color]
and smiled to himself, remembering when motherorc used to say that! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> Still.......nothing,
so slowly and carefully, the orc regained his feet
and saw to his dismay , jvb's bed was empty!......But his weapons
were still here, he looked for other clues around the room,
searching high and low,
[color:"#33cc33"] hey wait a minute........his shoes are in the closet
on the rubber mat, he must have been really pie-eyed last night,
because usually, he's never this neat! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />[/color]
and laughed curtly, continuing his search...
there was a slight breeze drifting through the window that was quite refreshing .....(after last night that is) ,
it blew piece of paper gently off the nightstand
and it wafted to the floor, Jurak seeing this picked up the note
and read the following; "don't worry about me, i have some
unfinished business to do! signed jvb."

Wow thought jurak, this is turning out to be a very emotional morning,
i've got to get nero and womble.....quickly.....he ran
down the hallway full tilt, and crashed right through womble's door,
making a very loud noise, probably loud enough to wake the dead...yelling
[color:"#33cc33"] Womble get up quick, something's rotten in the state of denmark! and no offence either, <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" /> [/color]
but good old Womble, didn't even budge!

Poor guy.......he's gonna have a very big headache when he gets up....
if he ever does! town we should all go to bed earlier,
he thought, and decided to let the poor guy sleep it off.

He tucked the note under his belt as he tramped down the stairs
to the dining room and went to see where Jolie, nero and the rest had gotten to.........

Jurak thought the best way to "ease the pain" of the mornings events
would be to have a small, just a small one mind you,
of the stiffest drinks they had in the house,
cuz being with this group for only even a few short days had taught him
that when all can come together as one, no matter where they are from,
or who they really are... if they work towards achieving the same goal......
THEY would be a mighty fighting unit!

he smiled to himself thinking
of the prior evenings occurrences...:D

enough of that now and get on with the business at hand,
[color:"#33cc33"]where's my drink [/color]?
he yelled at Jessica,[color:"#33cc33"]
and where where's that pirate and her treasure chest?,[/color]
smiling at her he accepted the snifter as she said,
[color:"pink"] faile has taken all her tips and wages,
and departed for the coast for a day or two,
to see if she can "rouse" some of her old shipmates
into helping her with a boat and some deckhand mates ,
she has many rich pirate friends at the coast!
She will send word by messenger in another day...
[color:"#33cc33"] thank you jessica,[/color] he said,
and tossed a coin towards her cleavage,
he figured she was like faile...but she wasn't.....
and the coin fell on the floor........... <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/biggrin.gif" alt="" />

Last edited by Jurak; 02/06/03 07:37 AM.

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35069 02/06/03 06:59 AM
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Location: Belgium
I took DQueene in my arms, she was crying as we saw jvb leave

"Say, maybe we should follow him at a safe distance, see what he's up to, he's young, inexperienced, he may need our help. I think we should take someone along with us as well, since I can hardly fight melee and if we get into trouble, we actually may be in TROUBLE you know.

Who do you think we should take along with us? Womble, Jurak, Nero or that waitress, she seemed eager for some action. You decide, I think that you're woman's instinct will be a better judge in this.

I'm going to pack my gear."

"Ok" she said, "you go now, I'll be right behind you, I got to think some things over"

So off I went to my room to pack my gear.

Viper #35070 02/06/03 08:00 AM
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Jurak finished his drink, and grabbed the rat Fe, along with it's new home and wandered outside to soak up some nice warm sun......just as viper whisked by him, saying something about going after JVB, too dangerous alone. Hhhmmmmm, things are starting to happen, he thought. As he stepped outside he noticed DQueene sobbing gently on the lawn, and walked over to see what was the matter?And he thought to himself,
"holy smokes there is sure a lot of activity in this small town"
[color:"#33cc33"]Hello DQueene, why are you so sad?[/color]
DQueene had told me about seeing JVB leaving for the castle........alone!
[color:"#33cc33"]that would be a very unwise move, would it not?[/color]
he said,
[color:"#33cc33"]are you going after him? [/color]
And she informed him about viper going along,
thats why he was in such a hurry,
thought the stunned orc!
[color:"#33cc33"]Do you need my strength or assistance my dqueene? [/color]
he asked with a smile.
Wondering all the while........ <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/think.gif" alt="" />

Third Member of Off-Topic Posters
Defender of the [color:"green"]PIF.
[/color] Das Grosse Grüne Ogre!!! [/color]
Jurak #35071 02/06/03 11:07 AM
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Belgium
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Belgium
Willow and i walked out of town towards the nearby forest. I showed her the note i found.
"You will have to get a scholar to interpert this for you Jolie. Surely there is someone who lives in this area that could help you????"
I could think of a few: Kiya (but she was away), Luc, Dragh,... Maybe someone else.

"Jolie, i think i may be a hiderance to this group, and already as we speak, the group is breaking, each to find their own way...." Said Willow? I took her hand lightly. I looked into her others eyes, for what seemed like eternity.
"Willow, you're no hinderance. Atleast not....." I didnt finish my snetence because i was distracted by a noice. I looked around and saw JVB leaving town on his own.

"Hey JVB. Were are you going." He didnt react. "Hey JVB, wait up!!" No reaction. What was this al about?? Didnt he hear me? Or doesnt he want to hear me??

"Willow, we've got to go back to town. I must know why he left."
I ran back to town. Once there i ran to the inn, almost bumping into Jurak at the door. I went in and asked i anyone knew about JVB.

Joliekiller, paladin on a crusade against (almost) all evil.
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Germany
Joined: Mar 2003
Location: Germany
[color:"#a0a0ff"]Somewhere - nowhere - unknown[/color]

...."HHHHHHHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELLLLLLLLLLLLLPPPPPPPPPPP" my mind yelled as it collapsed and I drifted in to nothingness almost not existing...unable to move think or speak.....clouds endless dark clouds I drifted among them unable to get away...

[color:"#a0a0ff"]Nerooooooooo?????? Where are you?... What's going on? Where am I?[/color]

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